Anyone else fall off the wagon in December?



  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member

    The wagon is here, waiting - get back on it!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I gained two pounds back over Christmas but I'm doing good now.
  • julie2000anne
    julie2000anne Posts: 14 Member
    Me too! I kept making excuses everyday. Today I'm going to be strong and start making the right choices again.
  • Poetry_In_Pics
    I fell off, too... you're definitely not alone!! I can't imagine running a half a marathon... that's amazing!! Keep up the good work! :smile:
  • abbiekgurl
    abbiekgurl Posts: 22 Member
    I'll admit, I certainly indulged more than usual the past few days. I'm proud of myself for at least making the time and keeping up with my exercise though - it would have been much worse if I hadn't done that! And I think getting back on the eating healthy wagon is far easier than getting motivated to start up the exercise routine again.

    Holidays can be a difficult time to resist goodies, but like all things, they end! Back to your regularly scheduled programs. :smile:
  • javajinny
    Add me to the list. *hangs head in shame* I did so well in November and the first week of December. Then the cookies and chocolates started rolling into the office. I resisted, but didn't find the time to exercise as much. The last week, though, I totally gave in. I had to weigh in today for a competition I'm in and I put on 4 pounds this past week. No! But I have a 5K this weekend, and the girlfriends and I are back in the gym starting tonight, so hopefully I'll drop those darn cookie (oh, and turkey, dressing, casseroles, fried chicken, and cake) pounds quickly.

    It's ok to fall off as long as you get back on. :)
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I upped my goal from 1200 net to 1500 net last week because I'd stalled (and failed to eat enough, so still didn't lose!). Xmas day and boxing day I didn't track, but I doubt I was much over spanning the two days because yesterday I really wasn't hungry. On the other hand, the alcohol may have put me over. I don't care. It's two days. :)

    Today I'm back to tracking, back to the gym, and trying to work out how to handle 4 days in Paris over New Year.

    I think I'll be happy just to have maintained by 6th Jan, to be honest. Then I'm away for a week at an all inclusive resort with a gym and pool, so while I'll track, loosely, again, I'm aiming for having fun, feeling energetic, upping my weight lifting and maintaining my pounds loss to date. 16th Jan is back to normality.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Fell off the wagon, roll down the hill and I am in a ditch right now. I am trying to get back on track. At least I can be proud of going to the gym a few times since last Friday. Darn snow storms are not helping, it has been very hard getting around and it is snowing again today.
  • tlatrice13
    tlatrice13 Posts: 162 Member
    This weekend I fell off the wagon, it ran me over, and then backed up over me. :laugh:

    This. :laugh:
  • flutterbug123
    flutterbug123 Posts: 81 Member
    So glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's f up.
    2013 new beginning for me :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    There is no wagon. Beginning now, do the things that you know you should do to regain your health.
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I went over my calories on Christmas day but other than that I did pretty well so far. The month isn't over and my birthday is coming up so we'll see how the rest of it goes ;)
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    Fell off and got back up. Feeling good about my changes and this year is going to be the one that I blow off the charts. :laugh: I am working out and feeling awesome. We all stall but the fact you get back up and keep going means you will make your goal.
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    Yup. January 1 do-over!
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    Fall off the wagon? No... I kindly stepped off, then decided to dismantle it, while simultaneously breaking anything I touched.


    To top it off, my friends and I do a "Secret Santa" deal where we send our gifts to one another without a return address... and I got two bikinis with a note that says "Tropical Vacation Incentive".

    I put on a whopping 6 pounds. In 22 days! It takes me 28 days at least to take that off! ARGH!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    <======= Guilty.
    I DID workout Christmas morning. But then ate my weight in stuffing and pie. :ohwell:

    I'm back on it now.
    Did 45 minutes of Spin today, will do an hour of Zumba/Sentao tomorrow and a 75 minute Spin on Saturday.

    All the cookies and treats are banished from my house, with the exception of a homemade Pear Cake that my dear friend only makes once a year, divided and frozen into tiny pieces. :)

    Time to get out of the ditch and back on track! :happy:
  • normaquintana
    Yes I did. I continued my excercises and likely I didnt gain anything back. I made some bad food choices but Im not gonna beat myself up for it. Besides this is a lifestyle change and its not gonna be easy and its not gonna happen overnight.
  • mfdl1
    mfdl1 Posts: 24
    I also went off the rails over the last few days,but will make up for it,i have been doing a little bit more exercise to make up for all the goodies over Christmas,
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Yup. Not just a day here and there, either. Full-on regression back to my original bad habits since right around Halloween.

    I think I'm just about ready to take back control, though.