Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today is a much needed rest day!! I'm so excited to let my body repair itself today. I'm just really achey & sore. We dropped the girls off with Grammy & Pap yesterday then went out to the movies to see the new Twilight movie, New Moon. It was really great and they showed alot of good previews for new upcoming movies. I know I'm pmsing because I wass weeping through most of the previews! LOL!! I shed a few tears the other day while watching a Disney movie with Makayla. Hormones are so funny!!

    So anyway, we ended up ordering some chicken wings & a grilled chicken salad to go (I ate 3 wings). It was just nice to go out as a couple & focus on us for a few hours. But, now, my husband isn't feeling well, he's laying on the couch with a blanket vegging out with the tv. And me, I'm here, but I've really got a bad headache & sore throat. Oh well! Watcha gonna do??!! ;o)

    Spicy, I hope that you enjoyed your workouts yesterday! I'd love to do a weight class. It's not something that they offer at the dance school, so my Firm dvd's will have to do for now. How've you been feeling since you reset your goals? Are you doing okay staying within your calorie range now that you're not tracking your w/o calories with your hrm?

    Nicole, what a great burn at zumba!! Is your foot feeling better now? Do you wear dance shoes (jazz shoes) for zumba?? I know that the one class I went to the instructor mentioned getting a shoe w/out alot of tread on them to help you glide on the floors better. She said even a worn out pair of shoes would be a better choice then a new squeaky pair of aerobic shoes.

    Well, amigas, I'm off to get another cup of joe!!

    Talk to you all soon!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • hey buddies!!! so today just my lazy day, so havnt done much! normally it always my "cheat" day and i take full advantage, but today i have been eating some foods that i normally dont eat, but i dont have the feeling of needing to eat, just because i can. its kinda nice! so i have been having a really bad toothache:sad: i dont know if u remember, but about 6 months ago i was supposed to get a root canal and canceled it the day of the app because it felt better. the doc told me it would come back, and it did!! i have been in so much pain, that even the vicodin im taking only takes the edge off....and when it wears off, im in tears. its so horrible, hopefully i will be able to get it taken care of soon, considering my hubby just canceled our dental insurance:grumble: it was funny cause in zumba yesterday i was so surprised that my foot wasnt hurting...then it clicked to me today....duh i was on drugs:laugh:

    sandy- glade u got a rest day, and a night out with the hubby!!! hormones r so funny, sometimes i will be watching a commercial and i will tear up! :laugh: hope u and ur hubby r feeling better! i have thought about getting some dance shoes...maybe for Christmas!!

    have a great night!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!

    Sandy - Sounds like a nice restful weekend for you and hubby. I'm gonna wait till New moon comes on DVD. I really want to see 2012 and The Box. I have a Netflix membership and watched a good movie called "Wrong turn at Tahoe", with Cuba Gooding Jr. If you happen to have a Block Buster Night this week. It's like a MOB movie. :smile: Oh the joy of PMS... NOT! I will cry at the drop of a dime :laugh: I did last night while watching the Amazing Race Finale. :laugh:
    I did pretty good on my first week of my change up. I just entered my weekend info into my spreadsheet and it show I had 2,189 calorie deficit this week. I averaged 1600 calories per day. I worked out 4 days last week not including Sunday when I tool a 30 minute walk. I've been low-balling my calories on the strength workouts just to be safe. :wink: I haven't weighed in... I will on Dec 9th, because I should be 145 according to a "weighloss calculator" I use. We'll see. You can get just as good a strength workout at home, I think i would enjoy doing weights at home better. You can make "ugly faces" and not care. :laugh: I'm sore right now from Saturdays strength class. I :heart: it. What is the heaviest weight you have?

    Nicole - Oh so sorry for your toothache buddy. :flowerforyou: I hope there is something you can do to get it fixed quickly without insurance... have you tried the local universities. Here we have Nova Southeastern, where the students perform dental procedures at extremely low prices. That was funny how you figured out why your foot wasn't hurting... those pain pills are powerful. So wonderful to have control over your "munching" :bigsmile:

    Dawn - I hope you and your family are well. :flowerforyou:

    Passion - How was it that day you wore your Sexy 8's. I want to see some pic of your transformation :bigsmile:

    Amy - Hiya Buddy! Are you and Nate still hanging out? You should be getting vacation soon right? Hope you are doing well. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda- Hey Momma! How did you behave this weekend? Is your baby still attending Figure skating?

