Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    It was day two of working out with my monitor and I am still loving it! Don't care much for having to wet the chest strap before I put it on ( a little cold at 6am lol). Today I did my turbo jam fat burn extra dvd I got with Chalean and burned 210 calories in the 30 minutes and then I did my CE burn circuit 3 (all lifting for 30 minutes) and burned 147 calories :happy: Not doing a lot today. We are going to the place that we are looking to rent so they can meet the dog to see if they will approve her. Then just hanging out at home doing school time and waiting for our 4 inches of snow that will be here tonight into tomorrow! I did all my extra food shopping yesterday while everyone was working before they all rush to the store tonight :wink: We do not usually get a lot of snow here so this is a big deal for us.

    Spicy- That is GREAT that you have a workout buddy!!! It really does help! I am honestly not looking to lose weight. If I do great if not I am ok with that too. I really need to tone up more then anything. Wow 32 in FL is really cold I don't blame you for wanting to stay in your nice warm bed! It is only 9 degrees here this morning and I did not want to get up and work out but I made myself anyway lol.

    Sandy- Glad that MJ was in a better mood yesterday! :flowerforyou:

    Nicole- Wow both you and your husband are in school that is GREAT!!! Like you said it is all worth it in the end. I want to go back to school so badly for exercise and nutrition. With homeschooling the kids I am just not sure that I can do it. I will teach myself but the commitment would be a lot for me. WTG Girl!!!

    To all my other buddies- :flowerforyou: hope you are doing well and keep it up ladies!!!

    Make it a GREAT day buddies!

    Hey Amanda - Good to hear your back in your groove :)

    I didn't even remember anymore that you "wet" the chest strap. I don't it's really necessary... you can see by the watch if it's not registering then there is a problem. Looks like most of us are in the toning stage right now... We Rock !

    I hope they approve Bella... who could reject that face :))

    You could always start taking classes online and then transfer those credits when you have more YOU time. ;))
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    in a hurry again!! went to zumba (400 cal!) then i went grocery shopping and now off to get ready for school!!!

    luv ya girls!! ill be able to post normal on friday!! have a fab day!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    I forgot to report back that I did my Upper Body Firm dvd on Wednesday. I was really feeling sore from that & tweaked something in my rib cage, right hand side ab area. It was pretty painful that night & still a bit tight today, but it's okay. Yesterday I went to step & tone, it was fun. We had a great, new routine going through all the alphabet steps with some charleston kicks & turns thrown in. I burned 403.

    I've been doing pretty good with the maintenance calories - I think I'm alloted over 1800, so I better do good. I'd have to check my home page to make sure of the exact number, but once I add on my exercise calories, I got alot of room.

    Today is going to be a rest day for me. Hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me, because this weekend is going to be really busy & I don't forsee where I'll be able to add in any type of workout. I probably should do something today, but I really am beat & feel like I need a break. Friday will be my normal schedule of step & tone, so that'll be good.

    Spicy, I'm glad to see that you're keeping busy! Sorry about your oh so chilly weather! So happy for you to have a workout buddy! That can only be good for you! Getting in some exercise & a little girl time is a great combo!

    Amanda, glad to hear you love your hrm! We all knew that you would! Like Spicy said, you really don't have to wet your strap too much. I usually try mine out w/out water & if I need to, I'll just run my fingers under the water & put a little wetness on the strap where I need it. Give it a try!

    Nicole, you busy busy girl!! I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying your class! It's nice that it's small so that you can have some attention & help when you need it!

    Suzanne, great job!! Keep it up, buddy!!

    Make it a great day!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning!

    I got my works out in this morning before the kids got up! I love when that happens!!!! Today was my calm day for Chalean i did Burn it off 30 min. (216 calories) and then the recharge its some yoga (64 calories). Tomorrow is my rest day and I am needing it! Saturday we are having a birthday party for my youngest daughter who will be 4 on tuesday, wow I can't believe she is going to be 4! Monday is my birthday but not sure what we are going to do. I may work out extra that day so I can eat some REAL cake!!! lol

    Sandy- I will have to try that on Saturday when I work out. It really is cold when I have wet it lol. I got the hrm thanks to my father in law who gave me cash for Christmas :)

    Spicy- Thanks for the tip on the strap. They did approve Bella they could not believe how sweet and well behaved she was :)

    Have a great day Buddies we are going to go out and play in the SNOW :)

  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I got my stretching and toning in.I need to start some aerobics soon.No sugar or fat in my diet today.Have a happy day.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! did yoga (230 cal) and walking/sprints (250) today! im am so tired, i hope i can get through class tonight! luckily today is my friday, so i will post more tomorrow!!!

    have a wonderful night!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!

