Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    Looks like we're all getting back to basics this week!! :drinker: I'm so glad to not be alone & have you all here to help me through this!! The Biggest Loser is on tonight & I don't know what it is about that show - but it makes me want to EAT!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It inspires me too, to work harder & eat better the next day, but while I'm watching, I feel like I gotta be munchin on something. Maybe it's the stress of it all! I think that's it!! Ijust had a breakthrough!! I stress eat while watching Biggest Loser! Between Bob & Jillian yelling at the contestants, their working their butts off in the gym & dealing with all the game play!! I guess I just never realized it!
    So far I've done great with this week's back to basics goals! I feel like I'm in control again! Gotta love that!! And I do!
    I ended up running on the treadmill & shoveling a little snow for a total burn of 460 cals & almost 1.5 hours. I'm looking forward to step aerobics in the morning! I hope she doesn't try to sneak circuit training in on us, I just want some gold ole fashioned step in!

    Nicole, sounds like you had an awesome time dancing!! Your make shift belt idea was awesome!! Wasn't nothin' holdin you back from gettin yo groove on!! Proud of you girl!! A size 7/8 - AWESOME!! Great job with your non-food logging - that seems like a funny compliment, and anyone lurking might be shaking their heads right about now, but seriously, if you're in control then - go for it!! I hope that you have a successful weigh in this week!!

    Amanda, your RedRobin burger sounds amazing!! I can't believe all those calories though!! No wonder why America is fat!! Cause who wouldn't eat that, & the endless fries, plus a sugary soda or their strawberry lemonade (my fav) & maybe even a dessert!! That's enough cals & food for 2 days! I love how MFP opens up our eyes to what we're eating & keeps us accountable!! Good luck to you on your back to basics (B2B) goals this week! We can do it!!

    Suzanne, great job on your workout & keeping with it!! It's great to have a good dvd in your library to fall back on. I seem to always go back to the Biggest Loser Cardio Max. What do you do for your toning & stretching. Do you follow a certain routine or dvd? I would love to do more stretching as I'm not very limber.

    Spicy, we miss you & love you babe! Hope you're hanging in there! :heart:

    Passion, are you still with us?? I've missed you these last couple of days as well.

    Have a great night Amigas!! I'll check on you all in the A.M.

    :heart: Sandy
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!! My workout is done - Step & Tone ended up being circiut training! YUCK!! Such a tough workout, but boy did I need it!! I burned 367 calories in 52 minutes. We ended a little early, but NONE of us seemed to mind as we were all exhausted! I'm doing great with our B2B challenge this week! Holding strong against the late night eating, logging all my food & driking all my water! I hope that all you lovely ladies are having a great day!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Well,I usually just do my own thing with stretches and toning.sit ups,squats,lunges.hand held weights.Ok,I did my first exercise video in awhile.Gay gaspers Fat burning for dummies.It feels so good to have done it.I do need to do alot more aerobics.Have a very happy day today everyone.:smile:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    did zumba today (380 cal) and then an hour of weights (300 cal) now i have to hurry my butt and clean the kitchen, shower and get ready so i can leave for school in an hour and 15 min:noway: .....i hate always running late!:laugh: have a fantastic night!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Great job Amigas!!

    Nicole, what a great workout! You are one busy chica with all the workouts, housework & schooling! What an inspiration! Are you ready for Friday?? I know you are!! :wink:

    Suzanne, great job! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your workout dvd as well as your stretching & toning.

    Today is going to be a rest day for me. I'm just really feeling like I need it, but I know that I'll miss eating the excess calories! The pluses & minuses of a rest day! :ohwell:

    Enjoy your days Amigas!

    :heart: Sandy
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    Hey Amigas!!!

    I finally got my 30 day shred DVD, I ordered. Whew....what a workout. LOL But I am definitely looking for to the next 29 workouts. I will definitely keep y'all updated on my progress.

    Sanifrey- I am definitely still here. I usually lurk and sometimes I post in other thread. But as I said before, this is the most positive and rewarding thread ever. Even if I don't post in two weeks, know that I will return. LOL

    KZO- HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: And good job on the calories, you are so strong cause I definitely would have given in to some dessert.

    Nicole- LOL @ your pants. too funny. But doesn't it feel good when clothes no longer fit, because you are getting smaller instead of bigger?? Keep it Zumba Queen!!! You Rock!!!!

    Spicy- I hope all is well with is your new year??

    Will definitely be back!!! Make it a great day ladies!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm sorry I haven't been around. Going thru a situation with my teenage son. I'm sending him to finish High school at his Uncle's house in Erie, PA. Hopefully, separating him from the "friends" will allow him to focus on his future.

    I haven't logged anything till today, I haven't eaten much, I haven't worked out at all :( TOM is here and it couldn't be at a worse time. Thank God my "cub" is giving me the support I need.

    Keep up all the good work girls... You guys are on the Ball :)

    Amanda - Happy Belated Birthday!

    Nicole - I :heart: that your pants are falling :) Great Job in not having to log and still in full CONTROL :)

    Passion - Nice to hear from you again and that you are still focused :)

    Suzanne - You are still in it to WIN it!

    Sandy - BL Stress eating... you are hilarious. Sounds like you are on the Track.

    I will keep you guys updated when I can

  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey girls! just got home from school and thought i would post real quick before bed! did yoga today then walked for a little bit then practiced the dance im doing for an hour, but i cant remember how many calories i burned...oops! i havnt done so well with not eating past 8...we dont even get dinner until 730 and then when i get home i am usually hungry...i really need to just do it!!! plus i am pmsing and had alot of candy tonight..i am scared to weigh in :ohwell: have a fabulous night!!! off to bed!:yawn:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies! gotta hurry again cause i have been super busy all day and me and the hubby r headed out for a date! :love: so went to zumba (460 cal burned) then went and practiced the dances im doing for and hour, but forgot to wear my hrm:grumble: then i got ready and now im headed out!! hope u all have a fabulous night!!! oh i invited a friend megan to join us on here, so i hope she does!!!:wink:
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Hello, I'm Megan, I am a friend of Nicole's and she told me about this group. I hope you don't mind if I join.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello, I'm Megan, I am a friend of Nicole's and she told me about this group. I hope you don't mind if I join.

