Don't get too fit or you can be fired!



  • repmlrs
    repmlrs Posts: 154
    wtf thats the stupidest thing i ever heard.
  • KristysLosing
    While I am troubled that someone was fired for being hot... Totally uncool. IF your mode of dress is not appropriate for the workplace you need to update your professional attire.

    I always took my earring out when I was working.
    I wore a tie if the professional attire/dress code at work called for it (and I HATE wearing a tie)
    I wore dress shoes instead of sneakers if that was the norm.

    It was my job, and it was 40 hours a week. Then I went home put on Jeans, my earring and leather jacket and went out and spent the money I earned by working in a professional setting.

    Thankfully I work in IT now and I can wear jeans and sneakers. I've long since stopped wearing an earring.


    Seriously? If this guy can't control himself, how is getting rid of one attractive woman from his life going to save his marriage? Would you want to stay married to a man who had zero self control? It is HIS responsibility to not cheat on his wife, it's not the responsibility of women to protect him from himself.

    If you want to be in a committed relationship, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to stay committed and faithful.

    How is this different from throwing out all the tempting food when you are trying to lose weight?

    Oooh...this is an interesting thought!
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I for one, applaud the Iowa Supreme Court for standing up for marriage/families.

    What a load of rubbish. What about the marriage and family of ms Nelson who now has no job.

    Nowhere has there been any evidence she dressed provocatively, only that the dentist and his wife didn't trust him.if she was jealous of their friendship why didn't she do more to befriend ms Nelson.

    Be friends with her? WHY should she be friends with her? She was having a personal relationship with her husband that had the potential of going too far.

    Yes. That's someone I want to be friends with.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Seriously? If this guy can't control himself, how is getting rid of one attractive woman from his life going to save his marriage? Would you want to stay married to a man who had zero self control? It is HIS responsibility to not cheat on his wife, it's not the responsibility of women to protect him from himself.

    If you want to be in a committed relationship, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to stay committed and faithful.

    How is this different from throwing out all the tempting food when you are trying to lose weight?

    Oooh...this is an interesting thought!

    Because food and people are two entirely different things and anyone who doesn't get that is lacking in some pretty significant ways.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    What I take out of that is this: Don't wear tight and/or revealing clothing to work.


    Where does it say she wore revealing clothing to work. And defjne difference between tight and fitting. Since I have started to lose weight I now have more confidence to wear shirts and suits which now fit to my shape rather than being baggy to hide it . they're not tight to be revealing their tighter as they now fit and look smarter that way.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    What I take out of that is this: Don't wear tight and/or revealing clothing to work.


    Where does it say she wore revealing clothing to work. And defjne difference between tight and fitting. Since I have started to lose weight I now have more confidence to wear shirts and suits which now fit to my shape rather than being baggy to hide it . they're not tight to be revealing their tighter as they now fit and look smarter that way.

    It's in the second paragraph.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    If she worked there for 10 years, why is her attire just now too revealing...did she change how she dressed? For what purpose? Were there issues regarding this any other time during those 10 years? They are equally to blame - her for stupidity, him for being a pervert.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Actually, if you read the story carefully you'll see that the dentist asked his assistant not to wear such revealing clothing and she wouldn't dress in a less provocative manner.

    So yeah. Fire the assistant, save your marriage. It's as easy as that.

    If the woman had any common sense she could have dressed more conservatively and still been attractive, and then looked for another job. Just because you have 'it' doesn't mean that a professional office is where you should flaunt it, even if you have been working there for 10 years.

    FYI she wore scrubs! How on earth is that revealing? I used to be a dental assistant and we all wore scrubs. NOTHING sexy or revealing about it. This was all because his wife was jealous and she told him to fire her. I was fired from a dental assistant job once because I was in the office at the time the dentist and his receptionist lover had a fight. He begged her to come back to work but she was too embarrassed that I was there and new of their secret. She said she would only come back if I wasn't there. So I was let go. I didn't sue I just found another job. If I wanted to I could have been a real jerk about it and told his wife.
  • hello_c_cup
    hello_c_cup Posts: 28 Member
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    What. She had a friendship with a colleague who she looked to as a father figure and never even thought of in any other way. Sounds like someone who is fine to have a friendship with if you ask me. Its hi
    Be friends with her? WHY should she be friends with her? She was having a personal relationship with her husband that had the potential of going too far.

    Yes. That's someone I want to be friends with.

    Ms Nelson was a friend with a colleague who she looked to as a father figure being about 20 yrs his junior and having worked for him for 10 years, and never entertained thought of any other type of situation between them. is described as a conscientious worker and is happily married with 2 kids, sounds like someone most wives would be happy to befriend if she was a colleague of their husband.

    Her husband is the problem and she is the one with the issues not ms Nelson, or are you from some seriously out-dated world where male and female colleagues can not be friends especially if one is attractive.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    figures ..... she gets fired cuz he can't keep his *kitten* together ..... bleh .....
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    It's very much the opposite where I work.

    I work with a lot of older women. And they all seem to like it when I wear tight clothing. In fact they've started to request it. They make comments when I'm at the water cooler. Some of the supervisors call me into their office.. and make me shut the door.

    Sometimes at night... I cry.

    I just busted out laughing :laugh:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I for one, applaud the Iowa Supreme Court for standing up for marriage/families.

    What a load of rubbish. What about the marriage and family of ms Nelson who now has no job.

    Nowhere has there been any evidence she dressed provocatively, only that the dentist and his wife didn't trust him.if she was jealous of their friendship why didn't she do more to befriend ms Nelson.

    Exactly! She wore scrubs. Most of the time they wear layers of clothing because scrubs are hardly warm. I used to wear a long sleeved top under my scrubs top. Considering they are in Utah I"m betting she had layers of clothing. Most dentists I've worked with had their wife work in the office and if they didn't they were having something going on with the hygienist or other staff. He can't control himself. Its not the assistants fault. I could tell you stories of some Dentists I've worked for in the past.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    if anything what I gather from the article is that he has a problem with sexual harassment and is guilty of it at his workplace.. that is just me though.

    That's what I got out of it. He also had sent her a text message at one point asking about orgasms. That's what I read in the article I saw. Also, she was a dental assistant, don't they wear scrubs. Not saying that scrubs can't be revealing if wearing them to tight, but come on.

    Firing someone because you are concerned that you can't keep it in your pants is pathetic. Also, he was very arrogant to think that he would have an affair with her if she wasn't fired. <-- Another thing I read in one of the articles.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    What I take out of that is this: Don't wear tight and/or revealing clothing to work.


    Where does it say she wore revealing clothing to work. And defjne difference between tight and fitting. Since I have started to lose weight I now have more confidence to wear shirts and suits which now fit to my shape rather than being baggy to hide it . they're not tight to be revealing their tighter as they now fit and look smarter that way.

    It's in the second paragraph.

    No it isn't.

    "Melissa Nelson, a 32-year-old married mother of two, had worked for James Knight for 10 years, and he considered her a stellar worker. But in the final months of her employment, he complained that her tight clothing was distracting -- once telling her that if his pants were bulging that was a sign her clothes were too revealing."

    As I said no evidence that her clothing was too revealing, just that he is a pervert. only person to claim that her colthing is revealing is him, not customers etc, not even the wife. her issue was friendship.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Seriously am shocked at the number of women defending the wife and particularly the dentist here.

    Outdated chauvinist rubbish. She was fired for being an attractive, stellar worker, married mother of 2 who thought she was friends with a colleague. Clearly totally deserving of losing her job.......seriously not.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    Seriously? If this guy can't control himself, how is getting rid of one attractive woman from his life going to save his marriage? Would you want to stay married to a man who had zero self control? It is HIS responsibility to not cheat on his wife, it's not the responsibility of women to protect him from himself.

    If you want to be in a committed relationship, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to stay committed and faithful.

    How is this different from throwing out all the tempting food when you are trying to lose weight?

    Oooh...this is an interesting thought!

    Because food and people are two entirely different things and anyone who doesn't get that is lacking in some pretty significant ways.

    THANK YOU! You beat me to it! Just because this is a calorie counting site doesn't mean we have to compare everything to food. Food and people...not the same thing. Heads out of a$$es....please and thank you.

    And perhaps right to work laws are legal. I misspoke because I assumed from a basic moral perspective that you shouldn't be able to fire someone for wanting to *kitten* them. My bad. Keep in mind though that morality and legality are not the same thing. I'd think the "save the family" types on here would be screaming that from the rooftops given their assumed opinions on abortion. Go figure.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    Seriously am shocked at the number of women defending the wife and particularly the dentist here.

    Outdated chauvinist rubbish. She was fired for being an attractive, stellar worker, married mother of 2 who thought she was friends with a colleague. Clearly totally deserving of losing her job.......seriously not.

    You'd be surprised the number of women that support gender inequality in its most subtle forms. Perhaps it's coming from a feminist background, but when I see people saying things like "She shouldn't have worn that because it gave him a boner" all I see are the gender equivalents of black white supremacists. It drives me nuts!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    And perhaps right to work laws are legal. I misspoke because I assumed that from a basic moral perspective that you shouldn't be able to fire someone for wanting to *kitten* them. My bad. Keep in mind though that morality and legality are not the same thing. I'd think the "save the family" types on here would be screaming that from the rooftops given their assumed opinions on abortions. Go figure.

    Touche. I wonder how this would have played out were the boss a WOMAN, say an up and coming power-head CEO who had fired a young and well-to-do mail messenger because she found him too attractive.

    With the stigma of women not supposing to have a sex drive at all, I'm sure many of these "He did it to save the family!" types would be screaming "SLUT!"
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member

    Seriously? If this guy can't control himself, how is getting rid of one attractive woman from his life going to save his marriage? Would you want to stay married to a man who had zero self control? It is HIS responsibility to not cheat on his wife, it's not the responsibility of women to protect him from himself.

    If you want to be in a committed relationship, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to stay committed and faithful.

    How is this different from throwing out all the tempting food when you are trying to lose weight?

    Oooh...this is an interesting thought!

    Because food and people are two entirely different things and anyone who doesn't get that is lacking in some pretty significant ways.

    THANK YOU! You beat me to it! Just because this is a calorie counting site doesn't mean we have to compare everything to food. Food and people...not the same thing. Heads out of a$$es....please and thank you.

    And perhaps right to work laws are legal. I misspoke because I assumed that from a basic moral perspective that you shouldn't be able to fire someone for wanting to *kitten* them. My bad. Keep in mind though that morality and legality are not the same thing. I'd think the "save the family" types on here would be screaming that from the rooftops given their assumed opinions on abortions. Go figure.

    However, I think that throwing out tempting food is just as ludicrous as firing someone because you are attracted to them. You should have some control and not eat all the "bad" food in your house in one sitting.

    You should also have more respect for your marriage than to have an affair or you should seek counselling/an attorney. Also food has no choice but to be eaten. Who is to say just because he wanted to have an affair, she would. If I learned anything in high school, I know it doesn't work that way.
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