3rd day, and I have bombed the first two!

1st day on mfp, I ended up with pizza for dinner b/c of babysitting and bf was late getting home. 2nd day, i was all ready to cook dinner and bf comes home and says "lets go see the lights!" so we are going to grab something to eat on the way and end up at waffle house. i get the all star breakfast b/c it's b1g1 1/2 off and i need to save money. so both days ive gone over 1000+ calories from the 1490 that mfp suggested for me. i walked both days with the kids but geeze!!! now i see why im so fat. it's not fair! i have kids all day long, i'm stuck in this house, i just cant focus like i used to in 2009 when all I had to do was wake up and go to the gym and pay attention to how I was eating. I'm so frustrated.


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Bulk cook and freeze your own ready meals (crock pot./ slow cooker is great for busy parents), research healthier choices at your favourite eating establishments ahead of time, choose a different restaurant, you don't have to always eat with your boyfriend.
    JLBAMA2 Posts: 7 Member
    It's OOOOOOOOOOOOOKAYYYYYYYYY! Don't beat yourself up!!! This is a very hard thing to do, especially this time of year!!. We have to re-learn how/when/what to eat and that is not going to happen overnight, or even a month from now. With every 'failure' you have, you will learn something and you can take that as arsenal for the next time you come across that situation.
    Give yourself credit - you have young kids and you feel stuck in the house - you're probably eating emotionally. Keep logging your food and ramp up the exercise if and when you can. It seems your situation has changed recently (2009), so you have to adjust and that may take some time (and bumps!). This is a bump, forget about it, it's behind you...move forward. You can do this!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You can do this!! First...gotta ditch the excuses. I counted 4-5 excuses in that small paragraph. As a fitness instructor I have people come up and ask me "what should they do" but the second I start talking they start spitting out excuses like nails. It's your life. You have GOT this! Believe in yourself. Secondly...PREP. Firefox was right. Buy a big ol' thing of chicken for example. Bake/grill it all and throw it in your fridge. Get a bunch of salad veggies, cut them up, put them in containers to grab. Steamable bags of veggies for the microwave are handy too. I'm as good as what's around me, so set yourself up for success and don't have junk in your house. After a super healthy day, and 2 classes my kids had pizza....guess who ended up with one in her mouth? LOL!

    Also, 1490 may be a bit low if you have quite a bit to lose. I'd maybe bump it up a bit! :-)
  • honeybee1036
    honeybee1036 Posts: 147 Member
    Bulk cook and freeze your own ready meals (crock pot./ slow cooker is great for busy parents), research healthier choices at your favourite eating establishments ahead of time, choose a different restaurant, you don't have to always eat with your boyfriend.

    And if you are stuck in the house, walk throughout the house. Do you have stairs? Go up and down. Every time I get up to go the bathroom or do a load of laundry or any other household chore. I walk a couple hundred steps before and after the chore. If you have stairs incorporate those into your steps. Also, when I am waiting for that cup of coffee to warm up in the microwave I do a few exercises like toe lifts, squats, toe touches anything to move.

    Take one day at a time. There will be good days and bad days. Don't give up and the good days will outweigh the bad.

    Wishing you success.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    It's okay....it took me several days to get into a routine with logging/eating right. So you slipped up for dinner? That's okay, do good for breakfast the next morning, and lunch and plan for dinner. Just keep planning to do good and logging everything and you'll be fine! Planning is everything. Write out what you want to eat for the next week, look up all the calories in the database. If you have no plan, you'll keep going off track.

    You can do this! It's so worth it!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    gotta ditch the excuses.

  • You're making excuses and that will get you nowhere. You made poor choices the 1st two days. You can't blame it on being short on time or going out to look at Christmas lights. If you WANT this, you have to make it a priority and make better choices. DO IT.
  • mghoward10
    mghoward10 Posts: 5 Member
    Research the restaurants around your area NOW...that way you're armed with good info on how to make better choices. Life happens, but thank goodness every morning you can start over :-)

    Take it one day @ a time.

    Logging on MFP is a VERY eye-opening experience. Just making that first step & acknowledging that you've made some bad choices to get where you are is the first step.

    Good luck!
  • People don't quit a habit like smoking without relapses, why would food be different? You just need to realize that every day is a new day and you can't change the past. It will take some experimentaiton for you to find what ways work best for you as an individual to ensure you eat within your goals. Some prepare meals in advance, others eat small amounts throughout the day to keep theirselves in check, some always have granola bars etc on hand... so on so forth. Takes time to get into your groove, but once you do it'll go easier.
  • dreamer1003
    dreamer1003 Posts: 30 Member
    I think that sometimes taking a week to log the food that you normally eat goes a long way to seeing what you need to fix. So take these first couple days as an eye opener and make a game plan. The weight loss thing requires a ton of planning. I will not call it a sacrifice because as soon as I realized that i was sacrificing my body and my health to eat like crap - I truly took control of my life. keep your head up and do this thing one meal at a time...meaning don't say oh I screwed up breakfast - I will start again tomorrow. Say - alright I indulged on breakfast but the rest of today I will rock this thing. Good Luck!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Too many excuses and something to remember is you have the control over what goes in your mouth. If there's pizza, have one slice. If there's a huge restaurant meal, eat 1/2 and either leave the rest, give it to hubby or have it boxed. You have to take the responsibility for yourself. Use this as a lesson in how you need to make changes and move on.
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    I plan everything the night before except for dinner...so then I know how many calories I have left to work with. Also if I know I'm going out to eat somewhere I either make sure to exercise earlier that day and also look up the restaurants menu and find something yummy and low calorie. For example I went to Olive Garden and ordered Chicken Parmigian...over 1000 calories! Normally I'd eat the whole thing but only ate half and was still full...then had lunch for the next day! For me it's all about self control.
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    Okay, so let's be honest: it's absolutely easy to be influenced by the people we live with. My husband and I were MAJOR fast food addicts. I'm talking, three to four nights a week. We ate infront of the television (still do sometimes), and it was like if we didn't eat JUNK, we'd feel hungry until we got it. It didn't matter if we had a full healthy meal; we wanted junk. Our bodies thought we needed it.

    Here's my advice: don't let your boyfriend affect how you eat. Easier said than done, I know, but for example last night my husband, one of our friends and I went to a burger joint. My husband and his friend ate -- wings, fries, cole slaw, the whole shabang. I ate nothing, but I sat and talked with them. I had already eaten at home, and because they were ordering, the waitress didn't care that I was just there to be social.

    My husband isn't counting calories, but after me being 2 months without fast food (I became a vegetarian, and so aside from one time of ordering fries and one time of ordering a milkshake there has literally been no fast food for me), his habits are changing now, too. We eat together at home, and it isn't junk, it's food we're cooking. Granted, we still eat a lot of pasta and pizza and carbs, but at least we aren't stuffing our faces with greasy burgers and fries AND the ranch that usually goes with it!

    It takes time to establish a new routine, but you have to do this for YOU. I've learned that I am not my husband, and he certainly isn't me. Sometimes we don't eat the same thing, but we still eat together, and honestly I don't miss the grease, the "food hangover," etc. He and I are making changes towards not eating out as often, so not only will our bodies benefit, but so will our bank account.

    Trust me when I say it takes time and patience, but if you really want a lifestyle change, you can do it. And that's exactly what this is: it's not a diet, it's not "temporary", it's a lifestyle change. Once I read someone else's post who said that, it changed my world. This is not a temporary crash diet for me, this is my lifestyle. MY lifestyle, not OURS.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some support!
  • royallv
    royallv Posts: 84 Member
    At my office our company required us to do something every quarter (healthwise) to get a reducation on our insurance. BTW best thing ever from a company. One thing they had available was to "Walk This Way" where in 3 months you were to walk 250,000 steps to get the reducation, they gave us a pedometer. My Boss, co-workers and me started and thought we would never attain that. It is amazing when you put on the pedometer and set a daily goal each day how fast you get to that goal. I wear mine when I get up in the morning until bedtime. If I didn't make my goal the next day I would try again eventually I start making it and going further. You can do this. Don't beat yourself up. I use this site everyday, put in my foods before the day starts and stick with it. If I eat too much(something comes up) then I hit the treadmill or pavement. YOU can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Its funny how people think they "bomb" a day.
    I wrote the original "In place of a road map" because of those posts.
    It really opens your eyes to how much you most likely burn vs what you consume.
    After you do your own numbers you probably wont feel so bad.
    For instance if your TDEE is 2400 and you are consuming appx 1600 daily for 2 weeks then have a day at 3500 did you fail?

    The math:

    2400x14=33600 burned

    1600x13=20800 consumed

    Total consumed 24300-33600=9300cal deficit for 2 weeks.

    Not so bad is it?

    Quit ur *****in and get back to it!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Just keep logging. It takes time to adjust to a new healthier lifestyle. You didn't gain weight over night and you won't lose it over night. I have been here almost a year and I am a slow but steady loser. I know that the changes I am making now will last a lifetime, not just a few months until I gain it all back because I haven't learned anything.

    Good luck and you can do this
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    OP: Do not fear!! You are establishing new habits and new ways of thinking. Ignore the nay-sayers. This is a process. You made progress just by being aware. It takes time to re-learn!

    It took me years to lose the weight because of some medical issues but each day I told myself this.

    "A year will go by no matter what I do. Do I want to be heavier or lighter. If I keep doing what I am doing I will be even heavier so today I am choosing to do something that will lead me to being lighter."

    Watching what I eat for one day did not seem as daunting.

    Never quit!! Just keep going and bit by bit it will get easier and more automatic.

    I can remember walking in the kitchen picking up a cookie and taking a bite before I even realized what I was doing. I would always spit it out. It helped me remember...."Right!...I can't eat that....I am a skinny girl now!"

    Good luck.

  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    Try to ease into it...it can be overwhelming at first. I would suggest decreasing your weight loss goal to a half pound per week. That would increase your calories. And start swapping things for now...like at Wafflehouse. Okay, I will have an omelet and toast, but no waffles. Baby steps.

    It's not about not eating your favorite things at all...but moderation!
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    "Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice.":wink:
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    Believe it or not, even pizza and waffles can be enjoyed in moderation when adopting a healthier lifestyle. The key word here is MODERATION. You're fine. When you wind up in those situations, try to go for the healthier options or ..... don't eat the whole thing. :-) To-go boxes are okay.

    Have a great day and keep on making positive changes!