Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    OMG! All the holiday treats at work during PMS is really killing me :sad: Yesterday, the Superintendent has a yearly "Dessert Day"... every Cake, Pie, Cookie, Cupcakes, etc you can imagine. Well, I went up there to get some for Jordan, my son. I brought home about 8 different treats :noway: I ended up eating 3 slices of Cheesecake for dinner :embarassed: Luckily I had, rode my back to and from the gym, did Pilates and Zumba... that about covered me. :huh: :happy: Today, is the Dept. "Holiday Lunch". Luckily, it's at a BBQ place and I can have something grilled :smile: But there are Brownies, Cupcakes and Cookies at the front :tongue:... a mere 15 steps away :laugh: I already had a brownie and it's not even 9 am :noway:

    Dam Nicole - You are Blazing those calories girl :bigsmile: So Awesome the instructor put you Up there... Now, you know you are Meant to Teach Zumba :wink: We are having a Holiday Zumba class Wed. 90 minute class:noway: :bigsmile:
    Sounds like you could be PMSing. I like tracking my monthly, that way I know why I'm being a "B" :laugh: Maybe you need to start taking a Multi-Vitamin. Are you still tracking your Deficit? Sounds like it takes major Discipline to behave foodwise at your house.. :drinker:

    Sandy - Wow Girl, you really worked those Glutes for that Hubby :laugh: I love it when I can clench my buttcheeks and feel the sore muscle :bigsmile: means my booty is getting tighter :wink: Give us the link to the ebay tee shirt thingy, it might be about the same price and more convenient than going to the flea market. Those crackers are Evil :laugh: give them to the girls every chance you get :wink: That is so great that you can do your own hair color. I'm so afraid to use something that will damage my hair that I've never colored my own.:embarassed: It's so expensive the older i get... them greys are reproducing :laugh: I have an appt. today as a matter of fact.

    I just ate a cupcake while on the phone with my friend. :noway: I'm doomed cause Diva Hair will be in effect today so no working out for a few days. :huh: :ohwell:

    Stay Strong Amigas!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Sandy- Great work outs the last couple of days!!! I hear ya on the crackers. I did that a few days ago and now it is the stupid Christmas cookies I am making for the kids Christmas get together. I can't wait for this to be over so all this junk is not in my house!!!

    Nicole- Wow girl you are a calorie burning machine!!!! Between Christmas and my birthday (only a couple weeks after Christmas) I am hoping to get a HRM so I can see how much I am really burning. What kind do you have and do you like it?

    Spicy- I agree with Sandy you should get that on your shirt somewhere lol. ummmmmm about this sugar challenge I must have been confused I thought we were going to see who could eat the most sugar :laugh: :wink: I have not done well at all!!! These sugar cookies and gingerbread men have been giving me a run for my money. I am not going to give up though!!! We can do this together Amiga!!!!

    Today is Olivia's Christmas party at Preschool. Then I have to come home and clean the house for guests that are going to start to come and visit this weekend. All on top of still having sick kids. I swear when will this sickness end. It is the same cold or whatever it is for months now. My son woke up with a high fever, body aches, headache, sore throat and bad belly ache. So Jeff is going to miss the CHristmas party and stay home with him. I worked out today (even though it is a day off) because off all the crap I have eaten.

    Hope you all have a butt kickin day Amigas!!!

    Hey Amiga!

    I like your Challenge Better :wink: We will make it Buddy... I bet we are doing better than last year this time :wink: Seems we are all struggling with something these days :ohwell: Iove gingerbread cookies :tongue: Except Nicole who seems to be a "Calorie Burning Holiday Monster" :laugh: Maybe you having the house full of guest will distract you from the goodies :wink:

    So sorry for your babies being sick. :flowerforyou:

    You are doing great covering your "Cookie issues" :wink:

    I have a Polar F4 HRM and it's worked out just fine. It will be 1 year in January and I haven't had near problem. :happy:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today is my rest day & boy do my quads need it!! I've not been sleeping really great lately, so I am really looking forward to just taking it easy & relaxing today. I've been reading the Twighlight book & love it!! I bought it right after seeing the New Moon movie a few weeks ago, but hadn't had the time to read. So the other night when I couldn't sleep I sat up reading. I had a hard time putting it down. Very well done! I haven't been much of a reader since the girls came along but I'm trying to find the time for it. Turning off the tv helps ALOT!! LOL!!