    Suzanne - How are you doing Lady? Are you still keeping it moving? :flowerforyou:

    I was bad for no reason this weekend. :embarassed: I was bored and just kept snacking on the wrong things. :ohwell: I wish I had your control Nicole :bigsmile: I have my gym clothes with me but not really feeling like going... I'll see how the day goes.

    Make it a great day Buddies!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Guys, Here is the thread where Banks explains about weights and cardio on the same day.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Amigas!!!!

    I am still here and kicking butt! I had a very busy (and wonderful) weekend. Friday night my friend and I went out shopping and then hung out at a karaoke bar until like 3am with some other friends. Then she spent the night and we went and did some more shopping on Saturday and went out to lunch and this awesome healthy and organic place here. That evening she watched my kiddos and Jeff and I went out. We met with one of friends and his girlfriend. This was the first time I met them and they are people I am not sure I could really hang out with much but they were nice. After that we were going to go out and shop for the kids (wanted to show him what they wanted) and instead we got a call from our friends and so we went out dancing with them. I did really well with my food as I worked out for an hour and a half all three days so I would make sure I did ok on calories. I did not end up eating much as my throat has been hurting (I am sure it is all the smoke from the bars) so I am sure I did fine. AF still has not shown up so still feeling bloated and yucky. On a really sad note I found out this morning that my little brother tried to kill himself last night. He took two bottles of pills. They are transferring him to a mental health place for at least the next 72 hours but they don't know what kind of damage the pills did to his body. So stress for me right now is really high. My throat is still hurting so at least I can't eat myself into a hole. I think I might even push myself into working out as tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day and that is always a good way to reduce stress.

    Spicy- I think that we all have to let our selves have days like that. I find that if I don't give my self a break every now and then I eat even more then I would have the first time around. Yes Kayla is still ice skating and Zach has started also. Kayla is still loving it! She is in an ice show January 16 and 17 and I think saying that she is excited is an understatement lol.

    Sandy- That is great that you and your husband got to go out! It is always nice to get away once in awhile. Jeff and I do not get out much but this weekend was a really nice break for us as well. I hope that your throat gets to feeling better!

    Nicole- Sorry to hear that your foot is still sore and now that horrible toothache! I hope you are able to get it taken care of really soon (((HUGS)))

    Dawn- I hope that things are going well for you!

    Suzanne- How did it feel wearing those size 8s girl??? I bet you looked great!

    Amy- How much longer before Nate comes home for Christmas break? Hope school and everything is going well for you!

    Happy Monday Buddies!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Amanda - So sorry to hear about your brother... Your family is in my thought and prayers. Glad to hear you and hubby got some time to let it all hang out :) SOunds like alot of shopping. what size did you manage to get into :)

    I'm so not feeling going to the gym... I'm gonna take Ruby for a nice long walk instead. She needs to get some of that energy out.
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Hello Amigas Fuerte!!

    I'm at work so I just wanted to stop by and say, Yes! I'm still here! Nate has been gone for a week now. I've just been lazy and not in the "posting mood" I guess. I have a to-do list of homework to do tonight but if I really commit myself to sticking to that to-do list I will come back and post a much better update. The Ravens play the Packers tonight for football and I really want to watch the beginning and at least some of it because Nate and I went to see The Blind Side which is about Michael Ohr who is a Raven. The movie is amazing so for all of you movie goers I HIGHLY recommend this movie!!! If you're sensitive or TOM is around the corner bring tissues. There aren't any extremely sad parts but the overall movie has a sad feeling.

    Well less than 45 minutes of work left, I want to get some more stuff done so I feel like I accomplished something today. I hope I can find and/or take the time tonight to update all my Amigas Fuerte about my life and such.

