Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    gotta hurry....went to 3/4 of zumba (415 cal) then practiced my dances for tonight! sooooooooooo SUPER nervous!!! now off to get ready...wish me luck!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    So, very quiet around here this weekend!! Oh well!!

    So, how'd it go Nicole????
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Check my new hair do AMIGAS!! I got almost 6 inches cut off!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Check my new hair do AMIGAS!! I got almost 6 inches cut off!!

    Sandy I :heart: :heart: :heart: the new DO!!! the short style looks really great on you.. it looks so bouncy :happy:
    So sorry to hear you hurt yourself walking those beasts :flowerforyou: What were you thinking momma? they're big... how are you feeling today? Hoping it wasn't serious :flowerforyou:

    Nicole - How was your dance??? I'm sure you did Super... you practiced enough :laugh: WooHoo AMiga! Inches is way better than pounds in my book... you are a toned, sexy, momma :bigsmile:

    Megan - Looks like you've been doing good with your toning too. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - Girl, how was your weekend? I saw that you finished Chalean for the 2 or 3rd time... I want to be like you :bigsmile:

    Well I only did 1 hour last week :embarassed: Today, my hair is curly and you know what that means :laugh: I got my gym bag. .. I don't think I've gained anything because my ring is loose :wink: My gym clothes are loose too. I never realized how expensive, nice workout clothes cost :noway: I can't see myself paying $50 - $60 for a gym outfit. I guess I will have to keep pulling mine up for a while longer :ohwell:

    Make it a Great Day AMigas Fuerte! :flowerforyou:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Nicole- How did your dance go? I bet you did awesome!!! Congratulations on loosing inches :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Sandy- I LOVE your new hair it looks GREAT!!! How are you feeling today? I am so sorry to hear that you got hurt walking the dogs. I hope you get to feeling better really soon!

    Spicy- Well Thank you Amiga :blushing: I am not sure that Chalean the second time around has made much of a change for me. I should have taken more of a break between. I can't wait to get P90X and work my *kitten* off!!! That is awesome that you did not work out much last week and all your clothes and your ring is still loose!!!! Sometimes our body's just need that break. I keep trying to take a break but then by the end of the night I feel guilty and just can't go to bed until I do something :laugh:

    I have a busy a week ahead of me. Something to do every day including getting my teeth cleaned and getting a filling on Wednesday and going to the GYN on friday now doesn't that all sound like a BLAST! On a good note if it works out we are getting another dog! Her name is Molly and she is a 2 years older then Bella. Molly is a Shepard/beagle mix. We are getting her from the same rescue we got Bella and Jenna (the lady that runs the rescue) said that Molly is just like Bella and has no other signs of being a Beagle other then her coloring. Which is good because I really do not care for howling lol.

    Oh and yesterday I worked out and burned almost 500 calories in 45 minutes doing my chalean intervals. All because I knew I was not going to eat well last night. We had a little party to watch the Colts win the AFC Championship :bigsmile: Sooooo excited about them going to the Super Bowl!!!!

    Make it a GREAT Monday!!!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! today i decided to take a much needed day off!! i had so much stuff that i needed to get done, since i have been so focused on the dances:laugh: .....which went fabulous!!!!! loved every minute of it! thanks for coming megan!:flowerforyou: so my little niko will be 2 on bitter sweet! he is sooooo smart, i swear he can say anything u tell him to say, almost perfectly. its so cute, but i will miss not getting to hear the cute way kids say things:laugh: he's such a sweet boy though!:blushing: melts my heart!

    sandy- love the new do, very cute!!!:wink:

    spicy- enjoy ur workout today...before u get ur "diva" hair!:laugh: gym clothes r way expensive..have u tried ross or tjmax?? they seem to be cheap there!

    amanda- great workout yesterday!!! u do sound like one busy woman!!:laugh:

    hope u all have a fabulous day!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    This week is all about pain & punishment!!! :mad: I gotta be tough this week, as my weight is creeping, creeping, creeping up!! NOT COOL!! It is my TOM soooo... I do know that some of it is because of that, but I've really been slacking on my workouts & not eating very well! BUT NO MORE!! This week I will be doing 500 calorie workouts 5x this week & I will be staying under my calories!! Today was my treadmill workout - I burned 524 calories & I should be leaving most of that on the table today!

