

  • I joined the Navy because My Father and Grandfather were both in the Navy. It runs in the Family. When I was still considering going I was asking my dad if he felt it helped him in his law Enforcement carreer. He said that it did a lot. that the expirence and knowing how he was going to react during a stressful moment…
  • Had to go to meps today and do an inspect. I had to weigh in and I was at a 25% BMI which is the max allowed. but on a better note They said that I had lost 22 lbs since my first visit and am only 3 lbs away from my max weight
  • The Current Navy start guide is online in PDF you can look at it here
  • have you been stationed on a boat or a base?
  • Nice. I ship out to bootcamp on 02/05/2013 as an MA
  • Im going in as a Master at Arms.
    in Jobs Comment by chrisxxii December 2012