    I hope everyone is having a great Monday! :glasses:
  • hey buddies!!! went to 1/2 of zumba today and 1/2 of kick, 330 burned. i wasnt going to go at all because my tooth is so painful, i have an app tomorrow so hopefully i can get it taken care of asap. its just getting worse and the drugs aren't really helping, maybe ill lose some weight, cause i can barely eat:frown: i have to force myself to eat when i am starving, but then i have to bear the pain after:sad: i swear its worse then child birth, no joke! thats why i was late for zumba and then left early!

    spicy- sounds like u r doing great with ur new routine!! i know the scale is going to be nice to u on the 9th!!:bigsmile: the heaviest weights that i use r 12.5 lbs! and i know what ur talking about....making the faces, when lifting:bigsmile: i never thought about going to a school, but i need a root canal and i think i have to go somewhere special for that:grumble: i do have an app with a specialist tomorrow, who is willing to take payments cause its an emergency...thank god!!! thanks for the link , ill have to check it out!!

    amanda- sounds like u had a very busy, but wonderful weekend!! sorry to hear about ur brother:flowerforyou: im glad somebody found him. he is definitely in my thoughts and prayers!!

    amy- hey girly!!! sounds like ur staying busy with school work. i want to see the blind side soooo bad! hopefully this weekend! have a great night!

    have a super night!!!
  • mornin
    mornin Posts: 53
    Hi All
    Spent the morning with my sister ,then worked out in the yard all afternoon.
    No Gym.
    A little sore from all the overdue raking.
    Amanda I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Your family will be in my thoughts.
    Glad your all keeping up with your classes!

    Today was a day off for me. Really needed one!
    Have a great week.
    Oh I got on the scales and gained 7 pounds!!!:angry::cry: :embarassed:
    OH well I'll have to update the ticker and start over.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    I settled on going for a walk with Ruby... it turned out to be 2 hours :noway: I have 3 routes for walking: short walk (30 mins), medium (45 mins) and long walk (90 mins). Well I had already taken her on the short walk and she did fine. So being that she is younger than my last dog Redd, i figured she can handle it. It started out fine... then at about 40 minutes into the walk she starts to lag behind, then she is stopping to pee often (taking a rest) :wink: , then she flat out laid on the grass and would'nt move until she was rested :laugh: when she got home, she laid there panting for about 1/2 hour :laugh: She is so out of shape... I'm gonna have to get her on a exercise routine. :laugh:

    Nicole - You are a real Trooper girl... I've had a toothache once in my life, I know you are suffering. :flowerforyou: I'm not sure if the exercise is good or bad, but it seems it's distracting you from the pain. Are you having soup for your meals? 12.5 is great. I'm not there yet. :embarassed: :laugh:

    Sandy - Hiya Momma. How are you doing with all those calories you have to enjoy? :wink:

    Amanda - How is your brother today? :flowerforyou:

    Amy - Hi! Thanks for the movie :flowerforyou: Glad to hear from you.

    Dawn - Don't let that scale get you down... Take care of yourself.

    Passion, Suzanne - Hope you're Keeping it Moving! :flowerforyou:

    I might take Ruby on a "Medium" walk today :laugh: ... I'm not in the going to the gym mood lately. :ohwell:

    Make it a great day.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    Sorry I was MIA yesterday! It was kinda a crazy, busy day! My husband was home sick & I just started my own AVON business & had to meet with my group leader. I'll be sure to leave you guys my website information once I get assigned a web address - just in case you want/need anything!
    So, I went to step & left the girls home with Daddy yesterday. What a great workout it was! I burned over 400 calories, not bad for a Monday!

    I am LOVING all these extra maintenance calories & am finding it easier to leave calories OTT. I'm not intentinally zig zagging my calories I was really just trying to straighten things out after my TOM cravings & mishaps!

    Spicy, Poor Ruby!! LOL!! You ran the poor puppy into the ground!! Take it easy on the girl today, if you can!! Not feeling like going to the gym?? Are you okay?? Are you feeling like you just need a change?? I can respect that! The heaviest I use is 10 lbs unless it's a weaker muscle like biceps then I drop down a little bit. That Nicole is one strong Momma!!

    Nicole, you poor thing! I really hope that you can get your tooth straightened out! It sounds super painful! I know you'll be happy to be back to normal! I was at Walmart yesterday & noticed that they carry a flat almost felt like bottomed dance shoe that would be perfect for Zumba. They're made by Danskin & the prices range from $9-20 depending on the style you want. For as much as I go (1x) they would probably be perfect! However, I did see that NIKE makes some reallly nice looking ones. Check em out when you get a chance!

    Amanda, sorry to hear about your brother. My thoughts & prayers for you & your family! This time of year is tough on everyone, with the season changes, holiday stress, etc.

    Amy, the BlindSide looks like a great movie, but I'm in no condition to see that kind of movie right now! My TOM has been brutal this month! I may save that movie for a home rental when it comes out! Thanks for checking in with us!! Always great to see you!

    Dawn, good to hear from you again!! Sounds like a lot of work raking up those leaves. We have quite a few maples around my house & we get slammed every year! Don't get yourself down about the scale. Just get yourself healthy & in the right frame of mind to start over.

    Passion, how are things?? Are you still movin' it?? How was your weekend?

    Make it a great day my Amigas Fuerte!

  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Buddies!!!

    Sandy- Congrats on the new Avon business!! I would love to order stuff from you once you get your website up. Hope your husband is feeling better today! My husband was home sick yesterday too. I am thinking about switching to my maintenance calories too. I am at 140 and am happy just want to start toning more then anything else.

    Spicy- That is great that you took Ruby some great exercise!!! That is funny that she had to take a nice rest before going home :0) The heaviest weights I lift are 20lbs with my Chalean. I worked up to that though over three months. There are people on that dvd that lift 10's in the third month. I do use smaller for my triceps and the smaller shoulder muscles.

    Nicole- I hope that you are able to get that tooth ache taken care of really soon! I am finally over my tooth pain. I don't think that the exercise is bad. I exercised while I had my pain it helped me fight it to be honest with you. Keep it up tough momma!

    Dawn- Great to hear from you! I agree with Sandy, don't let the scale get you down and get your mind ready and back on track.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my brother! He is in the mental hospital for a couple of days. He lives in Florida so I am not able to run to him like I would love to do. I sick again with yet another stupid cold as well as Jeff and the kids. I am so tired of these colds!!! I take lots of vitamins and vitamin C but still not helping. I am always the one that stays healthy in my house and this year it is just the opposite for me. It is not keeping me from working out or eating healthy so oh well I will get over it lol.

    I was supposed to take Olivia to preschool today but I woke up at 8:50 and all three kids are still sleeping so I am going to let them sleep and hopefully they will feel better today. Plus it is cold and rainy so good day to stay in until we have to go ice skating tonight :)

    Today is my rest day which is good as aunt flo showed up at 3:30am! So I am going to lay around and do school with the kids and just rest.

    Hope you all have a GREAT Tuesday!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I just had to share my breakfast. It was yummi and only 379 calories!

    This is including 2 cups of coffee with milk :bigsmile:

    Arnold - Sandwhich Thins-100% Whole Wheat, 1 roll 100
    Publix - Fat Free Milk, 1 cup 90
    Splenda - Packet (4 Calories), 4 packet 16
    Coffee - Brewed from grounds, 2 cup (8 fl oz) 5
    Great Value Walmart 97% Fat Free Cooked Ham - Sliced Ham, 1 slice 30
    Kraft - American Cheese Singles W/ Calci-3, 1 slice 60
    Eggs - Hard-boiled (whole egg), 1 large 78

    Sliced the hardboiled egg, place the cheese on top, place the ham on top of that. Nuke for less than 1 minute. Toast the Arnold's thin and Walla :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - Glad to see you back :bigsmile: Great burn yesterday. :drinker: Try not to catch the "bug" from hubby. So good to hear how great your doing with your calories. :bigsmile: You and I are on the same weights :happy: Nicole and Amanda are some strong mommas :happy: That PX90 must have something to do with it. :laugh: Yes, I will ease Ruby into the long walks. I know I sound crazy not wanting to go to the gym... Thanks for bringing me back to reality :laugh: I feel so guilty if I don't have any exercise calories to post :laugh: You are such a good amiga.... you always have great advice and sources when we voice an issue. Thanks :flowerforyou: :love: I will definately check out your Avon Site. Congrats on your new Business. :bigsmile:

    Amanda - Good that your brother is getting some help. You are really strong Girl :happy: Looks like we have to think of some challenges for toning. :wink: How is Bella? You know they say our immune system can suffer if we puch our body too much... I say that cause you mentioned that you are usually the most healthy. Is your friend going good with the Dvds you gave her?

