Stuck in the same weight agin.

On December 10, 2012 I weighed 283 pounds. Decided that was way to fat and started my change of life. Over the next several months, I walked several miles a day and rode a stationary bike when I could. I worked my way down to 230 pounds. Summer came around and I fell off the wagon. I put about 12 pounds back on. Not liking what I did, got back on the wagon. Do not walk quite as much right now because its so darn cold outside and the bike hurts my back. But eating properly I have got myself back to 230. The issue is, I cannot progress past that mark. I think that's why I fell of the first time, I got discouraged and stopped logging in calories. Here I am again with the same situation. Been stuck here for 3 weeks and no movement. I am 6-4 now 230 pounds. MFP has me eating around 1860 calories. I m fairly active but have MFP set up for light active. Any idea because this is really starting to upset me.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Congratulations on your loss. The closer you get to goal, the more slowly you lose. Set your goal to .5 or 1 lb. per week. The smaller deficit will also help you transition to maintenance.

    Read this:

    Edited to add give it a few weeks. If you're still not losing, you may be underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burns. Reduce the margin of error by weighing your food & eating back half your exercise calories.

    Do not give up! Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you.
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the post. I read the post and followed the links to the TDEE and BMR. According to the tools I should be eating 2300 calories, and that is with a sit down job that I do not have. I would like to try this but am afraid to put the weight back on. But I guess I have nothing to lose since I have stalled. Can this be a reason for being lethargic? Cranky? Depressed? Cheer me on because I am afraid to try this.
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member

    Don't give up...I get stuck in those ruts and get frustrated, but as you get closer to your goal weight, it does start to come off slower...but you have done so good and you are getting healthier and stronger, and that in itself makes this entire journey worth it.

    Keep at it! You can do this my friend!

  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for the post. I read the post and followed the links to the TDEE and BMR. According to the tools I should be eating 2300 calories, and that is with a sit down job that I do not have. I would like to try this but am afraid to put the weight back on. But I guess I have nothing to lose since I have stalled. Can this be a reason for being lethargic? Cranky? Depressed? Cheer me on because I am afraid to try this.

    You for sure may not be giving your body enough fuel...and when increasing the calories, you may go up to begin with, but it is worth trying. Give it a couple weeks, see what happens, and adjust as necessary.

    I am always going to be a cheerleader for you!
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks Kari your always there for me.
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    I keep hearing it comes off slower when you are closer to your goal weight. Whats slower, 1/4 lb per week ... per month?
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    For can be less than a pound a week, sometimes I'm lucky if I get a few pounds of loss in a month. As long as you are losing anything, or even maintaining, you are accomplishing something that will benefit you. The past 8 months...I've lost 25.2 lbs which is 3.15 lbs a month average. I'm sure the lost 20 or so pounds will take the longest...but quitting is NOT an option.

    Others may be different, but that's how it has been going for me. And yes, I have UPS and DOWNS.
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    Since the scale did not move for the 3rd week in a row, I guess I will try the TDEE method. Its an increase of 500 calories. Please tell me if my math is right. I am 75 inches tall neck is 15 inches waist and hips are both 41 inches. ( I find that funny because I wear a 36 waist pants) The TDEE method says I should be eating 2358 calories a day to go from my current 230 to 200. It doesn't say when I should reach the 200 but my goal is 200. Someone pleas confirm.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    When you say "TDEE method", is that TDEE-20%?

    If so, that means the estimate of your TDEE is 2947. If you eat a total of 2358 (and all of your food measurements and info you've put into the calculators about your activity levels are correct) that puts you at a 589 calorie per day deficit. That's approximately 1 lb per week on average over the long term. So if nothing else changes, it would take 30 weeks to reach your goal (though in a couple months you might have to lower your calories per day by 50 or 70 calories or so).

    I think the key for you will be consistently and accurately logging your food and exercise as precisely as you can. Good luck!
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    Don't know if its the TDEE -20% I uses the calculator at Fat 2 Fit to get the numbers. I am guessing the 2385 is calculating what I need to get to where I am going. Hence the 2385. That is what it take to get to the 200. I try to be as honest with myself as possible when logging the calories. Some times I am not sure if its cooked or raw cals but that's another topic. Does that sound right then, 2385 then to finally get to 200. Does this mean I eat 2385 regardless what I burn off extra. Till now I have not eaten burned calories back so I am assuming this will be the same. What I burn is what I burn and left to the side. Get to 2385 or close to it but NEVER go over.

    To be more specific

    This one

    and then

    This one
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    I ran your numbers on the pages you linked and on the TDEE calculator found here and got very close to your numbers (I had to guess your age so I didn't expect to hit it exactly). So the calculation seems right. And it looks like you're not eating back your calories exercised so that can't be your error. Barring unusual biology, the problem has to be your tracking of intake. Do you use a food scale?
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    It is true that as you get closer to goal it gets harder. Much harder, which means you have to weigh and measure and be more accurate.

    Just as an example I had it mine set to 1 pound for a while. I lost steadily until September then I stalled (lost and gained the same 5 pounds until January) I switched to .5 pounds a week and started weighing EVERYTHING! I am now down past that point but it gets off slowly, very slowly... like 1-2 pounds per month. I am okay with this though because I am wanting this to last for life, so If it takes another 6 months to get to my goal that is okay with me. Because 6 months from then I will need to maintain the loss and 6 years from then and so on.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Does this mean I eat 2385 regardless what I burn off extra. Till now I have not eaten burned calories back so I am assuming this will be the same. What I burn is what I burn and left to the side. Get to 2385 or close to it but NEVER go over.
    With the MFP defaults you must eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories. Your MFP calorie goal has your activity level & deficit built in, but does not include any exercise.

    TDEE already includes exercise, so do not eat back your exercise calories. That would be double dipping. I know you're anxious about upping your calories, but weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error. You're going to have to eat more when you reach maintenance, and what you're doing right now is not working, so what do you have to lose?

    Up your calories by 100 every other day. Once you reach 2,385, give it at least a couple of weeks for your weight to stabilize. Don't panic!
  • Gregthree
    Gregthree Posts: 36 Member
    Yes I use a scale. Pretty religious with it. We have an issue with raw versus cooked. Have had a few issues with the weekends and Angry Orchard Hard Ciders. I log everything. This weekend has not been a good weekend to start the increase in calories. With the snow melt all my friends have decided to come out as well and have called for beers this weekend. I know that is a killer but I have to live right!:) EVen though they have not been good calories this weekend, I am feeling more energized with the increase in calories. I will give this a go for a month or two and post back. I need to get out and walk more.

    I am 44 years old and I try not to eat back colories.