Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Buenos Dias Amigas!!!

    I only have a couple of minutes this morning before I have to get Olivia to preschool. Yes I agree that it was very shocking to say the least to see how the church responded to this. Jeff had just finished working there and we were very active in the church. It is a small country church and everyone is related somehow.

    I worked out this morning I did my Chalean Burn Intervals and burned 435 calories in 45 minutes and then I did the Ab work out and burned 54 calories in 10 minutes. JUST shy of 500.

    Sandy- I hope that Gabby is feeling better today! Kayla seems to be getting a cold :( I can't wait for spring!!! Great job leaving the 100 OTB!!!! You can do it keep it up!

    Spicy- I hope that the new collar that Sandy told you about works well for Ruby! A good walk will be good for both of you :) How is your son doing? How are you doing with it?

    Nicole- After all those hard days of work outs you have done your body needed all those rest days! I hope Niko is doing better today! I was able to stay away from the junk yesterday :) I even made salsa cheese dip for Jeff and I only had one small piece of chip and dipped it and honestly before I ate it I kept telling myself it was not going to be worth it and it seemed to help me not want more lol. I think it would be great for you to involve your class in the staying away from junk, they will all thank you later :)

    Make it a GREAT Thursday!!!

  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    gotta be quick cause im running behind....went to yoga(120 cal) then walked for a little while (100 cal) still feeling drained, but at least i got to the gym!!

    hope u all have a great night!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Back to my 2 Jillian Michaels DVD'S today. No workout yesterday, my left leg was sore so I gave it a rest and I was feeling a little lazy. Trying to make sure the house stays spotless for Saturday, my daughter is turning 1. We live with my parents and my mom goes crazy when people are coming over and the house is a mess, so I'm starting early.
    My husband is starting to work out with me now. It's nice not doing it alone.
    Anyways, have a great night girls, and great job on all your workouts.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Fridays Amigas!!! :happy:

    I was really busy with work... no time for posting :grumble: but I did log in my food. I must be Pmsing again cause I ate Fruit Loops, Corn pops and Nilla Wafers for dinner :noway: All that after I came from the dentist.. I'm a MESS, I know :frown:

    Wednesday, I didn't go to Zumba. Just wasn't feeling it :ohwell: So I decided I was gonna try the Halti with Ruby. She is fine with it until, I opened the gate... She starts wailing her head all around trying like a maniac to get out... Her "Prey Drive" for cats took over and she didn't give a DAM about no Halti :laugh: The way she was pulling on it, I thought it was going to snap, so I'm trying desperately to get to it so I can put her lead back on her collar. She is pulling right to the area where she KNOWS the cats hang out... Finally, about 5 yards away from the "cats hangout" I get a good hold of her head and secure the lead... It was Nerve Racking. I still took her for a short walk (2 miles) because I needed to calm down. Needless to say, Halti will be returned today :laugh: I'm just gonna have to keep taking her out more consistently and have her get used to it.

    Nicole - Good luck on your project :flowerforyou: Great Idea to have the class join your challenge... maybe you can even get them to change the M&Ms to something less damaging :wink: I'm glad Nikko isn't sick, but poor little guy... toothaches suck :frown:

    Sandy - Thank Goodness you got the majority of your workout in before you had to tend to the Gabby... There is no better Comfort than being in your mommys arms :love: Maybe Gabby is teething too? aren't Nikko and she a few months apart?

    Amanda - Good job on Staying in Control :drinker: You must not be PMSing :laugh: My son is doing well... he adjusting pretty quickly, being that I have to nag him to call me :huh: :laugh: How was the Private skating lesson... So wonderful for Kayla to have a Passion for something :happy:

    Macobb - That is Great that your hubby is your Workout Buddy Now :happy: I was feeling the same way... I did some Inner Thigh exercise on Monday and Boy was I feeling it... I don't think I ever worked those muscles before :laugh: Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:

    Planning on making up for my lazy Week, this weekend :embarassed:

