Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout for me today, my shoulder is killing me.

    Everybody is doing so great. Keep it up.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!

    I've been doing great with my calories... I know it has alot to do with my son not being home :wink: I weighed yesterday, 144! :drinker: Someone at work commented yesterday on how i'm still losing :happy:

    Amanda - I see you are still going strong with your workouts :happy: Feels good to be Passionate about something :happy: How is your friend.. the one in the picture? Is he depoyed? We were in the 70's yesterday too... Perfect Day! No Sweat about the Hunk... He's still calling me :laugh:

    Sandy - Happy for the scale moving downward Buddy, I know having kids and a husband doens't make your calorie counting easy. I admire you Ladies for Taking Care of Youselves and Staying Sexy and Healthy :flowerforyou: How was the Library day? What's on the agenda for the weekend? Are you able to go for walks yet? It would be a great exercise for you and the girls to go rollerskating at the track.... Kids are so quick to learn things, soon after they will probably be racing you :laugh:

    Megan - So sorry about your shoulder :flowerforyou: What did you do to injure it? Are you making sure to stretch before you do your strength training? Take care of that girl, I've done it too and it's really annoying :grumble:

    Nicole - Hey Girly! How was the Floor Exam... I was watching "Good Hair" and thought of you. :happy: I am Proud and Amazed that you've cut out the sugar like that :drinker: Have you noticed more loss of inches by your clothes? Your goal is a size 4? You must be on the Seam... get it? :laugh: crack me up :laugh:

    The last time I worked out was Rollerblading. This weekend I will make up for lost time :bigsmile:

    Make it a Great Repair Day 12!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!

    Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. I'm sick with a chest cold & didn't do much of anything. I hate to miss step class today, but I know that my lungs wouldn't be able to handle the cardio! Another rest day is probably better for me anyhow.

    My weight WAS coming back down, but not today! I indulged in some comfort food last night & I've not been real "regular" so today's weigh in was not great. Hopefully things will work out soon!

    Spicy, Yahoooooo for you!! 144 - AWESOME!! I'm so happy for you! So funny that the hunk is still calling you! Sounds like you've had some really beautiful weather! But, your weather is always beautiful! Will you be rollerblading this weekend? I love that you suggested getting the girls involved in it as well. I wasn't really thinking of them when I mentioned going, but you're totally right! They would catch on quickly & it'd do us all good, to be out, exercising & together! Maybe even the husband!! I'll look into buying some blades! Any brand suggestions you can make?

    Megan, you be careful with the shoulder!! Maybe just focus on the treadmill & try to let yourself heal a bit.

    Amanda, how are things with you?? P90X & the big move must be keeping you very busy! Is your new house in the same area or are you moving out of state?

    Nicole, how are things with you & the kids?? I hope that you all are keeping healthy! Warning - MJ has my cough - hopefully your little ones dont' get it!!

    Have a great day & weekend!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did Zumba with Nicole and then stayed for kickboxing. My shoulder feels fine today, I think I just needed a good stretch.

    Sandy Sorry you are not feeling good. Get better soon.

    Spicy Great job. I love getting compliments. Way 2 go. I don't think I injured my shoulder, I think the muscles were just really tight.

    Nicole thanks for letting me join you in Zumba today, I had fun. I think I am starting to get the hang of it. I still don't feel like I have much rhythm though. Oh well, as long as nobody laughs at me I'll be fine. LOL

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    I am so tired :yawn: I have family visiting for the weekend and got to bed late last night, along with the time change and losing an hour sleep. I need a nap :laugh:

    I did Ok this weekend. Didn't eat much, but drank too much alcohol :wink: Went for a long walk on Saturday and that was the extent of my workouts this weekend. :embarassed: Back on Track today :happy:

    Sandy - How are you feeling today? :flowerforyou: So sorry you are feeling ill. Get some rest buddy... your body is burning extra calories to bet you healed anyway :wink: I hope it doesn't spread. The K2 brand of blades is what I always buy (Sports Authority) for myself, but for the girls something cheaper to begin with. Also, I purchased the "maintenance warranty" $14.95, and I thought it was for replacing wheels, etc. When I brought them in, they gave me a Brand New pair of Rollerblades :noway: So totally worth it.

