

  • I try and allow myself at least one cheat day a week. That day is usually when I'm going out with my friends and I have some alcohol. Weeelll...a little more alcohol than I should have, hahaha. But on days like those (when I know exactly what I want to "cheat" with) I still try and keep everything else pretty balanced just…
  • I'm thinking of doing that, but mixing it up a bit. You know, eating more on the 5+ hour days and a little less on the 3-5 hour days. That way I'm not overcompensating when, other than working out and doing a "quick" shift, I've just been sitting around all day, haha. Thanks for the advice!
  • I have been thinking of switching to the "moderately active" setting, but I'm using their examples as guides and I'm not sure if retail work falls under the same exertion level as being a waitress other than all of the walking (I don't lift that many heavy things constantly such as a waitress would always be carrying a…
  • start weight: 133.2 (as of 2/20) 2/23 - 132.8 3/2 - 132.2 3/9 - 132.6 (not the best, but I was so busy with school I only got to the gym once after last week's weigh-in) 3/16 - 3/23 - 3/30 - 4/6 - 4/13 - 4/20 - goal weight: 124 Ultimate Goal Weight: 115ish
  • Yesterday I spent ALL day in the library studying for a test so naturally this took a backseat! start weight: 133.2 (as of 2/20) 2/23 - 132.8 (-.04) 3/2 - 132.2 (-.06) (I am VERY happy with this seeing as how I had a fantastic time this weekend...which means I had an awful time with food! I thought for sure that I had…
  • start weight: 133.2 (as of 2/20) 2/23 - 132.8 (not bad for three days!) 3/2 - 3/9 - 3/16 - 3/23 - 3/30 - 4/6 - 4/13 - 4/20 - goal weight: 124 (Sticking with roughly 1lb loss a week) Ultimate Goal Weight: 115ish
  • I need some extra, extra motivation so I guess I can see if this works! My name is Rachel, I'm 20 years old and a full time college student but I also have a job on campus with the school's catering service (so much bad food during work shifts! It's a challenge to limit myself when that's the only thing I can eat for…
  • I'm assuming that since you have compiled all of this information that eating your exercise calories has worked for your weight loss. I have just heard so many different things that I don't know what to believe anymore! Some sources say I SHOULD eat 1200 every day regardless of exercise or no exercise, and everyone here…
  • Thank you everyone for clearing this up! I'll have to work on finding more good foods to eat on hard-core workout days. Hopefully I see more of a difference from now on!