JLBAMA2 Member


  • That about sums it up for me too!
  • Hi! Good luck to you! The best advice I can give you is "work on your head" while your body is recovering from the surgery. Having the surgery only fixes half of the problem. The reason we get as big as we do is because we don't have a healthy relationship with food. I'm going on 10 years from lapband surgery. Initial…
    in newbie ! Comment by JLBAMA2 January 2013
  • Don't ever let anyone stop you from doing something! Don't give them that power. Some people have to cut down others in order to make themselves feel valuable or relevant.
  • Some things to remember: 1. Get instruction on all the machines your first day. 2. Keep in mind NO ONE pays attention to you - everyone is in their own 'zone' so don't feel like everyone is watching you. 3. Pain IS gain! Embrace the soreness! That is your body telling you that you did something GOOD for it! Good luck!
  • Hi Stephanie, welcome! I too, have had a hard time with the food part of health and well being. After countless times trying to lose those last 20 pounds, I 'caved' to logging. What an eye opener it was! I really did not think I was putting that much food in my mouth and it made things clear to me that I was just eating…
  • It's OOOOOOOOOOOOOKAYYYYYYYYY! Don't beat yourself up!!! This is a very hard thing to do, especially this time of year!!. We have to re-learn how/when/what to eat and that is not going to happen overnight, or even a month from now. With every 'failure' you have, you will learn something and you can take that as arsenal for…
  • Hi! New to MFP but old to the dieting game. My suggestion to you is to just keep within your calorie limit (and add exercise) rather than look at any specific restriction(s), i.e., low/no carb, etc. My almost 30 year experience is that every time you deny yourself any type of food, you will at some time end up bingeing on…