Misssynth Member


  • YES! This. And stepping in and out of the bath on leg day.
  • You might find stretch marks in places you didn't even realise were fat. I just found some on the back of my knees while shaving my legs. How did I have fat knees?! And I only found them because I can now bend that way without my fat getting in the way
  • Matrix. I currently have Matrix anabolic Caramel Machiato and it's amazing. Tried their Chocolate and Chocolate Mint too and both are lovely.
  • Walking or hiking? I don't have walking shoes as such but my Salomon X-Ultra boots are excellent.
  • Using your elliptical is an excellent way to up your fitness before you start the C25K outdoors but as others have said I'd advise walking outside too to build up. The elliptical is very low impact and so great if youre overweight but it won't prepare your joints for what running on a road feels like. Walking outside and…
  • Well done!!
  • I batch cook things like pasta, brown rice or cous cous with loads of veg on a Sunday in the slow cooker and then portion it out so I just grab a box out the fridge on the way to work.
  • Thanks guys! I will try a few, but funds are limited so i wanted to at least know some people like ones I buy lol. Will be trying gels over blocks because i'll probably choke if I try to chew anything while I run! Salted caramel sounds amazing
  • Everyone has already covered everything I was going to say (you and ALWAYS run slower, when I started the C25K my run was slower than my walk!), but I just want to tell you to keep going. Remember running is very much a mental activity. Unless youre in genuine pain, don't stop. Your head will be screaming at you to and…
  • There are some excellent videos on youtube to show you good running form. As TravistockToad mentioned - running shoes. You need good shoes. Worth spending out on.
  • 100% recommend Shock Absorber. I have two from them, one running specific bra and another 'multi-sports' high impact one and love them both. I'm a 36F
  • I'm 30lb in to losing a total of around 85lb hopefully! Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend.
  • As someone already posted, if you lose them and it's an issue for you, theres always surgery. I have UK 36FF boobs, which because theyre heavy have stretched the skin and are looking worse the more weight I lose. I fully intend on saving for an uplift when I'm much closer to my goal. Sometimes these things have to be done.
  • Half an hour to 45 mins for lifting days and an hour if i'm including cardio. I tend to do cardio outside the gym though.
  • You need to tell this to a doctor
  • Are you wearing your fitbit in the right place? It should be two fingers up from your wrist bone, so wouldn't interfere in wrist movement during downward dog etc. I keep mine on all the time, yoga, work, weight training... everything
  • 30 day shred?
  • This is something I'm interested in. Do you get any video workouts to follow or is it all just written?
  • I understand where you're coming from. I used to suffer with bulimia, and it's been a hard journey for me to control the binges (the reason I put on nearly 100lb is because I stopped the purging side of it but carried on with the mad binges) and I do find it hard to control myself to not eat tonnes of bad stuff when it's…
  • THIS. I notice people all the time, usually women in the gym because I'm jealous of their butts or something. But every time I mention someone i've seen my fiance has never ever noticed them in there. OP - I used to feel a bit intimidated and uncomfortable but soon worked out it wasn't the other people I was uncomfortable…
  • What shoes to you run in when it's frosty? I live very rural so we get freezing fog a lot with our frost and ice patches. I set out the other day, stepped off the path to cross the road and nearly ended up on my bum! Safe to say I went back into the house and did a HIIT workout instead.
  • I kept my fitbit on once during - was a little disappointed that I didn't even get into the 'fat burn' zone. Must try harder. Unfortunately, you'd be better off just going for a walk instead.
  • If I don't add speed work, how will I increase my 5k time ready for my race in spring? I run at least twice a week and if I don't run a 3rd time I Interval train on the cross trainer for half an hour in the gym. It's winter here and I can only run first thing in the morning (setting off between 6.30am and 7am) because I…
  • Where should I foam roll to help my hip? I have one, and I use it mainly on my calves but sometimes all the way up the back of my legs/bum if I've pushed hard on hills but never anything that targets hips. I did realise yesterday though that I stretched a bit but I didnt roll after my run, could be a factor! The pain has…
  • I live in the UK unfortunately and sports therapists are out of my price range, however if this is something I have a problem with more even cutting my distance down then I'll speak to some of the trainers in my gym at least. I've been running for about 8 months, started with the C25K but stopped half way through to work…
  • How do some of you guys seriously think 'old and tall' is literally all the doctor said?! We have an excellent doctors surgery in our village, but i'm not exactly going to type out the entire conversation (which I wasn't there for anyway). Looking for exercise advice, not doom and gloom stories and presuming we go to some…
  • Between 7 and 7.5 hours a night. Any less and I really feel it.
  • I didn't say I think 41 is old, that's the exact quote from the doctor. It was said in humour, something no one here seems to understand ¬¬ He does a LOT of core work in the gym normally, he's frustraited because he's used to doing core work with decent added weight and now he's back to doing gentle stuff I guess.
  • Thank you. I guess I could have increased too quickly. It's so hard when you have the energy to keep going to not just run forever! That's the shortest extra distance I can do on a loop to end up back by my house, so I suppose I'll just stop part way around and walk back instead. I havn't been fitted, we don't have a store…