Not happy with Weight Goal

Hi! I'm new here and hopefully this is in the right place ;). First off, I want to say that I'm not trying to "fish for compliments" or receive sympathy from you. I just need to vent a little, and hopefully get some advice:) I'm currently 5'5 and 120 pounds. I used to be more in the thirties and forties, but I currently lost weight and am now at my "goal or ideal body weight". But I still look fat:(. Don't get me wrong, I do look somewhat better, and I am proud of myself. But my belly is still here, my thighs are two times what there supposed to be. It's pretty much from my armpits and down, since my arms really are flabby lol. And please don't say that this is just in my head, especially from being over weight. It ISN'T, I promise! I know I am too chubby. I understand that while you need to be lean, you also need some curves;) As far as my eating and exercise, I say their decent...I exercise at least five times a week, and I try to eat as healthy as possible, not starving myself but portioning it to the sufficient amount. So what's the deal? How can I get rid of fat without going into anorexia! Also is there anyone out there feeling my pain, or what have you done to overcome this? Please help me! I have almost no confidence. Thanks!! :)


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Lift heavy weights....
  • zombiekookie
    zombiekookie Posts: 40 Member
    ^^ Yea, you got to lift the weights, dear.
  • Will I bulk up though? I don't mind having muscles, but I really don't want them to be seen If that makes since. Also, what about my tummy and thighs? Thanks for answering!
  • MrsApprehensive
    MrsApprehensive Posts: 10 Member
    It sounds like you are a lot like my mom, she is around your weight and even a little taller but she feels overweight and flabby. The main thing you need is to work on being more fit and toned and your overall appearance will improve.

    You probably won't lose any weight and you may gain a pound or two but lifting weights and toning up will make you appear thinner and you may even lose a size or or more!

    Just for example, I weigh around twenty lbs. more right now than I did in high school but because I work out regularly and lift heavy I fit in two sizes smaller jeans than I wore back then! Make your goal to get more fit and you will see results!
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree. Lift weights. I've only been lifting for about a month, but the changes I've already seen are encouraging. I can't wait to see what the future will bring.
    Also, if you really want to know if your arms are really 2x bigger than they should be or if your diet needs altering, you need to share pics and diary. J/S
  • MrsApprehensive
    MrsApprehensive Posts: 10 Member
    Women generally don't have the hormones to bulk up in the way you mean. Women who have really defined, apparent muscle tone work EXTREMELY hard for that physique and unless you plan on going hardcore with your fitness and diet and supplement the way they do, you won't ever see that type of muscle tone on your body.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    strength training is pretty much the way... and actually you could be a higher weight and look better than at a lower weight if you strength train consistently and with proper form.
  • ^^^Alyanya: Thanks for the advice! I'm glad I'm not the only one....
    ^^1258936: Thanks and I agree! But like I said the problems aren't really my arms (although I'm definitely willing to try weight lifting), it's just my thighs and stomach that are flabby. My thighs are the "part" that is two times bigger than it needs to be.....Thanks everyone, so basically any thigh exerciseS and Stomach work out plans?
  • Will I bulk up though? I don't mind having muscles, but I really don't want them to be seen If that makes since. Also, what about my tummy and thighs? Thanks for answering!

    As women, we don't have a lot of testosterone - we can't get super bulky even if we want to. And we are healthy at a higher body fat percentage than men, so your thighs are probably not twice the size they should be even if you do have some padding. Lifting weights means you will slow the muscle loss and bone loss that occurs as we age - you'll lose less bone density, and make it less likely you'll break a hip or be inactive in your sixties and seventies. Heavy is defined by what is heavy for you - as in, what lift can you do 8 repetitions/set max of(moderate-heavy) vs what can you do 20 repetitions max of(light). It varies a lot by gender, age, or health restrictions, but it is still "lifting heavy".
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    You won't "bulk up" unless you eat at a very significant caloric surplus, eat tons of protein, lift like crazy and take anabolic steroids. Gaining muscle is a laborious process - it's not easy and it doesn't happen "accidentally" just because you lift weights. Strength training (along with adequate protein intake) will help you lose the fat and keep the muscle, which is what people refer to as being "toned".

    Read through this thread and look at the photos of the women who've lifted heavy - you'll see good results, but none of them turned into hulking monsters:

    [ETA:] Thigh and stomach exercises won't help you accomplish your goal - you can't selectively "spot reduce" from certain areas of your body. The fat comes off according to your genetics, and it's not always in the order we'd like it to be. Lift right, eat right , be patient and consistent, and you'll see the results you're looking for.
  • Thanks everyone for answering....I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to know if there are any exercises to tone my thighs and stomach without losing to much weight? *And will lifting weights tone the rest of my body really??*

    Anvil Head: Thanks for the article!!! You see Yanicka1's before/after pic? The before is sorta what I look like right now. I'm healthy just slightly flabby and not so petite like I'd like to be.

    EDIT: Okay here is what I'm trying to get to. She is 5'5 and 120 and really toned and petite with slight curves. (from
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    trust me, you won't get bulky.

    have you heard about staci??

    on the left she is 131lbs, on the right she is actually heavier at 142lbs.

  • Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You're probably not happy because you're still "skinny fat"...lift to change your body composition and develop lean muscle.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage

    You're right in the sense that it doesn't necessarily have to be "heavy"...but resistance training is really the only way to alter body's the only way to build/develop muscle which replaces the fat and makes you look good naked.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You see Yanicka1's before/after pic? The before is sorta what I look like right now.

    and she got to the after by lifting heavy weights....
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    If you have a Pinterest account they have some really good exercise charts that you can use to work all those problems areas. It will work the muscles and help tone them. More muscle equals more calories burned.

    another example of body I'm trying to aim for....

    Marina_Love: Thanks! I'm not afraid of lifting weights our anything but my arms really aren't the problem! It's my thighs and stomach/chest-bust area!

    cwolfman13: I have heard of skinny fat as well.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    I can completely understand from where you are coming from. I lost close to 30 lbs & feel I do not look as good as I could. I now have a trainer where we are focusing on strength training & weights. I was so naive to think cardio & calorie counting was all I needed. I am not officially at goal (12lbs to go) but, I care more about how I look rather than the number on the scale now. My focus now is body composition .It is a classic "wish I knew then what I know now."
  • Lift heavy weights....

    Umm, why is that the only advice I see on this website? You know there are many other things people can do besides lift weights right...?

    @OP: I suggest you try and just get more active in terms of workouts. Pick something you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weight, go for it. It is awesome! But its not your only option. Do some boxing or dance classes or just go outside and run. The main thing is that you are trying to gain some muscle or keep it where it is at currently while reducing the fat percentage

    You're right in the sense that it doesn't necessarily have to be "heavy"...but resistance training is really the only way to alter body's the only way to build/develop muscle which replaces the fat and makes you look good naked.

    So what your guys are saying is that if I lift weights with my arms, my thighs are going to tone up along with my tummy? Or do I just need to stick with Marina_Love's advice and continue with running, my dance classes and other aerobic exercises?