    Megan - WooHoo! Nobody will laugh in ZUmba... Like Nicole said, everyone is too busy trying to follow the instructor :happy: that is the one class I've never felt embarrassed about messing up, because most people do :wink:

    Nicole - How did you do on the Exam? Keep up the Great Work :bigsmile:

    Amanda- Hey buddy how is the House Prep coming along? Did you get in some workouts this weekend?

    I'm so tired my mind isn't functioning properly... I hope I make it through the day.

    Make it a Great Repair Day 15! We are Half way through month already :drinker:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    We are getting closer and closer to moving and I can't wait!!! We are supposed to close on the house next week and then she has a couple of weeks to move out. I am still doing P90X but finding that I am not enjoying myself. It is hard to get myself to want to work out for an hour 6 days a week as hard as he has you working. I am going to keep pushing myself! Once I get started and once I am done I am very glad I did it like I say getting myself motivated to do it is the problem. I am supposed to do Core Synergistics today and usually I get up before anyone else and get my work out done and shower but since doing P90x most of my work outs happen in the afternoon or evening. I am starting to get a bit of a cold too so I am tired. Blah I can't wait for all this weather to break and it is just warm so we can stop getting sick!

    Spicy- Glad you were able to enjoy your weekend with your family! Take that nap you deserve it :wink:

    Sandy- How are you feeling? I hope that you get to feeling better really soon and that your family doesn't get it :flowerforyou:

    Nicole- Great job on getting 100% on your exam! Keep it up girl!

    Megan- Glad to hear that your shoulder is better! That is awesome that you did both Zumba and Kickboxing WTG Girl!!!

    Make it a great day Amigas!!!

    Amanda :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was the first day I left the house & worked out since last Wednesday! I struggled with a chest cold all weekend & Makayla was up all Friday night throwing up. So gross. I think it took me the entire weekend to recover from the lack of sleep from that. But, I'm feeling much better today, still a bit of a cough, but I'll make it! I went to step aerobics - 350 clas burned & then did JM's Cardio Kickboxing for another 150. I've got alot of work to do!!

    Yvonne, thanks for the RB advice!! I don't know that we have a Sport's Authority store, but I'll check around for the K2 brand & see what stores here will have them! Or my favorite store - Ebay! :wink: So how are you holding up?? This time change thing is a pain!! I hate trying to explain to MJ that even though its light outside it's still bed time!
    I was wondering how your son is getting along in Erie? Has your brother whipped him into shape?? I sure hope so! I know that the school year will be winding down soon, so I hope he's doing well. How are you holding up without him? When will you be visiting him?

    Amanda, so happy for you with the house & the move!! Very exciting!! As far as P90X - I'm a big believer in that you should enjoy what you're doing. I would suggest either looking for other Xers for support & encouragement or putting it on hold for when you feel that you could really get into it. I'd hate to see you lose your momentum & love of working out!! Your the machine!!

    Megan, I couldn't help but think of you today as I did my Jillian video, as I know you have a few! What a great workout buddy you have in Nicole! Sounds like you girls get a great workout & enjoy yourselves!! I agree about the Zumba, just do your THANG girl!! You'll be fine!!

    Nicole, how are things?? You're doing so greaet balancing all your responsibilities & doing so well at school! Keep up the great work!! You're an inspiration to us all!

    Make it a great day!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout for me today, It is my daughter Aalicia's birthday and she got all my time. We went to lunch with my mom and grandma then to build a bear. She named her bear Tiller. I have no clue where she got the name.

    Sandy Glad to here you are feeling better. Great workout.

    Amanda Sorry you're having trouble with motivation. I have a picture on my wall of a hot girl in a bikini. That helps keep me motivated.

    Spicy I had the same problem as you with alcohol this weekend. For the first time I actually danced at GNO. Who knows how stupid i looked though. Oh Well, I had fun.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Buddies!

    Real busy at work today...

