Workout DVD

Ok so I know that people love P90X and Jillian Michael's Shred but the trouble is I am not looking for a "program." A good friend and I are talking about joining up once a week and working out together. The other days I have my gym routine that I am not looking to change. Does anyone know a good workout DVD (or even better set of DVDs) to do once a week? We both go to the gym but different gyms so we are looking to do something together.


  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Zumba fitness is great! I just don't know if they do it other then on the wii...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Zumba. I do it alone and sometimes with my daughter(s). It was my oldest daughter that encouraged me to try it and now I'm hooked. So much fun.
  • skymichele
    skymichele Posts: 19 Member
    Love zumba!
  • Teazybabee
    I like the Turbo Jam DVD's. They are really pretty good. I go to half price books and by a lot of my workout DVD's. That way, I am paying only a fraction of the price and don't feel bad if I do not like them. But I usually use my Wii to do my workouts now. I have Zumba for Wii and Gold's Gym Dance and kickbox workout which is awesome. I thing you guys would love it!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 539 Member
    You know me, i 100% back any thing Zumba. Another option is Tae Bo and i have also heard that the Bob Harper DVDs are good too. You can always do 30 day shred just not 30 days of it, it is a good workout. :bigsmile: