Gregthree Member


  • Feel free to add me. Its the quality of a friend and not quantity. I have never had a large grouping and choose to keep it that way. I want someone that will be there in case of failure to pick me back up and someone there to click the like button on occasion just to let me know they are still there when they are extremely…
  • Yes I use a scale. Pretty religious with it. We have an issue with raw versus cooked. Have had a few issues with the weekends and Angry Orchard Hard Ciders. I log everything. This weekend has not been a good weekend to start the increase in calories. With the snow melt all my friends have decided to come out as well and…
  • Don't know if its the TDEE -20% I uses the calculator at Fat 2 Fit to get the numbers. I am guessing the 2385 is calculating what I need to get to where I am going. Hence the 2385. That is what it take to get to the 200. I try to be as honest with myself as possible when logging the calories. Some times I am not sure if…
  • Since the scale did not move for the 3rd week in a row, I guess I will try the TDEE method. Its an increase of 500 calories. Please tell me if my math is right. I am 75 inches tall neck is 15 inches waist and hips are both 41 inches. ( I find that funny because I wear a 36 waist pants) The TDEE method says I should be…
  • I keep hearing it comes off slower when you are closer to your goal weight. Whats slower, 1/4 lb per week ... per month?
  • Thanks Kari your always there for me.
  • Thanks for the post. I read the post and followed the links to the TDEE and BMR. According to the tools I should be eating 2300 calories, and that is with a sit down job that I do not have. I would like to try this but am afraid to put the weight back on. But I guess I have nothing to lose since I have stalled. Can this be…
  • Was playing with the MFP program last night and found the settings. I say that I had the 2 pounds a week checked, that is why it was 1760 calories. I dropped it to one pound a week and the calories went to 2230. I will give this a go for the next few weeks and see what happens. Will feel strange eating that extra 500…
  • First off lose the bag. We are all friends here. LOL. My wife and I are up to around 3 miles almost nightly but that has been reduced because of the games or rain. So, yes, we have been active as far as walks when we can but no weight training except at work. Never been one for weights.
  • Wow. Not sure about this. If iaverage the desk job with moderate then need to consume 2950 calories to stay the same so that means I want 2450 to lose a pound a week. That seems like a lot of food to eat again.
  • So It is possible to need more calories now than what I started with back in December just because I am more active. So then when things slow down again, I should reduce what my intake is!!!!!
  • Yes I am drinking lots of water. A minimum of 4 16.9 bottles of water a day. Plus anything I get out of the fridge.
  • I am 6-3 now 228 pounds (glad to give that number) male and am busy but not exercise active but am active and strenuous at work. Even if I say I am desk ridden the tdee is saying I need 2575. So I need 2075 to lose 1 pound a week. MFP says I only need 1760. So I am guessing there is an issue there. Should I go for the 2075…
  • stay strong. Dont give up. Times get tough you need to be tougher. Right now I want to go to bed, grab my two liter of Dr. Pepper and Snyders BBQ Chips and watch 2 guys a girl and a pizza place on disc. I need spring to get here in a big way,
  • If you leave room for the food that you really like, its not cheating. Call it a treat. Last night I had a large Pineapple Sundae from Dairy Queen. If you log it and keep it in your range its not cheating. The only thing you are cheating is your body of more food because the food you are "cheating with" is high in calories…
  • Im in. Tracking so I have an idea on how bad it was but I am doing what I want. Next time explain what kind of game you are talking about. In America, we play FOOTBALL. A game with very large and fast men that try to knock each other into next week. Not the other so called football game that has men running around for an…
  • Beleive it or not, it coould be an allergic reaction to something that was in the hot dog. I get that same feelin when I eat bananas. i get a closed up throat and find it difficult to breath. i also get this when I eat my mothers chili. I have no idea what her ingrediants are but the same thing. A closed throat, a…
  • What??????? I have never been a good food eater and it has cost me dearly now that I am in my 40's. I have no idea what food are carbs, what are good foods for protein and that sort of thing. I am learning slowly and I think as we proceed with this dietary change, I will understand more. My initial goal was to just lose…
  • Is that all one meal for you or are you sharing that. it seems like an awful lot for just one person to eat.
  • How and the heck are all you people succeeding with your weight loss or maintaining when you are eating all of that food. I look at all that food and I now know how I got into the situation to begin with.
  • Dont quit., 28 is a lot. Consider this.If you weighed 200 lbs when you started that is 14% of our original weight. That is a great number. Some of your lost motivation could be you not eating. Like everyone else has said. 28 pouns is a lot for 1 month. A healthy loss is about 2-3 lbs a week. Reward yourself for your work…
  • For me its not that easy. I have a slight OCD problem and when it comes to overthinking things, I am the king.
  • The package is the bag it came in like a sack of potatoes. AS far as overthinking this, I don't think I am. I am interested in knowing do I add the peel to the weight for the serving size. Maybe the better question is what is a serving size. The actual part that we consume or is the serving size the way it comes to us at…
  • The package is the bag it came in. The are Sunkist and there were 10 or so in the bag.
  • Nothing else can be said that already hasnt been. Just think, you did this on your own and did not need anyfad diets or a TV show, Biggest Loser, to get you there. I saw a theme in your pictures, Do you live in Fla. It appears that all of your pictures came from from one of the disney parks.
  • Male 43 6-3 281.5 220 1990 right now started at 2100. I do eat some of my burned calories back. i consider it a treat. If I really want a hot fudge sundae from Dairy Queen, I will make sure I walk or bike an extra few minutes to make room. ADVICE: Don't quit because you fell off the wagon. I am 7 weeks in and I have had…
  • IF you quit smoking on your own, you have more will power than you think. Walk it off. Bike it off. We walk 30 minutes a day and now mix in a stationary bike ride, ITs not going to be quick, but a long road. Set yourself some long term goals as well as short term ones. Estimate about 2 pounds a week, Long term goal could…
  • Thanks but where do I put it so that it shows up with all of my posts. I am sure it is not one that I have to copy and paste everytime I use it. FOUND IT.
  • Naomi, I read your bio, I hope that was ok since it was available, but if you mean skygazing like looking at the stars at night. I love the persieds in August. Also, I found google sky map for my phone. It is awesome. Just point the phone at the star you are looking at and it tells you whats there at that point in time. We…
  • Thanks for all the love and great idea on the snacks. I will definitely give all a try. I question, how do you get that weight loss logo on the bottom of your reply. I cannot find it in the settings.