Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Buddies!

    I've been a Bad, Bad Girl :embarassed: PMSing :ohwell:

    Do NOT, I repeat Do NOT buy "Caramel Bugles". :grumble: :laugh:

    Nicole - Happy Dancing Here :bigsmile: Size 8 :tongue: I knew you had a Surprise coming :wink: I know you are feeling like a Million bucks :happy: I need to see a picture, please :laugh: :flowerforyou: That was Awesome your friend thought of your for those jeans. Looks like you were a Good Girl this weekend. Is your tooth better? How about your ankle? Which are the things you track?

    Sandy - Great Idea Amiga! I'm definately down to get a tee-shirt with OUR "team" name :bigsmile: Let's try to do it before the New Year, and we can start our Thred with those Avatars... hehehe I'm getting excited already :laugh: I'm gonna go find the thread where you posted your "Success" You really look Happy, in the recent photo :happy:

    Amanda - How did you do this weekend? Did you start Christmas shopping yet? Your kids are old enough to ask for expensive gifts :frown: Sandy and Nicole's kids are still young enough to satisfy them more inexpensively :wink: Is that right girls? My only child is not doing well in school and I'm really struggling with the decision on buying him a gift or not... :ohwell:

    Well I ended up with a Negative Deficit this past week :noway: That has not EVER happended since I started on MFP :noway: I worked out Friday and Saturday. Sunday I had a "First Date" :blushing: so I had to had to do the "diva" hair. I had a really good time and he was a perfect gentleman. We went bowling and he Let me win all 3 games... I could tell he was taking it easy on me cause it seemed he could get a Strike at Will :laugh: I only had some curly fried and a diet soda. Then we walked on the Beach :blushing: I like him... the only issue is he is 10 years younger :blushing: :bigsmile: I've been attracting much younger men lately :love: it isn't a bad thing. However, I don't feel I can offer a "serious relationship" because I'm not going to have anymore babies. :ohwell:

    I'm gonna try to recuperate this week. The weather is really Humid and it's gonna be record heat (upper 80's). I'm not catering to "diva" hair this week :laugh:
    Sorry for my Amigas suffering through the Winter Woes :flowerforyou:

    Make it a Wondrful Day Amigas!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!!!

    I was a BAD BAD girl this weekend!!! I think all my stress caught up with me. I ate lots of crackers and chips (Kettle reduced fat). I hate when I do that to myself BUT today is monday and its a new week and I am ready to kick some major butt!!!!

    Spicy- I am there with you girl, I am not PMSing as I just finished my TOM but I think lifting heavier this time around on Chalean has made me so hungry all the time. Plus I am doing cardio everyday I just need to make smarter choices for myself. How exciting about your first date!!! Remember age is only a number. I know lots of young guys that are not into having kids so don't let that stop you from being with someone :happy: I am going Christmas shopping tonight with a friend. yes my kids do ask for expensive things. My almost 4 year old does not as much but crap my 5 and almost 7 year old everything on there list is over 50 bucks a piece! In our house Santa only brings one gift (crap I am not letting him take all the credit for the fun stuff :wink: ). I think they are all going to get a build a bear from him. I am really trying to decide what to do about Kayla. She wants Dora links and new ice skates. I think that the ice skates will get me more for my money but I really don't want her to be sad. I told her she does have a birthday coming too. As far as your son, I would say maybe one gift? I don't know what I would do. That is a really tough spot to be in. I would probably say I would get my kid one thing and not have it the couple of things that were on the top of what they wanted (does that make sense?).

    Nicole- How is your tooth and your ankle doing? CONGRATULATIONS on those size 8's!!!! That is awesome girl!!!!

    Sandy- I too am down for getting a tee shirt! I think that would be really cool to have us all in our avatar with them in (Good idea Spicy!) How did you do this weekend?

