For those of you that Drink Diet Soda Everyday..............



  • elleninez
    elleninez Posts: 44
    And then there's the fact that most people aren't drinking diet soda's because they're "better" or whatever... it's because they're diabetic and they CANT take the real sugar in regular soda.

    We all have to die of something. If you die of nothing, you look pretty damn stupid.

    *Guzzles her Diet Mtn Dew*

    AMEN. No, it might not be the healthiest thing for me. However, I firmly believe that if I were to give up EVERYTHING that's unhealthy for me, this diet would fail, just like all the rest I've been on. A big THANK YOU to those who touted MODERATION. Granted, I don't do that so much with soda, but it's getting there.

    I've been drinking diet soda only (with one slide back when Vanilla Coke hit stores - btw, where can I find Coke Zero Vanilla???? My stores haven't carried it for a VERY long time :( ) since I was 13. I was overweight, and on doctor's orders lost 35 pounds. It helped me cut out the calories, and seeing as how I (according to the doctors) have about a 90% chance of developing type II later on, it helps me cut out the sugar I don't need.

    Hm....theoretical heart attack or diabetes??...heart attack seems like a quicker option. heart's just fine...actually had an EKG last May due to an anxiety problem, and my heart's quite possibly my strongest organ....
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Welp, I never wanted to live very long anyway. :drinker:

  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you for posting the information, sometimes you have to offend many to reach a few.
  • wendycheng
    wendycheng Posts: 26 Member
    I dont believe half of these studies, because later you will hear of one that counters this. One study even though it was 9 years isnt proof enough for me, now its time for my daily diet coke.

    wait a minute its New Yorkers I bet its from Smog LOL

    I agree. I'll stick with my diet soda thank you very much. Most studies have indicated that the downsides to drinking artificial sweeteners is that it leads to cravings for more sweets. My diet soda intake has absolutely no correlation to my dessert intake. In fact, it satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Look like people are having their say. to me this is a free country. country? Then why did the OP get banned from the forums?
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Honestly, if I want to be preached to, I'll go to church or maybe to MY Doctor.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Look like people are having their say. to me this is a free country. country? Then why did the OP get banned from the forums?

    Exactly! I don't get why people are getting so angered by this. It was an article that she was sharing!

    If you want to drink diet soda that's fine, but don't get mad at someone for sharing information. There's also info out there about the acids in drinks that dissolve the enamel on your teeth and adds to the leaching of calcium from your bones. I'll still have an occasional diet soda - ok fine, rum and diet.

    No need to be mean because you disagree with an article, you chose to read this.
  • And then there's the fact that most people aren't drinking diet soda's because they're "better" or whatever... it's because they're diabetic and they CANT take the real sugar in regular soda.

    We all have to die of something. If you die of nothing, you look pretty damn stupid.

    *Guzzles her Diet Mtn Dew*

    AMEN. No, it might not be the healthiest thing for me. However, I firmly believe that if I were to give up EVERYTHING that's unhealthy for me, this diet would fail, just like all the rest I've been on. A big THANK YOU to those who touted MODERATION. Granted, I don't do that so much with soda, but it's getting there.

    I've been drinking diet soda only (with one slide back when Vanilla Coke hit stores - btw, where can I find Coke Zero Vanilla???? My stores haven't carried it for a VERY long time :( ) since I was 13. I was overweight, and on doctor's orders lost 35 pounds. It helped me cut out the calories, and seeing as how I (according to the doctors) have about a 90% chance of developing type II later on, it helps me cut out the sugar I don't need.

    Hm....theoretical heart attack or diabetes??...heart attack seems like a quicker option. heart's just fine...actually had an EKG last May due to an anxiety problem, and my heart's quite possibly my strongest organ....

    I get mine at Albertson's. They have regular coke zero, vanilla, and cherry at the one by my house.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I actually gave up aspartame about 6 weeks ago because I was starting to worry about the impact on my health- I was a major diet coke addict. I was shocked to see how many products is was in and had the WORST migraine for three days. I have to say I haven't noticed a difference and do drink diet soda without aspartame. Would be interested to get some definitive medical advice one way or the other.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Look like people are having their say. to me this is a free country. country? Then why did the OP get banned from the forums?

    Wow, banned?? For that post? Or for something else? How do you know this?
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    The OP is a friend of mine. If enough people report the post they will ban you. Really fair for someone that just posted an article.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I drink a ton of diet soda.

    Respectfully, I'm thinking I'm in much better shape (heartwise) than a bunch of the naysayers.

    Do as you see fit and do whatever works for you.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    I am posting other supporting articles. One of my jobs is as a Nutritional Educator and I will keep spreading the word. If I have touched just one person to say Hey, I need to put this stuff down.............I have done my job.

    To those of you that want to be sarcastic and pretty much make fun - I truly feel for you in the years to come as your only thinking of today and not your future health.

