For those of you that Drink Diet Soda Everyday..............

Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
Diet soda's linked to heart attack and stroke

Choosing between regular soda and diet is like choosing between death by firing squad and death by hanging -- does it even matter?

Diet soda is just death with fewer calories, and a new study confirms it: Diet drinkers have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other vascular nightmares.

Would you like fries with that?

Researchers tracked 2,564 New York City residents for at least nine years, using surveys to find out how much soda they drank.

Surveys are useless when it comes to most food studies, because they rely on guesstimates to figure out, say, how many blueberries someone eats in a year.

But most people with a soda-a-day habit know it -- and researchers say the ones that 'fessed up to a daily diet cola were 61 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those who didn't drink the stuff.

Even regular cola drinkers didn't have that kind of risk!

The researchers behind the study presented at the International Stroke Conference wouldn't come out and say what makes diet drinks so dangerous, so let me spell it out for them:


This "sweet poison" found in most diet soda has been linked to cancer, seizures, coma, memory loss, and even death!!!!

But let me get back to the new study, because I haven't even gotten to the most unbelievable part: The authors won't actually warn anyone away from diet soda.

"I think diet soda drinkers need to stay tuned," lead author Hannah Gardener told "I don't think that anyone should be changing their behaviors based on one study."

Really, Hannah? How many studies would it take -- because you're not the first one to "discover" the risks of diet soda.

This junk has been linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, kidney problems, premature births, pancreatic cancer, and more.

The evidence is there -- and you don't need to "stay tuned" for the real conclusion: Skip all soda, diet or otherwise, starting now.

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.


  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Welp, I never wanted to live very long anyway. :drinker:
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    Yep. Death by firing squad it is.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree. Astartame has also been linked to rosacia, but I guess that would be a vascular disease. But wait, dentists are coming out against it as well. But wait, the FDA has approved it. But wait, I haven't got cancer. You all can do what you want. It's a free country (for now). This stuff is not good for you.
  • Jdrdaisy
    Jdrdaisy Posts: 4 Member
    Could you please post the link to the actual study. With numbers this serious sure sounds like they would need a warning label.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    WOW, thanks! i always wanted someone to judgmentally lecture my drink choices and tell me things i already know about the habits i'm not ready to give up yet!!! I especially like the good doctor's line: "The evidence is there -- and you don't need to "stay tuned" for the real conclusion: Skip all soda, diet or otherwise, starting now."

    what's next? smoking? HFCS? sunbathing?

    okay, that started out kinda hateful. but, really, you're preaching to the choir by pasting this here. most people know already that diet cola is just as bad as regular cola - and i would bet that those who don't know it aren't ready to hear it anyway. ever hear of the concept of baby steps?

    Edited to add: i don't even drink diet sodas - the aspartame flavor makes me a little sick. i'm mostly just tired of hearing this stuff over and over again.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    Lucky me then. I gave up Pop in Jan. I used to Drink over 2 glasses a day then I went Cold Turkey and have only had one sip Since.
    Though I still Crave it. I know it's better that i dont drink it
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    I dont believe half of these studies, because later you will hear of one that counters this. One study even though it was 9 years isnt proof enough for me, now its time for my daily diet coke.

    wait a minute its New Yorkers I bet its from Smog LOL
  • Mandy_PSU
    Mandy_PSU Posts: 8
    Can you site an actual research study instead of a lot of random figures with no reference to where they are coming from? I've heard this a lot and I don't doubt that diet soda does have some negative health implications, but anyone who knows research knows that correlations are not causation.
  • dm_14
    dm_14 Posts: 1
    World won't last much longer anyway, *pops diet pepsi open*
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    WOW, thanks! i always wanted someone to judgmentally lecture my drink choices and tell me things i already know about the habits i'm not ready to give up yet!!! I especially like the good doctor's line: "The evidence is there -- and you don't need to "stay tuned" for the real conclusion: Skip all soda, diet or otherwise, starting now."

    what's next? smoking? HFCS? sunbathing?

    okay, that started out kinda hateful. but, really, you're preaching to the choir by pasting this here. most people know already that diet cola is just as bad as regular cola - and i would bet that those who don't know it aren't ready to hear it anyway. ever hear of the concept of baby steps?

    I felt preached at, as if I had walked in on an angry bible wielding tent revivalist. Made me want to chug a 20 ouncer out of spite.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree. Astartame has also been linked to rosacia, but I guess that would be a vascular disease. But wait, dentists are coming out against it as well. But wait, the FDA has approved it. But wait, I haven't got cancer. You all can do what you want. It's a free country (for now). This stuff is not good for you.

    OMG. You just gave me a revelation. I quit ANY diet sodas (and most other sodas, sometimes i have a regular one on occasion) and my rosacea is practically non existant. It was getting REALLY BAD too.

    WOOT! Down with aspartame!!! That crap is gross...I don't miss that chemical taste at all! I DO, however, love these "throwback" sodas. Mmmmm They are a nice treat once in a while.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Did the study look at the remainder of the diet that those people were consuming?
    Often people change to "diet" sodas while still consuming other foods that are much more unhealthy in the guise of being healthier because they have cut out "regular soda".
    Please do not take this to mean that I think diet soad is good for you, however without the complete study and peer review, it is hard to accept those numbers.
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    Correlation does not imply causation.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Welp, I never wanted to live very long anyway. :drinker:

    LOL LOL. Yea, I'm not going to stop drinking diet soda. There is aspartame in so many other things we eat and drink, it won't do that much to just cut out one thing.
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    Also, in response to what Tzavush said, did they look at the overall health and weight of the participants? As Yzavush implied, the fact that they are drinking diet soda is often directly a result that they are overweight in the first place, and therefore, likely in poorer health.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I wholeheartedly agree. Astartame has also been linked to rosacia, but I guess that would be a vascular disease. But wait, dentists are coming out against it as well. But wait, the FDA has approved it. But wait, I haven't got cancer. You all can do what you want. It's a free country (for now). This stuff is not good for you.

    OMG. You just gave me a revelation. I quit ANY diet sodas (and most other sodas, sometimes i have a regular one on occasion) and my rosacea is practically non existant. It was getting REALLY BAD too.

    WOOT! Down with aspartame!!! That crap is gross...I don't miss that chemical taste at all! I DO, however, love these "throwback" sodas. Mmmmm They are a nice treat once in a while.

    Pepsi Throwback FTW! well, any soda that's made with cane sugar instead of HFCS is gonna win in my book.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Could you please post the link to the actual study. With numbers this serious sure sounds like they would need a warning label.

    Agreed! I've seen conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory over the years, but not one contains any actual references to an actual published study showing concrete proof of any of the claims.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    This was posted on one of my connections through Nutritional Education regarding this:

    I am posting other supporting articles. One of my jobs is as a Nutritional Educator and I will keep spreading the word. If I have touched just one person to say Hey, I need to put this stuff down.............I have done my job.

    To those of you that want to be sarcastic and pretty much make fun - I truly feel for you in the years to come as your only thinking of today and not your future health.
  • DahnaLane
    DahnaLane Posts: 97 Member
    Did the study look at the remainder of the diet that those people were consuming?
    Often people change to "diet" sodas while still consuming other foods that are much more unhealthy in the guise of being healthier because they have cut out "regular soda".
    Please do not take this to mean that I think diet soad is good for you, however without the complete study and peer review, it is hard to accept those numbers.
    Exactly my thoughts... :smile:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The actual study has not yet been released............