    Well I have been overly stressed out lately. I have a half brother (27), I am adopted and he was raised by my birth mom who found me a few years ago, and he is the one that tried to kill himself. Then I have another brother (27) who I was raised with and the biological son of my mom and dad (the people that adopted me) and he is facing some jail time. He has court tomorrow. He is an alcoholic and does some drugs. I am just so sad and beside myself right now. On top of all that Jeff's (my husband) mother is really bugging us about crap that is none of her business. Makes Jeff upset and crabby and then I get stressed about it. I have been working out 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day trying to relieve some of that stress. Well the stress got to me or all the exercising and this weekend I could not stop eating! On a good note I am under 140lbs finally!!!!! Kids are still coughing up a lung and feeling crappy. Guess it is time for me to spend the money and get some all natural meds for them. I hate the antibiotics, I am a very all natural girl when it comes to stuff like that. They have been on antibiotics a couple of time now since having the pneumonia and now I can't seem to get them better.

    Anyway, off to eat, shower, do school with Kayla, go to the food co-op and then get dinner done before having to go out with my friend and brave the stores!

    Make it a great Monday Amigas!!!!
  • Hey Amigas!!!!!!

    Whew!!!! I am glad this weekend has passed. I was doing so good on my calories and exercise(I do the Cardio Max DVD on weekends). Then here comes my Uncle again on a Sat. night when I just relaxing watching TV , with SONICs, I LUVVVV Sonic's.
    I made him eat the tater tots, and I ate the burger without half of the bun, and drank the soda. Mind you, I haven't had any soda since thanksgiving. Even though I ate the food, I told him from now on before he buys me anything, call me before hand, so I can tell him if I want something, what it is that I want. I appreciate him thinking of me, but I would appreciate more if he called first.

    Sanifrey- you look AMAZING!!!!! You so motivate me to stay on track.

    Spicy- so glad you had fun on your date. As far as having more babies, he may not want any babies. He may just want a beaufitul, smart, and motivated lady (you) in his life. Just enjoy the ride for now, and talk to see where his head is at before you count him out.

    Nicole- good for you making it to the gym. Isn't it(working out) such a stress reliever?? After a day at the office, I so look forward to making to the gym, no matter how late it is.

    KZO- good way of looking at it. Today is a new day, and new opportunity to work toward your goal(s).

    Have a great day Amigas!!!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Amigas!!!!!!

    Whew!!!! I am glad this weekend has passed. I was doing so good on my calories and exercise(I do the Cardio Max DVD on weekends). Then here comes my Uncle again on a Sat. night when I just relaxing watching TV , with SONICs, I LUVVVV Sonic's.
    I made him eat the tater tots, and I ate the burger without half of the bun, and drank the soda. Mind you, I haven't had any soda since thanksgiving. Even though I ate the food, I told him from now on before he buys me anything, call me before hand, so I can tell him if I want something, what it is that I want. I appreciate him thinking of me, but I would appreciate more if he called first.

    Sanifrey- you look AMAZING!!!!! You so motivate me to stay on track.

    Spicy- so glad you had fun on your date. As far as having more babies, he may not want any babies. He may just want a beaufitul, smart, and motivated lady (you) in his life. Just enjoy the ride for now, and talk to see where his head is at before you count him out.

    Nicole- good for you making it to the gym. Isn't it(working out) such a stress reliever?? After a day at the office, I so look forward to making to the gym, no matter how late it is.

    KZO- good way of looking at it. Today is a new day, and new opportunity to work toward your goal(s).

    Have a great day Amigas!!!!!

    Hi Passion!

    Good to here from you :smile:

    You did really good with the "Sonic Sabotage" :laugh: You left out the worst foods :happy:
    Thanks for the advice :flowerforyou:

    Glad you are focused on your workout today. Good Girl!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!!!

    I was a BAD BAD girl this weekend!!! I think all my stress caught up with me. I ate lots of crackers and chips (Kettle reduced fat). I hate when I do that to myself BUT today is monday and its a new week and I am ready to kick some major butt!!!!

    Spicy- I am there with you girl, I am not PMSing as I just finished my TOM but I think lifting heavier this time around on Chalean has made me so hungry all the time. Plus I am doing cardio everyday I just need to make smarter choices for myself. How exciting about your first date!!! Remember age is only a number. I know lots of young guys that are not into having kids so don't let that stop you from being with someone :happy: I am going Christmas shopping tonight with a friend. yes my kids do ask for expensive things. My almost 4 year old does not as much but crap my 5 and almost 7 year old everything on there list is over 50 bucks a piece! In our house Santa only brings one gift (crap I am not letting him take all the credit for the fun stuff :wink: ). I think they are all going to get a build a bear from him. I am really trying to decide what to do about Kayla. She wants Dora links and new ice skates. I think that the ice skates will get me more for my money but I really don't want her to be sad. I told her she does have a birthday coming too. As far as your son, I would say maybe one gift? I don't know what I would do. That is a really tough spot to be in. I would probably say I would get my kid one thing and not have it the couple of things that were on the top of what they wanted (does that make sense?).