    Have a lot of work to do today :ohwell:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was step aerobics for me! It had been over a week since I'd been there, but it felt good to be back & I'm definately going to be feeling it tomorrow! I forgot my HRM :grumble: so I'm estimating at 350 or so, as I did have to run MJ to the potty 1x. I had been doing pretty good with leaving cals OTB & with my workouts this week, but last night I gave into the Honey Bunches of Oats!! I don't know why I buy that stuff!! It's so yummy & I just can't control myself with it.
    Do you guys ever feel that when you don't have the calories left (especially on rest days) that you tend to go overboard with things?? I was already over by a bit & figured WTH & had the cereal too! Why do I do this?? I know better!! :mad:

    Spicy, so sorry that Ruby & the Halti aren't working out! Oh well, at least you tried! That Ruby sure loves her cats doesn't she??!! Has she ever "gotten" one?? I wonder if she would be totally unimpressed??
    Stay strong through that PMS girl! You're doing so great! :drinker:

    Megan, how did Jillian treat you yesterday?? How's the leg feeling today?? Did the rest help out any??

    Nicole, great job on the workouts! Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon & have your energy back! You're such a busy, busy girl!! I'm glad that you found out whats going on with Niko! Poor baby!

    Amanda, great workout! That Chalean aint no joke!! 435 in 45 minutes!! You must be dripping with sweat afterwards!! I need to find a way to get to 400/500 faster it just takes too long for me!

    Make it a great day Amigas! Have a great weekend & keep strong!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! gonna be quick today cause i have to get ready for niko's bday tonight! went to zumba and burned 550 cal!!! ill post more later, gotta run!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Hey girls, just did NMTZ today. I was in a hurry and still had to get kids bathed and dressed.

    Spicy I know how those inner thigh exercizes feel. they are a pain. I am hoping my husband will keep up his workouts.

    Sanifrey Jillian Michaels is great she kicks my butt. My leg is better, the rest really helped.

    Nicole I will see you later at Nikole's Bday party.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    Today I did The Biggest Loser Cardio Max & 25minutes on the treadmill for a total of 535! Feeling good! I'm really hoping that things will even out & I'll be back to my goal weight by Monday! I did, however, have too much honey bunches of oats :grumble: but, hopefully it'll work out between my workouts & other days of left over cals. We'll see!

    I hope you all are having a great weekend!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    did zumba toning today.... burned 550 cal!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    My baby turned one today.
    I did BFBM today. Tomorrow I will take a rest.

    Nicole Thank you for coming to the Bday party and for the clothes. I just noticed how I spelled Nikolas in my last post, Sorry.

    Sanifrey How is that Biggest Loser DVD? I was thinking about trying one of them. Great cal burn

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Buddies!

    I did pretty good this weekend :bigsmile:

    Step and Lift Class on Saturday.
    Zumba on Sunday.

    Although, I had a "Medium Dairy Queen Strawberry Cheesequake Blizzard" :embarassed: I was still within my calories :smokin: I worked out 2 hours for that :laugh:

    I have "Diva Hair" so I will resume workouts, probably on Wednesday :ohwell:

    Nicole & Macobb - So your babies had a Birthday Party the same weekend? Sounds like you ladies had some "temptations" to avoid this weekend... I'm sure you ladies were too busy to do much damage :wink: You are up to 35 consistent days loggin in :drinker: Great Job Momma! I discovered that i usually didn't click on the "completed today's diary" that is why I never got a "completed diary message on the home page" Duh. :laugh:

    Sandy - How is the scale treating you today? :flowerforyou: Is the baby feeling better? Good Girl in covering youself for your treat :wink: I know all about that :laugh: I think you should only buy that cereal during PMS week. :laugh: Did you defeat the CL cravings? I was thinking about you mentioning how hard it's for you to reach 500 calories... What % is your heartrate when your doing cardio? during Zumba mine goes up to 104% for a little bit, most of the time it's at 93 - 98%... also, I always keep moving in between drinks of water and such, so my HR doesn't go too low. If the estimate is 10 calories per minute during a moderate workout, I don't see why you shouldn't be in the 500's with a 50 minute workout... Could it be the HRM needs a new battery?

    Amanda - How was the weekend? :flowerforyou:

    I'm still really busy at work , so you guys won't be seeing me much today.

    Make it a Great day Buddies!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was a great step & tone class - 435 cals burned! Our instructor takes us non-stop through the alphabet steps & it's such a great workout! Really keeps the heart pumping all the way through! The scale has not been very kind to me lately, so I'm going to tighten things up a bit. Starting with no more HBO cereal!! I'm really going to try to eat clean this week & get my water in, it's gotta make a difference! :wink:

    Megan, I love the BL Cardio Max dvd! I have the BL Sculpt & another one that I can't even remember what it's called. The Cardio Max is definately my favorite. It has former contestants all at various stages of their weight loss. It really has alot of lunges in it & it really keeps you moving through the whole thing. It's definately one of my "go to" workouts. I hadn't been using it too much lately, but used it just the other day & really feel all the lunges in my quads & thighs. :bigsmile: I love the pain - it let's me know I'm workin'!! :drinker:

    S[picy, I wonder if my HRM does need a new battery? I always record my information in my exerecise notes. I never fully understand why my HRM shoes that when I'm in my zone for a long time II actually burn less fat % - that doesn't make any sense to me For instance today it says I was in my target zone for 25minutes, but I only burned 40% fat --- ??? Why is that??
    How long are you in your zone during your workouts??

    Nicole, great workouts, buddy!! You're doing so great!! How is Niko feeling?

    Have a great day buddies!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! gotta be quick today...went to zumba (300 cal) then ran a mile and walked some after (100 cal) now i am off to shower, make dinner then school! have a great night!!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey ladies!!!

    Going to make this fast. I sadly have two sick kids and I started my silly period so I am feeling crappy. My weight is up a couple of pounds and I know I have not been eating great AND I also know I am not going over my calories and making sure I burn close to 500 everyday so I am guessing it is my TOM. I am going to do my lean circuit 1 this afternoon and see how I feel later and hoping to get some cardio in there.

    On an exciting note Jeff and I put a bid on a house today! I so hope and pray that this works out. We were going to get that townhouse but at 1,100 a month I told him we needed to see if we could a house before we sign a lease. So we did an we found out we could afford more then we thought. So we went house hunting and found the perfect house! Here is the listing if you want to look at it if you all pray please pray that we get this house and get the heck out of here ASAP!!!

    Sandy- I am going to take that Challenge with you! I have got to do something with this weight and the fact that I am giving in all the time. We can do it together Buddy!

    Nicole- I hope that Niko had a great birthday party!!! Great burn today have a great night at class!

    Spicy- Great job this weekend buddy and with having a blizzard and being able to stay in your calories!!! Enjoy your Diva hair :)
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Hey girls, did NMTZ today. I am cutting it down to 1 DVD a day for this week. My knees and right calf are hurting a bit.

    Great job on all your workouts, have a great night girls.
  • passionhi
    Good Morning Amigas!!!!

    I have really been in a funky mood lately. :indifferent: Nothing major, just....I don't know. But anyway, glad to see everyone is doing well.

    Will check back in soon.

    Make it a great day Ladies!!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello Buddies!!

    Today I had a great workout with my Biggest Loser Workout 2 dvd - I hadn't used that one in a long time & couldn't even remember what it was called the other day, but it really was a great workout! Lots of lunges & squating. There's even a nice workout that they call functional flexability. I had to add on another 20 minutes on the treadmill to bring my burn up & over to 535.
    I did really well with drinking my water yesterday & it made quite a difference in how I felt. I was much more satisfied with my meals & didn't feel the need to keep eating. I made a delicious Broiled Parmasean Tilapia yesterday & the whole family enjoyed it. I found the recipe on - very good!

    Amanda, I'm sorry to hear that your little ones are sick - I hope that they're feeling better soon! Good luck to you on the house, that's such an exciting time! Hang in there with the pms/scale thing. It's so unfair that we have to struggle with these ups & downs & cravings every month!

    Passion, nice to have you check in, but I am sorry to hear that you're struggling with your mood - that's no fun! Hang in there! How are your workouts coming along?

    Megan, great job on the workouts - please be careful! Have you tried icing your knees & calves after your workouts?? I was just reading another thread about a jogger who regularly has to ice, but feels so much better the next day! Worth a shot!

    Nicole, great job on the workout! Keep going chica! You're amazing!

    Spicy, I hope that you're doing well & enjoying your diva hair! I'm sure that the rest will do your body good! The only thing I HATE about rest days is the lack of extra calories to eat!

    Make it a great day Amigas!! BL is on tonight!! Oh ya, I have a new video on the way - Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout! I can't wait!!! Anyone else try or hear about this one yet?? I'm sure I'll love it either way - Jillian is my hero! LOL!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today. I am trying to get my GED, I took the math test today. Can't wait to find out if I passed.

    Sanifrey Thanks for the tip, I will try it.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Hump Day Amigas!

    I've been really busy with this project at work and I'm still not done... The good thing is the days have been zooming :bigsmile: .

    Sandy - You are the DVD Queen :laugh: I know I can always come and ask your opinion about a good DvD :wink: You've been doing a great job making sure you reach those 500 calories although it takes alittle more time. You'll get those extra lbs. off soon :wink: I was thinking about you... whenever I'm home I think about snacking on something... thank god I have work that distracts me for 8 hours, 5 days a weeek. You must to deal with snacks, meals because of the girls all day everyday :noway: That takes REAL Will Power. You Rock Momma! :bigsmile:

    About your question. My HRM doesn't show how many "Fat calories" I've burned, but it shows how long I was in MY zone... I have my Zone set between 75% - 90% of my Target. I'm usually not in my zone for long, especially during Zumba, Step or Rollerblading... I'm always in the 98% and and above. However, I've read on here that the "Fat burning zone" theory isn't as concrete as once thought, because if you stay within the "fat buring" zone you will have a less intense workout, therefore burning less calories all together... but if you workout in the higher "Zone" you are burning more Fat and Carb calories because you are exerting more effort... get it? I have a way of confusing things :laugh: The gist of it... stay as close to your Target for as long as you can safely, even go over for a little while to give you heart a good workout :wink: This is only my opinion :wink:
    How are the Babies doing?

    Nicole - Glad you are doing so well with School and your workouts... :happy: Thanks for still taking time to check in on and motivate your Amigas :flowerforyou:

    Passion - So sorry you are in a "mood" lately :flowerforyou: Make sure you keep logging... That keeps the numbers in YOur Face and aware how much damage, if any, you could make. Maybe you're PMSING? Look in the mirror with those size 8's on WOman! I know you are PROUD of yourself :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - The kids were doing good for awhile... Hope they get over it quick :flowerforyou: You and Sandy have so many " daily challenges" and still manage to take time out FOR YOU :flowerforyou: You Ladies are Prime examples that Keeping your Body Healthy maintains your Mind Healthy. :happy: For the most part... TOM doesn't count :laugh:

    Macobb - Best of Luck on Your Math Test :flowerforyou: That is Awesome of you to go back and get that GED... Great example for the Babies :wink:

    I really want to go rollerblading today. It's a bit Breezy but I figure the better the workkout, with all the "resistance" :wink: I really do enjoy an outside workout more than anything :bigsmile:

    Make it a Fab Day Buddies!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!

    We found out yesterday afternoon that the house is OURS!!! We are so excited to say the least. So that means we get to be out of this house by April 1st :love: So lots of busy packing and paint picking for me :happy:

    Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day for me but I did my fat burn intervals. I just felt like I needed to do something and glad I did because when Kayla and I got home from ice skating practice Jeff had bought pizza. I only had one piece and I picked off the pepperoni and then I had popcorn so I did not feel to cheated :laugh:

    Spicy- Glad to hear that your project is making time fly by, I love days like sometimes. I agree a little breeze would be a great extra calorie burn for you :smile: Thanks for the well wishes for the kids. Every time they hang out with my friends three kids (who always seem to have colds) my kids get sick and it just gets worse for Kayla as she has asthma.

    Passion- Sorry to hear you are in one of those moods. Big Hugs to you Amiga!

    Macobb- That is great that you are going to school! I hope that your math test went well!

    Sandy- I have seen Jillians last chance workout at Target for like 10 bucks. I was hoping to get there on Saturday to get it. I am with you Jillian is my hero :happy:

    Nicole- You are one amazing woman! Great job keeping up with school, family and working out!!!

    This morning I am going to do school with the kids and hope to get Kayla into the dr. Then this afternoon I am going to work out. Do some cardio and then my Lean Circuit 2.

    Make it a great Wednesday Buddies!