    Thank you all for the compliments on my hair! I just really wanted a change!

    Nicole, I'm so glad to hear that your dance went well & that you had a good time! I bet it was awesome! Enjoy your rest day! Hugs to you on Niko growing up so fast! My Gabby will be 2 next month so I totally understand where you're coming from!

    Spicy, I hope that you enjoyed your workout today & took advantage of the un-Diva hair by burning lots & lots of calories!!

    Amanda, glad to hear that you're keeping busy! I feel that I just have to say - Are you sure that you want another dog?? Especially another female?? You'll find out that because of pack order, two females will fight for dominance. We knew this to be the case when we got our 2nd female & didn't heed the warnings. They get along mostly now, but they're constantly jawing at one another. Just something to consider & maybe research before you totally commit.

    Megan & Passion, I hope that you're doing well & meeting your goals!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Back to my normal workout today. 519 cals burned. It's been a busy morning, had to get my boy signed up for preschool then went to WIC. Not much else to say very tired today. Have a nice day.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the eleiptical and some weights. Weighed myself this morning and I'm at 146 :drinker:

    Sandy - Although, I totally think it's TOM :wink: Good for you on taking control... you've had your fun and now it's time to Get that Booty in Gear :flowerforyou: :laugh: I know it's not as easy to reach those 500's once you are as Fit as you :wink: Great Job. Good advice to Amanda... I know as far as Pitbulls, 2 girls is a NO,NO unless they are raised since pups together.

    Nicole - Congrats on your Dance Success :flowerforyou: Hope you enjoyed your Rest day. Those little Rug Rats grow up so quickly... enjoy these years.

    Amanda - Sounds like you are getting your self a Tune-up :wink: Taking good care of yourself Now, will show for years and years to come. :flowerforyou: I have a dentist appt. this week also :cry: not looking forward to it.

    I will probably take Ruby for a walk today. Nice and cold out, 55 degrees :laugh: I have not walked her in a couple weeks because of her Pulling... Let's see if she's matured any :laugh:

    Looks like we are all Keeping it Moving :flowerforyou:

    Make it a great day!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Sandy- Thank you so much for that information I had no idea! I always thought it was having two males was a bad thing. Jeff and I have talked and did some research and sadly we will not be getting Molly on Saturday. Also I thought about it and not sure how I am going to walk to dogs and watch the kids outside too. That is awesome that you are getting back to it! I am right there with you it is my TOM, I am so bloated and I have not been eating right either! It is time for me to step it up too.

    Spicy- LOL Yep going in for my inside tune up now, since i have over hauled my outside :laugh: Good Luck to you at your dentist appointment :flowerforyou:

    Nicole- Glad to hear that your dance went well!!! I am sure that your body did need that rest day big time :happy:

    Macobb- That you are able to get back to your normal work out now. Great Burn Amiga!!!

    Well it is crappy weather out, very little snow but icee roads :ohwell: . Ya know in Michigan it would be no big deal but here in small town USA it is not a good thing. I have to get Olivia off to school, take Kayla to the doctor I think she might have a bladder infection, go to the library and walmart (lucky for me right across from the dr) and then pick up Olivia. Then tonight Kayla has her first private lesson at ice skating and then she starts her next round of group lessons. We are skating on Saturdays again right now to get her ready for this competition. Skating has done sooooooooooooooooooo much for her!!! She has really come out of her shell! This next part of what I am going to say may be hard to read so be careful! My husbands uncle that lives across the street that I have told you about before causing us a lot of problems. Well I know that I have never told you all anything but he harmed my oldest daughter. We have no proof that he did but since she has started skating it is starting to come out for her. It all started with him trying to break up my marriage and then I found a picture of an unclothed little girls private parts on his cell phone attached to my cell number. Anyway it is a long story and I am willing to tell it in a private message if anyone wants to know more (PLEASE dont feel like you have to ask). Anyway we have found him creeping around outside of our house in the dark at least three times in the last month. So we are looking to move as soon as possible! We have to come up with 3,000 dollars though :sad: My stress level right now is so high and I just want to get away from here and be able to heal my children and my marriage and myself! I don't think that can happen with him living across the street!

    Anway, Sorry I just really had to get that off my chest to you all! There has been so many times I have been scared or really nervous and needed that support of you all to push me through and not eat myself into a hole but was not sure how to say anything since you all did not know what was going on. I keep telling myself and my kids Life can only get better from here!!!!

