Gym newbie

Hi everyone,
I'm starting my gym membership next week, but don't have a clue what I'm doing there! I want to get fit and lose weight, but I don't want to be the idiot who's totally baffled, so some advice would be great as to what sort of workout to be doing. I'm totally unfit for the record!


  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    try anything and everything! Most machines have directions on them and the treadmill is fool proof. Find some classes you like.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    My advice would be to go easy on yourself at first and try a bit of everything. Have fun and see what you like and don't like.

    For instance I was surprised at how much I hated the eliptical but loved rowing. Both are full body cardio, but for whatever reason I just enjoy rowing. Who knew.

    There are plenty of beginner and starter workout routines if you google search. I'm sure people here will give you more specific advice in that regard. Just about any one of them is valid.

    Try different things but make sure you use proper form! Researching that is easy, spend some time on youtube, or in the case of rowing on the manufacturers website. Tons of videos from pros who will walk you through how to use the equipment and do it the right way.

    I would just be prepared to do a lot of research. Read up on the subject, work on defining your goals clearly, but don't feel you have to know everything on day 1.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Get a routine before you go in there.

    It will make your workouts more effective and give you a clearer idea of what you want to accomplish.

    You can findone online or through a trainer at the gym.
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    check out 'New Rules of Lifting for Women' - great book with a program to follow and loads of pics! there are groups for NRL4W on here. I do a mix of classes like spin, body pump and body balance, cardio machines and NRL4W. Try out loads of stuff and find what works for you...what you enjoy and will challenge you. The gym people should set you up with a program to follow and show you how to use the equipment...have you done an induction program?
  • CarrieGetsFit
    CarrieGetsFit Posts: 9 Member
    I'm pretty new to the gym too. I wanted to do the strength machines and found Fitness Builder helpful:

    I found out which machines my gym had, marked those as favorties in Fitness Builder and then put together workouts from there. Personally, I don't use the app any more, I think printing them out is less fuss when in the gym.

    Good luck, hope it goes well for you!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Don't you get a gym induction before you start? Every gym i've ever joined has made you have an induction before you can use all the machines.

    The cardio machines are pretty easy to use really, but for weights you'd probably need someone to show you what to do. Get a member of staff to show you some exercises.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I found going to loads of different classes really helped when I first joined the gym. It helped build up my fitness level and confidence and having an instructor leading you means you can't go far wrong. I then gradually started using the gym floor.

    Never be afraid to ask for someone's help if your stuck on a piece of equipment, I quickly realised most people are more approachable than you think and will be willing to point you in the right direction. We've all been there.

    And also ask the gym staff/trainers for advice that's what they are there for, make sure you get your monies worth.

    Good luck
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    try anything and everything! Most machines have directions on them and the treadmill is fool proof. Find some classes you like.
    I second this advice! Just get there and go for it girl!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks everyone! At least I won't be the only new one, everyone starting their resolutions for the year will be there too, so hopefully a few of them will look sillier than me :) I'm just going to give it a shot, see how it goes and what I enjoy, then go from there. Got a little plan of what to do, but I'm pretty sure I'm so unfit it will end in tears, but there's only one way to fix it, and that's to keep going!
    JLBAMA2 Posts: 7 Member
    Some things to remember:
    1. Get instruction on all the machines your first day.
    2. Keep in mind NO ONE pays attention to you - everyone is in their own 'zone' so don't feel like everyone is watching you.
    3. Pain IS gain! Embrace the soreness! That is your body telling you that you did something GOOD for it!
    Good luck!
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for posting this because I'm a Gym Newbie too!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Thanks everyone! At least I won't be the only new one, everyone starting their resolutions for the year will be there too, so hopefully a few of them will look sillier than me :) I'm just going to give it a shot, see how it goes and what I enjoy, then go from there. Got a little plan of what to do, but I'm pretty sure I'm so unfit it will end in tears, but there's only one way to fix it, and that's to keep going!

    let me tell you....when I started at the Y in February I was the personification of unfit. I was 5'2" tall, over 228lbs, and only a month out from a 4 month case of bronchitis and multiple asthma exacerbations.

    I went in there, and the first month it was all I could do to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes--I was slow as can be ( like 2mph) and still was dripping in sweat and stumbling when I got off the treadmill! I knew how to use a few of the strength machines form when I was a member like 5 years ago. For the ones I was not familiar with, I asked the trainer on duty if he could show me how to use them, so he did.

    It's funny...after a few months other members and staff started noticing that I was dedicated and letting me KNOW that they noticed. I was blushing when the lady recovering from a stroke ( who has to be fastened into a seated elliptical) was telling the trainer what an awesome job I was doing! A few months ago some lady approached me and apologized for watching me on the pull-up machine ( I hadn't noticed) and said she was going to learn it "someday" so I showed her how--just like another lady had done with me on the leg press.