

  • Yes, after workout your sweat could be clogging pores forming the acne. Try washing your face after a workout Use hot water to pat your face to open pores, cleanse face, and then splash face with cold water to close pores to prevent further acne. Good luck, post back!
  • Health wise: Reduce body fat, not weight Exercise more Other wise, live life to the fullest YOLO (except no 10 cookies in one day;)
  • Second pic, EXACTLY what I want!!!
  • Thank you!!! That is exactly what I need to know! I will loss the eleven pounds, and then gain back the lean tissue and muscles! Thank you so much, good luck with your goal!!
  • My body fat percentage is very high:( (34%) As far as my thighs, what I am saying is I want them to be smaller, slender and lean. I didn't want them to bulk up and become too muscular, but I understand now that they wont because of the testosterone.
  • Are you talking about a belly "roll". Is that what you mean (pic)^^^.....
  • Thanks everyone for answering! Cheers!
  • Thank you so much! I currently take Pilates, but may be trying yoga this upcoming year:) I have seen results from it as well!
  • WELL put. 100% Agreed!
  • Agreed. Never take on more than you can handle because you end up failing, becoming disappointed and then it's ten times harder to recover. I was there. I had lost 20 pounds and then gained it back. The main thing is just to put that past in the past and learn from your mistakes:) Good luck!
  • Thanks for replying! I will look into it! Jazzi: I know, but people usually assume that someone is going into anorexia when their never satisfied with their weight/body I was just making it clear that I didn't want to do that:) Sarah and Debbie: Thanks for the advice! Truly inspiring! I will def give strength training a…
  • ^^^: Thanks, I will definitely try them! ^^ :Thank you so much, that's exactly what I needed! I kind of look like the before pic, so I'm gonna work really hard towards a slimmer body :) ^: Yeah, I know. I guess it was just the stereotype, bulkiness equals to weights that got me thinking that, but I understand now :) Thanks…
  • Well some popular DVD's of this year are Jillian Micheal's and I've heard that Zumba is really good too! I have the Jillian Micheal's game and its decent:) I'd say look on Ebay or Amazon for some cheap deals, and do a search review about the video or game you pick:) Also I think you should really try Pilates! I have the…
  • 5'5 120 pounds and size 12 US :( Dont know why... Although I do have a size 5 pair of jeans:)
  • Last year: Your canceling on our walk! Oh sure that's just fine! (YES!!!) Now: Your canceling on our jog? I can't believe you!
  • I can't lift my left eyebrow!!!:explode:
  • You just made my day:) But no I don't, I try to find a equal balance of calorie deficit and enough exercise.
  • Don't let it get you down. First off, though cliche here we go, its not about rather or not you have a six pac abs or not? However, it would be good to add some muscles to your body as it would gift your more strength and endurance. I know someone who feels the same as you so don't let it get you down;) Good luck.
  • ^ Yeah I understand now. Originally I though that you guys were saying arm lifting, but I understand that I can also do squats with weights. Thanks everyone!
  • Oh....I see now! I was think exactly bicep curls because I usually associate lifting weights with the arms. So what I am gathering I need to keep up with cardio, continue with my Pilates and add some resistance, right?
  • Sorry :| I understand that I cant spot reduce, but At the same time I would like to try to trim some fat from my legs and tummy. So what I'm gathering is I need to continue with my cardio (dancing running, ect) , and mix in some resistance training? ****Also does Pilates count as Resistance training ?Because I do Pilates…
  • Thank you so much! I feel the exact same way! All I've heard is cardio cardio cardio, so now I'm confused as to if weight lifting will tone my WHOLE ENTIRE bodY. Also, what exactly is resistance training? Does it include weight lifting? What are some examples? Thanks everyone, so for so many questions but I really need to…
  • So what your guys are saying is that if I lift weights with my arms, my thighs are going to tone up along with my tummy? Or do I just need to stick with Marina_Love's advice and continue with running, my dance classes and other aerobic exercises?
  • another example of body I'm trying to aim for.... Marina_Love: Thanks! I'm not afraid of lifting weights our anything but my arms really aren't the problem! It's my thighs and stomach/chest-bust area! cwolfman13: I have heard of skinny fat as well.
  • Thanks everyone for answering....I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to know if there are any exercises to tone my thighs and stomach without losing to much weight? *And will lifting weights tone the rest of my body really??* Anvil Head: Thanks for the article!!! You see Yanicka1's before/after pic? The before is…
  • ^^^Alyanya: Thanks for the advice! I'm glad I'm not the only one.... ^^1258936: Thanks and I agree! But like I said the problems aren't really my arms (although I'm definitely willing to try weight lifting), it's just my thighs and stomach that are flabby. My thighs are the "part" that is two times bigger than it needs to…
  • Will I bulk up though? I don't mind having muscles, but I really don't want them to be seen If that makes since. Also, what about my tummy and thighs? Thanks for answering!
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