This is a great point! A lot of people like to overlook the "struggling" aspect of "struggling to get by". When you're living in poverty, you're constantly worried about something -- whether your paycheck's going to cover your next bill, what bill to pay when in order to avoid getting stuff shut off, if you can afford gas…
So many people hatin' on ice cream and beer in this thread! What is up with that?! xD Seriously, though -- I have much better things to worry about than what the people around me have in their carts. lol. If I think anything about what other people are buying, it's 'dang, I wish I had enough money to buy a whole frikken…
Mark Wahlberg. ugh. I can't pinpoint a certain reason -- although maybe it's the overcooked machismo? Ew, is all I can say.
Edit: I can't even. Too effed up. Leaving this thread, now, for real.
OFT. It's pretty dang far from any meaningful form of SELF respect either, just sayin'. Sad to see internalized misogyny worn like a badge of pride. That said, this is obnoxiously OT. I'm going to hush, now, and go away and read ... an article about Annie Thorisdottir or something.
... ... ... Srsly, I need to stop reading this thread.
Husbands aside, I have to thank ya'll for helping me with MY diet. It's lunchtime for me right now, and I was totally craving some fast food -- but all this talk of "wifely submission" has killed my appetite. Woot!
Just had to say -- you're a badass and an inspiration. Thanks for telling your story, and cheers to you for OWNING your life. You have all my well-wishes! For me, it took ... getting out and running to get me running. After biting the bullet, rolling out of bed and taking that first morning run, I was hooked. These days, I…
The fact that it's so commonplace for people to think of men as "leaders" and women as "followers" (or submissive domestic servants). UGH. Women fighting for total autonomy and political/social rights and responsibilities =/= women wanting to be "the same as men". T.T
It's ... a tiny fraction as public, yeah.
You're just mad you failed the test, bro.
And when the target audience is men? What do you get on magazine covers? Often, conventionally attractive (that is, ridiculously thin) women.
Pshaw! Go stand in the checkout line at your grocery store of choice and have a look at the magazine covers, ... then come back and try to argue that men deal with the same amount of media/cultural body shaming as women.
being annoying on the internet, obviously.
Oh, look. Misogyny. Must be a Wednesday.
sdfjka;sldfj;adjajksf;asjf fffs!!11 You look frickin' awesome! Gratz!
You were totally speaking for me, too. I hate hearing that sort of thing from random people.
No, I don't think so. Regardless, though, she is HAWT! :) Female muscle is such a turn on.
Great NSV! Congrats!
Def. a noticeable difference! Your hard work paid off. I just started 30DS last night; hope I see some big difference, too!
This is so inspirational! Awesome progress.
Lol! Case in point? Anyway, good luck OP! :)
Of course there's a difference! This is why I said she should trust her instincts; she was there, we weren't. But my point stands that being a dude doesn't give you a pass for obliviousness or insensitivity.
Just for the record, it really, REALLY gets on my nerves when people blow off a man's insensitive comments by saying "he's just being a guy". Ugh, since when did being a dude give somebody a pass to say whatever they want? Since never, people. Stop it. That said, it's hard to give an opinion about this without convo…