Not happy with Weight Goal



  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    I think you should also try eating more green vegetable & try dancing as a form of cardio it helped me out...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage

    You're right in the sense that it doesn't necessarily have to be "heavy"...but resistance training is really the only way to alter body's the only way to build/develop muscle which replaces the fat and makes you look good naked.

    So what your guys are saying is that if I lift weights with my arms, my thighs are going to tone up along with my tummy? Or do I just need to stick with Marina_Love's advice and continue with running, my dance classes and other aerobic exercises?
    To tone your stomach is primarily a function of reducing body fat, and not total weight.
  • I can completely understand from where you are coming from. I lost close to 30 lbs & feel I do not look as good as I could. I now have a trainer where we are focusing on strength training & weights. I was so naive to think cardio & calorie counting was all I needed. I not officially at goal (12lbs to go) but, I care more about how I look rather than the number on the scale now. It is a classic "wish I knew then what I know now."

    Thank you so much! I feel the exact same way! All I've heard is cardio cardio cardio, so now I'm confused as to if weight lifting will tone my WHOLE ENTIRE bodY. Also, what exactly is resistance training? Does it include weight lifting? What are some examples? Thanks everyone, so for so many questions but I really need to figure this out!
  • Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage

    You're right in the sense that it doesn't necessarily have to be "heavy"...but resistance training is really the only way to alter body's the only way to build/develop muscle which replaces the fat and makes you look good naked.

    You "build" muscle on a calorie surplus. You reduce fat when you're eating a reasonable amount under deficit. You can still have your abs showing without much resistance outside of calisthenics. Case and point, MMA, boxers, hikers etc.

    You donot NEED weight lifting to "replace" the fat. Start running (if thats your thing), eat properly and you will get rid of that fat. Resistance training is awesome, I love doing it but it is NOT the only way to do it
  • lifting weights will help all areas. Squats, lunges, dead lifts are great for the core/legs/butt. Look at New Rules of Lifting for Women. I've been doing lifting properly since July and I can see a definite difference in ALL areas of my body - back, arms, torso, butt, legs since lifting. And since strengthening my core, I can run for longer. Lift.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    To "tone" (I hate that word) those areas you need to work those areas. Squats, lunges, and core focused workouts are needed. You can't work one area and expect improvement in another.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I can completely understand from where you are coming from. I lost close to 30 lbs & feel I do not look as good as I could. I now have a trainer where we are focusing on strength training & weights. I was so naive to think cardio & calorie counting was all I needed. I not officially at goal (12lbs to go) but, I care more about how I look rather than the number on the scale now. It is a classic "wish I knew then what I know now."

    Thank you so much! I feel the exact same way! All I've heard is cardio cardio cardio, so now I'm confused as to if weight lifting will tone my WHOLE ENTIRE bodY. Also, what exactly is resistance training? Does it include weight lifting? What are some examples? Thanks everyone, so for so many questions but I really need to figure this out!
    It will work whatever parts of the body you choose to work. Resistance training is things like weight lifting, bodyweight exercise, yoga and to a lesser degree, swimming.
  • jencjeffery
    jencjeffery Posts: 99 Member
    Definitely weights
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    ...You can still have your abs showing without much resistance outside of calisthenics. Case and point, MMA, boxers...
    And you really believe that boxers and MMA fighters don't weight train?

    another example of body I'm trying to aim for....

    Marina_Love: Thanks! I'm not afraid of lifting weights our anything but my arms really aren't the problem! It's my thighs and stomach/chest-bust area!

    cwolfman13: I have heard of skinny fat as well.

    You cannot spot reduce fat or anything. What you can do is help build particular muscles. Which is why when you weight lift, you try to hit as many muscle groups as possible (have you seen guys with huge upper body and chicken legs? They forgot leg days).

    If you like weight training, I would suggest getting a trainer for a few sessions and see if they can teach you some good forms and deadlifts, squats etc and go from there. Weight lifting is awesome and you will love it. But it is not the only way to get there :)
  • ...You can still have your abs showing without much resistance outside of calisthenics. Case and point, MMA, boxers...
    And you really believe that boxers and MMA fighters don't weight train?

    Well, considering that I box and work with one of the best boxing Academies in US, yes. I know many boxers who don't weight train and when they do, they don't heavy lift. They do high rep/low weights
  • To "tone" (I hate that word) those areas you need to work those areas. Squats, lunges, and core focused workouts are needed. You can't work one area and expect improvement in another.

    Sorry :| I understand that I cant spot reduce, but At the same time I would like to try to trim some fat from my legs and tummy. So what I'm gathering is I need to continue with my cardio (dancing running, ect) , and mix in some resistance training? ****Also does Pilates count as Resistance training ?Because I do Pilates once a week, and I just looked up leg resistance training and the moves look very familiar?**** Thanks everyone!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    So what your guys are saying is that if I lift weights with my arms, my thighs are going to tone up along with my tummy?

    all weight lifting does not = "with your arms"

    lift with your legs to shape your legs. Weighted squats, lunges, deadlifts...for your midsection, it's mostly diet, but planks, squats, and deadlifts help with that too...

