Men: Who LOVE Curvy Women?



  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I think this perception of what people want is the problem. Generally, speaking to women, most of them, even skinnier ones all feel like they need to loose weight for some odd reason.

    I have a friend who really likes the way his wife is now, skinnier gal, but curves in the places that he likes them. She's trying to loose like another 15lbs and he's REALLY afraid that she'll get too skinny.

    My wife would probably LOVE to be around 120lbs at her height, but I like her better between 140-160lbs, which is a bit chunky, but certainly what I prefer. She thinks I'm just lying to be nice, but I'm totally serious.

    BigBeaver - Your reference to your curvy list I concur with, especially Christina She's a bit larger than some would call the Hollywood ideal (I think size 14-16?) but I think that she looks amazing.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Yes us women do not beleive our men when they say " I like your curves" !! Media and society tell us women we need to be thin!! I myself have never had a problem getting a man even when I was heavier. Most men do like curnves! Who wants to see skin and bones? Look at Marilyn Monroe, very sexy, curvy and a size worshiped her even the President!

    I watched a report years back where they posted a very curvy, plus sized ,women on a poster, she was told to look confident and sexy. Then they posted a picture of a thin women ............who turned the most heads? You got it the plus sized women!

    Interesting that Lane Bryant now has a commercial for their lingerie......all plus sized, beautiful ,sexy women! Kudos to them!
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    I find it much harder to find a guy when heavier. It's hard enough when at a decent weight let alone with the extra pounds!!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member

    Interesting that Lane Bryant now has a commercial for their lingerie......all plus sized, beautiful ,sexy women! Kudos to them!

    I saw that commercial (, and it was considered kind of a scandal for some reason. I'd take that model in that ad over a Victoria's Secret model any day!
  • My fiancee loves how I'm a lil hefty! I didn't have a lot of confidence 2 years ago when we first started dating but just recently in the last 3.5 weeks, I've been working out and my confidence level has sky rocketed! He made a compliment to me last night about my confidence and my weight loss. So confidence plays a HUGE role in a relationship.
  • My husband likes a girl with curves..while he doesn't want to see me rail thin, he wants me happy with myself...and if I am happy, he is happy :) He is totally supporting this weight loss journey and he just doesn't want me to go overboard..
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I love meat on all peoples bones, men and women.
    I find girls more attractive when they are not too thin, with curves and a great attitude. Then I think.. yeah I wanna be just like her.

    My boyfriend, loves curvy women more. Too thin and he wont even look thier way

    Its all about the child bearing hips! haha
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Confidence is definitely the key!! Regardless of what kind of build you have, if you carry it confidentally and are proud of yourself, people will be drawn to you.

    The type of woman that I prefer is the more athletic type woman i.e. cheerleader, tennis player, runner, etc. One of my favorites is former tennis player Amanda Coetzer. GREAT body!! I don't want skin and bones but I don't want too much extra either.
  • Marilyn Monroe would actually be a size 4-8 in today's sizes. She was like 115lbs-140lbs at her heaviest. She just had an extreme hourglass shaped body. Kim Kardashian looks curvey but she's like 109lbs. Body frame has a lot to do with it and where your fat is. I think men like confidence, boobies, and booties!
  • Yes us women do not beleive our men when they say " I like your curves" !! Media and society tell us women we need to be thin!! I myself have never had a problem getting a man even when I was heavier. Most men do like curnves! Who wants to see skin and bones? Look at Marilyn Monroe, very sexy, curvy and a size worshiped her even the President!

    I watched a report years back where they posted a very curvy, plus sized ,women on a poster, she was told to look confident and sexy. Then they posted a picture of a thin women ............who turned the most heads? You got it the plus sized women!

    Interesting that Lane Bryant now has a commercial for their lingerie......all plus sized, beautiful ,sexy women! Kudos to them!

    while i agree with what you're saying i do feel that it is only fair to point out that in Marilyn Monroe's day a size 14 was much smaller than it is now. (more like a size 8)
    anyone who sews know that pattern sizes have not changed to vanity sizing like all the store we shop at. It's true. Marilyn had fabulous curves though!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I agree with all this. The thing about Marilyn Monroe, too, is yes she was curvy, but I don't remember seeing any flab, pooch, or jiggle on her. I don't know about you ladies, but my curves are not super firm like those where curvy women are depicted. If they were, I wouldn't even be trying to lose weight! I'm at a healthy weight now, I just have too much bodyfat and I'm not strong. Men may like curves, but they're assuming there's no overhang or cellulite involved! Frankly, with hips and a butt like that I don't know how Kim Kardashian is all firm and jiggle-free.
    I agree, Christina Hendricks is super sexy--I'd love to have her body...except for her breasts. I'm sorry but they are practical-joke huge. I think it's a pity because they are so disproportionate that the detract away from the rest of her beautiful self! The thing that sucks for me a little bit I guess is that I feel like most men equate curvy women with large breasts (D or DD...or larger!). I am curvy but have C boobs, so I feel like I don't fit the bill. I also think oftentimes men who are a bit larger themselves also prefer larger women. It would be easier if my boyfriend was a bit bigger then, but he's such a stringbean! 6'3" and skinny, so I feel kind of whale-ish in comparison!
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    I prefer a slightly curvy women, healthy but not skinny,if you can see ribs theres a problem,lol. as far as self confidence that means alot because that means they will keep there self where they are or improve alittle. you are very beautiful dont worry about anything.
  • I'll pass on Megan Fox...too skinny for my tastes. I don't mind curves at all. I will definitely take a confident woman that weighs more over a skinny neurotic one.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I agree, Christina Hendricks is super sexy--I'd love to have her body...except for her breasts. I'm sorry but they are practical-joke huge. I think it's a pity because they are so disproportionate that the detract away from the rest of her beautiful self! The thing that sucks for me a little bit I guess is that I feel like most men equate curvy women with large breasts (D or DD...or larger!). I am curvy but have C boobs, so I feel like I don't fit the bill.

    Personal taste, but C or D is fine, anything larger is a bit too large, though I wouldn't compain too much at DD. I think generally I prefer C. If there was one thing that would make Christina more attractive it would be a breast reduction, everything else though, keep!
  • I see this topic float around a lot. It's always interesting to read. I'm finding my future body is going to be less than popular on the male preference scale :] I'm an ectomorph with a very slender frame..when I'm done losing my weight I'll be around 120 lbs and 5' 8" with lean muscles. I've found however that ultimately- I don't care if this is 'ideal' because it is just *me*. I can deal with that and be very happy that I don't look ultra hourglass but rather lithe and tallish.
  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    Hmmm never thought of it this way. Now I know what my husband means when he says its not all about the way you look. I never got it until now.
  • Oh and I just had to add to this..I'm not even worried about 'attraction' btwn my husband and I on that front, being more muscular or thinner etc..not having as much of a rear end. I'm not even remotely cocky but I'll own it whatever I have and I think my sexuality trumps the fact that I don't have super huge breasts or something.
  • I render my women more feminine: leaner on the muscle, higher in the body fat, and smaller in the waist and shoulder.

    However I date women of all shapes and sizes. Interestingly enough, the ones closest to my above statements have been black :laugh:

    Confidence is great, but overly confident can be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad thing (the female equivalent of that creepy guy who doesn't get the hint)

    My biggest crush ever was all skin and bones, my first long term love was overweight, so ultimately mind > matter.

    I agree with Mrs McFadden, find a (healthy) look that suits your aesthetic and go for it, **** everyone else!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    If you think about it in terms of an instictive thing for men - women with an amount of body fat, and wide hips, are generally going to healthily carry, birth and nourish lotsa babies! And as far as male instincts go, it's alllll about reproduction! So yeah, there probably is a natural tendency for many towards the fuller figure.
  • I do not consider myself obese and I expect a partner to have at least some level of pride so as to not let one go to the point of morbid obesity.

    Im sorry but do not take this to offence i had to quote this as i feel it is highly unfair to those among the community who are morbidly obese, i feel it is unjust making the comment of "I expect a partner to have at least some level of pride so as to not let one go to the point of morbid obesity"

    Just because a person is of a very high weight does not mean that they let their pride slip to be in that situation, with all of us we all have our own issues and reasons with food that have led us to be on a weight loss website, but this does not mean that we do not respect ourselves because we have gotten to a high weight, i myself am at a high weight and i take pride with myself infact more than my cousins who are regarded at a healthy weight.

    Please respect and celebrate the diversity of all members within this society as one may read this and interpret it in a way that leads to bad feelings about themselves, their weight and weight loss journey.

    I will follow this up with as humans we all have the right to express our own opinions and views but regard must be given to others when expressing these views and opinions
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