    Nicole- How is your tooth and your ankle doing? CONGRATULATIONS on those size 8's!!!! That is awesome girl!!!!

    Sandy- I too am down for getting a tee shirt! I think that would be really cool to have us all in our avatar with them in (Good idea Spicy!) How did you do this weekend?

    Well I have been overly stressed out lately. I have a half brother (27), I am adopted and he was raised by my birth mom who found me a few years ago, and he is the one that tried to kill himself. Then I have another brother (27) who I was raised with and the biological son of my mom and dad (the people that adopted me) and he is facing some jail time. He has court tomorrow. He is an alcoholic and does some drugs. I am just so sad and beside myself right now. On top of all that Jeff's (my husband) mother is really bugging us about crap that is none of her business. Makes Jeff upset and crabby and then I get stressed about it. I have been working out 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day trying to relieve some of that stress. Well the stress got to me or all the exercising and this weekend I could not stop eating! On a good note I am under 140lbs finally!!!!! Kids are still coughing up a lung and feeling crappy. Guess it is time for me to spend the money and get some all natural meds for them. I hate the antibiotics, I am a very all natural girl when it comes to stuff like that. They have been on antibiotics a couple of time now since having the pneumonia and now I can't seem to get them better.

    Anyway, off to eat, shower, do school with Kayla, go to the food co-op and then get dinner done before having to go out with my friend and brave the stores!

    Make it a great Monday Amigas!!!!

    Amanda - Good Idea about the 1 present... I don't think I have the heart to Not give him a gift on Christmas :ohwell: I'm with you on the Ice Skates. Maybe another family member can get her the Dora Links... whatever that is :laugh:
    Sending you ((HUGS)) Amigas. I'm sorry you've had some stressful months lately :frown: You are doing the right thing with keeping your mind healthy and shouldn't even give it a second thought when you "comfort" yourself with a treat. You've earned it Lady :flowerforyou: I know what it's like to have a family member you love go down the wrong path. Jail is better than the cemetary right? In jail he might kick the habit and realize how much he is hurting himself and his family.

    Now the MIL, I can't help with. I've never been married or lived with anyone. But I'm sure our Married Amigas will have some ideas. :wink:

    Woo Hoo on you getting below the 140's :drinker: That is definately a GOOD THING in your life right now.

    Hey now that I think of it, Most of us are in a size 8 or smaller.... We are some HOT MOMMAS! :bigsmile:
  • hey buddies!! went to zumba(440 cal burned) and then a little of kick(100 cal)! my foot is hurting again, now that i not taking vicodin for my tooth.:laugh: i think im gonna go get new shoes tonight! did ok this weekend, still ate what i wanted, but didnt over do it!

    spicy- i just realized that u wrote happy friday for today:laugh: did u mean to?? i will post some pics, once i get the courage to take some!:wink: i normally just track my protein, carbs, sodium, fat and fiber. i changed it though, so now it shows sugar! dont worry too much about not having a deficit last week, it was probably a good change for ur body, just be extra careful this week!:wink: im glad u found a guy u like, and younger is not bad!:bigsmile: and maybe he wont want kids, just have fun with it and see where it takes you!:wink: as for ur son, i say give him presents, but take something else away. he will always remember if he dosnt get a christmas, but if u take his phone, in years to come, he probably wont even remember! enjoy the beautiful weather, while i sit here miserable in the teens! this week its actually supposed to get into the 30's:bigsmile:

    amanda- sorry u had a bad weekend, but u r right, todays a new week to kick butt!!!:wink: yay for being out of the 140's!!!!:drinker: hope the kids get to feeling better soon!!

    passion- i luv sonic too!!!:bigsmile: great job on getting in ur workouts and passing up the tator tots!:wink: and yes, going to the gym, is a GREAT stress reliever!! thats why i go even when i shouldnt(being sick and foot problems):laugh: i swear i go nuts if i dont get to the gym!:laugh:

    have a great night my amigas!!!:wink:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've just been really tired. My TOM lately, has really been taking it's toll on me! I've been so drained & tired, these last couple of days. I didn't work out all weekend!! YIKES!! And only 3 days last week, DOUBLE YIKES!!! LOL!! I got my bumm moving today with some good ole step aerobics. I burned 330 or so doing that & lifting weights, squating & ab work. I'd like to hit my FIRM dvd tomorrow but it might be too early to do weights again, as they say you're not supposed to work the same groups back to back. We'll see... the way I feel right now, I'll just be doing good to get anything done!! I'm trying to be more conscience of adding in more protein again, seems like that helps get me through a bit better.

    Everyone is doing so great!! Seems like we all "enjoyed" the weekend but are all working hard on getting back on track! That's what it's all about!!

    Nicole, I'm so sorry to hear about your foot still bothering you! Try, try, try to take it easy. It's so very hard to do. I have this pain sometimes that hits me on the top of my foot.. Kinda where my laces tie.. weird. It's so hard dealing with getting older, the aches, the pains, the gravity!! LOL!!

    Spicy, you are one awesome Momma!! Woot woot for you scoring a younger guy!! AWESOME!! Hopefully, things will work out well for everyone involved there. Dont' overthing it now. Just enjoy yourself & you can figure things out later, as they come along or come up.

    Amanda, I hope that things get better for you. Family can be so trying sometimes! Hang in there, keep strong. Congrats to you on getting below 140!! AWESOME!! You gotta be comfortably wearing like a 4 now, huh?? With all your weight training you got to be shrinking!!

    Passion, good for you on giving up those tots!! Those things are so delish!! Sonic makes them with chili and cheese.. and... oh my!! I gotta stop talking now!! The Cardio Max dvd you mentioned, is that the Biggest Loser?? That's one of my favorite videos!! It's such a well rounded workout! I just love the Bob portion with all the weight work included right in there! He's so stinking charasmatic too!

    So this t shirt thing - I really brought it up in jest, but it seems like everyone is "down" with it!! Does anyone have any ideas or know anywhere that we could get them printed?? I was thinking Ebay then we could all place our individual orders & have them mailed out to our respective homes. It'd be cool to have Amigas Fuerte on the front, all fem & fancy & some kind of homage to MFP on the back - or maybe just a little "MFP" down in the lower corner of the front, it could get expensive to do a front in back design. Anyone want to volunteer to take charge...??? Anyone??:huh:

    Well, I gott run, got stuff to get done!! OH, that rhymed!!

    Have a great night!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    I must of been thinking of the weekend already yesterday :laugh: This is the last week for working because we get the option to use vacation time and the schooldays we already get off. :bigsmile: I work for the schoolboard. :bigsmile:

    Sandy - Funny girl :laugh: Great advice about my boytoy :wink: I'm such an "overthinker" too my friends are always telling me that. :laugh: Glad you got in a good burn yesterday. I'm at a point where if I "mess up" or "skip a day" I know I can make-up for it and move on. Just like I'm doing this week :embarassed:
    About "taking charge" of the tee shirt project... I'm such a procrastinator. I was thinking more like each of us Do our own thing. Nicole sounds like she can make her own. I was thinking getting one spray painted at the flea market. it's cheaper and no shipping :wink: what to ya think? I get really exhausted during PMS and some months I get nightsweats :noway: like this month... I've noticed TOM isn't always the same symptoms. :ohwell:

    Nicole - What every happened with the tooth? Girl, you're better off doing the strength machines that don't involve you using your foot too much. :wink: :flowerforyou: Great perspective on Christmas for my son... I didn't think of that. However, he has already lost his phone over 1 year ago because he wasn't doing well in school then. :ohwell: Girl you should be in front of that camera everyday with that face AND in a size 8... I don't think anyone doesn't look good in a size 8... unless you are 4 feet tall :laugh:

    Amanda - Hope you are taking good care of Yourself. :flowerforyou:

    I lucked out at Walmart this weekend... I found chirstmas mugs for $1. I bought 10, filled them with candy and Walla. Inexpensive Office Gifts :wink: :bigsmile:

    It was the most Delightful day for Rollerblading yesterday. The wind was just right, nobody around, just perfect :bigsmile: I went around 2x = 600 calories. :bigsmile: Left over 500 on the table although eating Honey Smacks for dinner :blushing: Probably because I had a Light "Italian Wedding" soup by progresso, with 10 crackers. The whole can for less than 200 calories :bigsmile: I have my gym clothes and plan on doing a little cardio and a little weights, I'm taking things really easy so as to not burn myself out...