    On Wednesday my "workout buddy" left her phone at home and when I called to confirm i never got a reply... I didn't workout :ohwell: Then when she got home and called she said she had been there the whole time :noway: :ohwell: I'm glad she got in her workout. Yesterday we met up at the park where I go rollerblading and we walked the track 1X. 4.5 miles in 123 minutes, 400 calories burned... it's low for the time but we were so busy chatting that it slowed us down :laugh: The weather is supposed to be perfect for rollerblading today :bigsmile:

    Sandy I will be getting my remaining 2 upperbody workouts before Sunday :wink: I know those FIRM dvds are NO JOKE :laugh: I love feeling sore :smile: I'm sure you will do great this weekend... you just got over TOM right? Did you enjoy your restday?

    Amanda - WooHoo!!! for Bella Passing the "Approval Process" :laugh: Such a good girl :love: Nice of your FIL, to gift you some mulla :wink: and Way to Go! to you for using it on something that you will enjoy for years to come. :flowerforyou: My last Birthday I gifted myself an extra lap around the rollerblading path and ate anything I wanted :bigsmile:

    Nicole - You've completed your first week of school already :drinker: When is your rest day Buddy? :flowerforyou:

    Suzanne - 1 week behind you :drinker: Slow and steady... Have you looked into any cardio Dvds... I hear walk away the pounds is really good. :flowerforyou:

    According to my spreadsheet, i'm averaging about 1800 calories... although I'm alloted 1400 :blushing: So far this week I only have a 260 calorie deficit... Being that I'm not looking to lose much more, any deficit I have is good enough for me. :ohwell:

    Make it a Great Weekend Buddies!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Well, it's finally Friday!! What a long week it's been! My hubby has been working so much overtime this week & I really miss him. I'm so glad that this week is just about over! I should have him all to myself this weekend as he's not "on call". So happy! The weather here is really crappy, lots & lots of snow! I don't think I'm going to venture out today. I just am not feeling the whole snow, cold, shoveling thing today. I'll have to come up with another workout since I won't be at step. It might be a good day for Tae Bo!

    Spicey, I'm sorry that you & your workout buddy had a miscomunnication! What a drag! But, goes to show you, that you gotta put /yourself first. If you have plans to workout, keep them! You deserve it! Sounds like you had a nice walk though! Enjoy your rollerblading & your nice weather! So jealous!

    Nicole, great workouts!! You are one determined diva! We're looking forward to hearing more from you this weekend! You'll have to take my place though, as I don't think I"ll be around much.

    Suzanne, great job! I agree with Spicy, those WATP videos are great!

    Amanda, great job on getting in the workout before the kids got up! I should try that one of these mornings, but I like to sleep in as much as possible! 6:45 AM just this morning! LOL!!

    Make it a great day & stay strong through the weak-end everyone!

    :heart: Sandy
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    Hey Amigas!!!!!!

    Glad to see every one is doing well and still motivated!! It is really cold here, and I don't like it at all. :grumble: But the show must go on. I didn't make to the gym yesterday, it was sleeting. But I will definitely be there today!!

    Spicy- I like the new profile pic, cayute!!! I am glad you have a workout buddy now. Sometimes I want one, but then other times I am okay, because that means I don't have a set time. Yes it will be time for some pics soon, and I am excited.;I just have to push to the finish line.

    Sanifrey- I hope you enjoy your time with your hubby. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

    Nicole- good deal on getting your education. You are setting such a good example for your family, getting healthy and pursuing excellence. Keep it up!!!

    KZO-enjoy the little one's bday. My little is 5 already, the time has flown. But she still likes to be babied, and I don't mind.

