eating disorder

Hi. My real name is Julie. Please excuse all typos for I cannot touch screen.LOL
Well let me just be open and say, I am use to losing weight by an eating disorder. I am recently coming bout of one because I realized how immature and pathetic it is. Food has never been a friends of mine. However years of eating no more then a thousand calories and then BOOM I am eating 1500 is well...shocking to my psychy. I know this isnt alot of food especially since I work out. So what I am looking for is support to getting fit a healthy way. And even better a happy way. Thanks again to who ever reads this and responds.


  • ronaldraygunn
    Also let me add,I workout 5 days a week. 4 days weights and cardio. One day yoga. I am at the gym for at least 2 hours.I do mosey in the gym. Not running the whole time.hahajaha. I have been steady weight training for another a month now and. I've noticed amazing good changes in my body.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Good for you on trying to be healthier. I think acknowledging that you need to change is a huge step and I applaud you for doing that. May I ask if you're getting outside help? A nutritionalist and/or a counselor to help you tackle these changes in the healthiest manner possible? It can be overwhelming to do alone.

    I use to binge and starve for years, eat insane amounts and then not eat for 2-3 days and it's hard to change those unhealthy habits but it can be done and it's so worth it.

    For me, changing those habits is an awful lot like this weight loss journey, one day at a time, and don't let bumps in the road derail what you're doing. You're on a journey to a healthier you!
  • thinfitfabulous
    thinfitfabulous Posts: 84 Member
    I, too, suffered from an ED where i would only net anywhere from NEGATIVE to 700 cals. However, I realized my problem and had about three to four weeks of gradually refeeding myself have now begun netting about 1200 cals a day so i can gradually lose some of the weight I had regained during my refeed.
    For example,
    HW: 111+
    LW: 92.8

    After ReFeed: 102-98.8 (Water retention causes major variations)
    Current: 98.8-98.6

    its awful to regain but ultimately you will begin to feel better. you will have more energy, also you stop obsessing about eating and food, and you also regain some social life as you begin to be able to eat out, ect..
    Good luck!
  • epicrockstar24
    hey, i suffered from an ED for years, my lowest was 100lbs. i sort of recovered 2 years ago, but the thoughts never went away. I wound up gaining a **** ton of weight to the point of being over weight. I’m now trying to lose that, but hoping i can stayaway from old behaviors and be happy with my goal and not push it farther. you can add me if you’s like.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    You can add me If you like. I am also overcoming my ED, however I am not eating as much as you because I have financial issue tacked on and eating healthy costs quite a bit so I eat as much as my budget allows right now. :flowerforyou: So proud of you!
  • ronaldraygunn
    I am not getting any outside help. I would love to...but being a bartender and going to school isn't exactly bringing in the dough. I do have a few friends at school who are I'm nutrition and other classes along that sort who help me. Thanks for the replays. Peeps.
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    Very courageous of you to come forward & admit your disorder. Keep trying & you cannot fail. Eat more to fuel your body & build those muscles! <3
  • epicrockstar24
    i totally just noticed you live hella close to my hometown of tahoe. cool beans.
  • ronaldraygunn
    Hahahha yea. A nor Cal girl for sure. I just hate feeling neurotic about eating. As soon as I eat I wanna run for hours and go crazy. I have established a "no scales to weigh myself " rule. I go by feeling and inches lost
    I am looking to become extremely fit and healthy. I know Rome wasn't built in a day
  • nicccccccole
    I'm going through the same thing right now. It's really really really hard for me to let myself eat any more than 800 calories. I recently got down to my lowest weight ever. I'm currently trying to slowly raise my calorie intake each day, but when I try to eat without the eat-as-little-as-possible and lose-weight mentality it's like my brain just shuts down and I don't know how to eat so I start a horrible pattern of binge eating so I'm forced to drastically diet again. I really want to get away from the whole skin and bones fantasy and focus on eating lots of healthy food and maintaining regular exercise so I can develop a healthier and more fit looking body.

    Congratulations on finally deciding to eat more and become healthier. I know it's a really hard decision to finally make and an even harder one to actually put into action. But you can do it and you'll feel happier and better about yourself more than ever before :)