

  • who taught him to Zumba.
  • Hello and good morning. This method of contrecption is only authorized for 3 years of use and then you need to replace it. So...you are probably having the bleeding because the medication levels in the blood stream are not adequate. Be careful, because at this point, you could also become pregnant. Check out drugs.com for…
  • Wow!!!! Looking great! I've gotten get myself a copy!!!!!!!!!!
  • You are amazing! That was so very inspirational!
  • Absolutely! Often I may offer to get the tip, but the "dutch" thing is a no go for me. Unless I am going with one of my friends who just happen to be male.
  • Thanks for the tips everyone! And the motivation
  • I use a HRM, wrist band, and it shows me usually around 1200 for just over an hour. I have read that you should check your heart rate several times during the workout. That way you are getting a more accurate count. I way around 140.
  • I usually get a bunch of different pre-made meals from the store. That way I know exactly how many cals and how much of everthing else I am eating. Also, I can scan the UPC code right in. And for the guy who asked about the 40 cal bread, it's Natures Own whole wheat- Look at the cals on it though. Some types of the Natures…
  • You look terrific!!!! Praise God for the encouragment you have given this morning to everyone who sees this! Keep rock'n like you are and I know you will reach your final goal! ~nurse B~
  • I like the Turbo Jam DVD's. They are really pretty good. I go to half price books and by a lot of my workout DVD's. That way, I am paying only a fraction of the price and don't feel bad if I do not like them. But I usually use my Wii to do my workouts now. I have Zumba for Wii and Gold's Gym Dance and kickbox workout which…
  • Take time to pray and think about all the blessings you have. God blessed you to wake up this morning, when unfortunetly, some other's did not. And you have come so far in your journey. What ever is going on in your life right now is a stepping stone to something greater. You just have to step over it.
  • Good luck on your venture! I'm sure your already off to a great start!
    in Hello Comment by Teazybabee May 2011
  • I don't have lupus, but my mother, aunt, and cousin do. I am also a RN. My mother does struggle with her weight. She is on large amounts of Steroids which increase's her appetite. She also has the fatigue which goes along with her systemic lupus flares, as well as some joint soreness from some arthritic problems which has…
  • I did it by tricking myself. I had to switch caffeine free sodas which helped to take the edge off and tricked my body to a point. I was then able to cut the monkey off my back. It was fairly painless.
  • I am a nurse and one avenue you may want to check is your hormone levels and labs. This could be slowing down your process. But also, be sure that you are checking your measurements. You may not be noticing a big change in your wt loss numbers, but your measurements may be going down. Personally, I have not see a large…
  • First off congratulations on make the most important decision of your life. Giving your life to Christ. That's great. And you are right, although the word says be ye not conformed but be ye transformed...we are still human and need positive influence's in our lives. So feel free to add me if you would like. We can…
  • Just a couple of things you may want to consider. I have an ellipitical in my home and it measure my calories in fat calories burned and in the regular calories that we are use to seeing. You may want to check to see if the number you are seeing is fat calories. That's what it sounds like it may be. Because that IS a big…
  • Your well on your way and this is the right place to be!!! I love it.
  • Read your profile...and I say lets get "Whip Lash" fine together. That means, everyones getting whiplash from turning their heads cause DANG!!!!! we look good! I'm not trying to be a size 3, because I was make to be "thick", but it needs to be tight and toned not jiggly and wiggly. LOL. So I'm motivated. Good luck!!!!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! And the same to you. Happy New Year!
    in New Comment by Teazybabee January 2011
  • Good luck!!! With the excitement that you have, you already sound like a winner!