Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did an hour on the treadmill. It felt good to run.

    Spicy I am hopefully going to go to the gym tomorrow with Nicole and pick up an application. I should try a challenge too, my weakness is pop so I think I am going to try to take pop out of my diet. Wish me luck, and good luck on you challenge. You're gonna do great and look HOT this summer.

    Have a great evening girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was step aerobics 390 cals burned & another 325 cals on the treadmill. I finally turned in my 5K registration for March 27th. I'm super excited & nervous! My weekend was okay, I'm glad that it's a new week & a new month!

    Spicy, I love REPAIR MONTH!! Not just for your hair, but for your health too!! I'm totally on board!! I have got to get myself back into shape! The scale has not been so very nice to me lately!
    I'm glad that you enjoyed the time with your girlfriend & it looks like you got some great workouts in!!
    Thank goodness for Banks saving the day on your correct MC number!! That's quite a big difference!
    My husband is doing so great on his "diet". He hasn't started working out yet, but I'm sure it'll come any day now!

    Megan, sounds like you had a great workout today!! Good luck on getting the pop outta your diet! You can do it!!

    Nicole, great workouts!! Keep it up!!

    Good night!!

    ~ Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey there ladies!!!

    I got my P90X!!!! I LOVE it!! I have decided to do the lean round this time and then the next 90days I will the classic. I still have weight and fat to loose and then I will build that muscle ;) This weekend was Kayla's first ice skating competition and she did GREAT! She won the bronze metal :) We are so proud of her. Most importantly she had a great time! It was a LONG day and I got little sleep and I am paying for it now with the start of a cold or something. I am going to bed here as soon as I am done in hopes of kicking it before it gets me.

    Sandy- That is great that you signed up for the 5K WTG girl!!!

    Megan- Sounds like a good workout girl! Soda was the hardest thing for me to get out of my diet. Still every now and then I will drink a diet soda if I have an unset stomach but there is a thing on youtube that will make you not want to drink it anymore. Just look up the new york soda commercial.

    Nicole- Keep up the great work girl!

    Spicy- i am glad that you and your girlfriend had a great time together!

    BTW I did the Core Synergistics today for P90X and all the work outs are no less the 50 minutes (except the ab ripper X is 16 minutes and yoga is 1.5 hours) and I burned 470 calories. Can't wait to see how much I burn doing the cardio x tomorrow lol!

    Have a great night!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!!!

    Repair Month is ON Baby! :happy:

    Went Rollerblading, only burned 370 calories but that was in 22 minutes :smile: I only had time to go around the track 1x. Got my gear today and heading to the gym after work for some strength training.

    Sandy!! Woot! Woot! I'm so Excited for you momma :bigsmile: I know you will do Great. 5K is less than 5 miles, right? March 27th gives you 3 weeks to Train... Just in Time for Repair Month :wink: Can't wait to see the pic of you crossing the Finish Line :drinker:

    Amanda - So happy you got your new "toy". Just in time for Repair Month :wink: I hope you Beat That Bug. Congrats Proud Momma!!! :flowerforyou: Kayla's 1st competition and she is already winning Medals :bigsmile: She is a Natrual...

    Megan - I know will KIck That Pop out of your life :laugh: Trust me when I say you will not miss it much. I will crave a soda during PMS only. Good News that you will be getting the application... It will be good for you... and the baby will have some socializing time :happy:

    Nicole - Hey Girly What's New? Are you running a 5K sometime soon too? How are the babies?

    We are ALL the wagon this MONTH :bigsmile:

    Make your Day 2 of REPAIR MONTH a GREAT 1!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I am so in on repair month!!! I am ready to kick some butt!!! Day 2 of P90X (cardioX) done this morning and burned 330 calories. I am sure that next time I do that work out I will burn a little more. Some of the moves took me a bit to get so I did not go full out this time. Still a good burn for 43 minutes. I am really loving these work outs! Busy day today, Olivia to preschool, school the older two, then we have a bunch of ice skating classes tonight lol.

    Spicy- Wow I think I need to take up roller blading this summer! That is a great burn girl! yeah know now that you say something I think I crave the soda mostly during PMS too. Never really put it all together until now lol.

    Hope all you ladies make it a GREAT day! Eat healthy NO JUNK and BRING IT!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I went to the gym with Nicole. Thanks Nicole!!!! I did an hour of kettle bells and an hour of yoga.

    KZO Great job with p90x, I want to try that.

    Spicy Rollerblading sounds like a fun way to burn cals. I got my app for the gym.

    Sanifrey Nice workout, great cal burn.

    Nicole Thanks for inviting me to the gym.

    Have a great afternoon girls.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! went to kettle bells(470) and then yoga(320.) kettle bells kicked my butt!! i really need to kick my butt into running more, i have about 5 weeks to train....its a 13 mile race, 9 of that up hill:noway: better get runnin:laugh: great job sandy for signing up for ur first 5k!!!:flowerforyou: u will do amazing!!!

    sounds like u all r doing awesome, keep it up!!!

    this month i am doing no fast food and no sugar and im trying not to eat too much past 8!!! only 3-4 months until summer, gotta kick it up!!!:wink:

    have a great night!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    My Post was just erased!!! :grumble: :explode:

    I can't type it again cause I have a project to work on.

    I went to the gym and did weights and some elliptical yesterday.

    Megan - Great job on getting to the gym :drinker:

    Amanda- You will have that routine down in no time... I'm so jealous :happy:

    Sandy - You on the Treadmill? :laugh:

    Nicole - 13 miles :huh: We will be here CHeering you ON!!!!

    Day 3 of REPAIR MONTh!!! Make it a GREAT DAY :flowerforyou:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Ok ladies you all need to do P90X!!!! It is great and worth EVERY penny I spent! I am on day three and seeing a difference in my core already. Today was shoulder and arms (that one is an hour long) and ab ripper X (OMG pain). With the Shoulders and Arms I burned 391 calories and with Ab ripper I burned 100 calories. That hour and 16 minutes went by really fast this morning it was great! I am not following his food but I am using his %s for fat, protein and carbs. For me it is hard because of all the food allergies in my house to follow the food part. I hope that this does not mess it up for me! Today is a lazy day FINALLY at my house. We are going to do school and then just hang out at home. This weekend we get to start packing to move!!! We had the home inspection and it was good. There is a little mold that has just started in one place in the crawl space but we are asking her to get that fixed. So here soon I will be doing P90X and the moving workout lol I should get some great burns on those days. I will for sure where my monitor. Oh I took before pics but Jeff is not wanting me to post them because you can see my nipples through my shirt LOL. So he said he will take another one of me tonight that I can post for you all.

    Sandy and Nicole- I am so proud of the both of you for doing that 5k!!! You are both going to do great!

    Spicy- I hate when my message gets erased! I usually will copy it before I send it just in case that happens. I bet you got a good burn yesterday at the gym. I sure do miss doing the elliptical!

    Megan- That is great that you got to the gym with Nicole! It is always more fun and motivating when you have friend at your side :) Keep it up girl!

    I am so ready to rock Repair month!

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I've had some really great workouts the last couple of days! Monday I did step & the treadmill. Tuesday night I went to step & went back to step this morning! Thursday is my usual rest day, so I'll be taking advantage of that!! My problem is that I need to train for this 5K but I don't want to give up my step aerobics...... ... maybe I'll give up my Tuesday nights & devote that to running along with another day on the weekend.

    Amanda, I'm so happy that you're enjoying your P90X! Everytime I so the infomercial I want to get it!! I hope that you have a great move this weekend!

    Nicole, great workouts with the KB's & Yoga!! How nice that you get to workout with Megan!! 13miles is AWESOME!! How long will that take to run?? The 5K is a little over 3miles & shouldn't take much longer then 35-40 minutes - I think!! :wink: :laugh: :tongue:

    Spicy, I'm so sorry you lost your post! That's so frustrating!! So thankful to you for starting repair month & leading the way with some great workouts!! Whatcha doing tonight??

    Megan, good for you for getting to the gym with Nicole & making time for yourself!!

    Kick butt girls!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    zumba today...500 cal!!! gotta run and get ready for school!!! have a great night!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did an hour on the treadmill. I was going to go run outside but didn't, maybe tomorrow.

    Sanifrey That step class sounds fun. Good luck on your 5K, you'll do great.

    KZO Congrats on the big move and P90X I really wanna try that. I think I am going to look on Craigslist for it.

    Spicy Sorry about your post, wish I could have read it.

    Have a great night girls.
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Nicole What classes are you doing tomorrow? I need to bring my app. down and I thought maybe I would do a class while I'm there. If that is ok with you. Let me know.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member

    Just checking in & bumping the thread!! Today is my rest day, so that means, I have to watch what I eat.... :grumble: I hate that!! :laugh:

    Kick booty girls!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I went to yoga with Nicole. 112 cals burned according to MFP. I am going to get a heart rate monitor soon.

    Have a great afternoon girls.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    went to kettle bells(450) and then yoga(230!) kettle bells really killed me today, he had me using 20lbs the whole time and i could hardly do yoga after!! now i am exhausted but i have to get ready for school:grumble: good thing its my friday!

    megan, sorry that i didnt read ur post earlier, good thing u called!!! that will be great if u start coming!!! its such a nice break!!

    hope u all have a great night!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Girls!!
    I was so busy at work I didn't have a lunch and left late... oh well makes up for the time I'm on MFP :laugh:

    I just came back from an 1 1/2 hour walk with Ruby... she is doing much better with the pullin. Cat chasing is still the same, but once we leave our block we're good. so needless to say I have a Boatload of calories to eat :bigsmile: I'm gonna have a nice piece of lasagna I made :bigsmile:

    Yesterday I took as restday because my arms were soo sore :smile:

    Wow Megan you've really done an excellent job staying consistent and true to your workouts :drinker: You have earned the "Strong Amigas" title :laugh: kidding... but seriously you are rockin it.

    Nicole - Oh my 20 lbs. that sounds killer for sure... super that your instructor challenges you like that. :wink:

    Amanda - thanks for the feedback on PX90 I will see your transformation before I invest :wink: DId you take the picture over without the headlights :laugh: Gotta love ya :happy:

    Sandy - I wish you the Strength on your Rest day... :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you girls tomorrow.

    Repair Day 4! and we gotta another day behind us :drinker:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was step aerobics - 361 cals burned. I had such a hard time keeping up today. I think it had alot to do with me not eating protein for breakfast - it seems to really make a difference for me. I'll keep track of it & see if I feel a difference when I eat my usual egg white, cheese & english muffin sandwich. Tomorrow I plan on doing a bit of running. Maybe I'll even head out to our local high school track that way I can get some running done outside. I've gotta make sure that the iPod is all charged up!

    I'm glad to see that everyone is working so hard & doing so great with repair month! Keep up the great work girls!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Friday Amigas!!!

    I did my legs and back (59min and 465 calories burned) and ab ripper x (17 minutes and 112 calories burned) today! I am really loving P90X and repair month!!! I had a bad run in with the cheeze itz today lol. So no more crap for me today. I have to do my Kenpo tomorrow and then sunday is rest day or I can do stretch x. We will see how I feel once Sunday comes :) We are also going to be spending a lot of time outside this weekend since it is going to be 60 degrees :) I am so excited!!!

    Keep up all the great work ladies!!! Remember don't let the weak-end get you and BRING IT!!!!

  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    I am taking a rest day. Tomorrow I PLAN on doing NMTZ and BFBM. We'll see how I feel. My shoulders are killing me.

    KZO Great job on the P90X. It sounds rough.

    Sanifrey How long before you exercize do you eat?

    Spicy Great walk I can't wait to start walking/running outside.

    Have a great evening girls.
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