    I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL Tuesday!!!!

    Amanda :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the eleiptical and some weights. Weighed myself this morning and I'm at 146 :drinker:

    Sandy - Although, I totally think it's TOM :wink: Good for you on taking control... you've had your fun and now it's time to Get that Booty in Gear :flowerforyou: :laugh: I know it's not as easy to reach those 500's once you are as Fit as you :wink: Great Job. Good advice to Amanda... I know as far as Pitbulls, 2 girls is a NO,NO unless they are raised since pups together.

    Nicole - Congrats on your Dance Success :flowerforyou: Hope you enjoyed your Rest day. Those little Rug Rats grow up so quickly... enjoy these years.

    Amanda - Sounds like you are getting your self a Tune-up :wink: Taking good care of yourself Now, will show for years and years to come. :flowerforyou: I have a dentist appt. this week also :cry: not looking forward to it.

    I will probably take Ruby for a walk today. Nice and cold out, 55 degrees :laugh: I have not walked her in a couple weeks because of her Pulling... Let's see if she's matured any :laugh:

    Looks like we are all Keeping it Moving :flowerforyou:

    Make it a great day!

    Hola chica!!

    I'm just dropping in real quick to make a suggestion about Ruby's pulling - we use Halti dog collars. They look like a muzzle - totally not a muzzle - but they wrap around the dog's head & nose area & then you clip your leash right to that. When the dog pulls it's uncomfortable for them because it pulls their nose back. I guess it could remind you of a horse bridle w/ out the mouth bit. Anyway, you may want to check into it. My older dog really got to love hers, but the younger never really took much of a liking to it. Ruby is grown so I'm not sure how quickly she'd adjust, but it could make your walk alot more pleasant.

    Cost of Halti - about 11 dollars, taking a nice, calm walk with your puppy - priceless! :wink: ......:laugh:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! another day of no gym....i knew this would happen, yesterday when i decided to no go, i was thinking that something would happen today and i would be able to go...what do ya know(this happens every time) niko woke up at 2:30 and never fell back asleep until 730 and then woke up again at 900 and was up on and off until 11:grumble: so i missed the classes i wanted to do and i decided to make a doc appointment cause i think he might have an ear infection. busy day.....

    megan- great calorie burn!!!

    sandy- sounds like u have a great plan this week!! i need a week of pain and punishment:laugh: the only downfall that i am having is eating after school and eating the candy that is laying on the table in the classroom:grumble: its so hard when there is a bowl of m&m's on the table:grumble: and there is nothing i can do about it! time to whip out the gum i guess!:tongue:

    spicy- great job on the weigh in and ur workout!!!:drinker: enjoy ur walk today!!

    amanda- sorry to hear about whats been going on...some people r so sick and i just dont understand!! im glad that ice skating has helped ur daughter:flowerforyou: it definitely sounds like u need to get away from there. u r such an inspiration to keep going through all of this, u should be so proud of urself! if u want to talk or tell someone ur story, u can definitely message me anytime u need! hope things work out for u soon, have u tried going to a church for help to get the money u need to move? just a thought.

    hope u all have a great day!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Sandy- Thank you so much for that information I had no idea! I always thought it was having two males was a bad thing. Jeff and I have talked and did some research and sadly we will not be getting Molly on Saturday. Also I thought about it and not sure how I am going to walk to dogs and watch the kids outside too. That is awesome that you are getting back to it! I am right there with you it is my TOM, I am so bloated and I have not been eating right either! It is time for me to step it up too.

    Spicy- LOL Yep going in for my inside tune up now, since i have over hauled my outside :laugh: Good Luck to you at your dentist appointment :flowerforyou:

    Nicole- Glad to hear that your dance went well!!! I am sure that your body did need that rest day big time :happy:

    Macobb- That you are able to get back to your normal work out now. Great Burn Amiga!!!

    Well it is crappy weather out, very little snow but icee roads :ohwell: . Ya know in Michigan it would be no big deal but here in small town USA it is not a good thing. I have to get Olivia off to school, take Kayla to the doctor I think she might have a bladder infection, go to the library and walmart (lucky for me right across from the dr) and then pick up Olivia. Then tonight Kayla has her first private lesson at ice skating and then she starts her next round of group lessons. We are skating on Saturdays again right now to get her ready for this competition. Skating has done sooooooooooooooooooo much for her!!! She has really come out of her shell! This next part of what I am going to say may be hard to read so be careful! My husbands uncle that lives across the street that I have told you about before causing us a lot of problems. Well I know that I have never told you all anything but he harmed my oldest daughter. We have no proof that he did but since she has started skating it is starting to come out for her. It all started with him trying to break up my marriage and then I found a picture of an unclothed little girls private parts on his cell phone attached to my cell number. Anyway it is a long story and I am willing to tell it in a private message if anyone wants to know more (PLEASE dont feel like you have to ask). Anyway we have found him creeping around outside of our house in the dark at least three times in the last month. So we are looking to move as soon as possible! We have to come up with 3,000 dollars though :sad: My stress level right now is so high and I just want to get away from here and be able to heal my children and my marriage and myself! I don't think that can happen with him living across the street!

    Anway, Sorry I just really had to get that off my chest to you all! There has been so many times I have been scared or really nervous and needed that support of you all to push me through and not eat myself into a hole but was not sure how to say anything since you all did not know what was going on. I keep telling myself and my kids Life can only get better from here!!!!

    I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL Tuesday!!!!

    Amanda :flowerforyou:

    So sorry you have been dealing with this Amanda :flowerforyou: Why can't you put him in jail? Now that Kayla is coming out of her shell, she will be willing to talk to a therapist which in turn will report him to the authorities... However, I know I'm just looking in and don't know the specifics. Does your husband have a 401K, you can borrow from that when you have a hardship... and this qualifies in my opinion. You are one of the Strongest "Virtual" friends I know... Karma will come around his way and I hope you and Kayla are a witness to it.

    Anytime you want to Vent, just chose one of your 'Amigas Fuerte"... we are all here for you.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the eleiptical and some weights. Weighed myself this morning and I'm at 146 :drinker:

    Sandy - Although, I totally think it's TOM :wink: Good for you on taking control... you've had your fun and now it's time to Get that Booty in Gear :flowerforyou: :laugh: I know it's not as easy to reach those 500's once you are as Fit as you :wink: Great Job. Good advice to Amanda... I know as far as Pitbulls, 2 girls is a NO,NO unless they are raised since pups together.

    Nicole - Congrats on your Dance Success :flowerforyou: Hope you enjoyed your Rest day. Those little Rug Rats grow up so quickly... enjoy these years.

    Amanda - Sounds like you are getting your self a Tune-up :wink: Taking good care of yourself Now, will show for years and years to come. :flowerforyou: I have a dentist appt. this week also :cry: not looking forward to it.

    I will probably take Ruby for a walk today. Nice and cold out, 55 degrees :laugh: I have not walked her in a couple weeks because of her Pulling... Let's see if she's matured any :laugh:

    Looks like we are all Keeping it Moving :flowerforyou:

    Make it a great day!

    Hola chica!!

    I'm just dropping in real quick to make a suggestion about Ruby's pulling - we use Halti dog collars. They look like a muzzle - totally not a muzzle - but they wrap around the dog's head & nose area & then you clip your leash right to that. When the dog pulls it's uncomfortable for them because it pulls their nose back. I guess it could remind you of a horse bridle w/ out the mouth bit. Anyway, you may want to check into it. My older dog really got to love hers, but the younger never really took much of a liking to it. Ruby is grown so I'm not sure how quickly she'd adjust, but it could make your walk alot more pleasant.

    Cost of Halti - about 11 dollars, taking a nice, calm walk with your puppy - priceless! :wink: ......:laugh:

    Thanks Momma... I'm going to give it a try. I know we would go on so many walks if she wasn't so wild. Did your doggy get used to walking without it after awhile?