    Ladies make it a great and healthy weekend!!!!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! its nice to finally have a minute to today i went to zumba(530 cal burned!) then i went to learn a dance for a performance at a bar in a couple of my instructors from the gym, has her own "womans" dance studio, and is promoting it, and asked me to be in a couple dances, i am very flattered because i never saw myself as a great dancer and she only chose me and 1 other girl, so i am a little nervous:blushing: but i think it will be fun!!!

    spicy- i lov the new pic!!! :bigsmile: so gorgeous!!! hope u enjoyed rollerblading today! im jealous of the weather that ur getting. my rest day is sunday, which is going to be much needed!! tomorrow is zumba and then i am practicing the dances and then gno dancing!!! im getting tired thinking about it:laugh: u r doing fabulous!!! keep it up!:drinker:

    sandy- so glad u r getting time with ur hubby this weekend!:wink: hope u enjoyed ur workout with billy today! have a fantastic weekend! keep up the great work!

    passion- great job on getting the workout in today!! keep it up!!

    im so glad that i was able to take a minute to write a little more today! i really miss my buddies!! hope u all have a fabulous weekend and keep on movin!!!:wink:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    zumba today...430 cal!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!

    Just quickly checking in - I'm glad to see everyone is keeping busy.

    Spicy, I love, love, love the new pic!!!! You look gorgeous!! :love: :love: :love:

    Nicole, what a good girl you are, keeping active & burnin' up enough calories for the both of us! Thanks I need all the help I can get!

    Passion, I hope that the weather was a bit more cooperative today & that you were able to enjoy the gym!

    Keep strong amigas - the weakend is 1/2 over!!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Amigas!!!

    Hope that you all stayed strong this weekend! I did not!!! I worked my butt of (saturday I burned 700 calories to make sure I did ok since we had Olivia's birthday party) but I ate CRAP. I hate when I do that to myself. Today is my birthday and as a gift to myself I worked out and have decided that I will make healthy choices today. I will allow myself a little ice cream but no cake and crappy food. I figure there would be no better gift to myself :)

    Spicy- I LOVE you new picture you look amazing!

    Sandy- How did you do this weekend?

    Nicole- keep it up girl!!!

    Passion- Did you get to the gym this weekend?

    Have a great Monday Amigas!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!

    I'm so glad that it's a new week! I didn't do very well, but I'm back!! I burned 420 calories at step this morning & I feel renewed & refreshed, ready to kick some butt!!

    I will not be eating past 8 this week.
    I will be exercising at least 6 hours this week.
    I will be completing my food journal everyday this week.
    I will be drinking, drinking, drinking my water!
    I will be focused & I will stay healthy!

    I hope that the rest of you girls are doing well, it's been rather quiet around here!

    :heart: Sandy
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Thank you for motivating me.You all are so nice.Yes,I have many exercise video's.I use to do them all the time.I really love to walk outside but it is too cold out right now.Most of the exercise video's I have are too hard for me just now.I will start fat burning for dummies soon.Hopefully tommorrow or in in a few days.I did some toning and stretches today.No sugar or fat in my diet so far.Have a happy day.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! went to zumba, 400 calories burned! i didnt do too bad this weekend, plus all the dancing i did sat night made up for it:wink: i think i am doing great with not logging my food...i guess we will find out friday! hope everyone has a fabulous night, i am off to make my dinner and then get ready for school!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!

    Today I plan on burning some serious calories on the treadmill. I really need to bring my cardioi back up. I've noticed a little more
    huffin & puffin during my step aeobics & my HRM is showing my heart rate higher then it used to. Maybe I'm just working harder, but I don't know. Anyway, I'm hoping to improve my cardio a bit by doing some running today.
    I did really well with all of this week's goals. I didn't eat past 8 - even though there was the dreaded Honey Bunches of Oats calling me from the kitchen! I drank all my water & I worked out for 1 hour - 5 more to go! And, I logged everything I ate yesterday! It seems funny to me that I've had to really get back to the basics. I think I got comfortable with things & I got sloppy. But, I'm hoping with these goals, some determination & my buddies that I can get it together!

