How do people loose weight on here?

Hello :)
I have just stared doing this for about a week now, and I am tracking all my foods! I am wondering how I can loose weight using this system? I have a lot to lose... :)


  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I can't speak for "people" but for me, the simple fact that I have a handy, easy to use iphone app with calorie counts for virtually every food out there, made it easy for me to pay attention to every single thing I put in my body and know exactly how much I ate/burned each day rather than guessing.
  • lisay9
    lisay9 Posts: 18
    I wondered the same thing and every single week I think 'surely I can't have lost any weight this week' but somehow it just works and off the weight comes!
    Hang in there, I have tried every diet going and this is the only way (with this site) that I can do this and keep on doing it instead of admitting defeat and giving up.
    I just wish I had found this site years ago!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    I believe that one of the best ways to learn how to do something is from experience! That is why I like it here. Welcome and good luck!
  • CharleneM
    CharleneM Posts: 64 Member
    You have to exercise as well as count your calories....if I feel like I am not getting enough food or want something special I shouldn't have, I exercise more because you can eat your exercise calories...Good Luck and be patient.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    When you signed up, you set a certain weight loss goal. This goal is already calculated into your daily goals for your calories. Eat as close to your goal as you can every day, and you'll lose weight. If you don't, then you need to look at what you're eating and how you're eating it. But for now, focus on your calorie goal.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    MFP is a great way to track your calories and you exercise and find a balance between the two. The website offers the ability to make friendships (people can comment on your progress similar to facebook) and to participate in public forums where you can find information, share successes, and receive the motivation and support you need to make it through your weightloss journey.

    Most importantly for me, MFP make me feel accountable for what I am doing and how I am treating my body. Tracking my calories and exercise makes me realize what I'm really eating and think about it. Nobody is going to yell at you if you do something wrong or if you aren't rapidly losing weight. I have been so pleased with how supportive people are the amount of information you can find here.

    Jump right'll love it! :bigsmile:
  • jppoynt
    jppoynt Posts: 16 Member
    Hello :)
    I have just stared doing this for about a week now, and I am tracking all my foods! I am wondering how I can loose weight using this system? I have a lot to lose... :)

    Was wondering the same thing. Tried using the site once before & didn't lose (but decided I was half-hearted) - started again & haven't lost. Yet - hopefully =)
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    I think I am inpatient :) I wish it would just all fall off overnight... I know it takes time. I am more aware of what foods i should and should not eat. I am glad that I have this as an app on my phone as well, and that scanner is awesome! Its only been one week, and I am only eating 1500- 1800 cal a day and I feel amazing! Lots of veggies and fruits :)
  • triton4u
    along with this program, me and my wife are using the South beach diet. It is working for us.
  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    Lose :)
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I have about 240 lbs to lose!

    By logging everything you put in your mouth into the MFP food log, it will show you just how many calories you are consuming, fat, carbs, sodium, etc as well.

    Try to stay under or at the recommended calorie intake per day that MFP give you when you enter your starting weight and goal weights.

    Get some exercise! Even just a little all adds up!

    Make some friends on here for encouragement and support and be committed. Even if you don't see instant results, have slight gains here or there, eat a little more than you should...get right back on track.

    Add me as a friend if you want!

    Good luck!

  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I love the food data base. This really helps me track my caloric intake. I never really knew how many calories were in certain foods or what a "real" portion looked like, and now I do. You have to be honest with what you are eating.

    For example - MY one slice of a Papa Murphy's pizza was equivalent to TWO of MFP's slices.

    Portion control is my nemesis. I struggle with this no matter what I eat. Right now, until I can get used to it, I've been eating those Lean Cuisine meals that are 300 calories or less for lunch. This has really, really helped me. No more fudging.

    Dinner is the same way...I eat my meals on a small plate.

    I preplan my meals daily, not meal by meal or after I've eaten. And I stick to it.

    If you eat less calories than you burn, you'll lose weight.
  • PRCatie
    PRCatie Posts: 15 Member
    I can agree with you on being impatient. I started this program December 26th and am happy to be down 10lbs, however, like you I have a lofty goal and just want it to come off faster. Even thought I realize that isn't healthy I just want it gone. Having trouble sticking to it.
  • DijanaN
    Everyone pretty much summed it up as far as tracking your calories and exercise goes. Personally my favorite part is the message board, because I have found answers to questions I didn't even know I had!! People answer questions from their own experiences and knowledge and as they say "Knowledge is power". Browse around maybe you find some answers or you can ask your own.The motivation and support is great!! Good luck
  • sunnyand71
    sunnyand71 Posts: 15 Member
    This sounds like good advice CharleneM. Thanks.
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    make sure you are honest about portion size- it is easy to "cheat" but you are only hurting yourself when you do.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    There are all sorts of folks on here that lose weight different ways: Weight Watchers, South Beach, Jillian Micheals, doing their own thing, weight loss surgery, etc. My point being, it's the tools and support you get from others that are on the same journey that are what make this website so cool. It's not a program in and of itself!

    Best of luck to you! Whatever your method, you can do this and everyone on here is happy to work with you and support you, guide you and answer questions. I haven't been on this site long, but it rocks!


  • viola5618
    after watching what i eat and working out it makes my day and i can see the light because it tells me "if you eat and exercise like this you will weigh xxxxxx in 5weeks" that is what keeps me going. I also tell all my friends about it and it helps us be accountable to each other. so far i'm 5 lbs down and still losing :-)