    Sandy - So glad you are feeling better and by that workout, you are almost 100% :happy: My son is doing well in school, but the honeymoon is definately over... with a house full of teenagers, mostly boys there is going to be problems :ohwell: He keeps asking me what can he do to come back home, it breaks my heart cause I miss him so much, but not until he is either in 12th grade or gets a GED while he's there. I was planning to visit him during sprink break but i don't have anyone who will keep Ruby for me and paying for a kennel and the trip isn't feasible right now... I rather send him some money and see him during summer. When we might be able to meet :bigsmile: Can you imagine, Amigas Fuerte actually meeting after all these months of daily contact :happy:

    Nicole - You are on a Roll, I can only say. I'm Proud of ya and Keep in Moving :bigsmile:

    Amanda - You really do need to take a break if you not feeling the PX90 right now... what harm will it do. You alot on your plate with the new house and all. Take care of yourself :flowerforyou:

    Megan - Good for you! I hear Alcohol dehydrates you. We must have lost a couple of water pounds this weekend :laugh: Your babies are growing up :wink: Do you take them to the daycare when you do the the Y with Nicole? I have a question... being that you know Nicole personally.... she works really hard and I know this past year she has to have lost a Bunch of Inches.... What do you see? Does she look like a totally different person to you? Nicole don't be upset, I'm just messing with you :laugh:

    I've not been eating well, last night I didn't eat dinner and had soup for lunch... I know I'm okay calorie wise. :happy:

    Make it a Great Repair Day 16!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! sorry its been a few days since i have been on, things r just so busy, and now that the weather is nice i hate spending my only free hour of the day on the computer:laugh: things have been going great, got a 96% on my written exam and 100% on my floor exam last week:drinker: i have been going to the gym everyday, but i am really starting to feel like i need a major break!!! i am just so exhausted all the time and i have been on the verge of getting sick for a week now! i just want to sleep!!!:yawn: LOL im thinking that after my race in a month i am going to take a whole month off and just enjoy yoga, walking and really low impact stuff! i think i need it...and maybe that would finally break this stupid plateau...i have only lost like maybe....maybe 10lbs in the past year:grumble: its getting REALLY old!!! i just want all this hard work to pay off!!! since january i have only lost 1/2 inch off my calf:angry: and i really feel like i am doing better than ever this past sugar....not much fast food and i have been doing pretty great on the weekends!!! for the first time in my life i feel in control all the time!! oh well, maybe someday:laugh:

    today i did kettlebells (380) and then played racquetball(200!)

    i will really try to reply to everyone sometime this week, sorry for always being so short...i do read everything, but im always in such a rush to get ready for school...please forgive me:flowerforyou:

    hope u all have a wonderful day!!! :heart:
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today. It's been a busy week. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a workout in.

    Spicy You can really see a difference in Nicole. I am not a lesbian or anything but I think her legs are hot. LOL

    Nicole Don't feel bad we all know how busy you are.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Repair month is in full effect!! Yesterday I ran on the treadmill, training for my 5K & then did some sprints. I ran at 6.5 for 2 minutes then walked at 4 for 2. What a great workout! 589 calories burned. I had read that doing that kind of rotation is the best for burning calories! It felt really good to push myself! I was also able to run a 10 minute mile! Something I've not done before!!
    Today we did strength training! Really intense fast moving circiuts! It felft great! I know that I'll be sore tomorrow! 304 cals burned! We also did some running & jump roping! Tomorrow will probably be a rest day, if you can call 2 kids for 2 hours at the library rest! LOL!! :tongue:

    Spicy, It would be so awesome to finally meet!! We really gotta make that happen! I'm glad that you're adjusting well to not having your son at home. I know that gotta be tough on you, but I'm sure that he'll thank you later! Did you get a chance to workout yesterday?? Whatcha do??

    Amanda, how are you holding up?? I know that you gotta be super busy right in through here! I saw you had posted some P90X questions on here - I hope that you got some good feedback & advice!

    Megan, what's on your agenda today?? Build a Bear sounds like such fun! It's funny the names kids come up with.

    Nicole, so nice for you to update us a bit! We all understand that you're so very busy! I'm so happy for you that you're doing so well with school! Make sure to make time for yourself & try not to get yourself sick!

    Have a great day girls!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today I got myself a job at a temp agency.

    Sandy Sounds like you had a great workout. Keep it up.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning AMigas!

    Sandy - You are the Bomb Momma! Congrats on Accomplishing a 10 minute mile :drinker: That was a Tremendous Workout :drinker: You worked out for us both cause i didn't do a darn thing yesterday :embarassed: I'm just in a lazy mood lately. However, today I have my gear and going rollerblading, cause I really do feel guilty when I don't get some form of exercise within the week. That is a good thing :bigsmile: Enjoy your Library Workout today :laugh: When is your 5K?

    Megan - Good for you on landing a job :flowerforyou: Some extra money is always good. :bigsmile:

    Amanda- You poor Buddy :flowerforyou: I hope you get better soon Amiga. Take care of yourself :flowerforyou: You have been going Full Speed lately.

    Nicole - Congrats on your tests :flowerforyou: Are you planning a rest day for yourself? Good that your able to get out more. You can train for your Marathon an actual concrete :bigsmile: What date is it?

    Gotta get to work Buddies!

    Make it a Great Repair day 18!

    Love YA Buddies!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    I finally got a workout in today. I did 45mins of a cycling class and 60 mins of kick boxing. I feel great now.

    Spicy I wish I could say I am doing good on repair month, I keep finding myself drinking pop. I need help. HAHAHA. Great job on your repair month. I will try harder.

    Have a great night girls.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey there ladies!!

    Going to make this really fast. I am still sick and it sucks! No work out yesterday as I was supposed to do P90X yoga and took the advice and decided to rest instead. Plus I was also not eating much yesterday. Today I am still stuffy, sore throat and cough but today I feel really hungry. I think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I can't taste anything! My stomach is not hungry but my brain knows I have not tasted any food. Does that make sense lol? I am just eating as clean as I can and not going to worry about numbers today. I have only been eating fruit and veggies and protein so I am just going to feed my body in hopes of repairing myself.

    I hope you are all doing well! Keep up all your great work and I can't wait to feel better so I can work out again!!!

  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did Zumba. I was going to stay for kickboxing but Hailee was crying in the daycare.

    Amanda sorry you are sick, get better soon.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello girls!!

    I'm going to make this short & sweet as I'm still struggling with my cold, but pushed & went to strength training again today! It was such a great class, but really tough! I burned 317 calories! My 5k is next Saturday & I'm really hoping that I can still do it! I've not been able to run outside yet, hopefully I can run at the track someimte tomorrow.

    I'm glad to see that you all are doing well, pushing & working so very hard!! Everyday counts! We can do it!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Great workout today - 489 while training for next week's 5K!! I'm still only running indoors though, so I know I'm in for a shock! Hopefully I can get outside & run one of these days!

    Make it a great day!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Amigas!!!

    Well I am still getting over this silly cold. I am doing much better and I am not 100% yet. I have not worked out since last tuesday!!! I am so busy packing, we should be closing tomorrow, and have just been so tired from that. We got a puppy (Trapper and he is 6months old). We took them for a nice long walk in the park on Saturday and then the kids played at the park with Jeff and I took Bella on a nice short run. It felt great to do that even though I did a lot of coughing having this cold. Maybe this afternoon I will find the time to do my work out. Should I start where I left off or pick up where I should be? This week should be a little easier if I pick up where I should be as it is the "rest" week (is there such thing in P90X). Hmmm plz give me your opinions :) The other option I have to just start over with p90x once I move like say start april 1st with day one. Until then I will be packing moving and painting and I can do some shorter work outs like some chalean and some 30day shred......what to do what to do lol

    Sandy- How exciting that your 5k is almost here! You are going to rock it girl!!!

    Spicy- How are you doing girl?

    Megan- I am glad that you are able to do those classes at the gym. I want to do that and my kids HATE the daycare and they in there and it makes it hard for me to workout when I know they are crying!

    Nicole- How is life girl? When is your 5k?

    Make it a GREAT Monday girls! Off to eat and then do some more packing!!!
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