lolaloveszumba Member


  • I'm not new to the DMV or MfP, but back after a long hiatus of wedding planning, life changes, work transitions, and plantar fasciitis. Life is calmer, and I've almost completely healed, so I'm back on the app to get on shape and meet other people in the area interested in healthy, active lives. So reach out! I have about…
  • Yes! I'm in DC, and moving to PG County soon.
  • Just started C25K today after too long of not working out enough, or working out erratically. I did it after using the 7 minute workout app for strength/ circuit (which I've been doing for about a week now). I did it on my treadmill, which is safer for me than the 92 degree heat, but when I run outside, I end up with…
  • I'm using the same app on Android, and just started again! I've tried it before, with varying levels of success (each based on how long I stuck with it, of course), and am going for it again. I'm happy to join you. I think I'll be running MWF also, but not exactly sure yet.
  • The first time I did Shred, I did it every day of the work week, and then did Zumba on Saturdays. I lost more than 15 lbs in a month, in December, to be specific. It's so short, and I found it to be really effective. I would just add treadmill to it, rather than replace it.
  • Hello, peeps... This is my first day actually using MFP, after a friend convinced me to join. I'm trying to get back into a regular (5x a week) workout routine, at home and in the gym. I live and work in the District. I teach little ones, and go to grad school, so it's not always easy to get to the gym. At home, I'm doing…
  • You can buy it and stream it from Amazon for something super-low (maybe $5?), and watch it in high quality. I bought the DVD, but I have used the stream-able version when I travel.
  • Just starting Shred (again) myself, and this is Day 1, Level 1. :-) I've done it before with success, and will be incorporating other workouts as well. Keep it up!!