Anyone else fall off the wagon in December?



  • Yes, fell off the wagon completely! It's the snacks at work that are the worst. My willpower is not very strong. It will get better! ALSO, I may have gained a couple pounds back, but I won't gain them all back! I'll enjoy the snacks as long as they last, and get back into healthier habits again soon!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm eatin a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in bed.

    Sorry thighs

    (I bet ill be able to lift pretty damn heavy tomorrow morning though!!)
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    I actually was very disciplined...but that's just my personality...when I set my mind to something, for the most part, I will stay the course. I guess I look at it this way...nine months ago I decided to make a lifestyle change and be committed to losing weight. In those nine months, I've lost 59 lbs and I don't want to go back to the size 22W's! I like picking up a size 12 and being able to actually put them on and they fit properly and plus I still haven't reached my goal so I'm not trying to go backwards!!! I guess that is what motivated during Thanksgiving and Christmas to stay the course, eat a few things that I normally wouldn't eat, log EVERYTHING and stick with exercising and I feel great about it, I haven't been over my daily calorie allowances and don't feel as though I need to get "back" on course! I wish all of you a FANTASTIC 2013 and continued success in meeting your goals!
    JLBAMA2 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh my goodness, yes! Someone on this site profoundly hurt my feelings in November, I deleted my account, and things have not gone well since.

    Don't ever let anyone stop you from doing something! Don't give them that power. Some people have to cut down others in order to make themselves feel valuable or relevant.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Ive struggled the whole year
  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    Yes, I definitely did that. The important thing is that we are back and ready to hunker down to finish what we started.
  • KarenK37
    KarenK37 Posts: 125 Member
    I totally fell off the wagon and have no regrets, I wanted to enjoy my holidays with my family free of worry. I think I gained about 5 pounds and now I am ready to get back on the wagon. It's nice to know there are others out there who have fallen off the wagon too.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I will assume that was what ran over me several times a day....ugh...
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I haven't worked out (though I have had some very active days) since the first week in December, and my eating has been atrocious. I'm dreading stepping on the scales. Going to use the New Year as a new beginning, though. I get paid again on January 4th, and I'm planning to go to Whole Foods and stock up on some good, healthy foods and I'm planning a monster workout for New Year's Day.

    Edit to add: That is not to say that I don't have plans to get back on track in the mean time, though. Never a good idea to put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • Oh my goodness, yes! Someone on this site profoundly hurt my feelings in November, I deleted my account, and things have not gone well since.

    November must start the Season of Nastiness.
  • Hey , try to think of them with smelly breath , in a string vest and scratching their bottom, this should be enough to make you laugh at least ! xx
    I really did well over 2011 , okay this year until December when all my old habits gradually resurfaced. I weighed this morning and cried. i am feeling better now and am putting my "plan " in place and could really do with just a person to talk to occasionally .
    I am glad you are back and WELCOME x
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    There is no wagon. Beginning now, do the things that you know you should do to regain your health.

    Definitely like this - thanks :)
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    yes, but I weighed myself this morning. Not horrible, I am up about 10 lbs. since my low this summer & 7 lbs. above my BMI. But today is a new day. Thanks for posting, I need the motivation.
  • I can honestly say I didn't fall off but maybe went to the edge a few times. I maintained my workouts and even increased it by doing a few double workout days with yoga and CrossFit. I tried not to feel too guilty about indulging in my favorite part of the holidays (Work Christmas Party, Friend's Christmas gatherings) which, of course, the food but I did notice that retaining water due to the increase in sodium made me gain 2-3 lbs but quickly lost when I drank more water and exercised. After the New Year's, I will be working really hard to lose the last 15 lbs for my goal.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    I gave up and jumped off the ledge and hit rock bottom the middle of Novemeber... The fella I was dating for 3 years that I thought I was going to marry and I broke up... I'm devistated... We officially broke up on christmas...
  • jeremybrooks
    jeremybrooks Posts: 11 Member
    I've been logging in, and posting some foods. Usually by the end of the day, I just make up an astronomical number for quick add calories and finish the day. I'm determined to get back on track ASAP. I like how losing weight feels and this holiday interruption won't slow me down. Good luck everyone!
  • If anything, I took this month even more seriously. On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, I could be found in the gym. Not sure where I got the motivation from, but I'm glad it hit me. I don't see myself stopping either. :)

    You ROCK!!!!!!!... (laffing) I too found my way to the gym & mostly had it to myself Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Shared an hour of it with that guy I'm totally crushing over because he sings with his earbuds in too.

    I try not to eat it if I'm not going to burn it!!
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    Yep, it's been a bit of a bad week. On the upside, I stepped back on the scale this morning, assessed the damage, and felt ready to move past it. During the days I overate this week, I was aware of how ungood it felt to be overfull, so I'm keeping that in my foreground as I hit my reset button today. :-) Good luck everyone - we can do this!
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    Hahaha, fall off the wagon? I fell off the train and it has been a wild ride since. Cookies, candy, pie, ice cream- what was I thinking? Oh yeah, I had to compare neighbors chocolate chip cookies to MIL's. (neighbor's was better). I felt ill at work today my pants were so tight. The Christmas pictures I won't even post to my family with the big moon face and double chins.

    But, do I regret it? Not a bit. Okay I put on maybe 5 pounds but it was worth the family and friends time. Now onward to 2013!

    haha this is exactly how i feel
  • KitoBrandt
    KitoBrandt Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely let myself go. Probably going to delay my workout goals a month or so, but given the holidays I don't mind.