    Nicole!!! I don't know how I missed in your post that you lead your zumba class!! SO AWESOME!! I know that you must've loved that!! We're so proud of you!! Iknow that you're right about getting rid of the crackers!! I find that I do better if I don't allow myself even 1 - because once I taste them "it's ON" !! LOL!! The girls are sitting down to their cheese & cracker snack as we speak. I will take a look at ebay & post a link once I narrow down the best deal & from an experienced seller with good feedback!

    Spicy, you poor girl!! I can not even handle sweets!! And, you're surrounded!!! Toughen up girl! Keep your eyes on the "prize"!! Or, if you gotta have it, sit down & ENJOY it. Mindless eating while doing other tasks leaves us feeling empty & wanting more. So, I say if you're gonna do it - do it well!! LOL!! We're still talking about desserts here, btw!! LOL!! :laugh:
    As far as my hair, I've only just recently been taking care of it on my own. It's just so dang expensive to get it done ... I get a kit that has both color & highlights together - it's a two step process. My hair is pretty durable, for now anyway, I don't know how good these home products are .. .. I'm guessing probably not great, but I'm trying to be conscience to condition a lot & let my hair air dry as much as possible before I go at it with a hair dryer or straightning iron.

    Amanda, sorry to hear that he kids are sick again. Gabby has had a runny nose for 2 days now, along with the sneezing today & a bit of coughing here & there. Not a good sign. She did feel a little warm this morning too ..... It seems never ending lately! Stay strong against those cookies!! At least the holidays will be over soon!! How are your workouts going??

    Passion, how are you keeping strong during this season?? It's hard to stay away from all the treats!! This cold weather has had me wanting some chili! I gotta make that happen soon! I have a great recipe for white chili, it doesn't have tomato in it, so my husband will eat it. How are your workouts?

    Dawn, Susan & Amy - Keep strong buddies & keep going!! :drinker:

    Make it a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    Thanks Bud,

    I'll look at it when I get home, work firewall won't allow me to view :(
  • passionhi
    Good Morning Amigas!!!!!!

    I have a slight cold, but nothing major. The little one is congested too :cry: . But I am sure we will both feel better soon. :smile: We our Christmas party at work yesterday. I made Christamas popcorn, with chocolate and mint. There was so much yummy stuff, and there is still alot left in our work kitchen. But I must say, that I am very proud of the way I handled myself. I didn't eat much at all. I knew I had to eat lunch at my little girls school too, so I nibbled on some cheese dip, a brownie and my popcorn. And boy was it HARD!!!! There was tons of chocolate stuff, and I LUUUVVVVV chocolate, the only thing that helped my get through was to keep reminding myself of my ultimate goal. Whew!!! glad its over, now I just have to stay clear of the kitchen. :laugh:

    I didn't feel like going to the gym yesterday, I worked late. By the time I got the gym I was dragging, but after I finished my workout, I felt much better. You just have to push through on those tough days, I find solace in knowing there is a payoff for all this hardwork.

    Spicy- PMS is the hardest time for me. And I so feel for you, with the dessert day thing. I understand the weekness for cheesecake, just thinking about it makes me want a piece. :ohwell: I know sad, but true. And good deal on working out so that you could work the calories in. How is the weight training coming along??

    KZO- sorry about the sick kiddies. And aren't the preschool parties great?? My little one is having a party today she is in Kindergarten. I forgot it was today, so I had to dash to Walmart this morning to pick up some treats. So have fun at the party.

    Nicole- yea I agree with taking a multi vitamin. I forget to take mine often, but I think we both need to make sure we get them in, so we will have the energy to enjoy our new bodies.

    Sanifrey- isn't reading such an enjoyment, and stress reliever?? Is the movie scary, cause I don't do scary movies. I will be taking my little one to see The Princess and the Frog over the holiday, and my mom will be taking her to dinner, so I figured I would give them some quality time alone, and I would catch a movie on my own. My workouts are great, but I realize that I need to add more core exercises, so thats what I will be working hard to incorporate from here on out.

    I so enjoy you ladies. Thanks for the encouragement and support. Have a great and healthy day Amigas!!!!
  • passionhi
    Hey Ladies,

    I decided to share this with you all, it feels good to laugh. Someone sent me the following:

    My wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Target.

    Dear Mrs. Samuels,

    Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Samuel, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras.

    1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people's carts when they weren't looking.

    2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

    3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom..

    4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money.

    5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.

    6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

    7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.

    8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs were called.

    9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.

    10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were..

    11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the 'Mission Impossible' theme.

    12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.

    13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'

    14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'

    And last, but not least:

    15.. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.' One of the clerks passed out.

    If you don't send this to 12 of your dearest friends, your property taxes will go up, your stocks will go down, and your middle will spread. (How's that for a curse?!?) What? It's already come true? Then send it anyway--you've got nothin' to lose!
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!!! today i went to yoga (150 cal) and then kick (330 cal). i am sooooo exhausted, i could barely get through kick!!! oh how i cant wait until sunday(rest day)!!! maybe i should be taking more rest days? the past couple months i have only been taking 1 rest day a week, unless im sick or somethin! its just sooooo hard, cause i love all the classes i do, and i dont want to miss anything! i am taking a multi vitamin daily, normally im fine, but this week is just killing me! hopefully its my tom, but i never know cause i dont actually get it cause i have the iud....i wish i knew...everybody around me is having it, so most likely, so am i! i think tomorrow i am only going to go to 1 class so i get a little break! i have been going way over on sugar, but staying under my calories by quite a few, so thats good!!! in the book im reading it talk about eating like a skinny person. they eat what they want and when they want and seem to always have control. once u know u can have it that urge isnt so strong anymore. plus its not good for u to stress about what ur eating cause it causes ur body to release cortisol, which causes belly fat. the past couple days i have been trying not stress so much about what im eating and i am trying to keep nothing off limits, and i actually do find it easier to resist! and when i do eat something "bad" i enjoy every bite and just tell myself, i dont have to eat lots of it cause its not going anywhere! it seems to be working for me so far! lets see how the weekend goes!!:laugh:

    amanda- that is awesome that u r going to get a hrm!! they r fabulous!! i have to same one that spicy has(polar f4) and i love it!! have fun at the xmas party and i hope ur little one gets better soon!:flowerforyou: it seems to be a vicious cycle lately:grumble:

    spicy- yum yum yum all those treats sound delish!!!:tongue: making my mouth water:laugh: just enjoy a coulpe treats and move on! :wink: the holidays only come once a year, so enjoy it!:bigsmile: ...but that reallly is alot of yummy food!!:laugh: have fun at ur 90 minute zumba class, thats going to be a great workout!!! yes i am still tracking my deficit!!! i love doing it! enjoy ur "diva" hair!!!:bigsmile:

    sandy- i have been wanting to read the twilight books as well! maybe once i finish school in 18 months!:laugh: i havnt been able to sleep very well lately either....somethings in the air!!:laugh: i feel the same way about snacking, once u try just 1 ur doomed!!:tongue: thanks for the link!! enjoy ur rest day!!!:drinker:

    passion- great job on getting to the gym yesterday!!! sounds like u handled urself pretty well with all those treats!! i hope u and ur little one can stay healthy!! thanks for sharing that email with us!! it made me smile :bigsmile: i definitely will be passsing it on!!!

    im off to the shower, so i can hopefully finish my xmas shopping today!! have a fantastic night!!!
  • nicolet04
    wow its quiet today!!! so went to zumba today and burned 480 cal! i really was hoping to have the energy to go to kick after, but that didnt happen!! i could barely get through zumba! i cant wait until sunday to have my rest day!!! everything else has been great, so lets hope i can be successful through the weekend! im gonna try and finish all my xmas shopping tonight, cause i dont want to even attempt it next week!

    well ill post back anyone comes around!!:tongue: have a great weekend buddies!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    I too have been so tired! Just dragging lately! I took a rest day & focused on cleaning the house & keeping the girls occupied & happy. So much to do!

    Nicole, 6 days a week as a whole lot!! Especially the way you've been working out! I understand the need to keep going, I was there too! I really do enjoy my 2 days off & lately, I've been so tired that it's becoming more like 3 days off. I think it's important to listen to our bodies & take it easy once in a while.

    Passion, I hope that you're feeling a bit better by now. Good for you on staying strong through all the chocolate. That's a toughy!! I love the chocolate & salt mix too! Enjoy your movie with the little ones!!

    Make it a great weekend!

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Buddies!

    Quick post... I'm heading to another date this afternoon. A guy i met last night is taking me for a ride on his cruiser :glasses: I had a Blast night night... Went to a Christmas party then to see Avatar. Great movie. Excellent effects. I think i did pretty good with my calories because I didn't eat lunch and dinner was 2 drinks of Vodka and Redbull and some appetizers. Today I started out good cause I've only had my coffee and Cruiser guy is probably gonna take me to lunch :smile: I will catch up on my water and order something like grilled fish :wink: I have not worked out since Wednesday and I'm really not given a dam :laugh: TOM is here and my jeans are fittin loose so I'm good. :bigsmile: I'm planning on Zumba tomorrow. :ohwell:

    Nicole - "Listen to your body" Amiga :flowerforyou: Hope you get the shopping out of the way...

    Sandy - sounds like you got everything under control :wink: I :heart: the new pic with your hair down... Lovely.

    Have a Wonderful Weekend Girls!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    I don't know what is with me - I haven't worked out since Wednesday too!! I've just been so tired!! I've been caught up in reading the Twilight book & love it!! I have to wait until the girls go to bed at night to read, so it's keeping me up. Not to mention that I was't sleeping well early in the week as it was!! I'm hoping - no planning on doing something tomorrow!! The husband did ask if I had dropped more weight recently, so who knows. Maybe I'm shocking my system a bit!

    Spicy, enjoy your date! I'm glad you like me picture. I took this one the same day as my "success story" one. This one was first & then I clipped my hair up to take that 2nd one. Anyway, thanks! Avatar sure looks like a great movie, I'm glad to hear that you thought so. Enjoy your zumba & the rest of your weekend!!

    All my amigas fuerte - enjoy your weekends & keep it up!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! today i am enjoying a must needed rest day!!! last night i went out dancing for a couple hours, which is a pretty good workout i have to say!!! last time someone commented on my energy!!! when i left, my hair was drenched, my pants were wet and my shirt was soaked!!! thats how much i dance...and sweat!!! i love it!!! i did have to take a energy drink before though:laugh:
    i like to go to the gay bar(so i dont get bothered) and last night i took my hubby and he got hit on so many times, it was so funny!!:laugh:

    sandy- i cant wait until i am at my goal, so i can take off more days!!! u and spicy deserve ur rest days, u worked hard to get where u r!!:drinker:

    spicy- sounds like u r having a blast with the whole dating scene!! its probably very motivating. like i told sandy, u deserve the rest days!!! enjoy zumba tomorrow!!

    off for a nap!! have a great day!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!

    I'm at work till Wed :sad: I might call in sick and extend my Vacation :wink:

    Well, I had a Great time with Cruiser Guy... the weather was perfect. A high of 60 degrees and sunny--Perfect Hair Day :bigsmile: I was able to wear my leather jacket and boots :happy: I ate Seafood Soup for lunch and then he took me to a Biker's Event and they had Turkey with all the trimmings... I had very little and left some on my plate and only 1 drink :bigsmile:

    This guy was really sweet. However, nothing beyond "friends"... he is really overweight. I didn't see any harm in going on a bike ride, but I was clear in communicating that I'm "Not looking for a Boyfriend".

    Sandy - We are in the same mood lately.:ohwell: Enjoy your book girlfriend... you are working your brain :wink: I feel like I've lost inches... my 8's are loose :noway: I'm definately watching what i'm eating so I'm doing 50% of what i should :wink: I didn't do ANYTHING this weekend :huh: :ohwell: I know I will do something eventually... probably gonna treat myself to the FitPlus for Christmas :happy:

    Nicole - Oh I've been to some Gay Clubs back when I lived in NYC.... they know how to PARTY :happy: So cool that your Hubby doesn't have a problem partying in any environment :wink: WoW Girl, you really get your Groove On :bigsmile: How many more to your Goal? Have you re-evaluated lately? I started out Really wanting to be at 135 lbs. Now that I'm at 148 I feeling Good right here :happy:

    Amanda - Hope you and the babies are feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Hope All my Buddies/AMigas are taking Good care of themselves. :flowerforyou:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    Going to make this real fast. Jeff has been home since Friday and will here all week. I took him to the dr on Friday and he has H1N1 AND pneumonia. I have been taking care of him. The kids have started to not feel great but nothing bad just cough and general yucky. I am doing great! Taking my vitamin D3 and C and working out an hour or more a day trying to keep up my immune system. I am ready for Christmas except for one gift and I may go and get that today since Jeff is feeling a little better and can sit with the kids for a bit.

    Spicy- Glad to hear that you fun with your new friend! There is nothing wrong with taking some much needed rest time :0) How are you doing with your sugar?

    Sandy- The new pic looks great! I could not get into Twilight but Jeff did lol. Glad to hear that you are taking some time for yourself and how sweet of your husband to notice some more weight loss on ya!

    Nicole- Glad to hear that you took a rest day I am sure that after all those work outs you have been doing your body needed some time! That is awesome that you enjoy dancing so much. That is funny that your husband got hit on by the guy men lol.

    Have a great Monday Amigas!!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today I had a great step work out & burned 363. Not bad for a Monday. I have a feeling that this instructor is stepping it up a bit to keep the group satisfied. No pun intended. I am still finding myself draggiing lately though. I need to concentrate on taking my vitamins & drinking my water. I've been kinda off course since I had that stomach virus thing & then my TOM hit. Since all that my energy has been non existant! I've gotta get this straightened out. Does anyone have any ideas?? Any special vitamins, high energy foods, etc..??

    Spicy, I'm glad to hear that you & your hair enjoyed your biker event!! Sounds like you really behaved yourself with your meals as well! I'm happy for you to hear that your 8's are fitting looser! That's a good sign!!! I hope that you enjoy your FitPlus! I haven't been using the Wii lately. It's so hard to fit that in with my girls always wanting to "help".

    Nicole, your a dance, dance, dancin machine!!! Sounds like you burn moucho calories girl, whle having fun!! I'm glad to hear that you were able to groove without being hit on, your poor husband though!! Taking time off & rest days is nice, but Ijust wish I could enjoy it more. Lately I feel so bleuh!! If I didn't just have my TOM I'd be wondering!!

    Nicole, sorry to hear about the hubby's h1n1 - that's some crazy stuff!! I hope that you can keep the kids from getting it! Didn't someone in your house already have it? Can you get it 2x? Poor things!! Glad to hear that you're getting to relieve your stress by working out! Are you still doing your Chalean?

    Amy, we miss you know that Nate is taking up all your time!! Make sure you make time for yourself as well! You deserve some rest!!

    Passion, I hope that you're doing well & keeping clear of the sweets & temptations this season!! It's so hard! I was strolling through Walmart today with my girls & they had a huge display of bakery cookies for $1.50 & I kept thinking "wow, what a good deal that is on cookies" - But, then I realized that if I bought those, I'd probably end up eating at least half of the package & then what?? It just isn't worth it!!

    Dawn & Suzanne - :drinker:

    Make it a great day Amigas!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! today i decided to take a rest day cause niko is sick and i had tons of baking that needed to get done. so i spent 7 hours baking and im still not done. i was really good though and only had 1 truffle and 2 slices of a caramel apple. i am so tired though and my back is killing me! hopefully i get to the gym tomorrow for zumba and yoga!

    spicy- sounds like u had a fabulous weekend!!! i luv going to the gay bar, it was my hubby's first time and i dont know how soon he will be back:laugh: yes they know how to party!!! i think i would like to lose about 15-25blbs more,but we will see!!

    amanda- great job on keeping up with ur workouts while the rest of ur fam is sick! hope they get feeling better soon!!:flowerforyou: hope u got out of the house for a little while today!

    sandy- great workout today!! i have been felling the same way!! i suggest any multi vitamin and vitamin d to help, but just listen to ur body!

    hope everybody has a great night!! i off to bed!!:yawn:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - Sending you (((HUGS)))) Please be very careful not to catch your husband's "Bug". :flowerforyou: I haven't done well with sugar at all :embarassed: :frown: Not with all these Holiday treats surrounding me :laugh:

    Sandy - Glad you got in a workout it's so great to have an instructor that keeps things challenging and different. We are having a Party for the Zumba Instructor on Wed. She is really awesome with the choreography and the music :bigsmile: . High Five on deciding that "deal" wasn't worth it :drinker: I usually think about it after they are home :laugh: I recommend the GNC Mega Woman. You must take it with a meal our your tummy will get upset. I've been meaning to buy some for myself because I remember when I was taking it, I felt a difference in my energy. I just gotta remember to buy it... old age :laugh:

    Nicole - Wow that is a lot of baking :tongue: . You were really "Fuerte" Amiga :wink: You have the control I only wish I had :laugh: Sorry the baby isn't feeling well, hopefully it will pass quickly. Girl, you will be in a Size 1 or 2 if you lose that much more :laugh: What's the plan for today?

    I didn't workout yesterday either :ohwell: I'm still "Divafied" I went to dinner instead :laugh: I have my gym bag with me today or i might go rollerblading and get in a Extra Big Burn.... after entering my food for yesterday I need to make sure I get in some cardio if I want to, at least maintain at 148 this week:huh: . I behaved at dinner only eating half of a Cuban sandwich with a few fries. But I munched on too many cookies yesterday at work :noway:

    Passion - How are things going Amiga?

    Amy, Suzanne, Dawn - Hope you ladies are Staying on Track through this Holiday Season struggle :wink: I'm sure having a hard time :ohwell:

    I just noticed in January it will be my Anniversary with MFP :bigsmile: I gotta get a comparison picture together :wink:

    MAke it a GREAT DAY!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning!!

    Today is definately an at-home dvd day. My Gabby is all sniffly & sneezy today & MJ was coughing all morning, soooo.... we'll be staying in today, trying to get well. My energy level feels a little better today, so hopefully that'll continue to get better as the day & week progresses! I've not been eating very well these last couple of days, there's just too many sweets in the house & cereal, my big weakness! Starting tonight, I'm back on the 8 PM challenge!! My water intake has been bad too, so I'm trying to be conscience of that as well.

    Spicy, congrats on your 1 year anniversary!! I'm looking forward to seeing that camparison picture! Enjoy your workout today, whatever you decide to do! With my temps being 33 degrees today & a yard & driveway full of snow - I say go fo the rollar bladding!! Thanks for the vitamin suggestions!

    Nicole, you are one strong girl!! Baking for 7 hours & not eating but a few bites - awesome!! Enjoy your zumba & yoga! Thank you for the vitamin suggestions! I hope that Niko gets to feeling better soon!

    Make it a great day girls!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!! didnt make it to the gym again because niko is still sick:ohwell: its probably a good thing because i still have more baking to do and i am planning on going to a zumba class tonight at 6!

    spicy- have fun rollerblading!! like sandy, its in the 20's here and snowing!!! so enjoy that nice weather for me!!:wink: i dont think i could ever be a size 1 or 2:laugh: i am shooting for a comfortable size 4/6!! sounds like u r behaving pretty good!! :bigsmile: keep it up!!!:drinker:

    sandy- sorry the kids r getting something, it seems like thats the case for most of us!:frown: i am still doing pretty good at not eating past 8, but lets start it up strong again!! we can do it!!!:bigsmile:

    off to baking cookies!! have a fabulous day!!