No sorry
i like 2
good teeth
well crap. someone near me is lighting off fireworks. They are illegal here, but are legal a mile down the road in the next town, but whoever this is is probably on the other side of the apartment building across from mine judging by how loud they are and the fact i can see them. they are to big boom single explosion ones…
everytime he falls asleep really early or somewhere other than bed(and sometimes in bed too) i have this undying urge to take pictures of him and post them on facebook. he hates it when i do that.
thats how i feel. but i think so long as i’m up i’ll just let him sleep. because i know he won’t be happy with me if i wake him up so that he can sleep in bed and follow up with, “but i’m not tired so i won’t be joining you.” i have really bad insomnia, and he really hates it when i can sleep and leave bed to go out to the…
i’d probably let him go. i know that its really only looking, and he watches porn anyways so stripping really ain’t much different than that. but i really wouldn’t be okay with it, i wouldn’t hold it against him or anything (im assuming were are talking about him going just once in a blue moon for a bachelor party or…
a new lancer evo, manual transmission.
i’m currently sitting on the opposite couch listening to him snore. the question of wake him or let him sleep has always been a tough one with him, because i never know if he’ll be mad at me for waking him or if he’ll be mad that i let him sleep so long. both have happened an equal number of times. for a while there i just…
i think they can, but i think it’s just very uncommon if not rare that they can stay that way, but not impossible. On of my best friends is a dude, when i met him he was crushing on me hard, but i was not interested, i am not attracted to him physically and honestly if i had to be around him 24/7, he’d drive me insane,…
your smirk
obviously reasons will very person to person. I was always really smal, a 30AA at one point. when my boobs were small i always wanted bigger ones and really thought about augmentation. on the flipside though after i have my son they we giant for me, D cup, and i just wished they’d be small again. right now they are at a C…
train for tough mudder
abs. yes i profile creeped
do my hair please
your smile is great and i imagine you are quite fit.
current, love your eyes
hair. meaning it looks like you have a lot of it.
a lot of gossip
nvm i figured out its just the new body bugg with a different name.
yes, if you were closer to my age
i totally just noticed you live hella close to my hometown of tahoe. cool beans.
hey, i suffered from an ED for years, my lowest was 100lbs. i sort of recovered 2 years ago, but the thoughts never went away. I wound up gaining a **** ton of weight to the point of being over weight. I’m now trying to lose that, but hoping i can stayaway from old behaviors and be happy with my goal and not push it…