    Welcome Megan!! Jump right in!! Tell us a bit about yoursefl & what you like to do to stay fit. :happy:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was an awesome step & tone class that I"ll definately be feeling tomorrow!! I burned 460 calories stepping, toning, squating & crunching! I've got to get a good work out in again tomorrow because I've gone over my cals by 100 these last couple of days. I reset my goals to lose 1 lb a week, as I've jumped up to 147 these last couple of days & can't seem to shake it on the maintance calories. I definately prefer to be down to 145 or under. Hopefully something will give.

    Spicy!!! :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: Oh, how I've missed you Amiga!! I hope that you're doing okay & that you & your son can get through this difficult time. I hope that change/move to your brother's place does him good.

    Nicole, I hope that you & your hubby have a great date night! Great job on those workouts & please let us know how the dance goes! I'm sure you'll do great! How are things going with school?

    Passion, I'm glad to hear that you're still with us! The 30 day shred aint no joke!! I don't think it ever gets any easier. Enjoy!

    Suzanne, I hope that you had a great day & workout!

    Have a great weekend!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    I did Level 1 of 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones, and 15 mins on the treadmill. I wanted to do more on the treadmill but I was too tired. I think I need a rest day.

    Don't know how many calories I burned, I don't have a heart rate monitor. I just go by what MFP says and it was only four hundred something. Not as much as you guys, but I feel like I do a lot.

    Thanks for letting me join.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey girls!!! went to an hour of zumba today and burned 610 calories!! she really killed us today! i was feeling sick at the end and i was drenched in sweat! the instructor had me lead one of the songs on stage....without was fun, but of course when ur on stage u have to push extra hard!:laugh: then i went to practice the dances im doing for 2 hours and i burned hrm stopped at some point, so it was more, but im not sure when i stopped.:grumble:
    my hubby told me today that it looked like i lost weight!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: coming from him is a huge compliment cause he is always honest with me...i ask him to be:laugh:

    megan- YAY!!!! im glad u jumped in here with us!!:drinker: great workout!!! 400 calories is alot to burn! be proud of urself!:wink: make sure u take a rest day if ur feeling the need!

    sandy- great workout today! remember to not focus so much on the number on the scale...u have been lifting weights so u probably have gained muscle!:wink: school is going great! i luv it, but with this whole dance thing im doing, i have been a little overwhelmed, i feel like i have been going weekend is when i perform, so after that i hopefully will get to breath a little:laugh:

    hope everyone else is doing well! have a fabulous weekend and keep on movin!!:bigsmile:
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Hey, didn't get a work out in today. I hurt my knee somehow so I'm gonna give it a little rest. I started watching my sugar and fiber more and today is the first day I did not go over.

    Nicole, YAY on the compliment. You better believe it cuz you look great. How much was you heart rate monitor? I want to get one. I'm curious to know how much I'm actually burning. Is MFP pretty accurate?
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    Hey, didn't get a work out in today. I hurt my knee somehow so I'm gonna give it a little rest. I started watching my sugar and fiber more and today is the first day I did not go over.

    Nicole, YAY on the compliment. You better believe it cuz you look great. How much was you heart rate monitor? I want to get one. I'm curious to know how much I'm actually burning. Is MFP pretty accurate?

    take it easy so u dont hurt ur knee anymore! it was......i think, like $70....well worth it though!!! mfp is pretty close, give or take 100 calories most often
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    One more rest day then back at it tomorrow.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    today is my rest day, but i practiced my dance for like 3 hours...without the hrm....its a tough one ill be practicing more tonight...lets hope i can get it down!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Amigas!!

    I had a great step class this morning! Our instructor really beat us up today! I burned 408 & would like to do a little more tonight to burn at least another 250. I'm really trying to get these pounds back off. I haven't been eating very good these last couple of days, maybe I'm pms-ing or something. The week started out so good & positive, only to faulter over the weakend! I really do hate that! So, I'm glad that it's Monday & a new day & a new week!! I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!!

    Nicole, great job on those workouts! I know that you loved teaching your zumba class!! Did you get to choose your own music & routine for that? Very exciting! Your performance preparation is really giving you quite the workout itself! Have you weighed yourself or measured lately?? Awesome that your hubby is noticing & complimenting you!! Gotta love that!!

    Megan, I hope that your knee is feeling better. Make sure that your shoes aren't letting you down, they can really make a difference. You sound like you're doing great with your workouts! Keep it up!

    Spicy, we're still here for you chica!! Hope that you're doing well!

    Amanda & Passion, hope that you're well!

    Make it a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies! man its been so quiet around here lately.... so i went to practice my dances for 25 min(100 cal) then i went to 1/2 of zumba and my hrm stopped so it only showed 50 cal:grumble: so once i turned it back on it got to 100 before i left..then i walked for 20 i am going to say 300 cal total... i was just so out of it today, probably because sunday is normally my rest day and i ended up practicing the dances for like 4 hours...cant wait until its over!

    sandy- great workout!! i didnt choose the song for zumba, i was just kinda thrown up there:laugh: it was fun though! i have not measured or weighed cause i have been pmsing...this friday for sure!!

    hope everyone is doing well, we all need to get back on here!! its been to slow!!:wink: have a great to get ready for school!