New to site

PurpleJellyean Posts: 29 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

I am just getting comfortable navigating around this site. I think it will do me a world of good to be here. Here's me in a nutshell: I'm a newish mom (my daughter Amelia is 6 months old). Prior to pregnancy I was not at an ideal healthy weight. I was not crazy over weight, but not close to healthy either. This has made losing weight postpartum more challenging. I have been married for over a year and with my husband for 4 years. When I was single, I was much thinner. Something to be said about packing it on with marriage huh? I hate to think I have become lazy and uncaring about my health and weight, but I think that might be true. :( My self esteem has suffered from it which screws up every aspect of my life. My goal is not to be super skinny like I was 5 years ago, but to be healthy, happy and confident! I am entering into 2011 with one of my best friends on a weight loss mission. I know this is a typical new years resolution, but it regardless has to begin soon. I am afraid the Christmas holidays are going to be tough for I am going to wait until after to begin. I know many would frown upon that, but I have to wait.

Any tips or advice? One thing I am going to do is drink more water and eat less sugar. Goal is to significantly decrease the amount of sugar I ingest. I'm not kidding, I'm a sugar addict.

I guess we'll wait and see how the site and forum work. Curious if I will hear from anyone on here. Time will tell.

Looking forward to 2011. :):)


  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    Welcome to the site! I am sure you will love it here!
    Let me suggest that even though you don't plan to start trying to lose weight until after the holidays that you do start getting in the habit of logging your food now, for 2 reasons. First you will get used to logging everything and the more you do it the more it will be a habit. Second, it can help you to see where you are with what you are eating, and just how much. You may be over your calorie goal every single day but you will at least know where your at going into it, then you can enjoy it that much more when you stay under your daily goal! Just my opinion. Best of luck to you on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • PurpleJellyean
    PurpleJellyean Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! Thanks for your input and thoughts. I actually started logging and wow, shocking to see how many calories I have eaten already and it is only 0830! Oops. That is why you suggested it I have a visual of what is going on. I find it amazing that what I put in my mouth does not ever correlate with how much I think I eat in a day! This site is great, super user friendly and the support is really nice! :) Thank you.

    Adding you as a friend now.
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP! There are a lot of really smart and experienced people out here. The tools are excellent, too.

    Good Luck with your goals!!!
  • PurpleJellyean
    PurpleJellyean Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks! I look forward to the immense support I'm certain to find here.
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