kensky Member


  • Oh, okay. See, I'm just doing stronglifts 5x5 with the odd day dedicated to seeing what my latest 1RM is. I'm finding out this is not the ideal powerlifting training protocol but I am thinking I will stick with it until the meet in late July. I will get more into partials and lockouts I'm sure when I can safely no longer…
  • Say, Zilla, what do you mean by this exactly. I mean, this sounds like something I'd aim to do
  • I've decided to stick with the SL program but on days I'm crunched for time just focus on doing 3 sets of 5 reps and upping weight. Today at the end of my 110 lb squats I did 1 rep of 135 which I've been looking forward to due to the "big plate" factor. I'm starting to kinda love bench. I never would have guessed that.…
    in May Progress Comment by kensky May 2012
  • I have to consciously think about arching my back with booty sticking out in order to have a flat enough back to do deadlifts properly. I do that for most of my "engage the core" lifts...overdo the butt-sticking-out in order to be close to doing it the right way.
    in Deadlifts Comment by kensky May 2012
  • Google "goblet squats" and use a 25 or 30 lb dumbbell to work on form/strength development til you feel ready for the bar. I was there not too long ago. It's worth it if you keep at it!
  • Bulking/ should still lift and if you are just starting out I wouldn't be concerned about altering your lifting routine to suit your surplus/deficit eating. I have to fight the urge to switch plans every time I hear of a new program. Everything I've read, particularly to new (or even new-ish) lifters is that…
    in May Progress Comment by kensky May 2012
  • Chalk has helped me more than anything.
  • I am going to have a 1RM max tomorrow and see how it flies. I hesitate to switch programs after only a few months on Stronglifts but I do think that I need to shift gears from time to least in order to reassure myself that I am progressing enough to achieve my (humble) goals.
  • I'm a Florida girl who's somehow wound up in central Missouri. :)
  • I don't know if it's the way I'm built (short, stubby) but anything shallower than "as low as I can go" hurts my knees. I am thinking more about this as I enter my first powerlifting meet (Show Me State Games) as an ultra noob in July. I've been lifting with a powerlifter mindset, only since October.
  • We have training plates at my gym and I'm really grateful for that. I've had a ****ay day today. I was inexplicably floored by MCA's death and I my lifting this morning was underwhelming. I think it's a matter of unrealistic expectations which is also a bummer since it isn't a matter of "tighten your glutes and everything…
    in May Progress Comment by kensky May 2012
  • Fabulous!
  • I'm on a 200-400 calorie deficit. I am seeing if I can lose 5ish lbs without sacrificing strength. If yes, then I can lift in the 123.5 weight class...If not, then I'm actually fine being in the 132 class. I'm hovering around 129 right now. I'll see how things go by early to mid-June and bump up to maintenance (or above)…
    in May Progress Comment by kensky May 2012
  • Q--It took me a long time to internalize the whole "perfect being enemy of the good" thing that even Rippetoe says. I wanted to have picture perfect awe inspiring form before even putting 5 extra lbs on and I wish I had been kinder to myself? I don't know but finally I just decided that my best was good enough and focused…
    in May Progress Comment by kensky May 2012
  • Hey! I'm signing up for my first competition in July! I'm psyched!
  • I generally only warm up for squats because they are first. I will do the bar or maybe even a bunch of bodyweight squats. Sometimes I do goblet squats with a 20 lb dumbbell for a bunch of reps.
  • I'm doing the same thing with my OHP, Steph. It's a good feeling. Tomorrow is my bench and row day. It feels like it's been forEVER since I benched and I'm surprised that I am a little anxious about it.
  • I eat more than 100 grams of protein but that makes up about 30-40 percent of my macros. I still eat more than 100 grams of carbs a day. Eating a lot of protein won't build muscle. You have to lift as heavy as you can, ease up on intense cardio and eat enough (protein/carbs/fat) in order for that to happen.
  • Badger, take a week off! It won't hurt your progress. I know it's hard but you'll feel so much better. I've been busy not lifting. I overslept on Friday and just did eliptical. I think I will do one more day of 100 lb squats and then up to 105. I can totally do more weight for 1RM stuff but for 5x5? My form tends to…
  • I've been pleasantly sore from deadlifts all day. I wish every lifting day was a deadlift day! One thing I've been having fun doing is relaxing a little. I've been curious about high bar squats so I might do 5 reps (at a much lighter weight) as a warm-up. Same thing with overhead squat. So often I hear that the programs I…
  • I eat between 1800 and 200 calories a day depending on my activity level for the day. I am currently eating at a caloric deficit and I'm 5'2'' at about 130 lbs.
  • Quoting for TRUTH
  • I had my first lifting day in what seems like forever but it was only about a week. It felt so good! I log my warmups on the notes section of the stronglifts app. I warmed up a lot today because all of these minor strains and pulls are a bummer, man. Squats: Warmup with low bar back squats--5 reps of 45 lb (justthebar)…
  • I always blame early morning workout fog for my basic math block, but yeah. I've had similar issues due to similar fogginess. I've done the roll of shame and it sucks but it's survivable. It was actually good for me in a way since I am no longer scared about what I might do if I fail a rep. Now I know. With that said, I…
  • Until I get more of a handle on my new running routine, I am going to hold my weights progression for awhile. I will stay at 100 lbs on squat and just refine form, play with low bar/high bar/etc. I am actually looking forward to it. I will stay at 70-75 lbs in bench/rows and 50-55 in OHP. Deads, after much mulling over…
  • Do a youtube search for "Rippetoe"....OR maybe this link will get you to a long playlist of Mark Rippetoe instructional videos. Maybe.
  • I also just started C25K and I may space those days out so I'm just doing two running days along with the 3 SL days. I'd have TWO rest days which might be weird. We'll see though. I was *really* sore this week which may have to do with me lowering my calories under maintenance this week, too.
  • I think of them as almost like kinda-sort half-deadlifts....sorta.
  • Hi! I'm Tracey aka Kensky and I have started lifting (after a 10+ year lapse) with NROLFW. I completed that program in October? I think? And moved on to Starting Strength which is basically a 5x5 routine. I was frustrated at my lack of progress with power cleans so I abandoned that program for Stronglifts about a month…
  • I'm 5'2'', 130ish lbs and as of this morning can deadlift reps of 155.