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Spicy, duh, I never thought about making our own t-shirts!! That's just brilliant!! I'm not very creative, so we'll see! We definately should get it done soon though. I too am a procrastinator!! Yahoo for you on your vacation time!! I know that you're already gone, mentally. I like your advice to your self (which I'm stealing, btw) to take it easy & not burn yourself out. I'm still struggling with being tired & I know that if I over do it, I'll be in bad shape for the rest of the week. I'm planning on doing my Firm dvd & maybe just a little bit on the treadmill. Great job on the rollerblading! I'm so very jealous of your nice weather! No snow here yet, just cold, in the 40's & the trees are bare. I miss the green already!

    I'll check in with you other gals once you've posted!

    Take care & be strong!

    :heart: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Spicy, duh, I never thought about making our own t-shirts!! That's just brilliant!! I'm not very creative, so we'll see! We definately should get it done soon though. I too am a procrastinator!! Yahoo for you on your vacation time!! I know that you're already gone, mentally. I like your advice to your self (which I'm stealing, btw) to take it easy & not burn yourself out. I'm still struggling with being tired & I know that if I over do it, I'll be in bad shape for the rest of the week. I'm planning on doing my Firm dvd & maybe just a little bit on the treadmill. Great job on the rollerblading! I'm so very jealous of your nice weather! No snow here yet, just cold, in the 40's & the trees are bare. I miss the green already!

    I'll check in with you other gals once you've posted!

    Take care & be strong!

    :heart: Sandy

    Hey Amiga!

    I'm so creative... NOT!:laugh: That is where the Spray Paint guy will come in :wink:
    Yeah, why burn ourselves out during TOM, when we aren't on Full Weighloss anymore? As long as I can get 2 strength days, 1 cardio in and stay close to my calories, I'm not going to stress it :happy:

    Your "Success Post" has really inspired many people Girl, You should feel Proud and Rewarded :flowerforyou:

    I was just thinking... my brother lives in Erie Pennsylvania, is that anywhere near you? I've been wanting to go see him, in the summertime of course :wink: and thought of YOU. :bigsmile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Spicy, duh, I never thought about making our own t-shirts!! That's just brilliant!! I'm not very creative, so we'll see! We definately should get it done soon though. I too am a procrastinator!! Yahoo for you on your vacation time!! I know that you're already gone, mentally. I like your advice to your self (which I'm stealing, btw) to take it easy & not burn yourself out. I'm still struggling with being tired & I know that if I over do it, I'll be in bad shape for the rest of the week. I'm planning on doing my Firm dvd & maybe just a little bit on the treadmill. Great job on the rollerblading! I'm so very jealous of your nice weather! No snow here yet, just cold, in the 40's & the trees are bare. I miss the green already!

    I'll check in with you other gals once you've posted!

    Take care & be strong!

    :heart: Sandy

    Hey Amiga!

    I'm so creative... NOT!:laugh: That is where the Spray Paint guy will come in :wink:
    Yeah, why burn ourselves out during TOM, when we aren't on Full Weighloss anymore? As long as I can get 2 strength days, 1 cardio in and stay close to my calories, I'm not going to stress it :happy:

    Your "Success Post" has really inspired many people Girl, You should feel Proud and Rewarded :flowerforyou:

    I was just thinking... my brother lives in Erie Pennsylvania, is that anywhere near you? I've been wanting to go see him, in the summertime of course :wink: and thought of YOU. :bigsmile:

    Yes, I agree, as long as we keep active & watch our calories we should be good. Thank you for recommending the success post. I remember when I first started here at MFP I found alot of inspiration by viewing those. So, hopefully others can be successful too!

    Erie, is not very far at all! About an hour & a half, I think! It's really beautiful up that way, with the lake & all. You'll have to let me know when you plan on visiting & maybe we can meet you up around that way & take in the sights together or something!!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi look great.You all really motivate me.I really need it.I have not had my computer.I pray it keeps working and I keep working out.I have done some working out.I took a small walk outside today and I did some stretching and toning.It's getting way too cold to walk outside now.I'll have to put my fat burning for dummies workout video in and workout to it now.Have a great day.
  • Hey Amigas!!!!!

    OMG!!! I so have gas today!! :ohwell: LOL And it is so painful :sad: I guess that sugar free gum is getting to me. Chewing too much of it can cause gas. I guess I will switch back to reg. gum, but chew less of it. I am so looking forward to the gym today. I absolutely have to be at or below 150 by NYs; it would give me that extra boost that I need to be in shape by early Spring.

    Nicole- I think I am going to treat myself to a sonic lemonberryslush this weekend; thats only if I behave all week.

    Spicy- I am so ready for Friday too!!! I really have finish Christmas shopping, and I just can't make it during the week. Plus its been raining for days here, :grumble: and I do NOT like getting out in the rain.

    Have a great day Amigas!!!
  • hey girlies!! thats a new one:happy: went to the gym, one hour of boot camp(380 calories) and then and hour of kick(430.) must be the season or TOM cause i am feeling so out of it lately, im tired and i dont feel like doing anything!!! i had to fight with myself just to stay for the whole hour of kick:laugh: and not to mention i havnt done weights in over a week:grumble: .....definitely tomorrow!!!

    sandy- great job on getting a workout in, even though u weren't feeling so hot!:drinker: i really should try to take it easy on my foot, but its soooo hard! mine is hurting in the arch:grumble:

    spicy- sounds like u had a fabulous time rollerblading!! im so jealous of the weather u have!! :wink: is ur son into sports? maybe dont let him play until his grades r up, or take away the car(if he has one) or simply ground him!:tongue: i am not 4 feet tall:laugh: but i still think i look bad, and when i take pics i point out all the bad and never like any of them, well see, maybe i will take a few, just for my buddies!!!

    suzanne- great job n getting in a little exercise!! some is better than none!!!:wink: '

    passion- u will be under the 150's. i know it!!!:wink: i hope ur stomach feels better soon!!:flowerforyou: enjoy ur slush this weekend!!!.....if ur good!:wink:

    have a fabulous day!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    I decided to talk Ruby for a walk yeaterday, but she was pulling so much I got frustrated and went back home :grumble: I'm PMSing, can you tell. :laugh: Not to mention what that did to my deficit :grumble:

    Nicole - Hiya Girlie :laugh: That was a great burn for somebody who was "out of it" :huh: :smile: Just want to say I KNOW you Look Great in those 8's. I think you aren't taking the pictures from the right angle or whomever is taking these pictures isn't a good photographer :wink: There are certain people that can't take a Good picture of me... I can think of a couple of friends that always take a good picture of me and another that whenever she does, I never look good :huh: . That might sound kinda cooky... but i am kinda cooky :laugh:

    Sandy - Woo Hoo! that is awesome you're only a couple hours from my brothers house :bigsmile: I will definately let you know when I begin to plan. I'm going to check into the Tee Shirt this weekend. So the wording will be "Amigas Fuerte", right? if we want to add anything else, that is our perogative :wink: I forgot to mention that in your "Success Picture" you look thinner than the last pic. Although you might not see that "number" on the scale you want, I think you have continued to lose inches :wink: Have you measured recently? How is MJ and her Dancing? :smooched:

    Amanda - Girl, I've failed everyday with the Sugar challenge :cry: I can't seem to get a handle on it. However, I'm gonna keep trying :ohwell: How have you done? Is the MIL gone yet?

    Passion - Sounds like you are On Track Amiga. "Excited about going to the gym", Planning out your "slushy" Now that is Focus :happy: Good For You :flowerforyou:

    Suzannne - Good to hear you are still "Keeping it Moving". :flowerforyou:

    I'm doing Zumba tonight :indifferent:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Yesterday I ended up doing my The Firm - Tough Tape 2 & yes it was tough!! LOL!! When it was all over I had a serious pain in my glute!! The pain would shoot all the way down to me knee if I stood or moved funny. It feels okay today so that's good. Today was the circiut stations at step class. That's such a tough workout! One girl walked in & turned around & left. I'm not sure if it was because of the workout or if she had a phone call or something. Either way, I would've like to have left! But a workout is a workout!! I burned 338 today & 250 yesterday.

