Cardio before or after Weight lifting?



  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I do a 5 minute warm up, preferably running, and then lift.

    Depending on how my calories are sitting for the day depends on my cardio. Yesterday I didn't "need" much cardio, so I did 20 easy/moderate minutes on the stair climber. We have a work lunch today, so having the extra cals will help my weekly deficit.
    I find that my lifting performance suffers if I hit the cardio hard first.

    As far as the empty stomach, I try to at least have a 1/2 banana before hand so I have some energy for a morning workout.
  • JohnLSinclair
    JohnLSinclair Posts: 14 Member
    I weight train first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (around 6am). Then, later in the day at around 1pm I'll do cardio. I would not recommend doing cardio before weights, but that's just me. And if I had to choose one over the other - it'd be the weight training. Cardio is supplemental. All just my opinion, though.

    Good luck!
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    When I do cardio, I tend to 'try' to do long ones (40 min +) first thing in the morning on an empty stomach... but
    I can't weight train properly afterwards, even if I take a preworkout supplement that gives me energy.

    If I weight train first, I need to eat breakfast --> weight train ---> then do cardio... but cardio at the end becomes 10x harder.

    What do you do? Cardio first or weight train first?

    * I tried doing HIIT a few times in the morning on an empty stomach but... not sure if you can effectively do HIIT at 100% on an empty stomache. Eating a healthy breakfast makes my HIIT 2x as intense.
    Congratulations, please go on doing harm to your body.

    What are they doing that's causing harm to their body? They're simply stating what happens when they do or don't eat before a workout.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    When I do cardio, I tend to 'try' to do long ones (40 min +) first thing in the morning on an empty stomach... but
    I can't weight train properly afterwards, even if I take a preworkout supplement that gives me energy.

    If I weight train first, I need to eat breakfast --> weight train ---> then do cardio... but cardio at the end becomes 10x harder.

    What do you do? Cardio first or weight train first?

    * I tried doing HIIT a few times in the morning on an empty stomach but... not sure if you can effectively do HIIT at 100% on an empty stomache. Eating a healthy breakfast makes my HIIT 2x as intense.
    Congratulations, please go on doing harm to your body.

    Nonsense comment is nonsense.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    In the winter, I do weights before cardio. In the summer, I do cardio before weights.

    It's a very scientific process... :insertsarcasm:
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    When I do cardio, I tend to 'try' to do long ones (40 min +) first thing in the morning on an empty stomach... but
    I can't weight train properly afterwards, even if I take a preworkout supplement that gives me energy.

    If I weight train first, I need to eat breakfast --> weight train ---> then do cardio... but cardio at the end becomes 10x harder.

    What do you do? Cardio first or weight train first?

    * I tried doing HIIT a few times in the morning on an empty stomach but... not sure if you can effectively do HIIT at 100% on an empty stomache. Eating a healthy breakfast makes my HIIT 2x as intense.
    Congratulations, please go on doing harm to your body.

    Nonsense comment is nonsense.

    Fasted Cardio can be an effective way to lose weight. Not harmful to the body.
  • Smashley1947
    As several fitness types (ie people who have studied and work in the field) you want to warm up (cardio) then weight lift and do more cardio afterwards.

    The cardio uses the waste from weight lifting as fuel.

    Now if only I could remember what it was called.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    it's called "a myth"
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    On my weight training days: I run half mile on treadmill to warm up (on 6) . Stretch then Work my legs to exhaustion. Run another half mile on a fast speed (7). Work my arms to exhaustion. Run a half mile at a fast speed (7). Then if we have time I do ab work. All the above = Exhaustion. This is what my trainer has me doing and I love it. The whole workout is an hour.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    As a lazy American, I didn't read any posts between the first post and this one I am writing now. Im just writing my experience as a gym goer.

    I personally wouldn't recommend working out on an empty stomach ever. I normally have a protein bar or shake if I go in the morning or you know, at least lunch and a snack if I go in the afternoon. You need to fuel your body with GOOD energy, your goal may be to burn fat or weight or water, but it takes protein and carbs to move your muscles efficiently. As MFP sets a precedent for not starving yourself, your muscles are the same.

    My work outs almost always consist of both weight lifting and cardio. If you aren't training for a sport or anything then I suggest doing what works for you. Switch it up, do cardio first then weights or vice versa, I have done both as well as starting with half my cardio and then finishing with the other half with weights in between.
    The more you keep your body guessing, the more it attempts to catch up.
    Again, I think its important you do something that fits you.
    I personally put in 5 miles at a clip every day plus cool down, but I train to play a pretty cardio heavy sport.

    Im sure the pages of responses to this have answered your question by now, but I was lazy and also at work.
    Even so, I hope this helps.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I do cardio before my weights.
  • girl_w_2_forks_and_a_knife
    All depends. Just do your research and talk to professionals. I typically run first for 30-40 minutes and then do 15 minutes of free weights. I don't have enough energy to do free weights and then run. I have way more energy after I run.

    Breaking up the cardio and weights is probably best but depends your time restraints or availability. Sometimes I will do one in the morning and then the other in the evening. Or alternate days.