Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Sandy I get the Arnold thins at Walmart too and they are in the bread isle or really close to it. :wink:

    Nicole - (((hugs))) Hang in there Buddy :flowerforyou: You could drink some yummy shakes instead of chewing. :wink: Have you tried to get some Medicaid or something? It sounds like your family will qualify right now. Your situation is reminding me to make my dentist appt. Hope you take your rest days and enjoy them. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - How are you feeling Amiga? Thanks for the website. I'm going to check it out as soon as I finish here. :smile: I usually have oatmeal with bananas and craisins in it :bigsmile:

    I don't know why I made this dam "Jello No Bake Oreo Cookie Pie" :frown: :happy: I thought my son would eat it in 2 sittings and it turns out he said "it taste funny cause it's pudding and not ice cream" :grumble: Every piece is over 300 calories and there still are 3 0r 4 pieces. Not to mention PMS is creeping up again :grumble: I'm gonna have to workout extra hard :ohwell:

    Amy - So good to get an update on what is going on in your life :happy: OMG, I don't miss the snow AT ALL. Everytime I see the weather in the colder states I feel so bad for you guys. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - What't up Momma? What is the plan for today? How is your brother doing?

    I'm planning on going to Pilates and Zumba tonight. I have a project to work on, so I'm gonna get started.

    Make it a great day Buddies!
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! so i woke up with my jaw killing me, but its not as bad as it was before they pulled it! i really want to go to the gym, but i am going to resist and do ajavascript:add_smiley('grumble','post_body')s i am told and take it easy! so this morning i decided to measure myself, which i havnt done in months. when i got on the computer to put my measurements down in the graph i made, i realized i started the graph exactly 1 year ago....dec 11 2008. so i calculated all the inched i have lost over the past year and i have lost a total of 22.75 inches!!! that is amazing to me, and really keeps me excited and motivated!!!

    spicy- the kids have medicaid and chris has insurance through his work, but im not sure if i can get medicaid, i think i have to be prego to get it...ill have to check! u can resist the pie, i know u can!!! have fun at pilates and zumba tonight!! dance a little harder for me:wink:

    sandy- they did pull it, but it is a mess and i know what ur saying cause i did NOT want to pull it!

    have a fantastic day! ill get on and reply later, if more people post, cause i am home all day doing nothin!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!

    Today was a great day at step aerobics! I burned over 450 calories, and really felt like the instructor was pushing us today! My max hrm was 167 & my average was 130. I was in the zone for over 23 mintues. I just checked that! No wonder why I was huffin & puffin'!! They also had these new, really heavy duty resistance bands for us to use today!! Those suckers were unbelievable. We threaded them under our steps & layed down long ways, putting our feet through the loops to work our inner thighs! I couldn't even get my legs fully extended!! LOL!! When I finally did & we did some different exercises & reps I thought that I'd die!! I got stuck in a laughing jag over the whole thing! It was fun at least & I know that I'll feel it tomorrow that's for sure!

    Spicy, thanks for checkin out my website! Let me know if you have any questions or anything! ;o) Also, hang in there with the PMS & that Oreo Cookie Pie!! Those No Bake desserts are really delicious. Maybe freeze the remaining servings so that you can spread it out a bit? PMS stinks!! Enjyou your pilates & zumba tonight! I was hoping to go to zumba tonight too, but I'm not sure if my hubby will be home from work in time.. I'm crosssing my fingers!!

    Nicole, I really feel for you, chica!! What a good idea from Spicy to try some shakes! That way you can still get your nutrients in!

    BL was great last night, however, I feel that some of the women looked really, really, really skinny!! Too skinny!! I'm sure they slim down for the contest/show, so hopefully they'll find a healthy balance once it's all over! I was totally thrilled with the way Subway challenged Shay to come back for the next season! They'll pay her $100 for every pound she loses from now until May! Not a bad deal! No wait!! I think it was $1000, because if she loses 100lbs she'll make $100K. Not too bad! She's really a beautiful girl. It's sad how some people's past really effect their lives & people turn to either food, drugs or whatever.

    Oh well, I gotta get my hiney in the shower!

    Make it a great day Amigas!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Nicole, I must've been typing while you were! I'm glad that you're feeling a little better! You should feel better, bit by bit, everyday! Hopefully! Congrats on those inches lost!! AWESOME!! AWESOME!! AWESOME!! And, happy anniversary to you! ;o) :bigsmile:
  • passionhi
    Good Afternoon Ladies!!!!!

    This week so far has been ok, just recovering from the weekend. I was not in control as much this past weekend. OMG, I bought my little some frosted animal cookies, and they were so good. I ate so many of them that she said "mommy don't eat all of them." I felt really bad, becuase I knew I was over doing it. But I didn't eat them all, she still has over 1/2 the bag left, and she hasn't even given them a second look. LOL!!!! Now I'm just trying to stay on track to to meet my mini goal for NY, 148 lbs.

    Spicy- I will definitely post before and after pics, when I have reached my final goal weight. Oh, I hope you can hold out on the oreo pie, I think sanifrey's idea is a good one, freeze it.

    Sanifrey- I missed BL last night but I did catch some highlights online today. Those resistance bands are great, I have one for one when I workout at home.

    Nicole- sorry about the teeth, I so feel your pain. I have a tooth that I need to get pulled, and one that needs a crown. Dental care is expensive. I hope you feel better soon.

    Have a great evening ladies!!!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Nicole - OMG! HIgh FIve and 2 thumbs up! That is absolutely amazing the amount of inches you've lost. :happy: Your body fat must be really low too :bigsmile: That was a great idea to measure yourself at this time when you are having issues with your teeth and foot. I would be on Cloud Nine with an accomplishment like that :drinker: I hope your tooth is even better today :flowerforyou: I weighed this morning and I'm still 148 :ohwell: I know I haven't been behaving this week, so I can't expect to lose :embarassed:

    Sandy - That was a killer Calorie Burn. :bigsmile: That move sounds really challenging. So good to feel the "good" pain :bigsmile: I'm all registered on your Avon Site... I love the Free shipping. :smile: Girl, that pie was frozen from the beginning :laugh: I've been eating it frozen :laugh: But this morning I threw the remaining 4 pieces away :ohwell: I've been so really bad with my exercise and calories this week, I didn't need to set myself up anymore. I have not had a deficit yet this week :noway: as a matter of fact i'm -500 right now :noway: I didn't see the BL but i read some comments on here and now you are also commenting on how most of them looked too thin and not very attractive because of the loose skin :indifferent:

    Passion - Good to hear from you. :laugh: so funny what your baby said. She put the breaks on you and her cookies :laugh: Being aware of your goof ups is what gets you back on track :wink: I've been goofing off all week :embarassed: What do you plan on doing to make up for it? :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - Hey Momma! What is the plan for today?

    I went for a 1 hour walk with Ruby, but I was still over my calories by -490 :noway: cause of that Dam pie :huh: :laugh: Irealize that my "diva" hair is really a big reason why I've slacked this week :huh: As a single lady, now that I've slimmed down I've been getting more attention :bigsmile: I feel most attractive with my hair straight and don't want to go on a date with someone I'm just getting to know, looking less than my best. :embarassed: If i do my hair on Thursday evening then I won't exercise Fri, Sat, Sun. . If I do my hair Saturday after step I won't go to zumba Sun. cause I will sweat it out and my type of hair, can't be washed too often per week. I have to figure out a way that I can get my exercise in and also have my Diva hair. However, I really like my step class on Sat and Zumba on Sunday. Decisions, Decisions. :laugh:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola my Amigas Fuerte!! (Spicy, you'll have to show me how to say that properly)

    I'm glad to see that we're all getting through these difficult times!! Seems that just as we girls get it together our TOM's hit or we have a party or function to attend or we have desserts in the house! It's hard keeping a balance sometimes! But, we're all doing great! One day at a time!:wink:
    So, I went to Zumba last night! It was fun, but the instructor started 15 mins late & you know what that means... yup, my class was only 45 mins long. What a diverse group of ladies you find in a Zumba class! LOL!! I enjoyed the calorie burn but find that I have no hip moves at all!! I suppose that area loosens up in time! I think I'll try again, soon. Zumba earned me another 250 calories for the day. :bigsmile:

    Spicy, good for you on throwing that pie out!! I wanted to suggest that, but I took alot of flack on another thread months ago, when I suggested that to the wrong group of gals!! I guess I'm a little too hard core for some people's tastes.. I figure don't ask if you don't want to hear. Some folks on MFP just want to make excuses & have everyone's approval for their mistakes. JM says I will not cosign your BS & that's how I feel. If you have struggles & don't want to improve yourself, that fine, but I can't waste my time trying to make you feel better about it. Weight loss & a healthy lifestyle are a personal choice. That's why I love my Amigas Fuerte!! We all have our struggles, but we don't make excuses for them! We go out there, we work harder, eat cleaner or whatever it takes to get back in the saddle! I know where I belong! We ROCK!! :drinker:
    You hang in there!! TOM always brings it's set backs, but you'll be right back at it before you know it! 148 is such an accomplishment! You've come a long way & you're stronger then ever!
    Are you still doing the personal training at the gym?

    Nicole, I hope, hope, hope that you're feeling better! I know that you've got to be missinng your workouts! I was just thinking again what an awesome 1st year you've had at MFP. I want to thank you for being here & being such an inspiration to me! You are really killin' it!
    How, 'bout I picked up some new shoes on the way to Zumba last night. I was all excited because they had this soft, plush toe area. Well, they were just too slippy! I didn't even get through the warm up before I was changing back into my regular Nike shoes! LOL! I'll be taking those back for a refund or maybe an exchange as I could really use some new workout shoes anyways!! :laugh:

    Passion, hang in there! The weakends are always difficult! Those iced animal crackers are the devil!! :devil: I saw them in the store just the other day & contemplated grabbing them, for the kids, ya know, but then I remembered how much I really like them & knew that they'd be better off left there on the shelf! They're just too tempting!

    Amanda, Dawn & Amy - I hope that you girls are still hanging in & handling your business!!!

    Make it a great day!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!!! i should be saying amigas:laugh: i am feeling a little better, but mikaela has been feeling a little sick this week and i thought she would be able to go back to the gym, but she was up last night coughing and she had a small fever:cry: so i am going to give it 1 more day before i head back to the gym. it probably would be a good idea for me as well, cause yesterday afternoon i started having alot of throbbing in my face and ear after doing alot around the house, and i dont want that to happen again! i should be back for sure tomorrow, and i am SOOOOOO excited!!!

    sandy- great burn yesterday!!! sounds like a great workout!! i agree with u that some women on the BL looked too thin and others looked like they hardly lost any weight. i agree, i luv what they r doing for shay! i hate when they start classes late!:grumble: they r messing with our calorie burn!:laugh: believe me, i couldnt move my hips at first either, but it gets easier!! i hear the best shoes for zumba, r cross trainers, i think i might get me some here soon! i cant believe somebody got mad at u for suggesting to throw somethin away...i agree with u 100% percent!!! alot of people do have a million excuses and its sooooo irritating!! i am missing my workouts soooo much!!! i am glad that i inspire u:flowerforyou: cause u definitely inspire me!!!:wink:

    passion- those little cookies r so yummy!!:tongue: that is so cute what ur little one said:laugh: kids r so funny sometimes!!! i know u will reach ur goal!!

    spicy- 148 is awesome!!!u should be proud of urself! :drinker: and on a "diva" hair and "bad" week, even better!!:wink: u have come this far doing it this way, and it has worked out wonderfully for u!!:bigsmile: great job on throwing the pie out!!! i always pour salt all over everything i dont want to eat:laugh: then its easier to throw it away!

    time to put niko down for a nap, have a great day!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Buddies!

    Sandy - What nerve of someone to get upset about a suggestion. :grumble: The way I think of it... I spent about $3.00 on that pie and it's costing me a whole lot more than that in guilt and my health :wink: Some people take this online thing too serious. :wink: I'm with you. This is our "safe haven". We can let it all hang out :tongue: :laugh: So so sorry the shoes didn't work out for you, I wear my sneakers and it works just fine :ohwell: My class has such a diverse group too. Now that I mention it, I haven't been to zumba for 2 weeks :noway: I miss it. Girl, you have to let those hips loose :laugh: Hoola hoop on the wii is good for that. :wink:

    Nicole - Good you decided to give yourself another day off. :smile: You are surely an inspiration with all of your dedication to your workouts and your "In Control/ No nonsense Additude". You are a ROck Star around here :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: We all have our "Strengths" in this group which all add up to form.... Amigas Fuerte! :drinker: THat sounds like some super heroes :laugh: Yes, I'm going to have to balance my "Fitness" and "Diva" sides to fit my more social lifestyle ::laugh:

    Amanda - Hey girl... hope you are feeling 100% and doing great. :flowerforyou:

    I did not work out yet another day :ohwell: I did only go over my calories by 14 which is not bad for the way I've been going at this week. Today I must workout because I still have Personal Training sessions :noway: Ever since Redd past away, either the trainer or myself have rescheduled a few sessions. Today, I should be back on track. Got my gym gear and a Deficit to earn for this week :wink: . I'm at -250 deficit :frown: As long as I get it to zero or +500 I will feel good. :bigsmile:

    Have a Wonderful Friday Buddies!---Nicole you can say whatever your feeling that day :laugh:

    We gotta come up with some challenges... I'm thinking something like. Staying within (IRON, SUGAR,SODIUM, FAT, CARBS) whichever it is you have a problem with... for me is definately SUGAR :laugh: SODIUM sometimes.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!!!