    I'm having such a hard time with the Keebler Club crackers in the house! I gotta get them outta my system & outta my house!

    I'll look into the t-shirt thing soon. I'm still leaning towards Ebay. There's a few Ebay stores that'll print your design & ship to you for free all for around $14.00. I don't think thats too bad. We'll see. Right now, I'm sitting waiting for my highlights to process. I went a bit darker last time & couldn't wait to lighten it back up again! I'm not a natural blonde, but then again who is!! LOL!!

    Spicy, poor Ruby!! That sweet girl sounds like she's a "lap" dog!! Poor baby! It is frustrating when they dont' want to walk the right way! Thanks for the compliments on my pic. The fact that the scale isn't changing anymore is exactly why I took the pictures. I knw that I needed to see some kind of change. I see alot of it in my shoulders & arms.

    Nicole, I'll check back with you - the girls need my attention & I gotta go rinse out my hair!!
  • hey buddies!! went to an hour of zumba and then had a battle with my self to stay for weights, but i did and burned 850 total!! i got really pumped after i got on the stage with the instructor during zumba, and then she got off and i was leading! it was so much fun and not as scary as i thought it would be!!!:bigsmile: i am feeling so tired and pooped lately i just want to sleep, and then when i go to bed i cant fall asleep:grumble: hopefully things change soon, its taking everything out of me to get through the days!

    spicy- sorry that ur pmsing, maybe thats my deal:laugh: i think ur right about certain people taking the pics!! its all about the right angle!! :wink: have a great time at zumba tonight!!!

    sandy- great workouts to past couple days!!! im glad ur glute is feeling better today! hopefully it was just a cramp and wont come back!:wink: get those crackers out!!! i wish i could just get the food out of the house that i have trouble with, but living with the family, its not really possible, plus they already think im pathetic for all the "health" stuff that i do:ohwell: thats pretty cheap to get the shirts done on ebay, ill have to look into that....after xmas!:wink: cant wait to see a pic of the new "do"!!:bigsmile:

    have a fabulous day and keep on movin!!!......unless u have "diva" hair!!!:wink::laugh:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    have a fabulous day and keep on movin!!!......unless u have "diva" hair!!!:wink::laugh:

    LOL!! n:laugh: I think Spicy should get this on her shirt!!! LOL!!! :laugh:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    have a fabulous day and keep on movin!!!......unless u have "diva" hair!!!:wink::laugh:

    LOL!! n:laugh: I think Spicy should get this on her shirt!!! LOL!!! :laugh:

    :laugh: That is sooo Funny and Not a bad idea....
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Sandy- Great work outs the last couple of days!!! I hear ya on the crackers. I did that a few days ago and now it is the stupid Christmas cookies I am making for the kids Christmas get together. I can't wait for this to be over so all this junk is not in my house!!!

    Nicole- Wow girl you are a calorie burning machine!!!! Between Christmas and my birthday (only a couple weeks after Christmas) I am hoping to get a HRM so I can see how much I am really burning. What kind do you have and do you like it?

    Spicy- I agree with Sandy you should get that on your shirt somewhere lol. ummmmmm about this sugar challenge I must have been confused I thought we were going to see who could eat the most sugar :laugh: :wink: I have not done well at all!!! These sugar cookies and gingerbread men have been giving me a run for my money. I am not going to give up though!!! We can do this together Amiga!!!!

    Today is Olivia's Christmas party at Preschool. Then I have to come home and clean the house for guests that are going to start to come and visit this weekend. All on top of still having sick kids. I swear when will this sickness end. It is the same cold or whatever it is for months now. My son woke up with a high fever, body aches, headache, sore throat and bad belly ache. So Jeff is going to miss the CHristmas party and stay home with him. I worked out today (even though it is a day off) because off all the crap I have eaten.

    Hope you all have a butt kickin day Amigas!!!
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