PRCatie Member


  • PRCatie - I own a Pizza Ranch (PR) and my dad calls me Catie
  • Thank you for posting as I had the same question. I have been dieting for just over a month and have lost 18 lbs so far. Like you, I thought it was just because it was the beginning. I am usually far below my daily calorie amount but I am eating and do not feel hungry. When I get time to work out I come in far below my…
  • Way to be proud of yourself. Keep going....
  • Thanks everyone for the speedy responses. I wish I did not have a meeting tonight - I am anxious to try these. Tired of sitting!
  • Way to loose that baby weight! Keep up the good work!
  • Many of you have posted a new wardrobe - which will be a necessity it I reach my goal. But I really do not enjoy shopping - so I think I will just go try one clothes! - and smile because they fit and I can buy what I like instead of simply buying something because it is the only thing that fits.
  • I have also tried cooking my scrambled eggs in the mircowave so that I do not need to use oil or butter. Saves on that fat.
    in EGGS?? Comment by PRCatie January 2011
  • I have also tried cooking my scrambled eggs in the mircowave so that I do not need to use oil or butter. Saves on that fat.
    in EGGS?? Comment by PRCatie January 2011
  • I also found eggs to have more calories that what I had believed. Have any of you tried the Egg Beaters? Are those better for us?
    in EGGS?? Comment by PRCatie January 2011
  • Congratulations! It is motivating to hear how others are having success! Way to go - Keep up the good work!!
  • I can agree with you on being impatient. I started this program December 26th and am happy to be down 10lbs, however, like you I have a lofty goal and just want it to come off faster. Even thought I realize that isn't healthy I just want it gone. Having trouble sticking to it.