Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy - I took your advice... Ruby and I went for a nice long walk and I felt much better :flowerforyou: Thanks friend, for reminding me that "working out" Gets the Brain pumping the "good stuff" :wink: Not to mention, I ate some Lasagna I made and wanted to make sure I was covered :wink: someone on the Recipe forum told me about adding cream cheese to the Ricotta and OHHH MAN it's good... definately not low cal, but I used Turkey meat and egg beaters to try to minimize the damage. You really got your Cleaning on momma :happy: I need to do some of that at my house :embarassed: I haven't opened the avon yet... I'm flaky like that :laugh: I will let you all know as soon as i try it. Your hubby will be borrowing your HRM soon... after he figures out "we work for food" :laugh:

    Nicole - What was different in Yoga that you burned that many calories? I totally agree about weighing yourself "few and far between", I make sure I do it about 1 week after TOM is gone :wink:

    Amanda - You are Blazing through those Programs... What is your GOal again? :happy: Got my fingers crossed that your offer is accepted. :smile:

    Macobb - Great Burn momma. Yeah, I work for the Schoolboard and I know I'm not made for teaching :laugh: Glad you were able to get away from the Drama and enjoy your baby. :flowerforyou:

    Hope Everyone has a Wonderful Day! :flowerforyou:
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!! lifted weights today (100 cal) and then went to zumba (525 cal!!) i started a no sugar challenge, i paid $5 and the last person standing gets the pot...which is at $100...lets hope i can do it!! i really could use the money!!

    megan- great job on keeping up with ur workouts during this stressful time!! u ROCK!!! dont stress too much, i know all will work out for ya!:flowerforyou:

    spicy- sorry about u and ur friend:flowerforyou: everything happens for a reason and each person that we let go leads us to someone more amazing!:wink: i burned more in yoga cause everyday she changes it up and we were doing back bends and crazy stuff like that:laugh: that lasagna sounds delish!!:tongue:

    sandy- so glad ur hubby is on board!! so much easier doing the "healthy thing" together!! keep up the great work!!:drinker:

    amanda- hope u get the house!!:flowerforyou: u r doing awesome with ur workouts, keep it up!:drinker:

    off to the shower..have a fabulous weekend!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today, got a couple new DVD's to help keep me motivated. I will for sure be back on next week.

    Nicole you're gonna do great on your challenge. We should get together. Hey I found some $38 HRM at walmart. Do you think they would be good or is that too cheap?

    Spicy I love home made lasagne. I think mine is the bomb. I should try that cream cheese thing.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I had a great step class today - 403 calories burned!! The whole class had a wonderful energy & everyone was so into it!! What a great way to end a week! The classes had been small because of the weather but we were all there today! It was great!

    Tomorrow is a busy day so I may save my treadmill run for Sunday. I've got a 5k to get ready for next month!

    Spicy, I'm glad that your walk with Ruby has you feeling better! Keep up the great work Amiga!!

    Nicole, sounds like you've got some great workouts going on there! Keep it up! Stay strong for the candy challange!! You can do it!

    Megan, what cha get? What cha get???

    Have a great weekend Amigas!! :heart: Sandy

    One, more thing - in case you didn't already know - Danish butter cookies are the devil!! :devil:
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Sanifrey I got BL weight loss yoga and I used your advice and got Billy Blanks 10th Anniversary Edition Tae Bo. Can't wait to try it. I watched some of it to see what it was like and I like it, the music is kinda corny though LOL.

    Nicole I looked up Kettle Bells. It looks like a good work out. How much do the kettle bells weigh?
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Tday I did Billy Blanks Tae BO and BL weight loss yoga.
    I entered 50mins of yoga and it said 90 cals. Is that right?
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Sanifrey I got BL weight loss yoga and I used your advice and got Billy Blanks 10th Anniversary Edition Tae Bo. Can't wait to try it. I watched some of it to see what it was like and I like it, the music is kinda corny though LOL.

    Nicole I looked up Kettle Bells. It looks like a good work out. How much do the kettle bells weigh?

    I know I know!! Billy seems really corny at first! I felt so silly the first couple of times - BUT - you have got to respect the burn you get!! Keep at it!! You'll really see & feel a difference!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Tday I did Billy Blanks Tae BO and BL weight loss yoga.
    I entered 50mins of yoga and it said 90 cals. Is that right?

    I think that's probably pretty close - yoga seems to be more about toning, & stretching - not alot of cardio there. I find Pilates to be the same way - unless it's a mixture of cardio moves. I guess it just depends on the routine. I think that Nicole just mentioned the other day, that she got a good burn doing some yoga - maybe she'll have some insight on the subject.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!

    Great step class today! It was hard to get motivated & moving, but I'm so glad that I did!! 391 calories burned! I ate so bad over the weekend & my TOM is starting anyday now - so needless to say - I'm a complete mess! My weight is up, I'm bloated, I feel like I'm getting sick - you name it - I got it!! But enough about me!!! How are my Buddies???

    Let's kick some butt with some challenges this week!! How about no late night snacking!! How about nothing after 8 PM (Nicole - I know you eat a late dinner now, so how about just no snacks afterwards)

    Anyone else want to challenge our group??

    Make it a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!

    Well my weekend was HORRIBLE to say the least. The weather was wonderful! On Saturday we had a busy day and that night I went out with a friend and had dinner, shopped and went for coffee. I worked out but sure I went over on my calories. Sunday woke up not feeling the greatest (getting a cold from the change in weather). Could not stop eating all day (just days a way from starting my period). My work out yesterday was running after Molly the two times she ran out of our gated yard. She wanted out so bad that one time she got her body (and she is not a small skinny dog) under the gate of the fence and lifted the gate off the hinges. This was the third or fourth time this week she has run off. She does not come back when called. So for her safety since she kept going back and forth across the road we took her back to the rescue :sad: she is a great dog and I was so scared for her life. So we are back to having just Bella and we are happy with that for now. I think she spoiled us with how well behaved she is and we learned that this time. Today I am still not feeling the greatest and am still just wanting to eat all day. So I am eating fruit and veggies everytime I feel like eating. I also ordered my P90X this morning :happy: it should be here by the end of the week and I am going to start it on the first. Today is a lifting day for me and I am going to do a cardio workout too to see if that helps my eating.

    Megan- with the BL yoga weight loss if I do the whole thing I only burn around 150 calories at 140lbs and that is with my heart rate monitor so more chance of being right then what this site tells ya.

    Sandy- How do you like Jillian's last chance work out?

    I hope you all had a great day!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Sandy I am totally in need of a challenge this week!!! I am not a big eater after dinner personally and I will still take your challenge since this weekend I have eaten at 10pm just because I was awake! What the heck is wrong with me! Do you want to add a work out challenge in there too?

    I think at some point we need a no sugar challenge (no junk is what I mean by no sugar and work at not replacing it with fake sugar).

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Girls!

    I had a really good weekend.

    Saturday went to step - 500 calories then to the Salon and then a Baby Shower. I'm not much of a drinker... I had some crackers and cheese before I had a drink, but man oh man later that evening was my head spinning. I tossed everything I ate and drank that day :embarassed: I think that counts as not eating :laugh:

    Sunday - No exercise, but went shopping with a girlfriend and ate very little... Until about 10 pm when I ate some Chicken wings and rice. :ohwell:

    This morning Ruby was schedulled to be "fixed". Well I compared her to my last dog and she looked a little heavier, so I told them she was 50 lbs. We get there and OMG!!! Ruby is going absolutely nuts over the smell of cats in there... and vets usually have a house cat... She embarrassed me so bad with her insane behavior. When they weighed her... 64 lbs. :noway: WTH!!! The limit is 50 lbs. at that Vet :explode: Had to find another Vet and make another appt. I'm not looking forward to doing this again :grumble: The good thing was that she showed no aggression whatsoever, just a hyper maniac looking for cats. :laugh:

    Sandy - You Poor thing :flowerforyou: The DAM TOM. gets us everytime. I bought some HBO today and thought of you :embarassed: I noticed that it has less sugar than other cereals.

    Amanda - So sorry you had to take the doggie back... you don't want Bella to pick up bad habits. Luckily, it was only 1 week you had her. Congrats on getting your P90X soon. Nicole did it last year.

    Nicole - Keep At it GIrl! You are Rockin It! :bigsmile:

    Macoob - Yeah, Yoga and Pilates doesn't give you a high calorie burn. However, I think toning is your goal, correct?

    I'm going to start my workout this week with Zumba on Wednesday. I really do need to focus on strength training.

    Make it the Beginning a Fantastic Week! :flowerforyou:
  • nicolet04
    gotta make it quick today, saturday i did zumba and then zumba toning (830 cal) and today i did some running and zumba (500 cal)

    i am up for no eating past 8:15 challenge:laugh: along with my no sugar challenge and no fast food challenge that im already doing!! we r all gonna look HOTT this summer!!:wink:

    have a great night! keep it up buddies!!:drinker:
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    BL Cardio Max for me today. 305 cals burned according to MFP.

    Sanifrey I like the Tae Bo. I really like that sort of workout, I like kick boxing too. I am totally up for the challenge, I am always hungry after eight so it will be tough.

    KZO I am with you on the no sugar challenge, junk food and pop are my 2 biggest challenges.

    Spicy You are right I am just trying to tone so I should really focus on that. I did weigh myself today and I lost 2 more pounds.

    Nicole Great burn on saturday.

    Have a great night girls.
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Sanifrey I got BL weight loss yoga and I used your advice and got Billy Blanks 10th Anniversary Edition Tae Bo. Can't wait to try it. I watched some of it to see what it was like and I like it, the music is kinda corny though LOL.

    Nicole I looked up Kettle Bells. It looks like a good work out. How much do the kettle bells weigh?

    I know I know!! Billy seems really corny at first! I felt so silly the first couple of times - BUT - you have got to respect the burn you get!! Keep at it!! You'll really see & feel a difference!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Sanifrey I felt weird doing it I can hardly keep up with the foot work. Once I get more used to it I know I will really like it. It's a great burn.
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Somebody needs to tell me how to do the quote and reply thing. I'm retarded. LOL
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    Below is an article I found interesting and wanted to share.

    I did pretty good yesterday... stayed within my Maintenance calories :wink:

    Megan - Congrats on the loss :flowerforyou: I'm gonna have to peek at your journal and learn a couple things :happy: You girls are making me miss Billy :laugh:

    Nicole - You are doing Fantastic! and keeping us motivated while your at it :wink:

    Amanda - How you feeling today?

    Sandy - Miss you around here yesterday. Hope TOM isn't getting the better of you :flowerforyou: I tried the spf this morning... no irritation :happy: I put it over my regular moisterizer :wink:

    Have a Marvelous Day Amigas!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Somebody needs to tell me how to do the quote and reply thing. I'm retarded. LOL


    You click on "quote" underneath the comment you want to include. Make sure you click outside of the ending [/quote] and type your reply. that should work :)
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Buddies/Amigas!!

    Yesterday was step & tone - I burned 398 & was really feeling the toning portion of the class as we did some great bicep exercises (skull crushers) & some great lower ab work. Our instructor is looking into extending our class another 15 minutes so that we can have a longer workout. Right now our class is 60minutes & that includes a warm up, cardio session, toning session & cool down. We never seem to have enough time!! I offered to bribe the baby sitter to stay a little longer!! :laugh:

    Today, I'm going to go to an evening step class. It's so hard to wait all day for my workout. It's become such a part of my routine that it's strange to not be doing it right now. It'll be good for me & the girls to spend some more time togethe!! The instructor on Tuesday evening likes to do interval training & she always kicks my butt!!

    Megan, great job on your workouts!! Billy's foot work will get easier & then there's some that that make me completely dizzy & I find myself doing my own thing! I figure as long as I'm moving, I'm good! Congrats on those 2lbs!!

    Amanda, I am really excited for you to be getting P90X!! You are going to be so awesome at that!! Your dedication is top-notch!!

    I can't remember who asked me about Jillian's Last Chance Workout - my opinion is that the moves are really great!! She does some pretty crazy stuff!! I don't particularly love her delivery though. She seems like she's trying to be friendly & encouraging & all I want her to do is to yell at me!! LOL!!

    Nicole, you are doing so great & I'm glad to hear that you're up for the challenges!! I always think of you when I want a late snack after 8! :wink:

    Spicy, thanks!! I'm glad that you liked the AVON & I'll be checking out that article just as soon as I'm done here! Good job on staying within your MC's!!! :drinker:

    Make it a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy