Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I have had an old back injury and a little arthritis,so I have to be careful.I have not done anything real hard for awhile.I did my first exercise video in awhile.Gay Gaspers fat burning for dummies.I will be on this one for awhile.It felt real good to get a good workout in.It's getting too cold to walk outside now.Have a great day everyone.
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! today i went to an hour of zumba and an hour of weights, 700 calories burned, which i great considering that i took it really easy. yesterday during kick, my foot started to hurt really bad, but i pushed through it, well its not getting better and i cant even walk flat on it, i have to walk on the ouside of my foot or its very painful from my arch to my ankle bone:grumble: im hoping it will feel better soon! i probably looked like a total idiot in zumba today, hopping around on 1 foot:laugh: the new people probably had a good laugh, thinking...if that girls looks like that doing this, then i look amazing! LOL:laugh: i have been doing great with my calories, ive actually been under by quite alot the past couple days and im still not eating past 8!!

    sandy- im glad that u r feeling better and were able to get to ur step class today! i really liked the biggest loser, i hope one of the guys wins and i want liz to be in the finale...amanda already got a "free" pass on the show, and it would be nice to see an older person in the finale for once. i did notice tara had gained a little weight, but not bad though! im sad because next season i will be in school and will have to watch all the episodes online, if i ever have time:laugh:

    suzanne- take care of urself!:flowerforyou: sounds like u have everything under control! keep it up!!

    hope everybody has a fantastic day!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    Sorry I was missing yesterday...

    After i left for work yesterday one of my sons friends let Ruby out the front gate by mistake. She caught up with a cat and my son had to deal with that by himself. My phone was too low and I didn't get his calls till i arrived at work. He was really shaken up and I had to turn around and go home. Everything is fine now.

    Yesterday, I went for a walk and it was so beautiful outside... 70 degrees, sunny and windy. I don't know what got into me, but I started jogging. About 2 minutes into it, I remembered quickly why I'm not a runner... my knee began to hurt. I stopped right away and resumed walking. Later that day, I could barely walk down my stairs, my knee hurt everytime i stepped down. I didn't go to Zumba because of it and I thought i wouldn't be able to workout today. I took a tylenol and this morning I walked down the stairs just fine and I will be at the gym today.

    Nicole - So sorry about your foot... I hope it feels all better today. I don't know how you made it through Zumba. Please don't push yourself too hard buddy :flowerforyou: You've been really turning it up a notch lately, don't ruin your hard work with an injury. You got to let us know what you learned from that book when you're done. :flowerforyou: Good idea on not weighing till you "feel it" :wink: I remember when you were into weighing almost everyday...

    Sandy - SO happy for you being active again... I think there was a virus going around cause my coworker mentioned those same symptoms and they ended up in the emergency room. 10 more people were there with the same symptoms :noway: . Glad it's over :flowerforyou: It's been too windy to rollerblade, but still Beautiful here :bigsmile: I hope you aren't thinking of bringing any CL in the house cause of the bad tasting water. I find that drinking it at room temperature I'm able to guzzle it and hardly taste it. :wink: maybe try putting a squeeze of lemon in it.

    Suzanne - You are moving along nicely. :bigsmile: Keep it up!

    On Tuesday I started my new focus on the weights... I feel the good pain today :bigsmile:
    I did 20 minutes on the elliptical,
    10 minutes Stretching exercises
    3 sets of chest press,
    3 sets of dead lifts,
    3 sets of squats with a 25lb bar,
    3 sets of a back exersice and
    3 sets of bicep curls with 10 lbs weights.

    It took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
    I didn't have my HRM on for the first time since i bought it. I felt kinda incomplete :laugh: I'm glad I didn't cause I know seeing the low numbers while i'm working out will mess with me. I know I burned about 200 on the elliptical and I added 150 for the weights.
    Now that I have 1400 calories as my base, I have not gone over my calories :bigsmile: granted i still have exercise calories, but i feel less 'stressed' about it :wink:

    Make it a great day Amigas :flowerforyou:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Buenos días Amigas!

    Nicole- I hope that your foot is feeling better today!

    Sandy- Sorry to see (on FB) that MJ is sick! I hope that she gets to feeling better really soon!!! Glad that you are doing better and are able to get back to working out :)

    Amy- I hope you are doing well!

    Suzanne- Keep up the great work! Glad you found a work out that you are able to do and that feels great :)

    Spicy- Wow 70 degrees must be nice! It is only in the 30s here and snow flurries today! I am glad to hear that your knee is okay today. I love running and really miss it but it is so cold and I no longer have a treadmill. Great job on your work out at the gym!!! Keep it up girl!

    Well I have been so busy lately with life. I have been working out and yesterday started my second round of Chalean Extreme. This time my friend is starting it with me (I gave her my other set of dvds since I got the new ones). So yesterday we spent the day over there and the kids played and we worked out! I did my 35 minutes of Turbo Jam fat burner in the morning and then I lifted with her.

    I am feeling very bloated and crappy today! Aunt Flo will be here anytime now. This morning is another busy day, I have to take Olivia to preschool, Kayla to the dr (think she might have strep, not surprised since this weekend i watched my friends kids for two days and one ended up sick), stop at the natural food store for some groceries and then home for the afternoon. I need to do school with Zach and hopefully Kayla will feel up to it today. Today is my rest day but I think I might need to work out in some way since I feel so crappy.

    Have a great Thursday!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    Well, MJ & I didn't get much rest last night. .. The poor baby caught my stomach virus. She finally just fell asleep here on the couch. I hope that she can rest for a bit. I know that I'll be sorry that I'm not napping at this moment, later.... Did I say that right?? Hopefully you guys get it!!
    So, I have a sore throat now!! Does it ever end around here?!! I was so happy to be back at step class yesterday & now it looks like I won't be able to get back until next week. Oh well, one day at a time. It's more important to get well & take care of myself then to push it.

    Spicy, you really got me thinking. I've been struggling with trying to get down to 140 for the the last few months - well, since August. I was down to 142 then up & down, up & down again. I've decided to keep myself healthy & reset my goal for 145. I feel good here, I can splurge a bit more & I really feel like I'm "living" here at 145. Maybe I'll get to 140- someday, but my main concern is firming right now.
    The nice thing is that my daily calorie goal jumped from 1200 up to over 1800. NICE!! 1200 is just too low!! I'm still going to be killing it with my exercise & if I do lose & I do get down to 140 - great! But, if not, I'll be just fine!
    I feel good about it!!
    Anyway, enough about me! Sorry about Ruby running off!! At least she was safe & you were able to get her back home again. Sounds like you had a great workout! Take care of that knee!

    Nicole, be careful girl!! I hope that your foot is okay!! Try wearing some shoes around the house, something with a slight heal & see if the elevation helps at all. I found with my tendonitis that I have to wear my sandals here at home. Walking around on bare feet is just really uncomfortable! Be careful with the bouncing around too. That can really set you way back. It's hard to hold back, trust me, I know! Good for you on keeping up with your 8PM challange! I'm back in on that one!!

    Amanda, thank you for MJ's get well wishes! She's finally sleeping now, so I'm hopeful that she's over the worst part of it by now. Sorry to hear that you're little ones are still struggling with the colds. This time of year is so tough! Good for you on finding a great workout buddy! Sounds like fun! I think that AF is coming to visit me any day now too... oh joy - NOT!!

    Suzanne, good for you on doing what you can & getting yourself healthy & exercising by doing what you can. I hope that you're doing well today!

    Passion, how are things with you??

    Amy - hi!!

    All righty girls - I mean Amigas - make it a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Forgot to add -

    Spicy, No CL for me!! I'm still drinking my water - not as much as I should be, mind you, but I'm trying!! ;o)

    Nicole, re: BL & Liz :tongue: I want Amanda to make it!! I guess I identify with her more... :wink:
  • passionhi
    Good Afternoon Buddies!!!!

    I am feeling great today! I am wearing a shirt and belt that was extremely too tight last year when I wore them, and they both fit really well today. And I know I am doing a great job at meeting my goals, when I have women in their late 50s "hating" on me. LOL
    Today when I entered the kitchen at work, I heard two ladies sitting talking about weight loss, no big deal, right? Well, when I first entered the kitchen they paused for a quick sec, then resumed talking. Then their tone changed and the began to say things like "yeah if you diet you are going to gain all that weight back", and "if you lose too much you are going to look funny". WTF???!!!! I acted as if I didn't hear them, finished putting lunch in the microwave and walked back to my office. Well when I returned to kitchen, one then giggles and says "I'm about go back to my office."

    If you didn't know the character or behavior of these women, this conversation would seem innocent. But me knowing their behavior, I know they were trying to take a swipe at me. But unlucky for them, I know what I'm doing. And I won't let them deter me with all their negative energy. I have lost 12 lbs in just at 2 months(which is not fast); and I'm NOT dieting. Its called portion control, and making healthier choices. But I won't tell them any better. I will let them continue to sit around and stuff their faces with fried fish sandwiches, fried chicken, cornbread, loads of spaghetti, a can of soup with an entire pack of crackers, double cheese burger with a larger fry, etc.; have to take loads of medication, and be angry at themselves for unhealthy lifestyles.

    It is very sad to me that women, especially women that are old enough to be my mother try to tear other women down, for doing something they don't have the guts, determination, will power, etc. to do. I so enjoy coming to this thread with all of its positive energy and the encouragement you ladies give.

    But just to show them how happy I am that they are noticing my weight loss; I am going to wear my size 8 jeans with 4 inch carbon grey pumps tomorrow!!!

    Spicy- girl come spring time, you are going to be uber sexy and toned!!! Beach here you come!!!!!

    Sanifrey- I am a little jealous that you have a cushion(calories), I will be so glad when I can say that. But I am happy that you happy with where you are. But I will be there with you soon.

    Nicole- I think being a fitness instructor is in your near future!! Great job!!

    KZO- you are a busy mommy for sure, but good for you for MAKING the time for exercise. I'm sure things will mellow out for you soon.

    Have a GREAT day ladies!!!!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    Well, MJ & I didn't get much rest last night. .. The poor baby caught my stomach virus. She finally just fell asleep here on the couch. I hope that she can rest for a bit. I know that I'll be sorry that I'm not napping at this moment, later.... Did I say that right?? Hopefully you guys get it!!
    So, I have a sore throat now!! Does it ever end around here?!! I was so happy to be back at step class yesterday & now it looks like I won't be able to get back until next week. Oh well, one day at a time. It's more important to get well & take care of myself then to push it.

    Spicy, you really got me thinking. I've been struggling with trying to get down to 140 for the the last few months - well, since August. I was down to 142 then up & down, up & down again. I've decided to keep myself healthy & reset my goal for 145. I feel good here, I can splurge a bit more & I really feel like I'm "living" here at 145. Maybe I'll get to 140- someday, but my main concern is firming right now.
    The nice thing is that my daily calorie goal jumped from 1200 up to over 1800. NICE!! 1200 is just too low!! I'm still going to be killing it with my exercise & if I do lose & I do get down to 140 - great! But, if not, I'll be just fine!
    I feel good about it!!
    Anyway, enough about me! Sorry about Ruby running off!! At least she was safe & you were able to get her back home again. Sounds like you had a great workout! Take care of that knee!

    Nicole, be careful girl!! I hope that your foot is okay!! Try wearing some shoes around the house, something with a slight heal & see if the elevation helps at all. I found with my tendonitis that I have to wear my sandals here at home. Walking around on bare feet is just really uncomfortable! Be careful with the bouncing around too. That can really set you way back. It's hard to hold back, trust me, I know! Good for you on keeping up with your 8PM challange! I'm back in on that one!!

    Amanda, thank you for MJ's get well wishes! She's finally sleeping now, so I'm hopeful that she's over the worst part of it by now. Sorry to hear that you're little ones are still struggling with the colds. This time of year is so tough! Good for you on finding a great workout buddy! Sounds like fun! I think that AF is coming to visit me any day now too... oh joy - NOT!!

    Suzanne, good for you on doing what you can & getting yourself healthy & exercising by doing what you can. I hope that you're doing well today!

    Passion, how are things with you??

    Amy - hi!!

    All righty girls - I mean Amigas - make it a great day!!

    :heart: Sandy

    So sorry our little MJ caught the virus... poor baby. Yes, i understood what you ment by not getting in your nap while you can :laugh: Are you taking Vitamin C?

    WOW 1800! that is awesome for maintaining... I know you will not take advantage and keep up your exercise. We will be partners in this Toning goal. :flowerforyou: I checked out those exercises you sent me a little further and Dam girl, those look hard for a "softy" like me :laugh: I will work myself up to it eventually. :bigsmile: Great Job on the No CL... It takes 21 days to develop/lose a habit. You are half way there Amiga. :drinker: Yes thank god Ruby and Jordan (my son) are fine now. I'm so glad you are happy with where you are with your weight. I agree it will be nice to reach that "new" goal next week, but we will reach it eventually as long as there is a Deficit :wink:

    Amanda - Sorry your babies are dealing with more colds... they must be pros by now :laugh: :flowerforyou: J/K I read your post about the non-supportive family members.... I think that was the real problem your hubby had a few months back. You go girl, on not letting anyone take away your joy :heart:

    My workday is OVER at 3 pm. Good evening AMigas!
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!!!! went to an hour of yoga and tried to walk a little until my foot hurt too bad, burned 320 calories. i am doing horrible with my food choices today, but i am determined to stay within my calories!

    my kiddos r running around like monsters, i will try and post more later...if the hubby doesnt have a fit!
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Thank you Nicolet04 for asking me to join! I would love to! What does this group do-weekly weigh ins? Daily check ins? Let me know! I am trying to stay positive even though I've really messed up my food/exersice choices in the last 2 weeks and I'm trying to get back on track and would love to join you girls!
  • nicolet04
    Thank you Nicolet04 for asking me to join! I would love to! What does this group do-weekly weigh ins? Daily check ins? Let me know! I am trying to stay positive even though I've really messed up my food/exersice choices in the last 2 weeks and I'm trying to get back on track and would love to join you girls!

    im glad u found us!!! we check in everyday(if we can) with what we did for exercise that day, and just kinda update how we r doing all around. we normally weigh in once a week, i do fridays. and we try and do challenges as well! jump right in! right now i am doing a not eating past 8 challenge!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Thank you Nicolet04 for asking me to join! I would love to! What does this group do-weekly weigh ins? Daily check ins? Let me know! I am trying to stay positive even though I've really messed up my food/exersice choices in the last 2 weeks and I'm trying to get back on track and would love to join you girls!

    Hi and Welcome!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!

    Hi Passion, we must have been posting at the same time yesterday.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have to deal with those witches at work.:grumble: Sounds like Envy alright. Ignorance has no age. :laugh: Good for you on taking that negative energy and fueling yourself towards your goal :bigsmile: Great feeling when you look good in your clothes :happy: Girl, if you are in a size 8, you are Sizzlin hot already, I know they are hatin.:laugh: What is your goal size? I know there are a couple women here at work that have not said 1 word about my weightloss. However, most of the ladies here have complimented me on my weightloss. 2 women I know began to change there eating and they have lost some weight too.

    Nicole - You need to sit your butt down Amiga :flowerforyou: Why don't you try setting your calories for maintenance or 1/2 lb. just until your foot heals, that way you won't feel too bad about staying off your foot. Just a thought. How are your babies feeling... seems like the kids on this thread all get sick together :laugh:

    Amanda - Great news that your friend is doing the Chalean with you. That will make things interesting and competitive :wink: How heavy are you going now?

    Sandy - Hey amiga! Hope you and MJ are feeling better today. :flowerforyou: How was your first day at 1800?

    Yesterday I did my new routine. I make sure I burn at least 200 calories with cardio (20 minutes) then the rest of the hour on weights... which I log 150 calories for. I've been guestimating without my HRM. Well I left over 250 calories on the table. :bigsmile: with my new calorie allotment it doesn't seem as difficult to stay close within my calories. I will see when I eventually weigh myself if this can be this easy. :wink:

    Today I will be at the gym again.

    Make it a great day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    So today was a workout mess!! MJ didn't want to leave the house - I finally convinced her, but once we got there - late by this time, she didn't want to go in with the sitter!! I begged & pleaded & bribed... She went in, but the sitter had to come get me, as MJ escaped & wouldn't go back into the room. So, I bribed some more & she finally went back in. I was able to get most of the cardio portion of the class in, but MJ came running for me again during the toning portion & I was able to convince her to sit calmly next to me while I did my ab work & she ate the mints outta my purse.
    Needless to say, I had some more work to do here at home. I got a nice treadmill workout in & between the 2 I burned over 600. My calorie goal for the day is now up over 2400!! HOLY CRAP!! Bring on the cake!!! LOL!! Seriously, though, I'm really trying to behave, as I've been quite the bad girl lately. Darn TOM is taking it's toll, but I'm really determined to keep strong with this 8pm challenge!!

    So, I'm glad to see my buddies aka amigas are doing well!! Welcome to the newbie!! It's great to have you!!

    Spicy, it sounds like your new routine is just great!! And, good for you on leaving 250 OTT (on the table) !!

    Passion, sorry to hear about the "ladies" at work. People can really be something can't they. I jjust had a former co-worker ask me if I had "the surgery" for my weightloss. I swallowed my pride & kindly told her, nope - just lots of hard work! My first inclination was not so kindly. But, I like her, so I was nice! Gave her a free pass, ya know! LOL!

    Nicole, please take care of yourself! Be sure to RICE - rest - ice - compression - elevate. It really does work!!

    Amanda, I hope that Chalean is treating you well & that you & your new buddy are working hard!

    Suzanne, I hope that you're holding in there, making good choices & getting some nice workouts in.

    Dawn & Amy, I haven't seen much of you girls around lately & I hope that you're doing well!!

    Keep strong this weekend my Amigas Fuerte!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies! went to zumba today and was takin it pretty easy, burned 380 calories! i was going to do weights as well , but ill do that tomorrow. my foot is feeling a little better, but still hurts.:grumble: a friend gave me some inserts for my shoes that have helped a little, i think its time for some new shoes, since i have been wearing running shoes, and i guess thats bad when it comes to the stuff im doing. i hope next week i can get back to burnin 700-800 sure makes a difference!

    spicy- good idea,:flowerforyou: i might just change the calories, so i dont feel so bad if i go over. the kiddos r doing good(knock on wood) :laugh: im hoping that the 3 weeks they were sick last month, has them covered for the season:laugh: im giving then vit d drops which is supposed to help ur body stay healthy in the winter months. great job with ur new routine!! when i do weights with music, in an hour, i normally burn about 300 calories, just a thought!:wink: great job on leaving 250 calories!!!

    sandy- great burn today!! its so hard when the kids dont want to be there:flowerforyou: mikaela always begs me to stay longer:tongue: i cant wait until im in maintenance calories!!! i know i really should RICE my foot, but i feel like i never have more then a few seconds to just sit:laugh: maybe sunday!!!:wink:

    well im off to take a shower, i have a Christmas party tonight, an another one tomorrow...lets hope i behave!!!:bigsmile:
  • mornin
    mornin Posts: 53
    Hi Everyone

    It took me awhile to find you all.
    Ive missed so many posts I cant read them all.
    I have not even been thinking about food or exersice ir dieting. I put my scales under the bed and now i am afraid to get on them.
    Things have been horrible for my family the past few weeks. I just haven't felt like posting. I actually still dont.
    I am going to try to get on track this week.
    I need to check my weight though.
    I hope all of you are well.
    I will try to keep up with the post. I feel like I have no idea whats going on with anyone!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Amigas!! I just had to share that I'm leaving over 600 OTT tonight!! I know that seems like alot - but it's not, really!! With the maintenance cals & the workout today I had over 2400 to eat - PLUS - I've been really bad lately (not including today) with staying within my cals. Hopefully it'll all even out! ;o)

    Dawn, it's good to see you back! I got to thinking about you & was wondering how you're doing. I'm sorry that you're having problems at home. Hopefully things will work out & that you'll have the strength you need to get through it all. We're here for you & if you need to, leave that scale under the bed for a while. Dont' let the scale define you. When you're ready to get back on track, do that & start fresh, then once you're ready, bring that scale out. The important thing is that you get healthy both with your family & yourself.

    Nicole, good for you on getting in that workout! Shoes really do make a difference! I'm about due as well! With all the workouts you've been doing you probably could use a new pair every 3-4 months!! Just a tip, I iced my tendon while my girls ate breakfast & I checked my email. My husband had on of those big blue cooler pack things & I'd just lay my ankle, calf, whatever up on that bad boy for 20 mins or so or after a workout! I hope you can find time to do so!! Enjoy those parties & enjoy yourself without doing too much damage!

    Enjoy your weekends Amigas!! I think the hubby & I may be heading out to a movie tomorrow!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Nicole, I just read for foot pain you can get a cold can of soda & roll your foot back & forth over it. It cools & massages the pain away.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning AMigas!

    On my way to step then weight class this morning.

    Nicole - thanks for the tip on your calories during weights. :smile: Glad the kiddos are well. I was reading a thread here and banks responded informing that doing weights and cardio on the same workout is not as great as we think it is. I will find it when i get back. However, today I will be doing weights and cardio. :ohwell: Hope you behaved at the party. SOunds like you were covered.

    Dawn - good to hear from you. Sorry you and your family are having problems right now. :flowerforyou: Try to take care of yourself...

    SAndy - Great job on leaving those cals OTT. that was a nice deficit for the day. Sounds like you are "zig-zagging" your calories:wink:

    I will be back later :happy:
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!!! went to zumba and weights today, 750 calories burned!!!

    i will post later, hubby is having a cow and wants me to spend time with him since i already went to the gym for 2 hours!!

    have a great day!!!

    oh, i did pretty good last night!!!