bcumak Member


  • Hi! I am a SAHM with two kids 5 and 2. I stopped nursing my youngest in October and shortly after I joined a gym and have been exercising 4-7 times per week ever since. Right now I am doing the 30 Day Shred and going to the gym a few times a week. I have about 12 lbs left to loose (more than 1/2 way too my goal!!) and I…
  • I just started winter running and did not know if I would like it so I did not want to invest a lot of money. I just ran a 5k race with obstacles and this is what I wore in 20 degrees (I am ALWAYS cold and I was comfortable in this. If you run hot than you probably don't need the extra fleece): Target cold weather…
  • The only thing I found under cardio was "Walking, carrying infant or 15-lb load", but nothing for just wearing the baby around the house. For me I found that when I tried to give myself credit for wearing my baby, breast feeding, etc..I just ended up gaining weight. When I only calculated in "actual" exercise that was when…
  • SW: 162 (beginning of December 2012) CW: 155 GW: 150 for the month but I would love to hit 149:) Weigh in Dates: 1/1 155 1/8 152 1/15 150 1/22 149.5 (not hitting the gym as much as I had been...so close) 1/31 Total weight lost: 5.5 lbs lost!!! I made it:) Hopefully I can keep it off and go for 149. What is your fitness…
  • I bet the answer is no but here goes...my friend said she would lend me her insanity video's but disk 2 skips. Can I just not do that DVD, and maybe not get the full results, or do I really need it? I just don't have the money to buy it right now.
  • I agree with the posts that said to up your calories. If you are getting that much exercise you are not eating anywhere near enough. Up your calories for a few weeks and see what happens.
  • I love to eat out and do so a few times a week, and I am still loosing 1-2 lbs a week. I just check the menu in advance or I look up a thing or two in the restaurant. I rarely get drinks other than water and the occasional unsweetened iced tea. Make sure if you order a salad that it is really "healthy" as they often have…
  • Looks great! Can't wait to try)
  • I am so in!! SW: 162 (beginning of December 2012) CW: 155 GW: 150 for the month but I would love to hit 149:) Weigh in Dates: 1/1 155 1/8 152 1/15 150 1/22 1/31 Total weight lost: 5 lbs lost!!! I made it:) Hopefully I can keep it off and go for 149. What is your fitness resolution for 2013? I am hoping to hit my fitness…
  • I have a cup every morning with 1 tbsp of fat free creamer and no sugar. Only 27 calories and SO worth it:)
  • I am so in!! SW: 162 CW: 155 GW: 150 for the month but I would love to hit 149:) Weigh in Dates: 1/1 155 1/8 152 1/15 1/22 1/31 Total weight lost: 3 lbs (I think I had some extra "water" weight from my New Years celebrating:drinker: ) What is your fitness resolution for 2013? I am hoping to hit my fitness goal of 142…
  • I lost 1 lb the week between Christmas and New Years which is shocking since I ate a lot (although nothing like I used to at the holidays), was drinking and since I was out of town I could not hit the gym. I joined MFP after Thanksgiving and have lost a total of 8 lbs in that time. I usually put on a few pounds, so I am so…
  • I am so in!! SW: 162 CW: 155 GW: 150 for the month but I would love to hit 149:) Weigh in Dates: 1/1 1/8 1/15 1/22 1/31 Total weight lost: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? I am hoping to hit my fitness goal of 142 before the start of the bathing suit season and than reaccess where I need to tone up/ loose weight.…
  • I had the Mirena put in October 2012 and also started going to the gym to loose weight at the same time. The first 8 weeks I gained a few lbs, and was feeling really frustrated. I went to my doctor to discuss having it removed. He discussed how maybe I was adding muscle...yeah, yeah this didn't feel like muscle and he also…
  • Sorry I missed checking in for week 3. Here are my numbers: Week 3: 13 miles MTD: 24
  • Didn't get to run as much as I hoped. Had a sick little boy:( 12/3- 2 miles 12/5- 3 12/6- 2 12/8- 2 WTD- 9 miles MTD- 11 miles
  • This is my first month of trying to loose weight and I just started running. I am going to try for 50 miles:smile: I did 2 miles week 1. Thanks for getting me motivated!!