    Gotta GO!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Hey Amigas!!

    So sorry I didn't post last night. I ended up not getting through my to-do list of school stuff :grumble: Actually I didn't even get through one thing on my to do list :noway: Now this means tonight I will have to do more than I would like to try and do in one night but I guess that's what I get for avoiding homework all weekend and leaving it until during the week. Right now all of Wisconsin is pretty much in a Winter Storm Advisory from today until tomorrow night. My area of the state is expected to get 6 to some where in the lower teens inches of snow. South of my area, where my boyfriend is at for school, is expected to get closer to the higher teens! If my school would cancel classes tomorrow that would make my day :bigsmile: But I am curious what would happen since it is the last day of that class :huh:

    As far as how my work outs have been going lately :embarassed: they're not happening right now. I just feel overwhelmed with school stuff right now. My plan is to take a break and start fresh in the new year. Once the spring semester starts I'm worried about when I would fit working out into my schedule too :huh: I will be at school from 8:30 or 10 until mid afternoon Monday-Thursday and I work after class until 6 on those days as well. Because of how late I'm working I want to use the 2 hour break between morning and afternoon classes to work on homework. I just don't know where I will find the time. Especially since I don't take the time now to work out :frown:

    Spicy - Your breakfast sounds really good! If my mom ever buys the Sandwhich Thins again I'll have to give that a try! Aww poor Ruby :laugh: My dog is just the opposite, I think he would walk forever if someone would take him. Probably because he is a hunting dog so his nose is always on looking for birds.

    Amanda - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It must be hard to not be able to go see your brother since he's in Florida. :noway: 20lb weights, you rock! You'll have to let us know how switching to maintenance goes if you do decide to do it. Sorry to hear that you are sick, again. I hope you recover quickly! :flowerforyou: Congrats on not letting being sick get in the way of your work outs and eating right. Enjoy your rest day!

    Sandy - I hope your hubby feels better soon and you stay well! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you're enjoying maintenance :wink: i hope you get to watch the movie sometime, it truely is a great one! I did watch some of the Ravens/Packer game and believe I saw Michael Oher (#74). From what I watched I didn't see a single Packer get past him :smile:

    Dawn - Sounds like you had a good work out with all the raking that needed to be done! I hope you're having a good day today Amiga!

    Nicole - Sorry to hear about the tooth problem! Thankfully my dentist suggested I get rid of the tooth that would cause me pain before it got to be a problem. I hope they can get it taken care of quickly! Great work outs at Zumba, even for coming late and leaving early.

    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday! I need to get back to work :frown:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    My AVON website is
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I just had to share my breakfast. It was yummi and only 379 calories!

    This is including 2 cups of coffee with milk :bigsmile:

    Arnold - Sandwhich Thins-100% Whole Wheat, 1 roll 100
    Publix - Fat Free Milk, 1 cup 90
    Splenda - Packet (4 Calories), 4 packet 16
    Coffee - Brewed from grounds, 2 cup (8 fl oz) 5
    Great Value Walmart 97% Fat Free Cooked Ham - Sliced Ham, 1 slice 30
    Kraft - American Cheese Singles W/ Calci-3, 1 slice 60
    Eggs - Hard-boiled (whole egg), 1 large 78

    Sliced the hardboiled egg, place the cheese on top, place the ham on top of that. Nuke for less than 1 minute. Toast the Arnold's thin and Walla :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - Glad to see you back :bigsmile: Great burn yesterday. :drinker: Try not to catch the "bug" from hubby. So good to hear how great your doing with your calories. :bigsmile: You and I are on the same weights :happy: Nicole and Amanda are some strong mommas :happy: That PX90 must have something to do with it. :laugh: Yes, I will ease Ruby into the long walks. I know I sound crazy not wanting to go to the gym... Thanks for bringing me back to reality :laugh: I feel so guilty if I don't have any exercise calories to post :laugh: You are such a good amiga.... you always have great advice and sources when we voice an issue. Thanks :flowerforyou: :love: I will definately check out your Avon Site. Congrats on your new Business. :bigsmile:

    Amanda - Good that your brother is getting some help. You are really strong Girl :happy: Looks like we have to think of some challenges for toning. :wink: How is Bella? You know they say our immune system can suffer if we puch our body too much... I say that cause you mentioned that you are usually the most healthy. Is your friend going good with the Dvds you gave her?

    Gotta GO!

    Hola!! Thanks for sharing a new breakfast idea!! Just this morning I was feeling like I'm in a breakfast rut!! I eat either oatmeal or an egg fried with PAM on toast or an english muffin.. it's getting very boring! I'll have to look into those Arnold thins. Are they available at a regular grocery store ie. Walmart??
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    That breakfast sounds so good that I made it for lunch lol.

    Sandy- I get the arnolds at walmart :)
  • hey buddies! gotta make it quick cause i need to start dinner. so i went to the dentist and they took xrays, and the tooth thats bothering me(i couldnt tell what tooth it was cause the whole side of my face was in pain) was not the one that was bothering me a few months back:ohwell: so total they said i need 2 root canals...possibly 3:grumble: which is ALOT of money!! so the main tooth that is hurting right now was my very back molar, so i just got it pulled. then the tooth in front of it is the possible root canal, but they wont know until they go in, in a couple weeks to put a cap on it....cause its cracked:sad: so i have to deal with the pain in that tooth until i get a cap, and im praying they dont have to do a RC. luckily they r willing to take payments, cause my hubby canceled my dental insurance a couple weeks back:grumble: im now just hoping, the other 2 teeth that need RC's dont act up until my hubby graduates from school and we can get some insurance! i just dont get it, i take such great care of my teeth:grumble:

    so i didnt workout today and am not supposed to tomorrow:grumble: we will see, i might go on a walk or something mild. im sure i wont go over my calories considering all i have eaten today is a string cheese, 3 crackers and a oh man am i hungry!!!

    off to cook, ill try to get on later...during BL finale!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    That breakfast sounds so good that I made it for lunch lol.

    Sandy- I get the arnolds at walmart :)

    Silly question - is it a cracker or a bread? Just wondering which aisle to look for them in! ;o)
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    hey buddies! gotta make it quick cause i need to start dinner. so i went to the dentist and they took xrays, and the tooth thats bothering me(i couldnt tell what tooth it was cause the whole side of my face was in pain) was not the one that was bothering me a few months back:ohwell: so total they said i need 2 root canals...possibly 3:grumble: which is ALOT of money!! so the main tooth that is hurting right now was my very back molar, so i just got it pulled. then the tooth in front of it is the possible root canal, but they wont know until they go in, in a couple weeks to put a cap on it....cause its cracked:sad: so i have to deal with the pain in that tooth until i get a cap, and im praying they dont have to do a RC. luckily they r willing to take payments, cause my hubby canceled my dental insurance a couple weeks back:grumble: im now just hoping, the other 2 teeth that need RC's dont act up until my hubby graduates from school and we can get some insurance! i just dont get it, i take such great care of my teeth:grumble:

    so i didnt workout today and am not supposed to tomorrow:grumble: we will see, i might go on a walk or something mild. im sure i wont go over my calories considering all i have eaten today is a string cheese, 3 crackers and a oh man am i hungry!!!

    off to cook, ill try to get on later...during BL finale!!

    Hey Nicole! You poor thing!! How is it in this day & age that you can't get treated for a bad tooth without dental insurance or getting dragged over the coals! Seems to me that the pain you're having is an emergency issue & they should take care of it!! I really hope that you can hold out & get thourgh until you can get it all taken care of! What a mess!
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