OpalFruitJam Member


  • Surely though it's okay to drink diet sodas if you just have some restraint with your cravings? I drink lot of diet drinks and crave foods anyway- but just don't let myself eat and overdo it. So if you have some restraint surely it's okay? Not that I think diet sodas are actually GOOD for you- I doubt there's anything in…
  • My playlist consists of a lot of music with no lyrics or non-English lyrics- that way I don't get caught up in what verse is where and whether or not the song has ended. Some music I have.... Kud- aka The Junkies= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPOfiUt5f6k T.OP.- Turn it Up = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdPnMoxKOWY f(x)…
  • It's usually quite healthy as long as you aren't coating it in soy and salt etc. If you want to get a basic idea of the calories of sushi etc, take a look at the Yo Sushi nutritional menus.... here (hopefully this link works) http://www.yosushi.com/static/downloads/YO!NutritionalBooklet.pdf
  • Hey there! Today I am having soup, 'Super Green Soup' which is 600g and 210 calories. It contains, potato, beans, peas, mint, broccoli. Healthy and very very low fat! If I want a filling low fat lunch, I would get a small pack of chicken, cut up some tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, and spring onion. The chicken really will…
  • Yep the one at home which I find easy asks me to enter my age and weight. The one at uni that I find hard asks me to enter just my weight
  • How would you measure the calories though as it's different for different people, and it's not the same every single time? I suppose you could just guess by how tired/sweaty you are afterwards. Eef, sweat. What a lovely thought.
    in SEX! Comment by OpalFruitJam March 2011
  • Same! Although it has to be better than sugars in sweets I'm sure...!
  • I find it much harder to find a guy when heavier. It's hard enough when at a decent weight let alone with the extra pounds!!
  • Charlie Brooker Jack Dee both own a piece of my heart.
  • If you're working out a lot- then decreasing your calories may put you into starvation mode. The metabolism gets confused- so by changing it up throughout the week- it may kick start it into motion again. If you have three days eating normally, or just very very slightly below 'normal' calories and then four days of eating…
  • In English measurements each stone is equal to 14 pounds. So the 7lb I need to lose is half a stone ^^
  • I personally prefer the Elliptical. It's easy once you're in the 'groove'. I usually take my ipod in and prop it up and watch a film on it (something I coudln't do on the rowing machine) and time just flies by. Do the same with tv shows as well :) However it's what works best for you. I find I can sustain myself on the…
  • YOU LOOK AMAZING! Like a totally different person! Fantastic! ^_^
  • Yay for no more man boobs! Do you have 'pecs' now *hehe* Very, very well done 33lbs is amazing! ^_^ xx
  • The roundness and puffiness of my face -it's so unattractive. Flat tum, long, lean legs and thick hair. In fact- let's just go with... everything! :P
  • This sounds so yummy. I adore onion rings!
  • I know exactly how you feel! There was a night I went out and some guy approached me and started chatting to me and only a few moments later his gang of friends came over and said it was a bet- who could pull the ugliest girl in the place. This is after I had dropped 10lb. I have now dropped almost 30lb and still feel like…
  • This made me giggle >.<
  • Do you need internet access for this- say for example if I was using this at the gym? O rwould I just make a Genius list at home and then sync it ready for my gym time? Thanks ^_^
  • It was a posh place but just looking at the menu, everything was swimming in butter and cream and oil. I was adament I would eat later (and I did) but the side salad as a main meal was fine for the time being. But they even made a fuss to the waiter "Oh she's only having this tiny.. ... oh she's on a diet... blah" I ate…
  • I know what you mean. I was invited out to the theatre, and beforehand we went for dinner. Even though I had worked out, I didn't want to eat because of the calorie value of the menu. I had a side salad as my main meal and got lots of dirty looks from my family. They made quite a scene at the fact I didn't want anything…
  • Loving this! i Am glad it has been a total lifestyle change for you! Wonderful ^_^
  • I had one banana (105 cal) and one whole punnet of blueberries (64 cal) Sweet and filling, delicious!!
  • Sweating. I drip with sweat, it gets in my eyes and all over my Iphone... bleugh. It also makes my headphones stick to my head. Blleeurgh.
  • I weigh officially every Sunday, when I will usually records it on here. That will be my number then. I do tend to weigh once on a Tuesday and once on a Friday as well, just to see if I am on a downward trend. If it has fluctuated by one or two pound that is fine, but I would just like to see if the scale is going down…
  • I don't drink my 'straight' water, I tend to have it in Green Tea format, or some other sort of tea, such as cranberry and elderflower. I always polish off one bottle of straight water in the gym, but have around 5-6 cups of green tea a day. I am alos guilty of a glass or two of Coke Zero. Shameful I know, but take away my…
  • Depending on what it is you are eating, you shouldn't gain too much. Remember 1lb = 3,500 calories. The way I get round things like... having dessert when other people are having dessert... is purchase something veyr low fat. I buy Weightwatchers chocolate brownies (even though I don't ....do weightwatchers....it's just…
  • If you have been working out a lot, you may have put on the "weight" in muscle. Common fact that muscle weighs more than fat. This is not to say you are fat. This is a healthy step towards your goal, so don't be disheartened! Also, sometimes if you have been drinking alcohol or eating certain foods, this can cause water…
  • It has made me a lot more savvy. People always said- it's what inside that counts etc etc. But many people who didn't find me attractive before, suddenly tried it on with me when I lost weight. Rather than being flattered- I was horrified. These people knew me very well and had always told me I was a lovely person etc, but…
  • Baked potato with cheese and chive- fish fingers and baked beans with a big salad. Mm. Will work out a bit as well, so I can treat myself to a big fruit salad with a large yoghurt! Yumm!