    Sandy- I am right there with you on the tell it like it is. I can't stand it when people ask and then don't like the answer!

    Spicy- Good job on getting rid of that pie!!!! You are one strong lady! I think we should do a challenge I need help with my sugar big time!!! I eat a lot of fruit so my sugar on here is always way over. So I says lets get this challenge on girl!!!

    Nicole- I think you did the right thing giving yourself another day off you deserve it!!! I agree with Spicy, I love your no nonsense additude and your determination it really helps keep me motivated!!

    Well girls sadly I am still sick! Whatever the heck this is it is really kicking my butt! I am still working out in hopes of sweating it out some time soon. Yesterday was going to be a rest day but my friend (the one also doing Chalean) came over and we just felt like doing some cardio, not sure she was happy that I made her do it once we got into the middle of it as it is really intense lol. She felt great after so that is all that matters :D. I think i am only going to lift today. I have been doing cardio 5-6 days a week and lifting 5 days but I think lifting will be enough for me today. I was BAD yesterday and ate some pumpkin pie (my friend and I made one from scratch) it was sooooooooooooooo YUMMY! I only had one piece and I ate ok during the day so I am sure I was fine but still felt bad after eating it lol.

    This weekend Kayla starts her practice for the ice show she is in! She is so excited!!! Zach started skating a couple of weeks ago and he fell so much that he did not want to go back. We had him go back last week and wear hockey skates instead of the regular skates and he did soooo much better!!! he really wants to play hockey :) Olivia is really sick. Took her to the dr as she was starting to sound as bad as she did when they had that pneumonia. Dr said she has Bronchitis so good thing I did not let it go. We are staying home today and doing some school and LOTS of resting in hopes of getting better.

    Have a great weekend Amigas and stay STRONG!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    What a difference a year can make!

    December 08

    December 09
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    What a difference a year can make!

    December 08

    December 09

    OMG Sandy! You took my breath away...

    You have "come such a long way Baby" :love:

    I :heart: :heart: :heart: That dress. Is that your Wedding dress (the one MJ is appearing in) or Chirstmas dressLook at your arms and shoulders.... I'm so proud and jealous at the same time :laugh:

    I hope you put that picture in the Success forum... Cause that is what you are Successful! :flowerforyou:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!!!

    Sandy- I am right there with you on the tell it like it is. I can't stand it when people ask and then don't like the answer!

    Spicy- Good job on getting rid of that pie!!!! You are one strong lady! I think we should do a challenge I need help with my sugar big time!!! I eat a lot of fruit so my sugar on here is always way over. So I says lets get this challenge on girl!!!

    Nicole- I think you did the right thing giving yourself another day off you deserve it!!! I agree with Spicy, I love your no nonsense additude and your determination it really helps keep me motivated!!

    Well girls sadly I am still sick! Whatever the heck this is it is really kicking my butt! I am still working out in hopes of sweating it out some time soon. Yesterday was going to be a rest day but my friend (the one also doing Chalean) came over and we just felt like doing some cardio, not sure she was happy that I made her do it once we got into the middle of it as it is really intense lol. She felt great after so that is all that matters :D. I think i am only going to lift today. I have been doing cardio 5-6 days a week and lifting 5 days but I think lifting will be enough for me today. I was BAD yesterday and ate some pumpkin pie (my friend and I made one from scratch) it was sooooooooooooooo YUMMY! I only had one piece and I ate ok during the day so I am sure I was fine but still felt bad after eating it lol.

    This weekend Kayla starts her practice for the ice show she is in! She is so excited!!! Zach started skating a couple of weeks ago and he fell so much that he did not want to go back. We had him go back last week and wear hockey skates instead of the regular skates and he did soooo much better!!! he really wants to play hockey :) Olivia is really sick. Took her to the dr as she was starting to sound as bad as she did when they had that pneumonia. Dr said she has Bronchitis so good thing I did not let it go. We are staying home today and doing some school and LOTS of resting in hopes of getting better.

