lmurph93 Member


  • Non-fat americano misto! (an americano with steamed milk so you get the foam) Sometimes as a treat I get 1/2 a shot of vanilla in it too :)
  • Wow we definitely have these at the gym - can't believe it never occurred to me to just use a lighter barbell And thanks for the tips everyone! I guess I felt silly only doing 5 reps, but I have to start somewhere.
  • Congrats on signing up for a race! I'm not an expert by any means, but I am someone who started out not a runner and now runs 10K at least once a week. I think you should start jogging more than once a week, do you think every other day is reasonable? When I started off running I worked my way up to a 5 K first and went…
  • Added :) I'm also 20 and looking to lose 20-25 pounds. Good luck and stay motivated!!
  • mmm lemon garlic salmon with a load of broccoli on the side!
  • I know what you mean! If I don't get bored I can easily run for an hour on the treadmill. I like to run intervals since it makes the time go faster even for a thirty minute run. I also do a "rest" interval after 30 minutes that's a jog to make sure I don't hate the next half hour. Otherwise I think switching machines, or…
  • If I get up in the morning I run on an empty stomach! Even if I go on the treadmill at the gym It's usually been at least 2 hours since I last ate. It's all about what you get used to I think - if you're not used to it, it may be hard the first couple of times. I personally get outrageous stitches if I eat right before a…
  • Core is my favourite thing to train since there are so many different exercises! I found I saw a difference when I add more oblique exercises (side planks, side crunches etc). Having a strong core helps with almost any other exercise/weightlifting too. Unfortunately though when it comes to tummy toning most of it comes…
  • Hiya! added you :) would love some motivational friends!
    in Hello! Comment by lmurph93 February 2014
  • Appreciate the advice about good carbs! I think from a nutrition/macromolecule stand point I was thinking more along the lines of pcastagner - you absorb 100% of the GLUCOSE you eat and either use it or store it as fat/glycogen, unfortunately we don't burn all of it. But you'e right dietary fibre is different and our body…
    in Carbs? Comment by lmurph93 February 2014
  • Added :) I'm from Ontario, and have just gotten more involved with the MFP community. I've lost 5 lbs and have about 20 to go! I love running, and I'm trying to get more into weightlifting and yoga.
  • Thanks for all the tips, and reassurance! You all rock! I definitely won't be cutting carbs anytime soon, so I think I'll just make sure I get enough protein and good fat, and let the carbs fall where they may. mmmm and someone mentioned coffee - can't live without coffee!!
    in Carbs? Comment by lmurph93 February 2014
  • When I asked this question at my gym before, the answer I got made sense but I'm not an expert. A lot of the machines at gyms were designed to train body builders and target very specific (sometimes only one, or a small areas of) muscle groups. For example the flies you do on a machine only target that tiny muscle (I think…
  • Hi all I'm 20 (almost 21!!) and trying to lose around 20 pounds. Add me! Friends welcome! :)
  • I'm a female student from Canada wanting to lose weight, but mostly get fit and improve my lifestyle! I would love to make a few friends to keep each other motivated. :)