    I think you are picturing yourself doing bicep curls with 5 pound dumbbells when we say "lift weights". That's not what you need. You need to be working your way up to squatting a hundred or more pound barbell across your back, etc. Eventually. Start lighter of course, but the goal is always to add weight.
  • I think if you ask 10 people, all of them will give you different definitions of what resistance training is. To some body weight workouts are resistance training, to others anything not weight lifting is not resistance training. Me personally, what gets you to work muscle groups to a very high intensity. Like pushups with 1 hands etc (after building up to it) would be one

  • So what your guys are saying is that if I lift weights with my arms, my thighs are going to tone up along with my tummy?

    all weight lifting does not = "with your arms"

    lift with your legs to shape your legs. Weighted squats, lunges, deadlifts...for your midsection, it's mostly diet, but planks, squats, and deadlifts help with that too...

    I think you are picturing yourself doing bicep curls with 5 pound dumbbells when we say "lift weights". That's not what you need. You need to be working your way up to squatting a hundred or more pound barbell across your back, etc. Eventually. Start lighter of course, but the goal is always to add weight.

    Oh....I see now! I was think exactly bicep curls because I usually associate lifting weights with the arms. So what I am gathering I need to keep up with cardio, continue with my Pilates and add some resistance, right?
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    OP, you're not really listening. Forget about your arms. Lifting weights doesn't just work your arms. There is no better workout for thighs, hips, and butt (and the rest of you, too, including arms!) than weighted squats, lunges, deadlifts, overhead presses, etc. They will do just what you want.
  • ^ Yeah I understand now. Originally I though that you guys were saying arm lifting, but I understand that I can also do squats with weights.

    Thanks everyone!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage

    You're right in the sense that it doesn't necessarily have to be "heavy"...but resistance training is really the only way to alter body's the only way to build/develop muscle which replaces the fat and makes you look good naked.

    You "build" muscle on a calorie surplus. You reduce fat when you're eating a reasonable amount under deficit. You can still have your abs showing without much resistance outside of calisthenics. Case and point, MMA, boxers, hikers etc.

    You donot NEED weight lifting to "replace" the fat. Start running (if thats your thing), eat properly and you will get rid of that fat. Resistance training is awesome, I love doing it but it is NOT the only way to do it
    Yes... Because MMA fighters and boxers don't spend HOURS EVERY DAY IN THE WEIGHT ROOM.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hi! I'm new here and hopefully this is in the right place ;). First off, I want to say that I'm not trying to "fish for compliments" or receive sympathy from you. I just need to vent a little, and hopefully get some advice:) I'm currently 5'5 and 120 pounds. I used to be more in the thirties and forties, but I currently lost weight and am now at my "goal or ideal body weight". But I still look fat:(. Don't get me wrong, I do look somewhat better, and I am proud of myself. But my belly is still here, my thighs are two times what there supposed to be. It's pretty much from my armpits and down, since my arms really are flabby lol. And please don't say that this is just in my head, especially from being over weight. It ISN'T, I promise! I know I am too chubby. I understand that while you need to be lean, you also need some curves;) As far as my eating and exercise, I say their decent...I exercise at least five times a week, and I try to eat as healthy as possible, not starving myself but portioning it to the sufficient amount. So what's the deal? How can I get rid of fat without going into anorexia! Also is there anyone out there feeling my pain, or what have you done to overcome this? Please help me! I have almost no confidence. Thanks!! :)

    Have not read the rest of the replies yet but:
    You are exercising allot....I sometimes do over 20k in a day, but let me tell you it does nothing for my body sometimes, I usually end up 5 pounds heavier the next day from water weight. Way to go if you're doing it to push yourself, if you're doing it for the better doesn't seem to work that way. You need rest days. Sit back, chom some food and watch a movie. I've worked my way to a flatter stomach doing this :P I don't know how many new to the gym over weight people who work out excessively who tell me "I'd get fat if I didn't work out this much/if I ate that/etc" and all I can do is laugh. It's counter productive, do some research on it, you'll be surprised.

    What kind of exercising are you doing? If you look at the people on this forum who actually eat and have a nice body...the majority if not all the ones I've met and admired do weight training. I personally have a bad back and haven't danced in a while, so I took up hiking. I've just started doing pitiful weight training recently and I've never had doms so bad in my life, so it's gotta be doing something right :P

    Also, if anyone tells you you'll get bulky from lifting weights on a calorie deficit, punch them right in the squater. And if that isn't convincing you can't argue with math. If you take 1 lb of fat and muscle, the muscle will be much smaller in volume.

    Edit: And you don't need to invest in the gym or barbells first starting off if you want to 'weight' train. Get creative. Your body weighs weight, push it up. Hang off of something, do chin ups, do squats, fill some Tropicana bottles with some'll have the most vitamin c enriched kettle bells ever.
  • Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage

    You're right in the sense that it doesn't necessarily have to be "heavy"...but resistance training is really the only way to alter body's the only way to build/develop muscle which replaces the fat and makes you look good naked.

    You "build" muscle on a calorie surplus. You reduce fat when you're eating a reasonable amount under deficit. You can still have your abs showing without much resistance outside of calisthenics. Case and point, MMA, boxers, hikers etc.

    You donot NEED weight lifting to "replace" the fat. Start running (if thats your thing), eat properly and you will get rid of that fat. Resistance training is awesome, I love doing it but it is NOT the only way to do it
    Yes... Because MMA fighters and boxers don't spend HOURS EVERY DAY IN THE WEIGHT ROOM.

    Read above. Learn a thing or 2 about how boxers workout. Then slap yourself again