Help and motivation

Tom is week 2 I've been counting calories. Week one was great lost 3 lbs had a hard weekend. And gained 2. And now I can't loose it. I've been counting calories watching what I eat etc. I'm use to a no carb no sugar diet. Maybe sugar is not working? I usually eat yogurt w cereal for breakfast a protein bar for lunch. Snack. Then dinner. I try to eat either salad or a lean cuisine for dinner. I am over my carbs per day. But under my calories. Hmmm. Any advise will be great.


    JLBAMA2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! New to MFP but old to the dieting game. My suggestion to you is to just keep within your calorie limit (and add exercise) rather than look at any specific restriction(s), i.e., low/no carb, etc. My almost 30 year experience is that every time you deny yourself any type of food, you will at some time end up bingeing on that and/or any other food. I have trouble with my fats, I'm always in the red with the fats, however I have lost 2 pounds in one week.

    Try forgiving yourself and allow yourself to eat in moderation anything you wish; make sure to move every day, no matter how much or how little - set aside at least 10 minutes for exercise - and lastly be AWARE of everything you put in your mouth. Writing it down seems to be key for me. Prior to writing things down, I simply couldn't understand why I couldn't lose any weight and in fact, kept was because I was eating much more than I realized because I wasn't aware how many times I ate something. You know, you pass by the pantry - get a little 'something' out then 15 minutes later, it's forgotten.

    Have patience too. I know it seems like we gain quickly and lose slowly, but it just seems that way because it's a lot more fun to gain than to lose! But once you see the scale moving down, however slight it may be - it will give you a bump of confidence that you can do this.

    Good luck to you!