Fitbit adjustment question

ssakcik Posts: 121 Member
edited January 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Can someone explain this to me? Monday I did 10108 steps and my MFP added 402 calories, Tuesday 10116 steps and MFP added 956. So far today (its 7.45 pm) I've done 7976 steps and MFP has added 1077... I'm not eating back all the calories and not too worries about weightloss just wondering why it varries so much... That was just the last 3 days but other days vary quite a bit too. I only record runs. Lately I've only managed to get out on Sundays. I do two yoga classes a week but take my fitbit of for that as my surge just gets in the way. I have hmthe negative adjustments bit on. Thanks.


  • sophieallin
    sophieallin Posts: 1 Member
    I have issues with my fitbit too..... Although not quite like yours, when I run I use my fitbit alongside my Nike app and they're both set up similarly with age, weight, height etc, after an 8mile run Nike says I burnt nearly 900 calories..... Fitbit reckons 350....seriously depressing. I contacted fitbit and they said it's correct :(
  • pacingoamy
    pacingoamy Posts: 78 Member
    I wear a surge and I wonder if it has to do with your heartrate? When I jog, I burn more. When I walk, I burn less... even if I end up with a similar amount of steps each day.
  • ssakcik
    ssakcik Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you both. I was wondering it it was to do do with my heartrate. Could be it.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    The adjustment you see in MFP is based on your total calorie burn, not on individual exercise. So you may have less steps but have burned more calories that day. MFP calculates what you will have burned for the entire day by what fitbit tells it you burned when syncing. MFP then subtracts what it thinks your maintenance calories are and the adjustment you get it the difference
  • ssakcik
    ssakcik Posts: 121 Member
    @capaul42 but if my days are similar e.g I'm at work doing the same thing from 8-5.30 and i take my fitbit off when I do yoga then there shouldn't be a 600 difference between days? I can see on fitbit that I have been more active on these days but active at work means a bit of talking nothing else lol..
  • duncan04
    duncan04 Posts: 67 Member
    @ssakcik ... I worked in an office setting and my count would be up and down too. Sometimes I worked under stress and other times I was walking more briskly. Somehow it calculates. But why do you take your firbit off when you do yoga? That's a great time to check activity with a low heart rate.
  • ssakcik
    ssakcik Posts: 121 Member
    @duncan04 i take it of because I have a fitbit charge and and it's big and it gets in the way when I do yoga e.g in downward dog or eagle arms. I keep it on the rest of the time.
  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    ssakcik wrote: »
    @duncan04 i take it of because I have a fitbit charge and and it's big and it gets in the way when I do yoga e.g in downward dog or eagle arms. I keep it on the rest of the time.

    Are you wearing your fitbit in the right place? It should be two fingers up from your wrist bone, so wouldn't interfere in wrist movement during downward dog etc. I keep mine on all the time, yoga, work, weight training... everything
  • ssakcik
    ssakcik Posts: 121 Member
    @Misssynth yes I do. But I do find that the charge sticks out a fair bit and I do catch it at times while doing yoga e.g when i do eagle arms. I don't wear it in bed either because it does catch also the light tend to switch on which l find annoying. I use it mainly to count steps and record my runs as it has gps. I also don't really like wearing it at yoga as it just doesnt feel right to me. I don't do yoga to burn calories or exercise but rather as a connecting to my breathe and grounding myself in my body. Yes the addition of exercise is great but its not why i practise. Anyhow, it's not really relevant to my original question. :)
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    How long have you been wearing your Fitbit? Mine took a while to adjust to me. I do 12,000 steps a day, and at first it gave me 500 extra calories for this, not it's more like 200 because Fitbit/MFP realizes that that's "normal."

    I've also found that calories burnt can vary based on speed, heart rate, going uphill etc. I would track it over a longer period of time and see if it evens out, and if not maybe contact Fitbit directly. If you're in doubt, don't eat those calories back!
  • ssakcik
    ssakcik Posts: 121 Member
    @dwulet130. Thank you. Good advise. I got a fitbit hr in June. My husband bought me a surge for Christmas as I wanted a gps watch for running.I don't remember my fitbit hr being as generous but will check. I will keep an eye on stats. I haven't been eating it all back... Especially not if it has been giving me and extra 1000 cals lol. I tend to eat back around 300 I think.