For those of you that Drink Diet Soda Everyday..............



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I really don't understand how people can have such a blatant disregard for their own health and well being.

    I feel for you all, I really do.

    I really don't understand how people don't get that most of the general population does NOT like to be preached at. I honestly believe that if you had titled the post differently, or used a different tone, it would have come across as helpful information. But the attitude is what is turning me off personally. I don't drink diet soda either, but now I want one, just like when I was little and Mom said "don't touch that!", what do you think was the FIRST thing I did when she turned her back?!?! *touch, touch, touch*

    AMEN sistah :)
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi everyone,

    A quick reminder of the forum rules:

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    Please respect the rules to avoid upsetting other forum members. If threads become personal or insulting then there is a risk that the thread will be locked. Previous posts may be edited due to insulting language or quotations containing insulting content. If you feel insulted by a poster then please use the "report" post button situated below the insulting post and do not retaliate in a post.

    Thanks for your co - operation,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator :flowerforyou:
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Did any of you even realize those weren't Grokette's words but a quote from William Campbell Douglass II, M.D? It was an article she read and she just posted it to spark a conversation about something she thinks is valuable. And attacking her choice of Paleo/Primal is just beneath you. If we feel passionate about our lifestyle why is it unreasonable to share that passion on the boards? If you don't agree with the post, then give your point of view without unkindness and let the natural flow of knowledge become what it will. I think this whole discussion got off the tracks and took a left turn at "ugly" early on.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry Natalie, I read your post after I had already posted. Well said. I will bow out gracefully. Thanks for your hard work.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    there's something to be said about drinking 12 ounces of liquid that provide 0 caloric benefit to your body, that alone should be a red flag.

    look out, there are no calories in water!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I've had a coke zero (or three, or FIVE) every day of this weight loss journey. It hasn't stopped me from losing the weight I want, or harmed my health in any way.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I don't understand why so many people get offended when someone posts something that not everyone agrees upon. The OP stated that he/she is a Nutritional Educator. We are all here to live healthier lives, are we not? So if the OP thought that there was one thing he/she could recommend that would possibly help us out, why does she get such bad attitudes from all of you? Personally, I don't touch diet soda with a 12 foot pole. I gave up regular soda as well, I rarely drink it anymore. I know that diet soda has gotten a really bad rap, and regardless of whether it's bad for you, it certainly can't be GOOD for you either. So why bother? All I drink is water, and I feel much healthier for it. But I do not judge anyone else for their dietary habits. My own husband is a Sprite addict, and my Mom has been drinking Diet Pepsi for years, regardless of whether she was dieting or not. So I say to each their own, but can we please try to be mature and respectful, and act like the adults that we are? If you feel that the OP was being preachy, then that's just your opinion, you didn't need to read the post in the first place. Believe it or not, there are lots of people who think diet soda is healthy simply because the label says DIET! So if this post in anyway informed anyone of the "possible" dangers and health risks of regularly drinking soda/diet soda, then I think that's a great thing. For some people, only drinking one or two diet soda's a day is a HUGE step from where they may have started. So in that case it's the lesser of two evils and I respect them for making a decision to change whatever previous unhealthy habits they had.
  • TBirdGirl
    TBirdGirl Posts: 96 Member
    Did the study look at the remainder of the diet that those people were consuming?
    Often people change to "diet" sodas while still consuming other foods that are much more unhealthy in the guise of being healthier because they have cut out "regular soda".
    Please do not take this to mean that I think diet soad is good for you, however without the complete study and peer review, it is hard to accept those numbers.

    They did and what was posted was just part of the entire article. I read the full original article when it came out. And there were so many other factors that that is why they said they didn't need to stop drinking it just yet and that it was just one study....
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    Did the study look at the remainder of the diet that those people were consuming?
    Often people change to "diet" sodas while still consuming other foods that are much more unhealthy in the guise of being healthier because they have cut out "regular soda".
    Please do not take this to mean that I think diet soad is good for you, however without the complete study and peer review, it is hard to accept those numbers.

    I was actually scrolling through to see if anyone was going to say this, because if not I would have. Honestly I have stood behind people at McDonald's who Ordered Two Big Macs, Two Large fries and ONE LARGE DIET COKE! and then proceeded to eat the entire lot by themselves....Some people feel as if they can have more slices of pizza as long as they are washing it down with diet soda...and in HEART ATTACK studies...that matters.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I don't understand why so many people get offended when someone posts something that not everyone agrees upon. The OP stated that he/she is a Nutritional Educator. We are all here to live healthier lives, are we not? So if the OP thought that there was one thing he/she could recommend that would possibly help us out, why does she get such bad attitudes from all of you? Personally, I don't touch diet soda with a 12 foot pole. I gave up regular soda as well, I rarely drink it anymore. I know that diet soda has gotten a really bad rap, and regardless of whether it's bad for you, it certainly can't be GOOD for you either. So why bother? All I drink is water, and I feel much healthier for it. But I do not judge anyone else for their dietary habits. My own husband is a Sprite addict, and my Mom has been drinking Diet Pepsi for years, regardless of whether she was dieting or not. So I say to each their own, but can we please try to be mature and respectful, and act like the adults that we are? If you feel that the OP was being preachy, then that's just your opinion, you didn't need to read the post in the first place. Believe it or not, there are lots of people who think diet soda is healthy simply because the label says DIET! So if this post in anyway informed anyone of the "possible" dangers and health risks of regularly drinking soda/diet soda, then I think that's a great thing. For some people, only drinking one or two diet soda's a day is a HUGE step from where they may have started. So in that case it's the lesser of two evils and I respect them for making a decision to change whatever previous unhealthy habits they had.

    I think it is because of how the OP treats others in many other posts. She has made quite a few enemies with her attitude towards others. I guess in a way I kind of see it as payback for how she treats many people here.

    See? No personal attack, I restrained myself! I can has treat? :happy:
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I don't understand why so many people get offended when someone posts something that not everyone agrees upon. The OP stated that he/she is a Nutritional Educator. We are all here to live healthier lives, are we not? So if the OP thought that there was one thing he/she could recommend that would possibly help us out, why does she get such bad attitudes from all of you? Personally, I don't touch diet soda with a 12 foot pole. I gave up regular soda as well, I rarely drink it anymore. I know that diet soda has gotten a really bad rap, and regardless of whether it's bad for you, it certainly can't be GOOD for you either. So why bother? All I drink is water, and I feel much healthier for it. But I do not judge anyone else for their dietary habits. My own husband is a Sprite addict, and my Mom has been drinking Diet Pepsi for years, regardless of whether she was dieting or not. So I say to each their own, but can we please try to be mature and respectful, and act like the adults that we are? If you feel that the OP was being preachy, then that's just your opinion, you didn't need to read the post in the first place. Believe it or not, there are lots of people who think diet soda is healthy simply because the label says DIET! So if this post in anyway informed anyone of the "possible" dangers and health risks of regularly drinking soda/diet soda, then I think that's a great thing. For some people, only drinking one or two diet soda's a day is a HUGE step from where they may have started. So in that case it's the lesser of two evils and I respect them for making a decision to change whatever previous unhealthy habits they had.

    I think it is because of how the OP treats others in many other posts. She has made quite a few enemies with her attitude towards others. I guess in a way I kind of see it as payback for how she treats many people here.

    See? No personal attack, I restrained myself! I can has treat? :happy:

    Oh... I didn't realize that. Well then, as you were. Hahaha
    Oh and here's your treat :drinker: :laugh:
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Yayyyyyyy treat!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Regarding this study SPECIFICALLY: There was NO direct causation determined. All other factors were NOT ruled out or even considered before releasing these partial news.

    Our news services are so sensationalistic that just about every day 'this may kill you." Fear sells news.

    I'm not saying that it's healthy to drink gallons of the stuff. The other poster was right, even water will kill you.... if you over do it.

    I take it as "I've been warned." I used to assist in a research lab, and I know to take all these results with a grain of salt. If I got pumped with 2000 times the amount of aspartame I would ever be able to take in a lifetime, I too might develop cancer, have a stroke or a heart attack.
  • feliciapeters
    feliciapeters Posts: 525
    I find that if you do everything "experts say in one study, they will suddenly discover "new evidence" to completely reverse it at a later date.

    Example. When I gave birth to my oldest daughter (21) the hospital told me to put her on her back to sleep
    baby 2 (17) the hospital told me to put her on side
    Baby 3 stomach
    4 & 5 (9 & 10) back

    I guess they were right the first time

    As for diet soda, im not a soda person but i think i will just continue to make the healthiest choices I can, while still enjoying what I like and not worry about if diet soda will kill me .
  • beccaschmitter
    mmmmmmmmm....... another diet pepsi down....... (popping open a new one):drinker:

    I've given up A LOT of things so I think I'll wait a while to give up this habit of mine!!!:bigsmile:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Why are all the anti-pop people constantly trying to change us? It's like me yelling at a fat person for being lazy. That's an assumption and at the end of the day, the pop-drinkers are going to use up less of the health care system then people who abuse their body with fast food and even people who are obese with a genetic cause.

    Take this time to go work out rather than yell at the rest of us, a much more effective use of time.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Correlation does not imply causation.

    Just what I was thinking - you can prove anything with statistics if you like!

    14% of all people know that ;)
  • Wassir
    Wassir Posts: 11
    Personally, I just don't like the taste of diet.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Personally, I just don't like the taste of diet.

    Me either. Tastes too sweet to me. Only one I can tolerate is Diet Dr. Pepper
  • taranmisty
    taranmisty Posts: 48 Member
    Will consider this if I have time....or if you post the study itself.