goldfishgoo Member


  • . I hate that! Sadly, it is usually in church. I'm supposed to be humbled and ready to pray. Then I watch 'the climbers' and 'side sweepers' in action. Why can't the side sweepers either move over or get up for a second to allow the person to get in the row? It drives me nuts. Then I have the guilt of being angry in church…
  • Anything to make water taste better is worth a try! I know sodas and other sugary drinks are not good for me. I just hate plain water. The infused non-sugar/artifical flavors are certainly far better.
  • B) I haven't added cucumber to my water but I do juice a lemon in the morning for my tea. I don't care what it is called: detox, hoax, or a placebo effect. All I know is I do feel better and not so drained. I'll have to try your flavored water. It sounds tasty. I'm trying very hard to give up soda.
  • I'm not exercising as I really should. I am at the very beginning. I use the fitbit one and with it I've been just trying to up my steps. It is not a fast "I have to make those steps and exceed every day" kind of thing. I've 'been there done that' and eventually I lose steam and quit. So this time I'm paying attention to…
  • I'm new(-ish?). After a stressful move I am working to lose quite a lot. I did MFP a while back and somehow lost my way. But it did work. So here I am back and trying this again!
  • Ditto here! I am trying to figure out this too but I click the link and it goes nowhere. Any advice? :smiley:
  • I would LOVE some clarification on 'eating back' calories!!! I walk/jog ~5.5k daily. I'm trying to build to do a 10k run this Thanksgiving. Anyone?(&thanks)
  • It sounds really stupid but I do this: I look at Pinterest. I just surf around and post...yep, even food. Sometimes for just a very brief time; sometimes longer. It is my downtime window shopping I guess. Oddly enough it does not make me hungry. Won't work for everyone but I know I can't be the only one who does…
  • It is very expensive too! My doctor prescribed me three pills in the a.m. and two in the afternoon. I have severe migraine headaches. It did help with that. But after a while it stops. The soda taste was so horrible. And the forgetfulness was the worst thing. In some ways it is worth it because of the pain. But if it is…
  • Yes, it helps...temporarily. Then it stops. Ice taken it off and on for years. I say off and on because after a while I get very mind turns to mush! The soda thing is pretty accurate too. It tasted like metal for me. Fit a bit the rate was just "odd", then I just couldn't take it any more and ended up…
  • Three days..that is all you need to do for now. They say the body needs to get used to what you are attempting and needs recovery time. Keep going. You won't regret it! I did my first one in May. You are sooooooo right about treadmill vs. road. It is even different with road vs. sidewalk! Just when I started to do well…
  • Hi kazsjourney: I did not lose as much as you yet. But I'm with you. I don't know what you are kind of carbs; whole wheat, etc. Would you please expand on that? I found that I do better with weight loss by not being strict on that part. I've been keeping to 1700 per day and seem to lose MORE than when it was…
  • Love the "collect the crumbs" comment! I'd love to see if I can gather a full gram of crumbs! :laugh: I make sandwich bread rather than use the store/bakery kind (no sugar and very little fat/salt). I use a standard bread machine to make the dough and pop it in the oven to bake. I found that, through using the add recipe…
  • I found that dropping bread was not helping at all for me. In fact, I actually GAINED weight. But that is not for everyone. It did, however, help when I started to make my own bread...I control what goes in the bread, no preservatives, etc. I don't get all fancy either: just regular, run of the mill (HA! no pun intended…
  • I just started by cutting the "worst offender". If I tried to go cold turkey on any junk food, I'd go bonkers and totally fail! So, chips...bye bye! Yellow Oreos...probation!
  • thanks Jay_83! That 5k treadmill run is very motivating! I did my first 5k in May...running, no...more like waddled! But it got done! I am getting ready for a 10K for this coming November. I have to put myself back on the road again. But for now the treadmill is what I do. (our house was robbed so going outside…
  • OMG!!!! Cool Ranch!!! At the grocery store, I totally avoid that isle now! It is like a Harry Potter nightmare of a Dorito bag turning into a "screamer"! :laugh: Nope, not acceping that crack pipe in a bag anymore!
  • Doing my own pre-portioning also makes it appear to be more than it is because of the smaller containers. The stuff sold in stores have a bigger box or in the case of chips/crackers/etc, the bags are full of air. Funny thing is, if I put the same product in my smaller bag it would be the same volume but my eyes would be…
  • Hi BrookeLee2: i just posted about putting stuff in portion control containers/bags/etc. The self-motivation does not work on me quite yet. But I don't discourge it either because I am very sure it will work some day. I'm thinking of when I get closer to my goal...or even a 1/4 of the way. My "frenemies" are Yellow Oreos…
  • I find it easier in the summer for some reason. I have two at home and they still have music lessons, scouts, etc. I am trying to get into a "school schedule" while on a "summer calendar". That way I will transition better. I found that the kids are so much more flexible to a schedule than I am. :noway:
  • Oh and congrats, cmriverside, it looks like you really worked hard with only a couple of pounds to go! :drinker:
  • I am anything but organized! I had been using my scale for a while now when I bake. (I find it easier/better to weigh than use measuring cups) Reality hit me in the face on the serving size issue. Actually, I can be very lazy on that one. I would KNOW I should measure but was not patient enough to take the time. It would…
  • darn! I always scope that stuff out!! ::happy:
  • Amazing!!! And inspiring too!!! Thanks for the motivation!!