PurpleJellyean Member


  • I am really bummed to see how mean people are! I don't drink soda, but made the decision to look at this post out of interest. I didn't find the OP was preachy at all. Why on earth would people report it? Beyond me. For what it's worth, I appreciated the info and agree aspartame is a nasty chemical and we could all benefit…
  • You look amazing! You deserve to be very proud...and what a fantastic attitude to have.
  • You look amazing! You deserve to be very proud...and what a fantastic attitude to have.
  • Yes, sugar is only here in the house for the odd guest who wants it in their coffee. Thanks Trent for posting the link (twice) as I am interested now in checking it out. Cheap too! Woot!
  • Hmmm, yes, I think I am sensitive to it for sure. I have tried Stevia before but the after taste was awful (|I hate black licorice). Any way to avoid after taste than with Stevie? Also, it the dropper or powder form the best? Funny how you read the topic line. lol I see I spelled it "sustitute"...go me! haha
  • fort=for =P PS: I had NO idea water bottles could be co complicated and raise so many issues.
  • Hey guys, thanks a million fort your thoughtful responses. I have linked all the brands you like so we'll see!
  • Wow, I don't have time to read all the previous posts, but wanted to share what I saw on a program yesterday (coincidentally). It is a show with two women (called Shopping Bags - I think) and they review and give consumer reports on all sorts of things from best flooring to best diets. In terms of the diets out there now,…
  • I eat 100% natural PB but watch the quantity. I never eat the "fake" stuff anymore and in fact think it tastes waxy and gross. For jam, I eat St.Dalfour raspberry jam (again watching the quantity) as it has no added sugar nor chemical sweeteners. ;) I think on a slice of whole grain bread or english muffin, it's a great…
  • You look fab darling! Great job indeed. :)
  • All the best on your journey! You can do it!!!!
  • I would weigh in once a week, in the morning, prior to breakfast and naked so that it is always consistent. ;)
  • Yay for you!!! :)
  • Totally agree with all your words of wisdom! Thanks for writing this post! Great to remind everyone the importance of a lifestyle change instead of a diet. I mean, this HAS to be a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix diet. We have to constantly engage our mind and our body in order to truly succeed. Hopefully one day…
  • Beth, I once lost 60 lbs and honestly, it melted off me once I put my mind and body into action. I know you can do it and imagine how amazing you will feel once you get the ball rolling?! I am already feeling positive about my lifestyle change. I was hooked on sweets (ahem, the fudge that Lyndi brought to your place - to…
  • Thanks everyone! Appreciate your advice.
  • Welcome! All the best to you during your weight loss...you certainly can do it and there is tons of support here!
  • Interesting topic! I appreciate the info. I personally have started to appreciate agave syrup. I tried Stevia and didn't like it at all in my coffee. :( Perhaps it was the brand I bought? They were little tablets.
  • Mamasota - Moderation IS typically key with everything, however, I worry with a sugar addiction I will have to detox for quite sometime before even attempting to indulge a little here and there on it. Accountant_boi - Thanks so much for the links and info! Frightening stuff isn't it? Sugar is the devil IMO. I dont want to…
  • Great advice! I quit smoking in 2001 but did it cold turkey. I found quitting smoking, for me, was a piece of cake (HAR HAR) compared to the mountain I am facing for weight loss (more the fact that it is going to be a forever and a thoughtful thing as you cant stop eating cold turkey). ;) I have heard the philosophy of…
  • Thanks! I look forward to the immense support I'm certain to find here.
  • Hi! Thanks for your input and thoughts. I actually started logging and wow, shocking to see how many calories I have eaten already and it is only 0830! Oops. That is why you suggested it right....now I have a visual of what is going on. I find it amazing that what I put in my mouth does not ever correlate with how much I…