    How is your shoulder?
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    hey buddies!! another day of no gym....i knew this would happen, yesterday when i decided to no go, i was thinking that something would happen today and i would be able to go...what do ya know(this happens every time) niko woke up at 2:30 and never fell back asleep until 730 and then woke up again at 900 and was up on and off until 11:grumble: so i missed the classes i wanted to do and i decided to make a doc appointment cause i think he might have an ear infection. busy day.....

    megan- great calorie burn!!!

    sandy- sounds like u have a great plan this week!! i need a week of pain and punishment:laugh: the only downfall that i am having is eating after school and eating the candy that is laying on the table in the classroom:grumble: its so hard when there is a bowl of m&m's on the table:grumble: and there is nothing i can do about it! time to whip out the gum i guess!:tongue:

    spicy- great job on the weigh in and ur workout!!!:drinker: enjoy ur walk today!!

    amanda- sorry to hear about whats been going on...some people r so sick and i just dont understand!! im glad that ice skating has helped ur daughter:flowerforyou: it definitely sounds like u need to get away from there. u r such an inspiration to keep going through all of this, u should be so proud of urself! if u want to talk or tell someone ur story, u can definitely message me anytime u need! hope things work out for u soon, have u tried going to a church for help to get the money u need to move? just a thought.

    hope u all have a great day!!

    You need a rest Buddy... you have been going 100 miles an hour. Hope Nikko gets better soon... Are you taking some water with you to class, some fruit wouldn't hurt either :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today I did an hour and half of Tae Bo! Billy & I burned 574 calories & I'm leaving over 80 OTB tonight! I'm really hoping to keep this momentum up. As long as the girls continue to be healthy (Gabby had a high temp yesterday) we'll be going to step aerobics in the morning. I'll probably have to follow up with a little treadmill at hoome to get to 500. My shoulder is - ok - no great, but okay. The hand I fell on while taking out the dogs still hurts, so hopefully no push ups on the menu tomorrow.

    Amanda, I'm so sorry about what you & you're family are going through. I agree with my amigas, can you get him locked up? Family, shamily!!! :mad: Stop the cycle of abuse.
    I am glad for both you & Kayla that the skating is helping her. My thoughts and prayers for you all. :heart:

    Nicole, I hope that Niko is feeling better by now & that you're able to get some rest.

    Spicy, I hope that you're enjoying your workouts this week. How's your son adjusting to Erie? I know that you miss him, but this change should do him good. A mother's life is truely on of self sacrifice. :heart:
    Congrats on that weigh in this week!!! You're doing awesome!

    Have a great night everyone!

    :smooched: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Thank you so much for all your support and kind words Amigas!!!! I really wish his butt was in jail!!! It is partly my fault he is still out as when I found that picture instead of keeping the phone I confronted him about it and then he deleted the pictures. You know when you get into that situation you think oh I would so do this (I used to say that all time) and then when you are there my brain did not work anymore I was so mad!!! So anyway I was told by a friend that works with kids that have been abused that once she comes out with it he will be there for life. She said Kayla has 30 more years to come out with it in the state of Indiana. I am not sure about the 401K that is something I will need to ask Jeff.

    Sandy- Great job on your workout and keeping over 80 OTB! You can do it girl keep it up! I am taking on the same challenge with you. I really need to get my butt back in gear here. Bathing suit season is coming and I want a tight tummy :) Glad that your should is ok and I hope that it back to great soon!

    Nicole- I hope Niko is feeling better and you were all able to get some sleep last night! Thank you for the suggestion of going to a church. The church we were going to (my husband was a youth pastor there) his family all went to also and sadly when we told the pastor about the problem he did NOTHING about it! Since he was still allowing this man around kids (and his uncle did go to the pastor for council about this) we decided we did not need to be in that kind of church. So not sure where I would go for the help.

    Spicy- Congrats on the 2lb lose this week buddy!!!! YOU ROCK!!!

    I worked out this morning, did my Chalean Fat burn Challenge, and burned 342 calories in 32 minutes. I also am going to lift weights with my friend when she comes this afternoon so I should get my 500 calories in for today :0) . I have to take Kayla to the dentist today as one of her filling came out last night and then this afternoon I have to get a cleaning and a filling done.

    Now I need some kind of no junk food challenge who wants to join me? I HAVE to stop eating the chips and crap! TOM is coming for me I am due on Saturday.