    I agree with you 100% girl. Knowledge is power. Sugar in any form is harmful to your health causing all types of metabolic disorders. And soda, to pure liquid sugar. I'm soo happy I've never like soda because of the effervescence burned my tongue and throat. I have however IN THE PAST...enjoyed an ice cream float with Pepsi....that was 10 yrs ago. My brother in-law use to be in those Strongest Man competitions and was really fit. 3 yrs later he started drinking about five 16oz cokes a day..he blew up like the marshmallow man in 1 yr. pre-diabetic, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout. He thought by switching to diet coke would be better....nothing had changed. He ate what my sister made which for the most part was healthy. He would snack on junk food in the afternoons but nothing too drastic. When he stopped drinking soda all together was like a junkie going to was horrific for him.but he's pulled through and now is on his journey for better health...His BP and Cholesterol is better he did this without meds....but everyone's different.
    I have no sympathy for people that know what certain things, especially food, are doing to their health but wont change it until something devastating happens to them. Like smokers ( I use to be one ) watching the commercials of those people having to get wholes in their throats, fingers amputated or whatever...that don't phase them at all...they'd rather play Russian roulette in hopes that it wont happen to them...go figure. many people would say it is their choice to do these be it.
  • PurpleJellyean
    PurpleJellyean Posts: 29 Member
    Look like people are having their say. to me this is a free country. country? Then why did the OP get banned from the forums?

    Exactly! I don't get why people are getting so angered by this. It was an article that she was sharing!

    If you want to drink diet soda that's fine, but don't get mad at someone for sharing information. There's also info out there about the acids in drinks that dissolve the enamel on your teeth and adds to the leaching of calcium from your bones. I'll still have an occasional diet soda - ok fine, rum and diet.

    No need to be mean because you disagree with an article, you chose to read this.

    I am really bummed to see how mean people are! I don't drink soda, but made the decision to look at this post out of interest. I didn't find the OP was preachy at all. Why on earth would people report it? Beyond me. For what it's worth, I appreciated the info and agree aspartame is a nasty chemical and we could all benefit if we avoided it. Sorry, I just feel bad for the OP who seemed to just want to share information to help us all out, regardless if it is a known topic or not.
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    Diet vs regular... no this, no that. Personally I think both are garbage. People are so hung up on making excuses for why their non diet productive behavior is better than yours.

    You want to drink it, than drink it, drinking a can of sugar is certainly not going to help me towards my goals. On the other hand there's something to be said about drinking 12 ounces of liquid that provide 0 caloric benefit to your body, that alone should be a red flag.

    Well said and I agree! I believe processed foods/drinks are junk no matter if they are classified as 'diet' or not.

    Everyone should seriously sit down and read what you are eating and drinking. I think this is what Grokette is trying to imply here. Open your eyes and do an internet search on any ingredient you don’t know (much less can pronounce!!). Chemically altered/processed food and beverages are not natural or healthy -in my opinion- (no matter how much advertising says they are 'natural and healthy’ for you..). Whatever ingredients are listed, well, this is what you are putting into your body; think of that. It’s simple common sense.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Look like people are having their say. to me this is a free country. country? Then why did the OP get banned from the forums?

    Exactly! I don't get why people are getting so angered by this. It was an article that she was sharing!

    If you want to drink diet soda that's fine, but don't get mad at someone for sharing information. There's also info out there about the acids in drinks that dissolve the enamel on your teeth and adds to the leaching of calcium from your bones. I'll still have an occasional diet soda - ok fine, rum and diet.

    No need to be mean because you disagree with an article, you chose to read this.

    I am really bummed to see how mean people are! I don't drink soda, but made the decision to look at this post out of interest. I didn't find the OP was preachy at all. Why on earth would people report it? Beyond me. For what it's worth, I appreciated the info and agree aspartame is a nasty chemical and we could all benefit if we avoided it. Sorry, I just feel bad for the OP who seemed to just want to share information to help us all out, regardless if it is a known topic or not.

    I doubt this is the post that was reported, if any were. Typically when a post is reported it will be removed and the poster warned. This is only done when forum rules are broken, such as attacking another poster.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    The OP is a friend of mine. If enough people report the post they will ban you. Really fair for someone that just posted an article.
    That should be an issue to take up with the moderators. Regarless of the number of reports on a certain thread, I think they should read the thread and actually determine if banning is necessary. Just sayin...
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Honestly, if I want to be preached to, I'll go to church or maybe to MY Doctor.

    Or just ignore the poster....without being snippy or rude or unkind. You who returned unkindness for knowledge are really showing your true colors. Sad really. This should be a place where there is a free exchange of ideas and information.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi there guys,
    Action is not taken on all reports made...if we did that there would be an awful lot of deleted threads. We look carefully through a thread and consult mike and fellow moderators before action is taken. We only edit, delete e.t.c...when forum rules have been broken, as suggested in previous posts. Just posting this to clear up a few misconceptions.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I didn't read all of the links that were posted, but the one I did read, off webmd, did not actually support the results found by the study in question.