    Have a great weekend Amigas and stay STRONG!!!!

    Hey AManda - Sorry you are still sick girl :flowerforyou: But it sounds like you are staing on top of it.

    I wish I had a friend that wanted to do Cardio and a pumpkin pie. :laugh:

    Take care of that baby girl...

    So great that you have both kids into the skating... they could turn out to be "partners" :wink:

    Take care of yourself momma!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    You look AWESOME Sandy!!!! Congratulations Amiga!!!!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Spicy- :laugh: at them being partners. The way they act now he may drop her on purpose!!! His teacher plays for our cities hockey team and Zachary thinks that is just the coolest thing lol. He hates having girls in his class because he says he wants to play hockey not wear a dress :laugh:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Spicy- :laugh: at them being partners. The way they act now he may drop her on purpose!!! His teacher plays for our cities hockey team and Zachary thinks that is just the coolest thing lol. He hates having girls in his class because he says he wants to play hockey not wear a dress :laugh:

    Kids say the darndest things :laugh:

    I'm ready for that SUGAR challenge. We only count sugar NOT from fruit... cause 2 fruit will put us over. :wink:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Amigas! I got this email and wanted to share... I know we already know the information given here, but it's always good to reinforce what we already know. :)

    SparkPeople Experts Answer Your Fitness Questions

    Question: I read that weight training is a lot more effective at burning fat than cardio, and if you could only do one of the two, you should weight train. Is this true?

    Expert Answer:
    Weight training is important for a couple of reasons. First, the more muscle you have, the higher your base metabolism will be and the more calories you will burn even at rest. But the actual numbers involved in a whole day of "extra" calorie burning due to extra muscle are relatively small compared to the number of calories you can burn during an hour of cardio exercise.

    The second reason is more important. Whenever you lose weight, you will lose some muscle along with the fat. If you don't exercise and do some strength training, up to 30% of the weight you lose can come from muscle loss, and that isn't likely to be healthy over the long haul. Good strength and muscle tone are essential for functional living and health. You can hold your muscle loss down to 3-5% of total weight loss with moderate strength training. Likewise, strength training helps to preserve bone density, balance, and many other important things.

    So, strength train each muscle group at least twice a week--this really only takes about 30-45 minutes per workout. Better yet, try circuit training, where you lift weights without resting between sets. This method meets both cardio and strength requirements because you keep your heart rate elevated throughout your workout, increasing the amount of calories you burn per workout.

    After you've met your 2 strength sessions per week, focus on cardio if your goal is weight loss. You need the cardio for the calorie burning, and also to build and maintain your cardiovascular fitness.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Thanks girls!! I am very proud of my success!! Sometimes I can't even believe how far I've come! I thank my super hero buddies - My Amigas Fuerte (we should totally get t-shirts printed) LOL!! Seriously though, I don't even recognize the girl in the top picture anymore!

    Spicy, I took your advice & posted to the success forum. :blushing: :blushing: It'd be great to inspire others the same way I've been inspired by so many here at MFP.

    I'm sorry, but I gotta run again!! This day!! Uggghh!! I'll post more tonight after my lil monsters go to bed! :laugh:
  • nicolet04
    hey my amigas!!! im so used to saying buddies!:laugh: i made it to the gym today, i was a little late, so i only did 45 minutes of zumba and burned 450 calories! i was going to stay for kickboxing, but i just wasnt feeling it! i am so glad to be back to the gym!!! so a friend of mine that i go to the gym with gave me all of her old pants, cause she has lost alot of weight in zumba, anyways a couple pairs r size 8 and they fit!!!! there r 2 that r size 6, and i can almost button then, like an inch away!!!! yippee!!!!!:bigsmile:

    spicy- im not sure if i go over on sugar, ill have to check:laugh: great job yesterday on not going over by much! have fun today with ur PT!! thanks for the email!!

    amanda- great job on working out while u r sick, take it easy so u dont hurt urself!! i hope ur family starts to feel better soon!:flowerforyou:

    sandy- u look fabulous!!! such an inspiration to all of us!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: we should make shirts!:laugh:

    well im off to the shower, me and the hubby r having a date night tonight, and getting some xmas shopping done!!!
  • nicolet04
    went to zumba today, burned 410 calories!! it snowing so much...i hate it!!!:grumble: