JohnLSinclair Member


  • Bare Noize - Prepare To Die (Deadpool Remix) Doubt anyone will listen to it, but if you do - enjoy - it has a pretty insane drop in there. :)
  • Try my protein stuffed french toast. It might not be low carb enough for you, but I used this all the time when I was cutting. It ends up giving you roughly 52 carbs, 5 fats, and 47 protein - for a grand total of 441 calories, unless you subtract the 14g fiber. Obviously, tweak the ingredients to adjust the resulting…
  • I weight train first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (around 6am). Then, later in the day at around 1pm I'll do cardio. I would not recommend doing cardio before weights, but that's just me. And if I had to choose one over the other - it'd be the weight training. Cardio is supplemental. All just my opinion,…
  • You can't target specific areas to lose weight with activity or diet. The human body doesn't work that way. If you expend more energy than you take in (however that is achieved - diet, exercise, or both) you will lose weight - hopefully the fat, and not both muscle and fat at the same time! But the body has it's own order…
  • Sounds awesome to me! Thanks for sharing.
  • I just may try these, but with almond milk instead, and using PB2 instead of the peanut butter to cut down on calories = more muffins for eatin'! You could use chocolate PB2 to add a chocolate taste to it. For those that don't know, PB2 is powdered peanut butter that has had 85% of the fat removed from it. Mix with water…
  • Try raw broccoli and cauliflower crowns dipped in mustard. You can eat tons of this stuff for super low calorie. Try romaine salad with Walden Farms calorie free salad dressings. Roughage for the win, here - eat that stuff guilt free for days. My latest snack is mini sweet bell peppers. I dip those in hummus, but hummus…
  • Hahaha - I was thinking the same thing when I saw the title of the post! But I'm looking at the 300, because I'd like a sporty commuter bike that still has a liiitle kick to it. You're post brought a smile to my face, contingencypl.
  • This seems amazing to me, haha. I can't imagine having this problem. If you lack appetite try drinking your calories. A glass or two of OJ should bloat your numbers fast. Eat fattier meats like burger vs chicken and fish. Any type of bread. With butter. Cheese, nuts - both come high in fats. Drink a whey shake. It won't…
  • My advice? Don't even bother. There's no way to accurately calculate it. Just go beast mode in the gym and be proud of your efforts. You'll notice your gains in the mirror. :)
  • Jason Blaha, from IceCreamFitness, has a good video on aspartame that might help you understand all the hype/fright around diet soda. It's 4 minutes long, but sums it up quite nicely. Worth a watch, in my opinion: (PS, he's trolling when he does his bicep shots.) That said, I have…
  • If it's a cheat DAY - don't count a thing and just go nuts! That's how I'd do it. :)
  • My typical breakfast is high in fiber and protein. It goes like this: In a mug: 1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Breeze (Almond/Coconut milk blend) mixed with 2 scoops chocolate protein powder (either MTS or Optimum Nutrition - both mix great and taste great!) In a bowl: 1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Breeze, with 2 serving of…
  • Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups! I just made these tonight. The recipe makes 5 servings. Macros per cup: Calories: 184 | Carbs: 7 | Fats: 10 | Protein: 19 Ingredients: 3 scoops protein powder 3 tablespoons Truvia 3 tablespoons sugar free chocolate syrup and 1 tablespoon peanut butter per cup Here's a video that shows…