    Nicole, great job on the zumba! How'd your dancing go this weekend?? I bet you had a GREAT time! Have a great day with school & keep your focus with being food diary free! I know that you can do it!!

    Suzanne, great job on the toning & stretching and for avoiding the sugar & fat! Is fat burning for dummies a workout dvd or a book? Be sure to share any advice or moves with us!

    Amanda, how are you holding up?? Have you recovered from Saturday's cake?? I find it very hard to get the sugar craving outta my system once I give in. I know that you're strong & I know that you can do it!!

    Spicy, how are ya babes?? I've been missing your posts! Is your boo keeping you busy??:wink::heart: :blushing: How's your weather been. It's been so cold here, so snowy! I'd love to get outside & take a nice walk or even a jog. I miss being able to take the girls to the park. We're all getting a little stir crazy! Have you been rollerbladding? How's your workout buddy?

    Make it a great day amigas!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Buddies!!!

    Well now that my birthday is past it is time to kick my butt back in gear. NO MORE SLACKING FOR ME!!!! Last night we ate out (ok did for lunch too as we were really busy). We had mcdonalds for lunch (I really can't stand that place but that was my four year old pick for her birthday meal, her birthday is today) and I got a stupid mcchicken sandwich trying to save money and I ate just a couple of fries and they were NASTY and drank an unsweetened tea. Then nothing to eat until dinner which we ate at Red Robin. OMG I don't usually like burgers but theirs are OUTSTANDING. I got this bleu ribbon burger, on it: fried onions, lettuce, tomato, bleu cheese and chipole mayo and it came with unlimited fries. I ate the WHOLE burger lol it was so darn good. I only a couple of fries but did not need them I ate the burger first so I was full and drank water. They brought out sundays and sang to my and Olivia and I did not eat any ice cream I gave them the kids. Came home and logged my food and that darn burger was 1,067 calories I am still full lol. The good thing was I still have over 200 calories left at the end of the day. Now I am starting new and fresh! My goals now are

    -no eating after 8
    -no more fast food other then subway or salad with no meat and dressing on the side (we are busy a lot so out often)
    -eat as clean as possible
    -do cardio 5-6 days a week along with my weights (totals a little more then an hour a day)
    -log everything that crosses my lips!!!

    Sandy- Great job staying strong against that cereal!!! We can do this together girl! I hear ya on the sugar craving after all the junk. I feel like I can't stop or things just are not sweet enough and I know it only takes a couple of days for that to pass so starting today will be my craving time :)

    Nicole- Thank you for the birthday wish :) That is great that so far so good on not logging your food! I hope that it works for ya :) I hope to go dancing this weekend to celebrate my birthday!

    Suzanne- i am glad that we can be here to motivate you!!! Keep up girl you are doing GREAT!!!

    Spicy- How are you? I hope you are ok it is not like you not to check in!

    Off to help make my daughters 4th birthday a special one :)

    Have a Strong day!!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Thank you so much.You all are so nice.Fat burning for dummies is a exercise video.The instructor is Gay Gasper.It's a great exercise video to work your way up with.It's always in my rotation.I did not do aerobics today.I stretched and toned today.No sugar in my diet today.Have a happy day today.:smile:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies! went to half of zumba (250 cal) then an hour of circuit training (430 cal) and then walked around the track for a little while (50 cal!) so a total burn of 730!!! i have done really bad not eating past 8 the past couple days...once i get home from school i have been so hungry, but i can do it!! lets get this thing down again!! i have been doing pretty good with water but i probably could add a little more. workouts r going fabulous!! i forgot to tell u girls, that when i went dancing i wore a size 7/8 pants that a friend gave me, and they were falling down all night!! :bigsmile: i actually had to go get a long paper towel and put it through the belt loops and tie it like a belt :laugh: because they wouldnt stay up and i was getting so annoyed by it. it worked well until i was so sweaty that the paper towels got wet and ripped, so i made like 3 "belts" that night!:tongue: i feel great and i think i am doing good not logging my food....being at school in the evenings helps ALOT!! well i have some house cleaning to do and then i gotta get ready for school! hope u girls have a fabulous night!!! keep it up!:drinker:
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