Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Sandy- Great job on your work out! It is nice to get that ice cream every now and then :) I think I may treat myself to some tomorrow.

    Spicy- I hope you are doing well girl!

    Nicole- Hope you and the kids get to feeling better!

    Megan- Great job keeping up with your work outs!!

    Well I kicked some butt today! I burned over 1,000 calories today :) I did my chalean burn intervles like I was supposed to and my ab work out then when my work out buddy and I got together she had not worked out yet. She said she needed some motivation so I worked out (burn intervels) and with each of those burn dvds I burned 450-460 calories. I feels good to leave so many on the table.

    Tomorrow Kayla has ice skating and then we are going to pick up Molly (our new dog). We decided to do it. I did some research about two females and with their breed they should be fine. They are both laid back dogs so we will see. The lady said any problems we can bring her back no problem. This week we get to find out a lot about our house! We get the home inspection on Monday, find out about the approve on our loan and we get the appraisle so big week for us!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did BL Cardio Max and NMTZ.

    Sanifrey I didn't know BFBM was a book. It is all cardio, she does some kickboxing in 2 of the circuits. It is a warm up seven circuits and a cool down. I love them both. I can't wait to try Jillians Yoga Meltdown, It comes out on 03/02/2010.

    KZO How did you burn that many calories? I don't really know how much I burn, I just go by what MFP says. Great Job. How do your muscles feel?

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Just a quick check in - I had a great workout today with BL Cardio Max & my treadmill 533 calories burned in 1 hour & 20 minutes. I hope that all you girls are doing well!

    Megan, great minds think alike - BLCM for me today too! :wink: BFBM sounds great too!!

    Amanda, grerat workout!! How exciting for you with the house & new dog!!

    Have a great weekend!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today.

    Sanifrey I just got the BLCM Jillians level was the hardest one for me. I like the different moves in level 3.

    Have a great night girls.
  • nicolet04
    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!:heart: things r starting to get back to normal...i have been soooo busy and both kids have been sick for the past week...seems like they r on the mend!!! thank that my hubby is no going to be home to watch them so i can go to the gym:laugh: i went to zumba yesterday and then zumba toning burned 850 cal!!! just been lazy today, enjoying the day off!!! hope u all have a fabulous night!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I got back from step class today - 333 calories burned & ate my way through the house!! I was so stinkin hungry & now I have only 175 left for the day!! I'll have to work out more or just have a very small dinner..... :grumble: I'm definately PMS-ing!!

    I hope that the rest of you girls are planning your days better then me!!

    Have a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    gotta hurry cause hubby need the computer for his online classes.....ran today 3 miles..340 cal burned!! didnt get anything else in cause mikaela had swim and then i had to rush home by 12 to register for the half marathon that im doing cause they said it would be full within 40 min!!! im so excited :bigsmile: hope u all have a super day!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    BLCM and BFBM for me today.

    Sanifrey You do great all the time, I wouldn't worry too much about going over your cals every once in a while.

    Nicole Good luck on that half marathon, you're going to do great.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Belated Happy Valentine's Day! :flowerforyou:

    I was sooo busy this weekend. You guys remember Beans? This past weekend was her Trinidad Carnival. The airports were cancelling flights left and right because of the weather. :noway: So she had to do all kinds of flight changes and re-routing. She finally got to Miami, Thursday night, thank goodness :bigsmile: Her next flight wasn't leaving till 6 pm Friday, so we made it a "girls day out". I called into work and we had a Great day together... By 3 pm all I had eaten was a banana. Needless to say I did great on my calories. :happy: I hadn't weighed in since Jan. 26th. Being that TOM is long gone I was brave enough to get on the scale.... 145!!!! :drinker: I've Reached MY GOAL :bigsmile: I really had to look at the scale really closely :noway: It actually read 144, but I didn't want to push it :laugh:
    Thanks to my Amigas Fuerte I didn't lose FOCUS :happy: Seeing you girls Keeping at it, although some of you have reached your goals... it's contagious :bigsmile: I don't think I would have continued to workout weekly if I didn't come here and see that my Amigas have Changed their way of Life... and Exercise is now part of it!

    It's been chilly here the past few days, so you ladies know I'm Divafied :laugh: I will probably start my workouts on Wednesday with Zumba.

    Sandy - So sorry your dealing with PMS :flowerforyou: So Proud of you for making sure you minimized the damage :flowerforyou: I agree with Megan... You worked really hard last week and you probably broke even :wink: PMS and Ice Cream = the perfect combination... Your hubby is a Gem :happy: Looks like you've found a BL DvD partner in Megan :wink: You Go Girls! Did you buy your new workout shoes? I really need to buy some before I hurt myself... I've had my sneakers 2+ years :noway:

    Nicole - WooHoo! You're all signed up and ready for your Marathon :drinker: You are a Great Example Momma! Glad to hear your babies are recovering and you will be back into your routine. Have you done anybody's hair or nails yet? :smile:

    Amanda - You are such a Good friend :flowerforyou: Helping your friend Make-up for her missed workouts turned out to be a Super Win for you too... I'm sure you felt Wonderful leaving a bunch of calories on the table. Hope you get back Great news about YOUR house! and Congrats on the New doggy :flowerforyou:

    Keep Kickin Butt Amigas! :flowerforyou:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good morning Amigas!!

    Well sadly Jeff and I had to let that house go. We got the home inspection and it was not good at all! The seller said they would help with what had to be fixed but there was so much that we just felt it better to back out. We found another house yesterday and put in an offer. Someone else did too and the seller excepted the other offer. So back to house hunting for us :sad: On a good note Molly is working out GREAT here! We love her and Bella is getting more comfortable with her around. We have not had any problems so far other then Bella just wanting extra attention just like a kid with a new baby lol. I have been keeping up with my workouts and doing ok on my calories although I have not logged in anything really since Saturday. I need to suck it up and weight myself but during this Lean month on Chalean I tend to gain muscle so would hate to see a big number on that scale lol.

    Spicy- It is great to hear from you! I am glad that you had a lot of fun with Beans!!!! I am glad you were able to take the day and be with her :smile: CONGRATULATIONS on hitting your goal girl!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Keep it up!

    Sandy-I agree with the others you work so hard that I am sure a day or so of PMSing will not hurt you!

    Nicole- That is AWESOME that you are going to run! You will do great Amiga!!! :flowerforyou:

    Megan- Biggest Loser are great workouts! That is how I lost most of my weight in the beginning. Keep up the great work girl!

    Ok off to look for more houses to look at tonight :tongue:

    Make it a great day Ladies!
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! went to a cardio circuit class today (240 cal) and then walked for an hour(250 cal) i was planning on running but i have huge blisters on my feet and it hurt too bad to run:grumble: i popped them now, so hopefully i will be good to go tomorrow!!

    megan- great job with ur workouts!! :bigsmile: keep it up!

    spicy- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:drinker: i am so glad that u made it to ur goal! U ROCK!!!:bigsmile: enjoy ur diva hair:wink: i did my friends hair, but havnt done anything else yet, im not supposed to until im out of 4 weeks!! cant wait!

    amanda- great job on keeping up with ur workouts during this stressful time!:flowerforyou: u r such an inspiration!! sorry about the house, but i know u will find something great!

    off to get ready for school, hope u all have a great day!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did NMTZ. I didn't have time for any more cuz I had to go on a field trip with my sons school. His first field trip.

    Nicole great work. Careful with your feet, feel better soon.

    KZO sorry about the house. You know what they say, "everything happens for a reason."

    Have a great night girls.
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! went to kettle bells today...430 cal burned in 45 min!!! its such a great workout!

    hope u all have a great day!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Just a quick check in - today was step aerobics, I burned 373 calories! My hubby is finally, yes finally, on board with us here at MFP. This is day 3 for him & I'm so very proud of him! He's helping to keep me inline through my pms cravings!

    Spicy, I am so proud of you!! You did it!! :drinker: I just got some new shoes on Sunday - what a difference they make! I'm also happy that you got to spend some time with Beans!!

    Amanda, sorry about the house hunting complications. You have got to believe that everything happens for a reason & you will find something! Stay strong!

    Nicole, great job on your workouts! You're always doing so well!! I hope that your blisters are better! They can be so painful!

    Megan, keep it up! You're doing great!!

    Have a great night!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No work out today, not a good day at all for me. Major family problems. Sometimes I just don't see the point.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    I've been a little sad past couple days... My "friend" and I are no longer seeing eachother.:sad: I discovered we just aren't on the same "page". :ohwell: Don't want to discuss it really... At least now, I will get back on track with my workouts :wink:

    Nicole - I wish we had a Kettle ball class. Sounds intense and great for the upper body :happy: Exactly what I need to work on. Looks like you are still GOING STRONG Amiga :bigsmile:

    Macobb - How was you baby's first field trip? I'm sorry you're having Family Issues... we all do unfortunately at one point or other.

    Amanda - Amy luck on the house hunting side? So that means you guys are not relocating anywhere near Florida?

    Sandy - So happy that your Hubby is back on the Wagon. Great to have someone at home to keep you accountable :wink:

    I haven't worked out in 7 whole days :noway:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas Fuerte!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    We have found another house!!! We should find out today if they excepted our offer or not. Other then that life is just busy with the kids, husband and well just life lol. I burned 803 calories last night. I missed one of my lifting days on tuesday so I did my two work outs last night plus my lifting from tuesday. Before I know it I will be done with Chalean Extreme and not sure what I am going to do with myself until I am able to get P90X. Maybe I will go back to Biggest Loser videos.

    Spicy- I am so sorry to hear about you and your "friend" Big Hugs to you! Glad that you will be able to get back on track for yourself now :smile:

    Sandy- That is AWESOME that your husband is here on MFP now! I am working on my husband and I got him to work out with me once this weekend and then that was it. Plus he is not interested in watching what he eats unless it is going into is mouth. Really scares me! Can't wait to hear about his progress!

    Macobb- I am sorry to hear that you are having family problems! Sometimes I think that is what family is for, creating stress!!!

    Nicole- Kettle bells sound great! I bet you are going to have a ripped upper body in no time doing that work out!

    Today I have to do Lean 3 and we will see how my food goes today as to if I am going to get some cardio in or not. Kids have swim lessons tonight and the most exciting is finding out about the house! If we work out an offer I will post a picture or two :happy:

    Make it a GREAT Thursday!!! :drinker:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    No "workout" for me today - just 3 hours of housework & furniture moving. I didn't wear my HRM - MFP said over 400 calories so I bumped it down to 300 - I figure 100 cals per hour. Hopefully I won't need them! My hubby is doing so great! I'm really proud of him!! He said that he's not going to start working out yet, but he's quickly learning how fast you can use up calories in the course of a day. He'll start using the treadmill real soon, I'm sure! :wink:

    Spicy, I am so sorry that things didn't work out with you & your friend. (((HUGS))) We're here for you amiga & we love you!! I bet a good, tough workout will get you feeling good again! :wink: How are you liking your new moisturizers?

    Amanda, I'm so happy to hear that you guys found another house! I hope that everything works out!! Great workout too by the way! :drinker:

    Megan, sorry to hear about your family issues. A good workout may help relieve some stress & get your mind off of things, if only for a little while! :smile:

    Nicole, I hope that things are going well! How did you feel after the kettlebell class? :smile:

    Make it a great day amigas!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! gotta be quick cause i decided to take a 20 min nap before i got on cause i am super tired!! went to yoga today and burned 260 cal!! the highest burn i have ever had in yoga! i was going to run after but i am just so tired and shaky today so i took it easy and walked (150 cal.) now i must get ready for school so im not late! i have been doing really great lately in all area's.....knock on wood...but i wont weigh myself for a month or so, cause when i do it really discourages i am only going by how i feel and i feel great!!!

    have a great night buddies! ill be able to post more tomorrow, cause tonight is my friday! MUAH!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Tday I did BLBC 305 cals burned. Thanks for the support everyone, it means a lot.

    Nicole great job. Take it easy. For some reason I have the shakes too.

    Sanifrey congrats on getting your husband involved.

    KZO great cal burn. Good luck on the house.

    Spicy The field trip was great. I know I could never be a preschool teacher now. LOL. Sorry about your friend, hope everything works out.

    Have a great night girls.