    I hope that you all have a GREAT Wednesday!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    So I went and bought the Halti for Ruby... It was $17.99 at Petco :noway: Then I saw it this morning online for $8.99.:grumble: I figured it's a small price to pay for being able to get my walks in with her... and I can return it if it doesn't work out. :wink:

    I followed the instructions... let her smell it, gave her treats through it, put it on her... she starts swinging her head back and forth and pawing at it :laugh: (the instructions mentioned this would happen and that it looks more exaggerated than what it really is).
    I didn't take her for a walk cause I wanted to cook this steak I had defrosted... I'm gonna keep putting in on her in the house, so she isn't afraid of it and we will take it for a test run this weekend. Thanks Sandy... great idea :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - Thank Goodness for Billy :laugh: You are Kicking Butt, sticking with your challenge. Praying your babies stay healthy till you get off the pounds that are stressing you :wink: I don't join right now, cause I know I'm not at dedicated as I once was and don't want to show a bad example to my Amigas :wink: I will get my but in gear soon :happy: Make sure you have an alternate exercise to do just in case there will be push-ups in step. :wink: My son is doing really good so far... he says "you're heaven compared to my Uncle" :laugh: Like I didn't know this already :wink: :laugh: I do know he is really enjoying being around his Male cousins. I really don't know what to do with myself lately... I've made a "To Do" and making sure I do at least 1 thing from it while he's away... I don't want to have made this sacrifice for nothing.

    Amanda - Glad you looked into what you are going to do when Kayla is ready to talk more about things... That "Animal" will be in for a big surprise... It's really scary that the church didn't boot him out on his rear :noway: A therapist is the way to go, in my opinion :flowerforyou:
    I'm making a Hardship Withdrawal from my 401K this month, because things are so tight, now that I have make sure Jordan has what he needs in Erie, thats why i mentioned it. :wink:

    Nicole - Is Nikko better today? I noticed the message fro you that said "You've Logged in for 30 days in a Row" :noway: You are definately a gal to be reckoned with :wink:

    Someone on the boards mentioned how many Fitness Video are for Instant Watching on Netflix... I've had a membership for months and didn't notice... There are hundreds of videos including dancing videos.:bigsmile:

    Tonight is Zumba for me :bigsmile:

    Make it a Fantastic Day Amigas!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! i woke up today just not feeling like going to the gym because i have a project for school that has to be done tonight and i have some papers that need to be turned in to h&w by today, so rather than rushing and being stressed im taking the day off to get my stuff done! i took niko to the doc, all is fine, but he is getting his molars maybe thats why he has been so irritable?? i got to sleep all night last night, which was great cause i was soooooo tired at school last night! i am so in for the no junk food challenge, and i decided that i would ask my class to do a similar challenge with me so we can all get control over the candy! most people in the class r in the same situation as me! LETS DO THIS!!!

    spicy- im glad u got that thing for ur dog, now u can really enjoy ur walks!! i do drink tons of water during school, but the bowl of m&m's is sitting right in front of me:grumble: and its so hard...there's only 8 of us, so the table is not so big:laugh: im glad ur son is doing good!

    sandy- great burn!!! i hope ur shoulder starts feeling better soon!:flowerforyou:

    amanda- great burn!!! i am SHOCKED that the church did nothing!!! that is horrible! did u talk to other parents in the church, so they could protect their children? i just cant believe that...i am sooo sorry!:flowerforyou: u and ur family r in my prayers..i know all will work out for u!

    hope everybody has a great day...of to start my project!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Gabby was still under the weather today, so we ended up staying in & getting on the treadmill. I was able to burn 480 before she insisted that I hold her! She had been taking a nap for most of my workout but woke up crying & just wanted me to hold her. Poor baby! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her.
    I'm leaving over 100 OTB tonight! Thursdays are usually my rest days, but I haven't decided what I'll do about that yet.

    Spicy, I'm glad that you're working the Halti in! Hopefully Ruby will like it. One warning I do have is that just a hand ful of times, my Roxie, was able to wiggle her nose out of the harness while walking & she almost got away from me. So just be on the look out for that & make sure that it fits her snuggly around her head. Hopefully Ruby will learn to love it & the two of you can enjoy your walks together!
    Let me know if you find any good workouts on Netflix!

    Nicole, I hope that you enjoyed your "rest" day & that you were able to get everything done that you needed to. Hopefully Niko is feeling better. Good for you on getting your classmates involved in your candy challenge! Can you get rid of that M&M bowl?? If you bring it up to a vote, you may find that others feel the same way. Maybe you could relocate it to another part of the room??

    Amanda, I too am shocked that your church & pastor haven't done anything about the sexual preditor in their midst. What a sick, sick world we live in. My thoughts and prayers for you. :heart:

    Make it a great day buddies!!

    :drinker: Sandy